MTL - Martial God Conqueror-Chapter 2924 :Is there a point in my heart?

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Chapter 2, 924: There is no point in the heart [Big Chapter].

Du Shaozhen looked at the blood ancestors constantly changing direction, and did not shoot again, just to pursue!

Looking at each other's distance is getting closer and closer, Du Shaozhen's mouth can not help but sneer a sneer.

This twelfth layer of **** is so vast, this old ghost wants to really escape to the entrance to the thirteenth floor of Hell, it will consume a long time!

And so much time, enough for him to catch each other a hundred times!

Thinking of this, Du Shaoqi gave birth to a few points of meaning, and determined that the Lord’s determination will never let the blood ancestors better!

The old ghost took several shots several times, trying to capture his own source of chaos. The coveted state is extremely fierce. If it is not a change, he must have been succeeded by him.

Since it is an enemy, Du Shaohao has never let go of the truth!


He sipped again, murdered, and went straight to the blood ancestors!

The power of the four original laws encapsulated him, and the law of space was brought to the extreme realm by Du Shaoqi. The speed was so fast that he could pass thousands of miles away!

In such a situation, the distance between him and the blood ancestor is getting closer and closer!

"Little scorpion, there is a kind of battle with me alone!"

The blood ancestors perceive such a situation and can't help but yell.

He has a boundless feeling of sorrow in his heart, but he can't turn around and fight with Du Shaoqi. It is just to vent the evil spirits in his heart. It is impossible to count on Du Shaoqi to fight with him alone!

What's more, even if Du Shaoyi is willing, he may not really win the other side!

Once upon a time, the fierce name, shaking the whole thirty-three days, so that the blood ancestors of ancient times are trembled, will fall to such a field?

This makes the blood ancestors indignant, but there is still no way!

I knew that I would face such an embarrassing situation. If I kill him, I will not shoot at the eleventh floor of Hell. I want to steal the chaotic origin of Du Shaohao!

At this time, the blood ancestors hated to take two slaps of their own, and this is completely self-defeating!

"The old-fashioned old bird is killed! The source is hollowed out, kill!"

When the **** ancestors were annoyed, Du Shaoqi had already deceived a very close distance!

The nine-day-old giant drink was sent from his throat, and then the four original laws were turned together, intertwined with each other, entangled with each other, and more and more concise!


The horrible sword light is shaped like a sword of the heavens, pointing to the sky, and then slamming down against the blood ancestors!

This sword is extremely horrible, condenses the origin of the four original laws, and it has the origin of the avenue in it, just like the power of the world!

As soon as Jianguang appeared, the vast earth shook, and the pressure of the sky was released, and hundreds of millions of souls wanted to crouch!


With the fall of the lightsaber, the sky is stirred, the sky is overturned, and the world is shaking. This scene looks like a pillar of heaven, which makes people sway!

The blood ancestors who ran away were covered in cold sweat, and their legs felt a little soft. This is the feeling that he has not tasted for many years.

Du Shaozhen’s sword made him feel awkward, so that the blood ancestors felt that they were firmly locked by a force, and even if they wanted to turn back, they could hardly do it again!

At this moment, he realized the taste of despair and made him feel powerless!

Du Shaoqi’s attack is like a god’s punishment, so that there is nowhere to be seen!

"Old ghost, go to hell!"

Du Shaoqi screamed and opened his eyes, and his eyebrows stood up, showing his embarrassment!

He drummed all the power and controlled the sword of the original hollow sword!

Du Shaoqi has confidence in his heart. In the case that the blood ancestor is locked by powerful forces, this hit really hits him, and it is absolutely impossible for the old ghost to die!

It’s easy to get rid of him when I want to!


The sword is blazing, and if it is open to the sky, it will kill all the obstacles and go straight to the top of the blood ancestors!

Du Shaoxuan, Lu Jingyun, Lu Youwei, Lu Ying, Long Yao, Long Xu and others, all do their best, and at the same time put their eyes on this hit!

Many people in the 33-day powerhouse who have been killed in the distance with countless demons have also perceived such a scene, and they are not focusing on the situation here.

They seem to have seen the final result, the blood ancestor was directly split into two pieces by this sword, even if it is not dead, it will last half of the life!


Du Shaozhen drank, Jianguang speed increased by a few points, is already the head of the blood ancestors!

However, it was at this time, but seeing a horrible magical force coming from afar, and instantly wearing the blood ancestors!

Then you can see that a large-scale **** axe like a mountain is swaying directly between Du Jian's Jianguang and Xuezu.


With a loud bang, the whole world has produced a fierce tremor!

Du Shaozhen’s original hollow sword slammed into such an axe.

Just in the moment before the two contact, Du Shaozhen has discovered this sudden change, want to close, but the arrow has to be sent on the string!

Under the violent collision, a huge earthquake occurred, accompanied by an unparalleled energy storm, sweeping the eight sides and smashing nine!

Du Shaozhen was directly shaken and went out far away, the blood in the body rolled over, and the whole face was pale!

It is difficult for him to calm down in his heart. It is obvious that a strong man has arrived and saved the blood ancestor.

And the people who came here were so terrible that they did not directly fight with themselves. They were just intercepted, and the terrible shocks that were generated caused Du Shaoqi to be injured again!

"Du Shishu, are you okay?"

Seeing that Du Shaoqi retreated, Lu Jingyun and others immediately withdrew all the power.

Their power is a burden for Du Shaoqi himself. At the moment, he is also suffering. Only by taking back all the power can Du Shaoyan be more relaxed.

"I'm fine!"

Du Shaoqi answered, but his eyes were still looking at the direction of the previous blood ancestor.

At this time, the strip was completely flattened by the storm, and everything was turned into nothing. Even the earth was scraped to the depths of thousands of feet!

And in that mid-air, when the storm slowly dissipated, Du Shaozhen could see the existence of two figures!

One of them was a blood ancestor, and his breath was even more wilting. It was obvious that the collision had caused a lot of shock to him!

The other person, is a burly giant, the first two devils, like two forks, the sky!

This person's body is fluctuating with unbearable fierce temperament. Killing and violent coexistence, **** and sinister, both at a glance!

In his hands, holding a **** red axe, lingering in endless magic, terrible!

"This person is..."

Du Shaozhen was amazed. He had never seen such a strong man. It was obviously the demon who was suppressed together in the 18th floor of Hell.

From the slight strength that has just been revealed, it can be inferred that this person's cultivation is absolutely terrible, I am afraid there is a road to the road!

Thinking of this, Du Shaoxuan’s heart can’t help but sink!

"This person may be one of the devils of the Mozu, from the point of view of it, it should be called the ridiculous devil!"

Lu Jingyun’s face came out incomparably and came to Du Shaozhen’s side, as said.

He has learned a lot about the Mozu and knows a lot about them.

For the magic of the Mozu, the natural is also known.

"A devil will be in a position to carry the road, this is trouble!"

Du Shaozhen's face was a little gloomy again, frowning.

They walked to this twelfth layer of hell, except that they met the blood ancestors on the eleventh floor of Hell. It was quite easy on the way, and did not encounter how powerful the Mozu resisted!

But now, there will be a demon who will block the road and save the blood ancestor, which makes Du Shaoxuan very heavy.

In the thirty-three days, these millions of people have pushed all the way. Is it necessary to stop here?

In the face of a demon who will be repaired by the road, they will suffer heavy losses. What they can really hope for is the arrangement of the brother Lu Shaoyou!

"Can't fight anymore, everyone is assembled, ready to evacuate!"

Du Shaozhen thought for a moment, even if it was said.

The hard-working people around him heard the words and nodded, followed by orders to millions of other powerful people.

Nowadays, there are strong players in the front, and it is already doomed to continue to advance, unless there is reinforcement!

As Du Shaojun’s orders were conveyed, the thirty-three-day multi-million-strongs quickly put down their hands and quickly gathered around where they were, no longer entangled with the Mozu!

"I hope that my brother will arrange this situation!"

Du Shaoxuan thought this way, pinning all hopes on his brother Lu Shaoyou.

If you can't do it, you can only take a lot of strong people in the ancient space. You can find a way to leave the 18th floor and say hello. Before entering this place, the brothers have been smashed, and everything is based on preservation. After all, it is not true with the Mozu. When the battle is over.

However, Du Shaoqi did not have the confidence that he could escape from a strong driver!

Today, there will be a difficult battle, and the blood ancestor who was previously chased is the next person.


Suddenly, when Du Shaozhen was thinking about it, a sullen smile came from the air and clearly entered Du Shaoyan’s ear.

And listening to such laughter, Du Shaoyan eyebrows can not help but be a glimpse.

"The East is also coming from the Red Phoenix..."

This voice is very familiar, it is the East that has been playing for many years.

He came here and Shen Yan will definitely appear.

Sure enough, in the eyes of Du Shaoqi, the void in the distance shook.

Even if you see the majestic magic like a huge wave, the sky is raging, and everything is blocked. It quickly comes to the vicinity and falls to the side of the blood ancestor and the ridiculous demon.

The shape of the two people from the east to the red phoenix and Shen Yan suddenly emerged.

Behind them, there are a large number of large demons, and the number is actually millions, which is more powerful than those of the 33rd day!

This is the army of the Mozu, the momentum is like a rainbow, terrible!

The large figure is standing there, and there is a sense of oppression that makes the strong thirty-three days feel agitated.

"The devils are coming up, our actions are really learned by them!"

"There has been no possibility of continuing to advance at full speed!"

"Not only can't go deep into the 18th floor of hell, but if you want to evacuate, you will be struggling!"

"This is the twelfth layer of hell. The ancestors don't know where to go at this time!"

"Our action is afraid that it is difficult to complete this time, the Mozu wakes up too fast!"

Millions of strong people in thirty-three days, this time quickly found the seriousness of the matter.

It is not difficult for them to imagine the progress of the matter, and their hearts are very dignified.

It’s been their toughest time to enter the 18th floor of Hell!

Everyone is very clear in their hearts. If you don't manage to leave, there will be many people who will stay in this space!

"Not only is the ridiculous demon, but also the blood **** demon, the sorcerer will come!"

Lu Jingyun stood next to Du Shaoqi, his face became ugly.

He saw the presence of two strong men in the vicinity of the Red Dragon and Shen Yan.

One of them is like a living person who has been stripped of his skin by his life. He is **** and red, and he can’t tell the swearing!

The other person is a dead-faced, pale-faced paper, exuding the gloom of the gloom, looking at one of the eyes, it will make people feel cold in the soles of the feet, and tighten!

However, although the faces of these two people are not very good-looking, the breath on them is very deep and introverted. Even the repairs like Lu Jingyun can't be seen!

Judging from their appearance, this is the other two devils of the Mozu, the Blood God Devil, the Devil!

"Blood gods will be magical, magical devils, ridiculous devils... The three great devils will come together, things are getting more and more troublesome!"

Du Shaoqi was sullen and looked at the opposite Mozu people, and his heart was heavy enough to be added.

Just a devil, it has brought them unimaginable oppression, and now it is actually the three devils will come, so that Du Shaoqi will have a sense of difficulty breathing!

This is the strongest of the three roads, where it has been suppressed in the eighteen layers of **** for countless years, but the fierceness is probably not much worse than that of the year!

Coupled with the departure of the Red Phoenix, Shen Yan, and the millions of Mozu army behind them, I am afraid that these people who are today thirty-three days, a bad word must be accounted for here!

"Oh... Du Shaohao, you dare to enter the 18th floor of hell, it is simply looking for death!"

Looking east from the red phoenix, Du Shaoqi, stepping forward, looked at Du Shaoxuan coldly.

His handsome face was covered with magic, carrying a cold smile, like staring at a dead person.

"Du Shaohao, it can be said that there is a road to heaven, you don't go, **** has no door, you cast it yourself! This time, I see what kind of good luck you have, can escape the birth of the day! My three demons of the Mozu, Plus millions of troops here, you must be riddled with these daring people, one can't walk out of the 18th floor!"

Shen Yan said that a face was full of hatred, watching Du Shaoqi said.

He is extremely confident. When he sees many powerful people in thirty-three days, he has some care in his heart!

The strength of both sides has a clear disparity. The Mozu has a huge advantage here, and the biggest reliance is the three magical devils around him!

This gap is too great. If you don’t have a change, it’s not difficult to leave everyone here for thirty-three days!

"Oh... little nephew, are you not chasing it very hard, but come back again, see how you can kill your ancestors! As long as the ancestors are not dead, the treasures around you will still fall into my hands. !"

At this time, the blood ancestors also eased.

He was saved by the ridiculous demon. He was no longer threatened by Du Shaoqi, but turned to hate and looked at him.

With the protection of the Mozu, where the blood ancestors still need to fear Du Shaoqi and others.

"You, the old-fashioned old bird, can only hide in the crotch of the Mozu! I really don't know whether the things that have been passed down from ancient times are true or false. The incompetent generations like you have also fallen into a fierce name!"

Du Shaoyi took a look at the blood ancestors, and he was not moved at all, just said faintly.


The blood ancestor was provoked by Du Shaozhen’s words, almost to jump.

The words were too sinister, and the face of the **** ancestors became distorted again, and the nostrils contracted, and they were about to go away.

If it is not for the opponent of Du Shaoqi, he really wants to rush forward and tear the mouth of the kid out of the hundred and eight articles!

However, looking at the **** ancestors of the wrath, Du Shaozhen did not care about him at all.

At this time, the things that are placed in front of me are the most urgent, and it is impossible to take care of the blood ancestors!

"East from the red phoenix, Shen Yan, you two have always been my defeat, but every time there will be yelling in front of me! How many roots do you have, is there no point in your heart?"

Du Shaoqi raised his eyebrows and showed irony on his face. He looked at the east and said from the red phoenix and Shen Yan.

He is not to anger these two people, but at the same time secretly communicate with the strong people of thirty-three days, discuss the countermeasures with the people, and at the same time intend to bring everyone into the ancient space, and then try to escape!

"Hey... Du Shaohao, you don't need to provoke us! As long as you can kill you, no matter what kind of means you use it! This time, you are absolutely nowhere, nowhere to go!"

Shen Yan smiled coldly and looked at Du Shaoqi.

He did not anger at all. This Mozu has so many strong people that it is bound to crush millions of people for thirty-three days. No one can save Du Shaoqi.

"Hey, Du Shaohao, you have to be crazy! With your strength, I am afraid that now is no longer the opponent of my two! Since you feel that you are strong, then we also give you a chance to fight, I am afraid that when you are late, you will be very awful!"

The east is cold and screaming from the red phoenix.

He is now advancing with great strength, his memory is fully awakened, and his strength has gradually recovered in ancient times. He is already very strong and no longer afraid of Du Shaoqi.

"Duo Shaohao don't temper, do it! You guys, today, don't want to leave this space alive, give me death here!"

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