MTL - Martial God Conqueror-Chapter 2955 : Suddenly, I can’t laugh out.

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The 2,595th chapter: Suddenly some laughed out [Big Chapter].

The people around Lu Youzhen heard the words, but they did not reveal the same color.

Her meaning is already very clear, that is to say that Du Shaoqi's understanding of this, not only has a great impact on the presence of Du Shaoqi, Du Xiaoyao, Xiaoxing three.

Perhaps the creatures in the entire Shenwu world will get unimaginable benefits because of the situation here!

If this is the case, it is terrible!

The Shenwu world has been in existence for many years, and it was only after the demon **** was killed and the magic robbery ended.

Over the years, it has grown especially fast, and every time with the breakthrough of Du Shaozhen, the whole world will grow many times.

Today, the Shenwu world has a prototype of the ancient Luotian, which is very terrible. It is more spectacular than any other world in the 33rd day!

The only thing that can't be compared is that the creatures in that world have not yet had time to grow up, and their overall strength is still relatively weak!

But with these years, now the Shenwu world has begun to emerge a lot of immortal conditions, the number is extremely impressive!

If this time, because of the influence of Du Shaoqi, the strength of the whole world will be raised to a higher level, it is definitely a terrible force!

"I'm afraid it won't be like this! Du Shishu hasn't really made a breakthrough at this time. The souls of Shenwu World may not get much benefit! Waiting, will only wait until Du Shishu really takes the step." This happened! But for those who are closest to him, from this time on, it has already gained tremendous benefits!"

Lu Jingyun thought for a long time, and finally got such speculation.

Other people present at the scene heard the truth and felt that it makes sense.

If Du Shaozhen is so comprehensible, it will be enough to affect the entire Shenwu world. It is too abnormal and unimaginable.

The most likely state, as Lu Jingyun said, will continue to bring about earth-shaking changes to the realm when the guy really breaks through the half-step and even the road.

But one thing that cannot be denied is that the Shenwu world will certainly benefit from this understanding of Du Shaoqi!


At this time, Du Shaoqi is still surrounded by the infinite light.

In the light, Du Shaoqi slightly closed his throat, and his six knowledge were closed, and he did not smell foreign objects!

In the body, a strong air machine keeps wandering, and shuttles through his limbs.

These air machines eventually converge into a huge Hongchuan, rushing into his gods, and then turning into a big Sunday and entering his mudball palace!


When this terrible force rushes into your mind, it is a mysterious force that has become slender, like a gossamer, and it accumulates more!

In the face of this filament, the golden light of the red horse monkey sent a terrible roaring sound, and if it faced a certain horrible thing, it actually trembled!


However, Du Shaoqi is constantly mobilizing such power, and more and more in the mud pill palace.

This silk entwined constantly entangled each other, and then turned into the shape of a fine sword, with an extremely sharp atmosphere, seems to be the most terrible thing in the world, able to kill everything, engrave the traces on the heaven and earth avenue, change the innate The righteousness that has been given, change the day!


Just as the sword was formed, the red horse monkey sent a terrified cry, and the tall, overbearing body of the stalwart trembled.

This is Du Shaoqi himself feeling fear and fear, instinctively making such movements.

"To get out of your own way, you have to engrave your own righteousness above the gods!"

Du Shaoqi secretly murmured, and he felt his "sound" trembled.

The power of the fine sword is terrible. Just standing there quietly makes his **** feel dangerous, as if he can harvest his life as long as he moves.

Du Shaoqi knows very well how he is going to do it. Although he has no fear, he still has to implement it.


With the sound of a horrible humming sound, the fine sword suddenly turned in the direction, facing the position of the red dragon horse monkey god.

A slight flash of the edge of the sword tip causes a trace of horror to appear in the body of the god, if it is to be cut directly.

In this scene, if it is met in the past, Du Shaoqi must be dying.

You must know how powerful his arrogant horse monkey is, no less than his own body!

But in front of the small edge of this fine sword, it actually shows such a horrible scene, and it will be annihilated at once!


Du Shaozhen’s **** is fierce and vibrato.

The power carried on the sword is not yet on, and it penetrates everything!

"Spirit of Sentiment, Sword of Faith, nature is the most terrible existence in this world! With sufficient arrogance and conviction, even if the devil is blocking the road, you can kill the devil and move forward!"

Du Shaoqi constantly cheered on himself. After so long and continuous understanding, he gathered such great enthusiasm and conviction to gather this fine sword. The purpose is to draw the vitality above the god. One stroke, engrave the trace of your own "Tao"!

He controlled the fine sword and moved to the red dragon horse monkey gods step by step, so that the body of the gods made a fierce screaming sound, began to wipe out the large-scale collapse!

Du Shaozhen's teeth are trembled, creaking, squatting on the body, from the head to the feet are cold sweat!

The pain hurts every inch of his god, this is the pain from the deepest, no comfort!

"Must be sure!"

Du Shaoqi secretly groaned, he moved the sword and moved, approaching the body of his own god!

However, it is desperate that the red horse monkey **** in front of this fine sword directly reduced to the extreme, a large number of Yuanshen force collapsed, making him more and more weak.

At the same time, the fine sword can't touch the body of the gods, and the pain can't stand it!

"Must be sure! Be sure!"

Du Shaoqi insisted on his teeth and acted again and again.

But his **** is involuntarily starting to escape and want to get rid of that terrible power!

This is the weakness in human nature, and it is also the instinct that everyone can exist to avoid evil.

The most important thing is that his own strength is getting weaker and weaker. I am afraid that it will not take long before the whole red horse monkey **** will be wiped out by the fine sword!

At that time, I am afraid that Du Shaoqi himself will also be killed under this, killing himself!

"Give me a moment!"

But even in the face of the dead, Du Shaozhen is still not willing to let go, still want to engrave the next trace, as long as it can be done, it is the first step!

The fine sword made a subtle humming sound, chasing the red dragon horse monkey gods everywhere, the speed is very fast!

In contrast, the power of the Red Dragon Horse Monkey is gradually weakened at this time, and it is almost impossible to maintain!

At the same time, under the influence of the power of the fine sword, it is more and more weak!

As time goes by, Du Shaohao only feels that his power is going to be exhausted!

According to this situation, I am afraid that before I successfully engrave the trace, the Yuanshen will collapse invisible and die.

This situation makes him feel more panicked!

"Do you want to give up?"

Du Shaozhen has long been soaked in cold sweat, with a sense of ultimate collapse.

He gave birth to abandoning his mind and didn't want to continue like this.

The sword that was formed from unyielding spirit and firm belief is too horrible, and instinctively avoids it. Even Du Shaoqi himself cannot control his own sorrow!

In addition to giving up now, there seems to be no better way.

If you let the power of the sword be used to attack the gods, you really have to kill yourself!

"This is rewriting the road, the process is bound to be full of danger! But just give up, I really are not willing!"

Du Shaoxuan kept thinking about it, and he could hardly accept the result of failure.

Heaven and Earth Avenue has been engraved since he came to the world. Every part of his body and soul is the product of the avenue.

Today, the fine sword is to change the original avenue of law, and then change himself!

It’s just that this process is too painful. Not only does it have a horrible pressure on the sword, but the power is late in terror. If you don’t really touch the god, you have already consumed the power of his **** to the limit!

If you go down further, you have to face it, fearing that it is really only a dead end!

However, Du Shaozhen was really reluctant to give up. This is an opportunity. It is the first time that he has condensed the fine sword that changed the traces of the road with the most unyielding spirit and the most determined belief!

If you fail for the first time, I am afraid that you will leave a fearful fear in your heart, plant the seeds of fear, and wait until the next impact again, it will be even more difficult!

"Others can do it, and I will do it!"

Daddy, Du Shaoqi once again bite his teeth tightly, and a blood leaked between his lips and teeth.

He turned his heart and began to work hard to control the red dragon horse monkey god, and approached with the sword.

With the unimaginable pain, Du Shaozhen’s nerves are almost numb, and it has already reached the extreme.

At the same time, a burst of "squeaky" sounds, his body of the gods began to shrink sharply, and wanted to continue to escape.

"Give me a stop!"

Du Shaoxuan's heart is extremely comfortable, almost exerting all his own strength, and pressing down the red monkey horse god, so that the speed of escape is greatly weakened!


The fine sword is like a slashing shot from the string, and wants to hit the red dragon horse monkey god, leaving a trace!

But as the sword light gets closer and closer, the body of the Yuanshen trembles violently, and a terrible annihilation also takes place, and it will soon be completely broken!

"Even if you die, you have to stab a sword and die!"

Du Shaoqi’s throat horrified, he shouted!

At the same time, the power in the body surged, and all of them were mobilized into the Mud Palace, and their own gods were controlled.

All the strength is drained by him, there is no trace left!

Under such circumstances, Du Shaoqi drums his head and wants to fight with all his strength. Even if he is dead, he will die under the sword and start the final impact!


However, the screaming screams, the red scorpion monkey also issued the last scream, the two were finally contacted for the first time.

Then, all of Du Shaoxuan's consciousness disappeared completely without any perception.

In his body, the fierce purple gold light suddenly collapsed and disappeared, revealing Du Shaoqi's body.

The unique charm in the void also retreats like a flood in an instant, becoming empty!

Du Shaozhen, Du Xiaoyao, and Xiaoxing three people sitting cross-legged, while spewing a large mouthful of blood from their mouths, and then when they opened their eyes, there was no magic!

Only in a moment, these three people were the most terrible shock, they were seriously injured!

"little stars!"

"Du Shishu!"

Lu Jingyun, Lu Youwei, Lu Ying, Long Yao, Long Xu and other strong, is not shocked.

All of this turned too fast, just like Du Hongyu, who was just like a rainbow. At this time, it was just that there was no air machine at all, and it fell like a kite like a lost kite!

And the three strong men who belonged to him in the world of Shenwu, and everyone is extremely hard-rooted, and even have the ability to maintain the vacant space. They crossed three straight vertical lines and fell from the air!

Lu Jingyun and other strong people, like they are all stunned, generally watching such a scene, horrified!

Everyone's heart beats and thumps, and it's hard to imagine the perceived results.

Under their sneak peek, Du Shaozhen really lost all life, no numerology!

Such a sign is a fact, and that is --

Du Shaozhen, fallen...

"How come... how could this be... how could this be..."

Lu Jingyun, who has always been indifferent, speaks incoherently.

He tried his best and couldn't believe the facts he saw.

"Du Shishu..."

"Ming Qing Emperor..."

The other thirty-three days and the 3,000-strong world's strongest are also inexplicable and feel the extreme fear.

Du Shaozhen’s detached person, how can he fall here, this is something that everyone can’t accept!

How can he die?

How can he die?

Without him, how can I completely kill the ancestors?

Without him, who in this world can live this life?

Without him, who can guide the millions of people to a path to the supreme?

At this moment, many of the strongest people were sore in their hearts that they could not imagine that Du Shaoqi would fall.

The purple robe youth, who has always appeared in front of them, is the absolute gesture that will never stand!

As he said, even the day, the god, can not stop his footsteps!

But how can he fall now, how can he fall on the road of enlightenment breakthrough?

"Impossible, Du Shishu must be alive!"

After a long while, Lu Jingyun forcibly closed up the emotion of horror, and then directly rushed out, and took Du Shaoyu before he landed.

The dragons, dragons and other people also slowed down, and they plunged to the side of the little stars, Du Xiaoyao and Du Shaozhen, and checked their situation at this time.

"Du Shaozhen... would it be so dead?"

At this time, at the entrance to the twelfth floor of Hell, the two figures are preparing to plunge into the boundless flame and continue to flee deeper into the 18th floor of Hell.

These two figures are the two away from the Red Phoenix and Shen Yan. They fled before the strong people of the Mozu, and they did not fall into the siege of the thirty-three days and the three thousand world powers.

It is for this reason that just after everyone has just entered the eleventh floor of hell, their two great devils are about to enter the twelfth floor of hell.

But they have also been paying attention to the changes in the battlefield, and look forward to whether there will be any variables.

However, it is clear that their expectations have been frustrated for a long time.

It’s just that now, Du Shaoqi’s sudden appearance has made them stunned.

"Oh... Du Shaozhen is dead, he died in his own hands!"

After the blasphemy, the east away from the red phoenix is ​​a cold laughter, with a happy feeling that is difficult to hide.

"A born soul, and dare to think about engraving his own way, is simply not self-sufficient! This is good, and finally died under his own sword, death and death!"

Shen Yan is also open, and the corner of his mouth is cold, and he can't tell the joy.

If Du Shaoqi is left here, it is great news for their Mozu.

When the kid died, no one in the world could kill the ancestors of the ancestors, the undead body of the adults, not to mention Lu Shaoyou, even Pangu and Daluo Tianzun are helpless!

"I finally waited until this day, and the rise of my Mozu is unstoppable!"

The whole person from the red phoenix was excited, and the whole body was trembling. It was almost happy to cry.

They waited for this day and have been waiting too long.

Du Shaoxuan's existence is like a sharp blade, always hanging over the head of the Mozu, always reminding them that there is still a person in the world that can form a deadly threat to the Devil!

I didn’t talk about the experience in the world of Shenwu in previous years. Just after thirty-three days, their two great devils used up their means and wanted to kill Du Shaoqi.

But after a few times, all of them were failures, which made them very hard. The kid is like a monster. He will always be alive and get rid of their murder!

But now, finally, I finally saw the purple robe youth fall, his vitality has obviously been completely broken, and there will be no other variables.

"This time, there is always no chance of scams!"

Suddenly, Shen Yan thought that Du Shaoqi had died in the Shenwu world in the past, but in the end he lived inexplicably, and could not help but feel a strange feeling.

He is not quite sure. I am afraid that this time, will this kid come back to life again?

Thinking of this, Shen Yan said that the whole person is a look of silence, and there are some uncertain meanings in his eyes.

The east side of the east is away from the red phoenix, and it is also a sneer at the corner of his mouth. Inexplicably, he feels that he suddenly can’t smile.

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