MTL - Martial God Conqueror-Chapter 2925 : full of heroism

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Chapter 2,925, Chapter: Full of Heroism [Big Chapter].

"Duo Shaohao don't temper, do it! You guys, today, don't want to leave this space alive, give me death here!"

Looking east from Chihuang, Du Shaozhen, the light of hate in the eyes!

He screamed and screamed, and then his body shape was instantly vacated, and he rushed directly to Du Shaoyu.

The Mozu occupies a huge advantage, and it is far stronger than the strength of those people in the 33rd day. It is not necessary to go to the words, just go directly to war!

It’s not too late, it’s late!

"The three devils will first clear all the thirty-three days of forgetting and then help the army fight! Du Shaohao will hand over to us to see what kind of waves he can pull out! This time, I want them to Millions of people have come and gone! When these people die, they lose more than half of their battles in thirty-three days, and how to fight against my demon!"

Shen Yan’s eyes are cold and cold, and he will say to the three blood gods, the sorcerer, and the ridiculous demon.

Subsequently, he also rushed out, together with the East from the Red Phoenix, will fight against Du Shao.

East is away from Chihuang and Shenyan. They have entered the 18th floor of Hell for many years. The strength has already recovered a lot. It is almost equivalent to sitting in the third place. It is not strong!

So in these two people think that even if Du Shaozhen is stronger now, it is impossible to achieve his own situation!

However, in order to be safe, the two decided to join forces to fight, in any case, first to win Du Shaoqi this ill-health!

"Kill, get rid of the invaders for thirty-three days, let them pay the price!"

"kill them, strengthen the power of my devil!"


With the action of the two away from the Red Phoenix and Shen Yan, all the demons are moving at the same time!

But seeing the large black shadows pressing the void and overwhelming, all of them are rushing in the direction of millions of people in thirty-three days.

For a time, the entire twelfth layer of **** is shaking, the endless magical entanglement is intertwined, forming a large black cloud, traversing the world!

This scene is really terrible, and the momentum is magnificent. The murderous atmosphere is filled with anger, even more than the thirty-three days when the strongman just entered!

At this time, the other demons in this space are all bursting into the blood, and they are spurred by the spurs. They are also moving, and they are killed by Du Shaoqi and others!

"Oh... there are my army of the Mozu here, these thirty-three days of life will die without a place of burial!"

"I dare to come to my eighteen layers of **** and let go, it is simply not too mad!"

"Kill, leave them all, let the blood of these souls flow through the eighteen layers of hell!"

The original Mozu strong in the twelfth layer of **** is also setting off a storm of stocks, and the momentum is fierce!

At the same time that many people are plucking out, there are hidden smirks on their faces!

For these people, there is no time to feel more satisfied than at this moment. Previously, it was a scene of slaughtering. Who thought that in a short period of time, the situation actually reversed so quickly!

The original hunter became a prey, and the most exciting thing for these demons!

"We are surrounded!"

Beside Du Shaozhen, there is a strong face and a serious statement.

Looking at the devils in all directions is an action, and others are as heavy as a mountain.

They are not afraid of a war, but when the strength of the other party is much higher than the millions of people in the 33rd day, hard hits will only cause unnecessary sacrifices, but will not play any role!

Even if you die, you can't die here in vain!

"Ming Qing Emperor, are we fighting?"

Another strong man came forward and asked quickly.

In the eighteen layers of hell, everything is based on what Du Shaozhen said.

There are no better choices at the moment. They suddenly fall into the encirclement. They seem to have only one battle. There are three big devils to be present. Even if they escape, it will be very difficult!

Now I can only see if Du Shaoqi has any way to leave with everyone. In short, it is not realistic to force a war, unless it is forced to a desperate situation!

"Sit in the forgotten environment, join forces to break through the line of defense! All others have entered the ancient space and evacuated the eighteen layers of hell!"

That is to say, when everyone was anxious, Du Shaozhen had already made a decision.

He quickly shouted this sentence, and then quickly opened the old space, the huge entrance is in the void, want to let the thirty-three days of the strong!


Lu Jingyun is also a big drink, gathered together with a place to sit and forget, guarding the side of Du Shaoxuan, blocking the attack from the Red Dragon and Shen Yan!

Where the people of thirty-three days dare to delay, all of them are rushing in, and a wave of waves quickly enters into the ancient space.

"Hey... Du Shaoqi, do you want to escape, so it’s not your style to escape without fighting!"

At this time, the East has been hit by the red phoenix. He has a magic sword in his hand, and the light is smashed, killing Xiao Su, and slamming into Lu Jingyun and others.

This sword is extremely terrible. It seems to be attacked by the depths of the Nether. It is a crime to kill the land. If you want to let the sun sink and the mountains and rivers collapse!

However, Lu Jingyun and others have already prepared for it. More than one hundred people who have forgotten the strong are entangled together to form a solid protective mask to release the radiant light!

When the east was away from the hood of the red phoenix, it made a huge roar, but it was impossible to shake it!

"It’s useless to shrink it. You can’t escape today!”

Shen Yan is also a cold drink, and his body shape is skyrocketing, his body is shaken up, no less than a great man!

After the body became bigger, the face of Shen Yan also changed dramatically, becoming ugly and ugly, and screaming!

It’s just that the smell of his body has expanded rapidly with this change, and there’s no limit to it!

He slammed into the palm of his hand and slammed down, directly attacking Du Shaoqi and others!

Lu Jingyun and others only wanted to defend at this time, and there was no attack at all. Let Shen Yan attack this!


The sky is loud and shattered, the sky is broken, and the world is shaking!

"Hey, just because these two people want to break our defense, it’s not self-sufficient!"

A thirty-three-day strong man sneered, and said softly.

Shen Yan’s attack was not able to cause much impact on them. Under the joint protection of more than 100 people, their defensive masks only shocked and could not really shake!

"After hiding for a while, you can't change your destiny, why bother to do this useless work!"

The east is far from the red phoenix and Shen Yan, and they look at their own blows and return, and their eyes are even more cold.

"A group of chickens and dogs, let them solve them in the future!"

At this time, the three great devils will also step by step, seemingly leisurely.

Among them, the ridiculous devil will scream and scream, and say something like this.

Immediately, but see the **** axe in his hand suddenly rushed out, releasing the scarlet light, soaking thousands of miles!

Everywhere in the twelfth floor of Hell is covered with this blood color. Even on the ground, there are blood-red liquids oozing out, making people creepy!

"The striker is a hit, not powerful, retreat!"

At this time, the thirty-three days of the millions of strong people, has completely entered the wild space of Du Shaoqi.

He immediately sighed and quit with Lu Jingyun, Lu Youwei, Lu Ying, Lu Cheng, Long Yao, Long Xu and more than one hundred and thirty-three days of forgetting.

In the course of his trip, Du Shaoqi did not want to think about it. He directly released the empty gossip.

Lu Jingyun and others do not need to remind them again. They went to the eight-party position of this gossip map, together with Du Shaozhen, formed a new round of battle!

Everyone has been familiar with this kind of means, and they have completed it in an instant. The power of the hero is constantly being injected into Du Shaoxuan's body.


Du Shaoqi's feet smashed the void, and there were two huge chaotic black holes. The body shape stunned and went out for a million miles!

He tried his best and did not dare to make any stay under the attack of a magical!

Those who are immortal have been hidden, as long as they wait for someone to successfully retreat, the thirty-three days of combat power will be preserved!

But there is no doubt that this process is very difficult, and Du Shaoqi has almost no control in the hands of the three great devils!

Sure enough, just as Du Shaofei flew back, the ridiculous demon will send out a cold cry, like a heavy hammer in the heart of Du Shaoqi, so that he feels extremely troubled!

"Want to escape? Have you escaped?"

The ridiculous devil will drop the voice, and the **** axe will also squat at the same time, slamming in the void!


This hits the world, if it breaks the big world, it is terrible!

And Du Shaoqi and others who are trying to escape, are not feeling the horrible **** coming down, holding his foot tightly, and the speed plummets. If you fall into a quagmire, it is difficult to struggle!


Then, the huge axe fell, directly on Du Shaoying's gossip graphics!

The mighty gossip of the mighty powers is broken up in an instant, and all the energy is destroyed!


Du Shaoqi was the first to bear the brunt, and a direct blood rushed out, and his face faded.

"Puff puff……"

Lu Jingyun and other more than 100 people who are forgetting to be strong are also very unsatisfactory.

Everyone is like a dead leaf in the storm, rolled up on a high sky, and is trampled and devastated!

Fortunately, the ridiculous gods will seem to look down on them all. They just use Du Shaoqi and others as ants. They have not done their best!

Otherwise, it’s just a blow, I’m afraid I’ll have half the lives!

"This will be trapped in the 18th floor of Hell for countless years. It seems that I have forgotten the taste of killing! It’s good to have a good taste here today, and it will be good for my injury!"

The ridiculous **** will bloom in the light, and gently said.

Between his words, he suddenly reached out a hand and grabbed it in the void!


I only heard the sound of a crack, and then Du Shaoqi and others saw the scene of horror!

"Abandoned space..."

Du Shaoqi, who was hit hard, has no strength to struggle, and he is lying on the ground!

At this time, the ridiculous devil will shoot again, and he saw that his ancient space was directly torn apart, like a cloth smashed open!

Among them, millions of immortal strong people are not showing the color of horror, and have not figured out what happened after a while!

In the torn ancient space, large space rules and time rules are rushing, like a smashing fireworks, burning in the void!

"The situation of the road is too strong. The ancient space that the ancestors sacrificed was under his hand. There is no such thing as a slap in the face. It is a breeze to break it! This is really troublesome!"

Lu Jingyun’s face has long changed, and the whole person feels extremely angry.

At the same time, he also has a lot of helplessness in his heart!

Du Shaozhen's ancient space, from his master to the hand of the Holy Emperor, is a rare treasure!

But such treasures are in the eyes of the powerful, but they are no different from children's toys!

He slammed it and broke it easily!

Obviously, it is an invisible space. In the hands of the ridiculous demon, it is like a real material. After tearing it off, a corner is held by him, like a rag bag, shaking it!


The millions of thirty-three days of strong people in the ancient space suddenly felt a whirlwind, and everyone spilled out of the broken gap like a bean!

That kind of figure, there is no self-control force, falling from the high sky, falling to the ground!

"Oh... I have escaped the first day and can't hide fifteen! Everyone in thirty-three days will die today!"

Looking at the ridiculous devil will shoot, the East from the Red Phoenix and Shen Yan both could not help but sneer.

"Today, let's kill it here! I am a genie, fight with me! Let the blood of these people in thirty-three days flow through every inch of my eighteen layers of hell!"

In addition to the ridiculous demon, the blood **** demon, the sorcerer will soon move the two!

They lead many of the strong people of the Mozu, and quickly kill in the direction of Du Shaoqi and others!

"Can't escape!"

In the distance, Du Shaozhen was heavily wounded, and the whole person almost had to succumb to the ground. After a good struggle, he climbed up!

The light in his hand flashed slightly, and the purple gold scorpion appeared, and he was shackled as a crutches!

Just a ridiculous devil's blow, let him bleed his blood, the body's gas is disordered, want to burst!

In addition, the space of the ancients was broken, and invisible, he himself was also implicated, hurting and hurting!

Now watching the Mozu army to kill again, Du Shaoyan brows up, some time I do not know how to be good!

"Make clear the Emperor, let's fight!"

"Can't escape, then really fight with the Mozu!"

"Even if you die, you have to pull a few backs!"

Many powerful people in the thirty-three days speak out one by one, and if they do, everyone is in full swing!

Everyone looked at Du Shaoqi’s body and wanted to fight!

Listening to the words of the people around him, Du Shaoyu feels weaker!

The extreme disparity between the two sides made them lose the qualification to fight the Mozu!

Even if you endorse everyone's life, you can only be shackled by the other party. If you don't say one, you can't escape the 18th floor of hell. But the result is almost the same!

Before entering the 18th floor of Hell, the brother Lu Shaoyou had already explained it, and must be based on life-saving!

Because these millions of people are already more than thirty-three days of fighting power, if all are damaged here, in the future when the face of the Mozu attack, the situation will be a one-sided trend!

As a result, no one wants to see it!

However, the most ineffective for Du Shaozhen is that they have no way to escape at this time. Under such circumstances, there seems to be no second way to go except for the battle!

"In this case, let's have a good fight! No matter how strong the Mozu are, we will never let them be better!"

Gradually, Du Shaoyan gave a firm look in his eyes and no longer hesitated too much!

He struggled straight and grabbed a large amount of treasure medicine from the Qiankun bag. He really stuffed it into his mouth and chewed it in a big mouth!

"East from the red phoenix, Shen Yan, come to fight!"

After swallowing all the treasures, Du Shaoqi snorted and heard the air and smashed the clouds!

His purple gold scorpion lifted up, and the sword pointed to the two away from the Red Phoenix and Shen Yan, and soon they were killed together.


The thirty-three days of the strong suddenly moved, and a figure spurted out and rushed to the lineup of the Mozu!

At this moment, everyone's face is put on a look of death!

However, in the moment, the two sides of the people had a huge collision, and the fierce killing began!

Lu Jingyun, Lu Youwei, Lu Ying, Lu Cheng, Long Hao, Long Xu and other thirty-three days of forgetting the strong, also rushed out at the same time, greeted the three magical lords who killed them directly!

Everyone will entangle the air machine, do not seek to win the three magical weapons, but also can support for a while!

"Kill ............"

The sound of the sound of the earth shattered in this space, the heavens and the earth are turbulent, and the Qiankun is overturned, and the void is annihilated!

In the thirty-three days, millions of people, and millions of people of the Mozu, have a huge collision of horror!

This is the most powerful force that has condensed the Pangu world and the 18th floor of Hell. It is a devastating world.

For the thirty-three days of the strong, everyone has shown all the power to fight the Mozu!

They have spelled everything, just want to kill a few more demons, not to fall in vain!

Everyone has stirred up the blood of the fullness, fighting hard, everyone is full of heroism, pouring out all the strength of the whole body, anger and kill!

"Oh... kill it! These people will die when they die, and it will be like taking a bag of things for thirty-three days!"

People from the east, such as Chi Huang and Shen Yan, are laughing, and they are not very open-minded.

They are very clear in their hearts that the biggest advantage of their own side is that there are three more magical ones.

Under such a gap, it is absolutely easy to win these thirty-three days of these strong players!

After killing all the people who entered the 18th floor of Hell, after another 30 days of attack, the resistance encountered will be less than half!

So for the Mozu, it is a good thing!

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