MTL - Marrying the Useless Man whose Spiritual Platform is Broken-Chapter 56 broken soul

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It is said to be a meeting, but Mu Wanran is actually wearing a four-element mask.

The Four Elephant Mask is a commonly used item for low-level monks to walk outside. After wearing it, the face on the mask will change according to the desire of the person who sees the mask.

Mu Wanran is going to use this method to deceive Cang Ling. If Cang Ling really wants to see her, then seeing her in the four-element mask will make her look good.

Mu Wanran raised her hand not far from the water tank, and saw water splashing in the water tank, and the monk following her stopped immediately when she saw her raising her hand.

Mu Wanran turned the wheelchair forward alone.

She tried to stabilize her mood as much as possible, so that the voice she spoke was the same as usual.

"Cangling, stop making trouble." Mu Wanran said, "I'm here."

Mu Wanran's wheelchair stopped about two steps away from the water tank, and she didn't dare to get too close.

The sound of flapping in the water tank stopped.

Mu Wanran glanced at the few monks guarding around, and the monk left the side of the water tank without a sound, and stopped in the distance.

A moment later, a pair of palms missing a ring finger climbed up to the edge of the water tank; then, under the cold white flickering light of the long-burning lamp, a still golden head poked out from the side of the water tank, looking at the place where Mu Wanran was. direction.

The moment she saw Cang Ling, Mu Wanran couldn't help but sigh softly, she realized that she really missed Cang Ling very, very much.

Cang Ling's inhuman pupils stared fixedly at Mu Wanran. The two of them were looking at each other with a distance of two steps, but it was as if they were looking at each other through a natural moat that could never be crossed.

After a long time, it was Mu Wanran who spoke first, with a hint of a smile in her voice, "Didn't you just want to see me? Why didn't you talk after we met?"

Cang Ling pursed her lips, and slowly grabbed the edge of the water tank, revealing half of her body.

Mu Wanran's smile froze on her face, because she saw that Cang Ling's body was sunken in one by one, and even the scales became uneven.

Merman's recovery ability is very powerful, if it is just a simple sword injury, it is definitely not enough to become like this.

Mu Wanran has kept sharks for many years, and eaten sharks for many years. She knows very well how such injuries were caused—Cang Ling was gouged out alive!

"How did you do that!" Mu Wanran didn't care about anything, turned the wheelchair forward, raised her hand to touch the terrible depression on Cangling's body.

She had already figured out who did it, Gong Wu had been in charge of the guards by Cang Ling's pool all along, he died so easily!

Mu Wanran's eyes showed fierceness, she promised to take care of Gong Wu's family after his death, but now it seems unnecessary; Gong Wu dug up Cangling's meat and dared not share it with the people around him, so he must take it home for his family Divide food.

Since he loves his family so much, Mu Wanran will soon send their family down for a reunion!

Mu Wanran was so distressed that her heart trembled and her hands trembled even more. Cang Ling took advantage of Mu Wanran's groping for the dent on his body, and tightly grabbed her wrist.

He looked at Mu Wanran, and indeed saw Mu Wanran's beautiful face on top of her four-image mask.

It's just that Mu Wanran would never have imagined that what Cang Ling saw was her appearance seventy years ago.

At that time, she was pure and innocent, and with that gentle and elegant beauty face, she tricked Cang Ling into thinking that she had found a true love.

The merman can take the found true lover to the bottom of the sea, and after accepting the blessing of the merman, he can live with his lover on the bottom of the sea carefree.

But what he found was not a pure and kind true lover, but a poisonous snake in human skin.

Cang Ling has always been aware of Mu Wanran's cruelty, and also knows how stingy her love is.

Mermaids can perceive human emotions, even true love. So when Mu Wanran reappeared in front of him after fifteen years, he would accept her again.

She is small, but so painful, so desperate, only a little bit of bright red on the tip of her heart is the love left for him.

Cang Ling could feel that she was smiling and celebrating her revenge, but she was crying in her heart.

He hated her, but he couldn't bear her to cry.

Just like at this moment, he knew clearly that she was going to abandon him again.

But this time Cang Ling didn't have fifteen years to wait, he was dying, he couldn't leave her, they couldn't separate.

He asked Mu Wanran calmly, "Are you abandoning me again?"

Mu Wanran was still angry because of his injuries. After her fifth decline, some members of the Mu family were ready to move, and she would soon lose control of the overall situation.

But she didn't expect that people around her would dare to treat Cang Ling like this before she was defeated! When she goes back, everyone who knows the truth and refuses to report must pay the price in blood!

"Wanran." Cang Ling has been coldly calling Mu Wanran "Miss" all these years.

Only at the beginning, when both of them were innocent and shy, would he call her "Wanran" in such a low voice.

Mu Wanran was stunned, Cang Ling grabbed her wrist and looked at her, then called out again as if showing weakness: "Wanran..."

Mu Wanran trembled all over, staring at Cang Ling foolishly.

Cang Ling pleaded: "Don't abandon me."

He didn't say that back then, he never said that.

The face under Mu Wanran's mask was full of grief and uncontrollable tears, but above the mask was still the youthful and beautiful face.

"Do you remember what I promised you? For so many years, I have known that you have been longing to return to the bottom of the sea. I got the rebirth lotus. After going to the island, there will be monks who will reshape your body. Don't worry, it will harm you. People are dead."

"I will make all those who know the truth and don't report it pay the price."

Mu Wanran said a lot, but Cang Ling turned a deaf ear to it, and he was just waiting for a definite answer from her.

Mu Wanran talked about it, Cang Ling had no choice but to ask again: "Are you going to abandon me again?"

Mu Wanran paused.

"We've known each other for seventy years." Mu Wanran said cruelly, "I'm tired of it."

Like the time when Cangling was caught by her brother and cut off the tail of the fish in front of her, she said in a light and light tone: "My majestic Miss Mu, you don't think I will really fall in love with a mermaid!" Bar?"

"You should know that in my eyes, sharks are just animals that can eat meat and have fun."

She deliberately said such words to provoke Cang Ling, because she really has no way to accompany Cang Ling anymore. Sending Cangling to the island, she wants to go back and completely wash away a group of lingering immortals from the Mu family.

Cang Ling didn't react at all after hearing such heartbreaking words, and the water waves around her didn't even move.

Propelled by the monk's spiritual power, the boat galloped smoothly and quickly over the sea.

Mu Wanran waited for a while, but before Cang Ling went crazy, she breathed a sigh of relief, but felt an unspeakable bitterness in her heart.

Cangling doesn't love her anymore.

If the most affectionate and merciful man really loves someone, he will not listen to such words, and he will never separate from that person.

That's right, for a despicable and shameless person like her, even the most affectionate and merman would not love her for what she is.

Mu Wanran opened her mouth again with a more relaxed tone, and said: "The Mu family is getting weaker and weaker. I want to marry someone from the royal family who can help the Mu family. Now there is a younger brother of the seventh prince who is expected to win the succession—the tenth prince of Beisong Kingdom." It's a good candidate."

She is a little weaker, and some people dare to dig Cang Ling's flesh and blood. Mu Wanran is now a tiger without teeth and claws, and has no ferocity except for the flesh.

She can't protect Cang Ling even if she is alive, and Cang Ling will definitely fall into the hands of thieves when she dies, and she must send him back to the bottom of the sea as soon as possible.

Mu Wanran said: "I will return your intact body, fulfill the promise I made back then, and send you back to the sea. Don't come up again."

"There is no pure and kind love in this world. You should understand this truth after seventy years."

"Mortal people only have dirty power, transactions, massacres, and violence in their hearts." Mu Wanran looked at Cang Ling and said, "Go back to the bottom of the sea and live well."

Cang Ling still kept that posture motionless.

He didn't seem to be touched by this, he just stared straight at the four-image mask on Mu Wanran's face, the beautiful face on it that first seduced him was just as hard to extricate him as before.

Mermaids are stupid.

No matter how many years you live, you can't be exempt.

Their brains seem to be born for love, but they seem to be under the most vicious curse in the world, and they will never get a pure and kind lover.

It took him a while to speak, his voice became slightly strange, as if he was carrying sticky lust, he said to Mu Wanran: "I'm in heat."

Mu Wanran, who was full of grief and mixed feelings: "..."

"You come in." Cang Ling pulled Mu Wanran and motioned for her to enter the water tank to have **** with her.

The mermaid's estrus period originally had a fixed time, but Cang Ling was hurt too badly by her brother's medicine back then, and certain body functions were completely messed up. May enter estrus at any time.

And Mu Wanran will never refuse Cang Ling's request, this is the best reason Cang Ling seeks.

Mu Wanran didn't know what expression to use to face this kind of thing for a moment, she couldn't stand Cang Ling's tossing now, and... she was going to the island soon.

"After you are reborn, you can find a... a mermaid to marry." Mu Wanran struggled with her head lowered, "I know you have never had a good time these years."

Mermaids and humans are not the same species. Their abnormal physiological structure and duration during estrus can kill a person alive, even a monk can't hold it.

That's why Mu Wanran eats shark meat all the time, so that if she gets injured, she can at least recover faster.

But now she really can't satisfy Cang Ling, she said: "I..."

"Come in!" Cang Ling moved closer to Mu Wanran, that still handsome face approaching, full of irresistible urgency.

Mu Wanran was stunned for a moment, then Cang Ling vigorously pulled her from the wheelchair into the water tank.

"Plop!" Mu Wanran fell into Cang Ling's arms.

The monks guarding Mu Wanran were about to step forward immediately, Mu Wanran stretched out her hand from the water tank and waved it to signal them not to move.

Mu Wanran wanted to experience Cang Ling's wet and cold embrace one last time, and wanted to persuade him well.

She propped her arms on Cang Ling's sunken body, and before she could persuade him, Cang Ling had already lifted off her mask.

Mu Wanran immediately struggled like a fish out of water, and Cang Ling restrained all her movements with one arm.

The water splashed and quickly returned to calm.

The monks who wanted to protect Mu Wanran paused and did not move forward.

Cang Ling has never been a talkative person. He hugged Mu Wanran, who was ugly and described, with white hair floating in the water and refused to look up, and said: "In our clan, the white-haired whitebait has the highest status."

These words are like a life-saving medicine and pacifier, successfully making Mu Wanran's struggle completely disappear.

Cang Ling was able to float up in the wide water tank, and even if there was only half of the fish tail left, she could support Mu Wanran lying on him.

The two floated together, neither moved nor spoke.

After a long time like this, the sky showed a white belly.

Mu Wanran finally raised her head, the last indulgence before dawn should be over.

She tilted her head slightly, avoiding Cangling's sight, looked at the sea and sky line in the sky, and saw the shadow of the island.

She said to Cang Ling: "I'm going to the island soon, let me go."

Cang Ling's inhuman golden-red eyes glowed with a strange gleam as the daylight approached.

He stared at Mu Wanran obsessively, pulled down her neck without saying a word, and kissed her lips.

Mu Wanran was drenched all over, and her long hair was sticky wet. Such a wet appearance was covering up the hot tears that slid down her cheeks.

She even thought in her mind that if she could hold on, she would personally send the reborn him back to the deep sea.

The next moment, Cang Ling opened her mouth, and bit Mu Wanran's warm and fragile neck with her sharp teeth that had torn apart countless people, sharks, and enemies.

The blood gushed out instantly, Mu Wanran only struggled for a moment, and then stopped moving; it wasn't that she lost all her strength, she laughed, like a broken bellows, her throat was torn open and hissed, like It was laughing out loud.

Mermaids will kill those they love but betray, and drag them into the deep sea.

This is her Cang Ling confessing to her, how can she interrupt?

This is fine... no, this should be the best. Mu Wanran couldn't think of a better way to die than this.

She tilted her head and fell on Cang Ling's chest, embracing this embrace that belonged to her alone.

Blood color quickly filled the entire water tank, just like in that cold and terrifying night, the young and strong male merman tried his best to protect a human race who fell into the water. They hugged each other tightly and sank in the blood color.

Time goes by, and time is like a sharp knife.

Two people who shouldn't know each other and love each other will be traversed in the filthy blood of that year.

Merman is a fool, but also a lover.

They will fall in love at first sight with the one they are destined for.

Long before Mu Wanran seduced him, he fell in love with her out of control.

Wasn't the protection in the water back then the temptation of the human race he was eyeing by this cold and ferocious beast?

Suddenly, the water tank slammed loudly, and a pair of figures arced high in the air, plunged into the sea in the blink of an eye.

When the monk came to his senses, the golden shadow of Mu Wanran falling into the sea had already disappeared in the morning sun.

There is no light in the deep sea, and Mu Wanran's body will be torn apart by the water pressure, just like a merman with a broken tail who will never return to the deep sea.

This encounter, since seventy years ago, was destined to be a ridiculous tragedy.

But both Cang Ling and Mu Wanran rushed to this encounter brazenly, and embraced the ending with no regrets.

The monks on the ship wanted to rescue them but couldn't find their way. After a little confusion, they returned to normal order.

Mu Wanran didn't know that the rebirth lotus she got was fake until she died. This was probably the only favor that fate had for her.

Some of the monks wanted to regenerate the lotus, so they jumped into the water to find it. But even if half of the fish tail is left, the mermen in the sea are gods returning home. They can't catch up with them, and they can't find them.

The sun completely rose from the sea in the sky, and the whole world lit up; it became brighter and brighter, the haze faded completely, and the sea and sky reflected a rippling fiery color.

Just like the spiritual light suddenly blooming on Xiangjun Mountain at this moment.

This spiritual light swept over every inch of the place, all the scorched land and plants; it melted the remaining snow on the mountain, and smoothed all the fly ash after burning.

But Mu Qinglan, who was in the center of the white light, seemed to have sunk into one long dream after another.

She met a young fairy.

They chase in dreams and play by the water.

She saw Xianjun smiling at her shyly, and heard him say to him: "Yingying, don't make trouble!".

"Look Yingying!"

"Yingying's side!"

"Yingying, this is the jade pendant that sealed my spiritual consciousness. If you crush it, I will come to you."

"Yingying, I will take you out of the mortal world and into the fairy mountain."

"Yingying, your bones are very good. I still have some materials left to cast your natal sword. When the time comes, I will personally forge your natal sword."

"Yingying, you... you are so pretty."

They met each other in early spring and promised each other for life. Their youthful love, as sweet as honey, ended in the mouth of beasts in the rainy night forest.

She fell off a cliff while being chased by a group of people, was torn alive by wild beasts and died in pain and horror, her soul collapsed and could not condense.

She looked at the culprit who was chasing her and saw that she was being bitten, so she didn't dare to bring anyone to rescue her, and retreated in a panic, crushing the jade pendant that she dropped when she rolled down the mountain.

don't want!

Don't step on it!

Don't let him come!

Don't let him see me like this.

But things backfired.

Her broken soul is everywhere, but it cannot be condensed for even a moment.

With her own eyes, she watched her little fairy come looking for her, only to find her broken flesh and bones; she saw with her own eyes that his Dao heart was broken, his natal sword cracked, and he killed all the beasts that bit her.

She watched him come to this mountain forest time and time again, using various methods of summoning souls in turn; seeing him go crazy, see him lose weight, and see him tortured by guilt.

No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't touch him in the slightest.

The last time he came, she was in grief, but she could only stir a gust of breeze to caress his cheek, but it couldn't stop him from slaying himself with the sword.

He spilled blood in the forest and reunited with her soul.

They were finally reunited, but they were forcibly separated by his family who followed him with the technique of evocation.

When he completely sealed his soul in the soul-detaining cauldron, he tore his own soul with his bare hands, broke free, and hand in hand with her scattered into the mountains and forests.

A hundred years passed quickly, and her soul was reunited, but a strand of her was missing indistinctly.

After going around and around, she had to enshrine and become a human body, and meet him in this world.

They met again, fell in love, knew each other, and stayed together.

She is still him a hundred years ago, and he has never changed.

However, during the more than a hundred years of separation between life and death, yin and yang, their souls scattered into Xiangjun Mountain, have never been separated for a moment.

Spring rain and autumn frost, winter snow and summer flowers, they never left in this mountain forest.

The robbery clouds in the sky finally dissipated slowly, and in the Xiangjun Mountain shrouded in spiritual light, all the Xiangjun trees that were burnt toppled over, or burned out and still stood alone, quietly cracked from their roots in the spiritual light .

A pair, a pair of double-faced figures with blurred figures, but like flying butterflies, emerged from the Xiangjun tree.

From all directions of Xiangjun Mountain, they pulled each other, laughing and happily heading towards the center of the aura.

"What is this...?" Luo Feng murmured as he watched the scene like falling into an illusion.

"Broken Soul." Duan Qinxuan looked at the vague figures who were walking hand in hand in the mountains and drifting towards the center of the spiritual light, feeling his nose sour and tears streaming down his face.

These are the souls that her junior brother can't recall, the souls that Mu Qinglan lost in ignorance, and the broken souls that they never separated and stayed together.

These souls are scattered and attached to every Xiangjun tree, blending with the greenery and mountains. After more than a hundred years, they finally sense the call of the main body at this moment.

Numerous pairs of vague figures hugged, kissed in various poses, and then resolutely plunged into the spiritual light to melt.

This is not a separation, but like reincarnated people rushing to a new life—they are rushing to their own reunion.

Until all the fuzzy figures melted into the aura, the aura finally began to weaken.

After the aura around Huo Jue completely penetrated into his body, he finally opened his eyes.

His brows were peaceful, his whole body was like fine white jade that had been polished and polished countless times, and the faint aura around his body seemed to be surrounded by emerald green, and quickly changed into the appearance of the magic robe he was used to wearing.

He stood up, like the **** in the painting came alive, and walked towards the world.

He raised his head slightly, looked in Mu Qinglan's direction, and flew straight towards her.

When Mu Qinglan's aura was exhausted, the ghostly green aura surrounding her also transformed into an ethereal green robe to envelop her.

She fell slowly like a bird gliding among the clouds. Huo Jue opened his arms and held her firmly in his arms.

The two embrace each other in the mid-air, those soul-shattering obsessions that have been scattered in the mountains and forests for a hundred years; those misplaced life and death partings that can't be asked for, this moment is like a perfect reincarnation, and the last link is tightly buckled.

They landed lightly, and Duan Qinxuan led his disciples towards this side.

Huo Jue stared at Mu Qinglan obsessively. She was soft in his arms, as if the greenery had become a spirit, and she had transformed into a shape like autumn water.

The aroma of grass and trees rushed over his face, and he even felt that what he was hugging was a green hill, full of wild flowers and weeds, so fresh that he couldn't breathe.

Soon, Mu Qinglan's butterfly-like eyelashes trembled slightly, she opened her eyes, and her extremely clear eyes reflected the blue sky like a blue sea, and Huo Jue who hugged her tightly.

Huo Jue was about to open his mouth to ask how she felt.

But Mu Qinglan moved her pretty and gorgeous lips, and her voice sounded like an empty voice.

"Xiao Xianjun... Long time no see!"

At this moment, Huo Jue trembled like a lightning strike.

At this moment, the mountains go away and time goes back.

The two people who love each other go back to the early spring when they first met a hundred years ago. Mountain flowers bloomed at their feet and greenery surrounded them.

Emotional heartbeats pounded against their chests, and they gradually overlapped as they looked at each other with smiles.

The air is filled with the refreshing fragrance of grass and trees, which is the taste of their first love.

never changed.

—End of text.

The author has something to say:

I'm afraid you are in a hurry to post the two chapters together.

It’s best to end here, there are still a dozen or so episodes below, the marriage is sweet, after the daughter enters the country, and an if line, which is the episode where no tragedy has happened.

Thanks to the little ones who have accompanied me all the way here, I love you all. I will try my best to write more and better works to share with you.

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