MTL - Martial Arts Master-Chapter 713 You have a palm, I have a head.

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Seeing Ning Yu retreat with the "floating light" method, Fa Yuan did not give up, waiting in the same place, he waved his red robes and took a step in the general direction.

boom! boom! boom! Every step he took, the airflow under his feet naturally condensed, turning into a "Lotus" that reflected the glare of the glass.

They seem to be like bombs, letting Fayuan complete the "reduction of the ground" by the way of not being dusty, and quickly approaching the "Ghost King".

King Kong Department, Lotus Seal, "Step by Step Lotus"!

Seeing this scene, the building in the locker room is quite funny, because according to the "Dragon King", these guys only know how to show off, why do you have to let the condensed airflow appear in the lotus form? The most primitive "iron plate" shape is enough, and the effect is almost no bad.

It is a waste to sculpt "Lotus" with more energy and mind!

Lou Cheng still remembers that when Luo He heard the comment of "Dragon King", he stayed for a while and twitched his mouth:

"I don't argue with the barbarians..."

Hey! The method is far faster, faster and faster, and the direction is more rounded and more agile and more strange. Just like the shadow of high-speed movement, the distance between the two sides is far and near, but most of the time depends on whether or not to try to attack.

After the catch-up was invalid, Fayuan stopped and stood still in the same place, as if he had been in the same state of cultivation in the past, and he was not impatient at all.

In the back of his head, the circular light of the five Buddha's phantoms was shrunk into the body, appearing inside and around the iris, so that the color of the scorpion was dyed with a glaze, clearly reflecting everything that was seen.

If someone observes it carefully, he will be shocked to find that the scene in the eyes of Fa Far is not only the things that he can see, but also the things on his head behind him, three hundred and sixty degrees without dead ends!

The King Kong Department, "Intelligence Boxing", is what you see!

The "Fo Guang Guang" that was previously displayed in the "Chi-Feng Yin" and "Pan Ruo Bo Body" and "He Heart-to-Heart" is also a kind of burden to the gods of this series of law, and it cannot be maintained. It lasts for ten seconds at a time, and then it has to be slowed down for a while before it can be used again.

Hey! Like the illusory footsteps, Ning Hao huran is close. If she wants to attack, her eyes converge, and she does not see any waves. She concentrates on the inner thoughts so as not to be "listened" by the opponent.

Seeing that the law is about to shoot the big gold palm, Ning Hao suddenly pull back the body, and he flashed out his heart-passing range, like the robot is following the scheduled procedure.

However, the law is far from the palms of the pale golden color, but it becomes soft and soft, and the ten fingers are playing together. As the lotus blooms, ten bright and clear glass gods are played.

Hey! The ten rays of light criss-crossed and did not directly shoot at "Luo Hou", but blocked the space she evaded from the left and the right.

Followed by the law, the palms of the two palms were combined and opened, and the blazing blazing Buddha light burst out and rushed to Ninglang, as if to drown her.

"Buddha says the Great Light and Clear Classics", "Fo Guangguang Zhao Zhao"!

At this time, Ning Yu did not choose to dodge, to fight against one or a few of the divine light scattered into ten shares, but to sink down the waist, pull out the horse, still force, and hit the right fist, hard to Buddha light .

Her fists are as white as jade, but the surroundings are dim and dull, and the darkness is thick and thick. It is like a monster hidden in the depths of the universe, opening a huge mouth and swallowing the light.

Zizz, Buddha Guangyuan is not as powerful as it is, constantly distracting, constantly disappearing in the dark night, and losing ground.

Seeing here, Lou Cheng, who is not able to sense the danger of not knowing the danger in the battlefield, understands that the "Fo Guang Bu Zhao" of Fa Yuan is a trap, and the ten "Shenguang" or the subsequent changes prepared for it are the ontology. After Luo, "avoiding the difficulty" is "easy", dodging to the side, resisting the radiation of up to four directions in one direction, will encounter danger, fall in the passive, lose the advantage of the body.

This is different from the changes in the past many times, "Fo Guang Bu Zhao" is a new skill that has been completed by the Far East. Who knows that it has not been able to survive Ning Yi.

Not only that, but the other party also seized the weakness of "Fo Guang" and struck.


The darkness expanded rapidly, and the Buddha's light was extinguished one after another. Ning's body shape was constantly dispersed, and eventually it became a vast shadow of the shadows. It was like the countless bats that were awakened and danced in the dark caves. It seemed to be illusory and difficult to distinguish between true and false. .

"Dark part" eighth, "divided. Dark reunion"!

This is both a defensive trick and an offense!

Every black shadow contains a "Luo Hou" power, half true!

The "dark part" practice of the Dragon and Tiger Club and the "dark part" of the foreign alliance are the same, and they are all the original "black and dark", but after the two sides have perfected and innovated from generation to generation (including this The inheritance of the doorwork before entering the hands of the military), the style, characteristics, details and some moves have no small difference, and the former lacks the ninth style "dark day. Everlasting night."

The distance between the two sides is getting closer, and the far-reaching method is too late to condense the "wisdom of Buddha". His skinny body suddenly bulges one piece after another, and the surface is flowing with light gold.

His face is dark and gold, and the treasure is solemn. The two rounds of "round light" in the middle of the circle are getting more and more transparent.

At this moment, the Fayuan used its own fundamental learning, "Buddhist Bodhisattva", and used this to send "Intelligence Boxing" to the extreme!

Seeing this scene, Lou Cheng is inexplicably wanting to laugh. I don’t think that there is a problem with the response of the abbot of the Far Away. I just think of the “muscle Tang map” that has been on the Internet for a while from his current image!

"Wuka, dodge, let the teacher come!"

Silently and uninterestedly, Fayuan ignited a layer of glazed flame with a pale gold, which surrounded and swallowed, sacred and solemn.

The “power black shadow” that Ning Yu’s differentiation has just slammed into, immediately ignited, and quickly disappeared into invisible.

The Department of the Tibetan Buddhism, "Guarding the Law Glass Fire"!

Zizz! Countless "bats" were burned, and the eyes of the law-colored glazed eyes seemed to have found something. The fists were eagerly stretched and hit the seemingly false "black shadow" in front of them.


As soon as the sound of the explosion rose, the "Ghost King" Ning Yu figure slowly sketched out. She "floated" in the air, her legs madly spinning "Drilling" to the Far Fa, but she was hit by the other's Prajna fist, and there was a stagnation.

At this moment, the remaining shadows were collected, and they lived in Ninglang. She took advantage of the fact that she was "out of nothing", bouncing the spine, straightening her back, changing from "half lying" to "sitting", dark palms Floating, slam the opponent's temples on both sides, and hide the downward trend, preventing the opponent from shrinking his knees and bending his knees.

The front is all paving, this is the long-awaited killing!

At this moment, the law is far away from the law, and the double fists block the enemy's legs. The situation is old. It seems that it is too late to defend and avoid this ordinary pass without a fancy slap.

At this critical juncture, his neck was exposed and the balloon swelled like a pale gold python that swallowed huge prey.

Snapped! His head is low, his neck is stunned, he is violent, and he does not hide, just attack!


A sound of gold and iron symphony reverberated, and Fayuan used Tianling to cover the right hand of Ning Yu in the "捶" and knocked the other side back, leaving the slap on the left side empty.

The head of his shackles was pale and deep, and he was black and iron.

Great line school, iron head work!

This is something that is bad on the street. Fayuan practiced it in the past, but he did not realize the unexpected effect.

Of course, without the power of the "swallowing" trend, it is impossible to block the "Ghost King" slap by the "iron head power" alone.

Even so, when the color faded, there was a beautiful palm print on the side of the head of Fayuan. The inside was dark and precipitated, which seemed green and toxic.

boom! Fayuan stepped on the "Lotus" and took the initiative to open the distance. His eyes were slightly dizzy.

Ning Hao missed a hit, immediately converges to impatience, re-emerges his emotions, and wanders again.

Both sides came to me and played for nearly half an hour. The square was covered with imprints, and the darkness alternated with the Buddha's light.

This is the situation that Ning Yu is best at, slowly and resolutely consuming the law.

However, influenced by the spirit of the relics in the floating tower, she was more struggling than usual, and Fayuan was able to simplify the word "吽" and restore part of the state. The balance of the victory began to lean toward him.

Just when everything was almost impossible to recover, Ning Yu, who was walking in the distance, suddenly pulled his mouth and smiled. His hands were printed and his mouth was low:


Lou Cheng’s “Nine Characters” was collected together with the military, and they complement each other, and Ning Hao has accumulated so many “gongs”, of course, will choose some secret cultivation!

When the words "all" come out, Ning Yu immediately feels energetic and does not see any exhaustion.

This time, she stopped swimming, grabbed the distance around the law, and launched a continuous attack of "hurricane and blood".

Hey! Hey! Booming! After repeated collisions, the long-term accumulation of the "dark part" that has not been completely eliminated in the far-reaching body has made him gradually chest tight, short of breath, poor breathing, and difficult to exert.


Ning Yu seized this opportunity, and continued to turn, ghostly flashed behind Fayuan, and hovered behind his head.

Between the far-thinking heads of Fa’s head, I heard the sound of the other side’s clear water like a mature charm:

"The big monk, you lost."

Ning Yu seems to have returned to the original, not the old monk who is in line with reality, but the monk.

At this time, the referee raised his right hand and announced the result:

"The first game, Ning Yusheng!"

His voice just fell, and the "Ming Wang" in the home team's locker room stood up and pushed out the door.

The core of the practice in the taboo field of Dahang Temple is “the big day is like the body”. The practice of the law is the body of the Fa-rectification that it derives from, the “prajna Bodhisattva body”, and the wisdom sea is the “wheel of the big day”. Demon the body of the demon, "do not move the king"!