MTL - Martial Arts Master-Chapter 714 Help not help the pro

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"Not moving the king" is known as the king of the kings of the Ming Dynasty. It is good at reducing the demon and the devil. It is also used as the anger of the "big day". The method of naming it is naturally different, and there is not only the weakening effect of King Kong, but also Can cultivate strength, condense Buddha light, no obvious short board!

It is so tyrannical, and it can be practiced in a small number of people. Since the Daxing Temple, there have been few "unmoved kings" in the past, and "Ming Wang" is one of them.

Zhihai did not wear a red pipa, only a loose yellow robes, a handsome face, temperament and sunshine, step by step to the center of the "Taiwan", attracted a lot of audience crazy call, declared to be smashed.

When the road met the abbot's law, he calmly and ten together, and he performed a ceremony and was clean and self-defense.

Fayuan returned to the state of dryness, silently, and nodded slightly.

At this point, Lou Cheng recollected the game just now, if he thought:

"Ning Jie is in the heart of his heart, just think about what to do next, turn the thought into an instinctive reaction, to avoid 'peeping'..."

Lu Yan looked at him sideways and squinted his face:

"This is the hand that is often said to be faster than the brain."

Coach, be a person to have culture, according to the many novels I have read, this is called lawless, no, can not be missed... Lou Cheng secretly spit.

Hey, if the coach will know his heart, sooner or later he will hack the knife...

However, hey, if the opposite is the mouth of the king, my words can be said unceremoniously, mutual enthusiasm, entertainment and body and mind... There are some missed Xiao Ming students between the building.

At this time, "Ming Wang" Zhihai has already reached the scheduled position, the referee announced the start of the second game, Lu Yan and other people's eyes have moved back to the "downfall."

Although Ning Yu only endured the moment when the victory and defeat were about to be separated, he used the word "all", but this secret method is to stimulate the body and squeeze the potential. It comes quickly and consumes quickly. The back of the rounds of hurricane storms Still let her suffer from a small loss, coupled with the accumulation of hardships and the suppression of the surrounding floating towers, the state is already less than half of the peak, so she did not rush to start the game like the Far Fa, but directly applied the body, into the familiar and Good at the fighting link.

- In the previous game, she was able to fight with the law for more than half an hour. First, the foreigner was better than the non-human, the "end of life" ability has been greatly improved, and the second is that most of the stage is swimming, when the fight collides Less, the consumption is not natural, and for the "Luo Hou", which is famous for its body, as long as it does not run and turn around, the burden is actually very small.

The next development of the war situation gave the audience some kind of illusion. It seems that "Loss" is playing the abbot, because "Ming Wang" Zhihai is also unsettled, not arrogant, and focused, the soldiers will block the water and cover them. If I don't come, I will "see" in place.

Of course, Zhihai is not purely negative. He sometimes gathers Buddha's awns and shoots laser-like rays. Sometimes his palms contain glazed light and sway.

His timing is always as appropriate, as if he has a natural judgment on the trend of change. The speed of "shooting the sun" is absolutely horrible, and several times he has made it easier to dodge.

As a result, she gradually approached the end of the strong, and reached the warning line of "the power of a fight."

It was a failure to swallow, or to try it out. "Ghost King" chose the latter.

Silently, she turned at a high speed, approaching her opponent from an incredible angle, and the sky around it quickly dimmed, like a clump of black curtains descending, creating a starless sky, no moon, a violent wind, fear of dip scenes.

In such an environment, Ning's speed has increased and the power has been promoted.

The seventh form of "dark part", "high moon and black wind"!

The black wind is high in the night, when the murder is on fire!

This is a school that promotes itself to weaken the enemy. In the terms of the game, it belongs to the gain of its own BUFF, the negative BUFF to the enemy!

Hey! "Ming Wang" Zhihai ushered in a confrontational confrontation. His body was covered with pure gold, resisting the erosion of all aspects of the environment, and the large-scale Jinjinquan, which opened and closed, stunned the enemy continuously, and it was really unmoving and calm.

After a fierce battle, Ning Yu oil was exhausted, and the "Golden Seal", which was cut off by the mountain, flew back and almost stood unsteadily.

Zhihai did not catch up, but instead put his fists and looked at him peacefully.

Ning Hao squinted his arm and shook his head at the referee.

"The second game, ‘super product’ Zhihai wins!” The referee announced the result and shouted the current title of Zhihai.

The "super product" strong on the top of a product!

Although Luo has already fought a battle, but she can beat her without a bit of fire, which shows the strength of Zhihai.

He stood in the ranks of Dong Baxian, Lu Yong and other titles contenders, and he is not yet twenty-eight years old!

After the hand-handed ceremony, Ning Yu turned around and floated away. The little smashed and blood-stained wounds of the martial arts suit did not reduce her charm, but made her have a different charm from other women.

Lou Cheng had already stood up. After taking a breath, he pushed open the door of the locker room and walked over to the "Lo".

When he met, he put his thumb down to show his admiration.

"You don't need such exaggeration to praise." Ning Hao did not feel good.

She said that she said that the smile on her face could not stop, and it was moving.

If I really believe in yours, I will pay for the teachings of the little fairies in the past few years... Lou Cheng gave a sneer and turned his eyes to the center of Qingshi Square.

"Ming Wang" Zhihai Li is there, the five senses are handsome, the face is powdered, the lips are like grease, but the sun is not obvious, the sun is natural.

In addition to his bare head, he has no other shortcomings in his image.

Handsome man shaved his head is also handsome... Lou Cheng helplessly laughed, shook his head, converge all kinds of thoughts, stepped into the Bluestone Square.

He just got in it and immediately found that the war of the heart and the tremor of the body were calming down, and the surroundings were clean and peaceful. It seems that there should be no disputes.

Just like the effect of the word "临"... Lou Cheng squinted his eyes and really felt the influence of the many relics in the floating tower.

This must always be a certain mind to fight against!

When the thoughts flashed, Lou Cheng calmly went to the predetermined position, so that he could easily enter the state of mind and sketch out the ancient essays one by one:


This word is one percent, his blood is immediately rushing, the will is as solid as it is, and it rushes straight to the sky, a strong sense of eternal uncompromising and uncompromising.

Opposite is the "Ming Wang", which is famous for a long time, and is currently the strongest in the world!

Opposite is the real top powerhouse who has defeated "Wu Sheng" and "Dragon King"!

Opposite is someone else to measure my benchmark and set me the goal!

Today's World War I have been waiting for a long time!


Inside the "room" of an unknown anchor.

Cai Zongming sighed:

"Finally, Lou Cheng and 'Ming Wang' met, although the latter played a 'half game', there is a certain consumption, the two sides are not at the peak of the state, but this game still has a strong symbolic significance. ”

"What is the specific meaning, everyone open the website, put the dog search, I will not say more, but need to remind everyone that you can not talk about heroes in a success or failure, this is not ancient, 'Dragon King' lost, 'Wu Sheng' Lost, who has not lost? Waiting for no matter who is failing, don't rush to make a judgment. The result is very important, but it is not unique. What is reflected in the specific content of the game is the actual situation."

When he had just finished speaking, he saw some people using the bullets:

“I always feel that you are maintaining the building and talking to him in advance.”

"Yeah, you are the teammate of Songda Budodo, the roommate of the same bedroom."

"Not objective enough!"

Cai Zongming made an exaggerated expression and sneaked into the nose:

"I am like that kind of person? You look at my looks, how upright! My motto is ‘Help not help the pro!’”

After that, he brought up a piece of cardboard with the words "loud".

"Come on, the small sunflower class started, everyone followed me." Cai Zongming pointed to these two words, "dao, li, reason!"

The barrage was first quiet, then a lot of it emerged:

"Luo Cheng = reason..."

"I like your brazen little look!"

“Yes, the commentary style is very fresh!”


Looking at these "responses", Cai Zongming sighed on the corner of his mouth and sighed:

If the oranges are here, I still have a lot to talk about, but now, I can’t find the head...

It seems that I have to practice a single-mouth skill...


At four o'clock in the early spring, the sun turned west and the light began to fade.

Lou Chenggang adjusted his body and mind, and incorporated the figure of "Ming Wang" Zhihai into the pupil. The referee raised his hand and said:


boom! After the building became a body and a light blue flame spurted out of the foot, let him "launch" out, and his fist went straight to the door of Zhihai.

He didn't make a turnaround, and he was eager to make a positive attack for a long time.

How to do it without first weighing it?

Zhihai did not evade, slammed his breath, muscles piled up, bulging the robes, and the skin was dark and black, not demon or evil, sacred and majestic, forming a strange contrast with the handsome face.

"Do not move the king"!

In the live website, a strip of curtains is excited to brush out:

"The elder Tang has appeared!"

"One-handedly convinced Sun Wukong's Xeon Tang Elder!"

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