MTL - Martial God Conqueror-Chapter 2956 : A screaming scream [big

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Chapter 2, 956: A stern slogan [Big Chapter].

What Shen said is not unfounded. In the early years, Du Shaoqi died for the first time. It was for the sake of Shilong. People were buried in the loess, but after a few years, they actually lived miraculously.

In addition, in the final battle with the demon, he has only one head left, the gods are dead, and there is no life.

In the end, however, the kid survived in good condition and took control of the heavenly rules of the Shenwu world.

This is the most impressive two times. In addition, there are still a few times of life and death, and they are all cracked by the purple robe youth.

In other words, Du Shaozhen has experienced several deaths, each time making his many enemies feel very happy, but at the last moment, such joy is crushed and crushed!

Accompanied by it, Du Shaoqi has made a huge breakthrough in repairing again and again, and his strength has skyrocketed!

At this point, the east is away from the red phoenix and Shen Yan two people have some feeling of panic!

They looked at each other very tacitly, and they all saw the sorrow of each other.

"Do you think Du Shaoqi really won't die so easily?"

Shen Yan coughed twice and felt that his throat was a little dry.

He looked at the east side of the red phoenix, and asked incredulously.

And the East did not speak from the Red Phoenix, just nervously licked a few lips, nodded heavily.

In view of the fact that Du Shaoqi has refreshed the world's cognition again and again over the years, at this time, the two great devils felt that the purple robe youth would not really die so much.

For this, they are more touched than those who are nervous at this time, such as Lu Jingyun, Lu Youwei, Long Yao, Long Xu, etc. They will not even believe that Du Shaoqi will die.

"I wish he would not wake up again!"

Shen Yan unconsciously clenched his fist and looked around, no longer eager to escape into the twelfth floor of hell.

He set his sights on the direction of Du Shaoqi, quietly standing in the same place, wanting to see the final result of Du Shaoqi.

"Du Shaozhen..."

The look from the east to the red phoenix is ​​also the same as Shen Yan, both of which are tightly held.

In the hearts of the two great sorcerers, I most hope that Du Shaoqi will not die.

But now they are full of uncertainty, and the intuition tells them that the purple robe youth may suddenly wake up again and will be more powerful.

However, the two great devils are extremely unwilling, and they only want to see the final result, they will be assured to leave.

The biggest expectation of the two is that their intuition is a mistake. Du Shaozhen is really dead and will never appear in front of them.

"Du Shishu..."

In the distance, Lu Jingyun held the body of Du Shaoqi, and his lips were trembling.

A lot of strong people around have gathered around, and everyone has a deep feeling in their hearts.

"There is really no sound..."

Under the examination of many strong people, they found that Du Shaoqi's body really did not have a trace of vitality left, this is a deadly performance!

On the other side, Long Yu, Long Xu and others investigated Du Shaoxuan, Du Xiao Yao, and Xiao Xing three. Fortunately, although they were not badly created, they still have signs of life and want to return to the peak. It is only a matter of time.

"A genius leader, actually so depraved..."

There are thirty-three days and the older generations open their mouths, watching Du Shaoxuan say, with endless pain and regret.

Everyone is already sure that Du Shaozhen has really died completely, his **** is destroyed and nothing is left, only an empty body is still intact!

"The power of the Tao has destroyed the **** of Du Shishu, and the greatest difficulty is here..."

Du Jingyun muttered in the mouth. He knew a lot about the information about the road, and naturally knew why Du Shaoqi’s **** was silent.

To form a sword with faith and ambition is your own sword!

The road sword is fierce, different from the original yin and yang of the world, the original law, different from the Pangu god, the ancestors and other people, and the creatures formed in the four primitive laws will naturally have terrible fear of the sword. heart!

It is a process of nine deaths, it is difficult to step on!

Under the perception of Lu Jingyun, Du Shaoxuan’s mind can be found. There are still tiny spots of light, which are thousands of times smaller than rice grains, but it is such a small light spot, but it has the ultimate release of terror. come out.

Lu Jingyun knows that it is probably a little "daojian" that survived. It was originally used to engrave the traces in the Yuanshen, but it was a fateful thing!

“The road is difficult to rebel, and it is easy to get out of your own way!”

Lu Jingyun sighed and gradually began to accept the result.

The avenue is born, everything in the life is given by the avenue, and if it is falsified, it will naturally be countered.

"It is a failure, then what is the meaning of this sword left, or annihilate with Du Shishu!"

Lu Jingyun was so dark that he could not help but sigh.

He released his own power and entered Du Shaoyan's mind, wrapping it toward the tiny spot.

That is Du Shaozhen's Taoist sword, which can only pose a threat to Du Shaoqi itself, but in front of Lu Jingyun, it does not play any role.

Since Du Shaoqi is already dead, then this sword has no meaning of existence.

Lu Jingyun wanted to erase it, so that Du Shaozhen really went down.

But suddenly, just when the power of Lu Jingyun has not touched the light point, the power of the gods is to feel a sudden burst of force, if the tide surges, sweeping everything!

In a moment, his power was suddenly repelled and expelled from Du Shaozhen’s mind.

That is, at the last moment of leaving Du Shaoyan's mud pill palace, under the glimpse of the glimpse, I saw that the light spot that is much smaller than the rice grain broke out, and it has a mighty atmosphere!


Along with the retreat of the power of the landing, the power of a stunned sorrow fell into the void, once again suppressing the heads of all the living creatures around, making people tremble!

And Du Shaoqi’s body gradually released the mysterious glory and covered his body completely.


Where everyone dares to stay, all of them are retiring in an instant, away from the place where the purple robe youth is located, even Lu Jingyun is like this.

They perceive the terrible taste, and the power of the purple robe youth is extremely strange and terrifying.

"Ming Qing Emperor is this..."

After all the people retired, many thirty-three days of strong people gave birth to more doubts.

The movement of the purple robe youth is extraordinary, and it is unprepared, just like the previous signs of his loss of life, extremely abrupt!

"Is he waking up?"

There is a strong mutter, as said.

I can feel that the power of Du Shaoqi is terrible, and the hero is at the extreme, and he is stronger than any other strong person present.

And soon, his body is full of vitality!

In such a scene, when I was in a hurry, I was shocked by everyone.


Then, everyone saw it again. On the other side, Du Shaoqi, Xiaoxing, and Du Xiaoyao both provoked the power of the vastness. All three of them entered the cultivation state at the same time.

Under the inexhaustible power of the package, they constantly moisturize the flesh and the gods they have just damaged.

"Du Shishu is not dead, he is not dead!"

"The Emperor of the Qing Dynasty is alive again, he is alive!"

"It’s a miracle, obviously there is no life, but suddenly awakened!"

"Looking at the current situation, it seems that it has broken through!"

"Celebration, congratulations!"

Around, thirty-three days and three thousand thousand worlds of countless powerful people boiled up, many people shouted excitedly, full of excitement to tremble.

Du Shaozhen died and resurrected, and the process is so short, it is really hard to be excited.

The mood of the people is also following his rapid rise and fall, the acidity that can't be said!

At this time, they were filled with excitement and joy.

If Du Shaoqi is the breakthrough, for the thirty-three days and three thousand worlds, it is the most enjoyable opinion.

The people of the Mozu are afraid that they will feel even heavier.

"Let's wait, I'm afraid it will take a long time, Du Shishu can really get out of that crucial step!"

Lu Jingyun’s words are deep and authentic, with extreme expectations in his eyes.

Du Shaozhen can go out of that step, it is also a big reference for him, can provide a lot of help for his future stepping through that layer.

With such an idea, Lu Jingyun looked at Du Shaoyu with a glance and showed his power of the gods, trying to spy on some of the movements and trying to grasp something.

In the following time, everyone stopped talking, and they all paid attention to the next change of Du Shaoqi.

I saw the place where the purple robe youth was, and there was a burst of violent violent anger. This power was so powerful that it quickly spread to all parts of the 18-story hell.

The thirty-three days and the three thousand big world powers in this eleventh layer of hell, and the many demons, are especially strong.

The terrible pressure shrouded it and suppressed it on the top of all the creatures. It made people feel uncomfortable, and it was more fearful than facing the mighty Tianwei.

Lu Jingyun and others know that this is precisely because of Du Shaozhen’s “Tao”, he really took the first step.

"Really successful..."

Under the endless ray of light, the purple robe youth slowly opened their eyes at this time, revealing the boundless surprise color.

He muttered in his mouth, almost to pick it up and celebrate for himself.

At this time, Du Shaoqi gave birth to an indescribable feeling, only to feel extremely lucky.

Previously, under his last fight, the only remaining **** was almost annihilated by the sword.

It is precisely because of this that his entire talent has lost its vitality, just like death, and even consciousness and consciousness are completely lost.

Now Du Shaozhen wakes up and knows that it is just an illusion. He succeeded. Even if his **** was annihilated, there is only one trace left, but it still survives!

The tiny spot that Lu Jingyun saw in his mind was not the "daojian" that Du Shaoqi condensed, but a small point engraved on the Yuanshen!

Yes, there is only one small point left in his god, and the traces left by the sword on the gods are only a little bit big, and the former is completely covered, even Lu Jingyun can not detect it!

"The traces are small, and it is also the way I walked out, engraved on my god!"

Du Shaoqi’s mouth twitched and his face hangs a smile.

Even if it is just a trace of thousands of times smaller than the rice grain, it is also a track mark, which means that he succeeded in taking the first step.

The next thing that needs to be done is to restore the power of the gods, and then engrave more traces of the lines step by step until it is complete, then it will be the real road to the road!

"Start to restore strength!"

Du Shaoxuan no longer thinks about it and begins to control the power to run fast in the body.

A huge force was mobilized by him, and he ran through the limbs and eventually lurked.

In the mind of the sea mud pill, the **** that is much smaller than the rice grain is also growing rapidly. Over time, it gradually becomes the size of the bean, then becomes the size of the longan, and then the size of the fist. Constantly changing.

The shape of the red-breasted macaque has once again appeared. In the position of the forehead of the red-breasted macaque, there is a small spot of light, which is the nick of Du Shaoyu Avenue.


The outside world, the terrible power turned into a storm of destruction, rolling and moving, all centered on the place where Du Shaoqi is located, madly gathering.

Under the cover of this energy frenzy, many strong people are not feeling like the top of the mountain, it is difficult to breathe.

And soon, this 11th-level **** and the other levels of the 18th-level **** are also a scene of magic!

But seeing the power of boundless yin and yang, the layers are rolling, like a huge wave, releasing the horror of the horror, gradually forming a yin and yang taiji figure between the heavens and the earth.

This Tai Chi figure turns, like a round of the world, it seems to be able to wipe out everything in the world, making people look numb, terrible!

As time goes by, the yin and yang of the Taiji figure begin to produce a touch of harmony, which makes the yin and yang dividing line somewhat blurred, no longer as clear as before!

Under such circumstances, the pressure in the void has not only weakened, but has become more flaming, and the power of terror is extremely vast, making people even more eager to die!

"This is the power of the avenue..."

A thirty-three-day strong man opened his mouth and said with an endless exclamation.

For some old monsters who have lived for many years, they have been trapped in the third world for many years, but they can’t turn their own way anyway. The power of the heavens and the earth is hard to be rewrite!

But today the Qing Emperor did it, and this had to make everyone stunned!

"Thirty-three days in countless years, except for those incarnate in ancient times, there is still no one who can reach such a realm! I hope that the breakthrough of the Emperor's Emperor can play a leading role, so that more people have Confidence impacts!"

Some people also looked forward to it and muttered.

After the disintegration of the thirty-three days in the ancient war, it also greatly restricted the upper limit of cultivation of the living beings. The territory of the road has never been reached.

Of course, that realm is also extremely embarrassing, difficult to understand, not easy to reach.

"The power of the road, this is another brand new avenue!"

Under the eyes of everyone, the taiyin and yang patterns in the sky are terrible, especially the fuzzy yin and yang dividing lines in the middle. If it is the most heavy thing, it carries the most terrible things.

Many powerful people know that once Du Shaozhen has carved a perfect trace of the road, the dividing line will be completely faded, and the yin and yang power separated will eventually merge into one.

At that time, Du Shaozhen was the peak of the road, and today's Lu Shaoyou is generally unmatched!


The terrible movements are still going on, and the yin and yang graphics are like the black clouds, and the sky is over everyone’s, releasing the pressure that makes you breathless!

But in the end, everything was like a stream of water, and it was completely absorbed into Du Shaozhen's body.

When the figure of the purple robe was once again exposed to the crowd, what was stirred up was an irresistible pressure. The infinite radiance radiated from Du Shaozhen’s body, making it look like a **** on the top. Retreat, independent of the world, overlooking everything!

Along with the changes of Du Shaoqi, not far from him, Du Xiao Yao, Du Shaoqi, and Xiao Xing also experienced earth-shaking changes.

The strength of the three of them directly went straight to the immortal nine-day peak, extremely embarrassing!

You must know that in the early days, these three people were just ordinary high-powered immortals. The strongest little stars only had the cultivation of immortal eight heavens.

Such a terrible improvement is hard to believe.

Needless to say, in the process of Du Shaoying's promotion, Du Xiao Yao, Xiao Xing, and Du Shaoqi all got unimaginable benefits.

As a living creature from the world of the gods, the three people have a deep blood connection with Du Shaozhen, and naturally benefit greatly.

"In this way, all the creatures in the world of Shenwu can get very good benefits at this time!"

At this moment, a 3,000-strong world of forgotten strong voices, as it is.

This is the speculation made by Lu Yuqi earlier, but it was denied by Lu Jingyun, just because Du Shaozhen has not really broken through, and he has not engraved his own traces of the road.

But now it is different. The purple robe youth has succeeded in doing so quickly, and it will naturally bring great benefits to the whole Shenwu world. I am afraid that at this time, the space of that world is beginning to expand. The aura will be more and more intense.

"They are all awakened, let's go see!"

When all the terrible scenes slowly dissipated, Long Hao couldn’t wait to rush out and wanted to see the situation of Du Shaoqi and Xiaoxing.

Other strong people also nodded and rushed out and plunged into the distance.

Looking at the countless strong people coming in their direction, Du Shaoqi put away his momentum, and his mouth hangs a smile and looks at them.

But suddenly, only a horrible and screaming roaring voice screamed and passed from infinity, so that everyone was suddenly stunned!

The sound of this horrible sound directly succumbed to the souls of many souls, letting them fall almost directly from the void.

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