MTL - Martial God Conqueror-Chapter 2976 : Desolated cemetery [large

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Chapter 2,976: The Desolation of the Cemetery [Big Chapter].

In the case of Yu Yuyu, he certainly enjoyed the many blessings brought by the younger generations, but what they really care about is their safety!

Du Shaoqi does not wake up one day, Lu Shaoyou does not return one day, or the magic ancestors do not die one day, his two most outstanding apprentices will be at the forefront, always facing great danger!

The old man sat on the steps in front of Du Jiazu’s door, and he smiled so fascinatingly. It has been a long time, a long time...

The world of Shenwu is calm and calm. Even the many powerful people from the world of three thousand have entered the state of retreat without asking the outside world.

The situation is similar in the thirty-three days. It is peaceful, no war, no fighting, and it is too flat at any time in the past!

It’s just that countless creatures don’t say anything, but the threat posed by the ancestors is always like a shadow, shrouded over their heads.

The strong dragons, unicorns, and mysterious turtles, after welcoming their ancient ancestors, almost devoted their resources to the ancestors and looked forward to their early recovery.

Although everyone knows that if you want to wait for these strong people to return to the peak, I am afraid that after the final battle with the ancestors, after such terrorist attacks, I don’t know if I can save them in thirty-three days, but Things to do now still have to be done.

"Everything still depends on the lord of the world of three thousand, and the other is the big Luotian Dapeng, I hope they can really kill the ancestors!"

In the thirty-three days of the soul, only this last hope is left.

Time flies at a rapid speed, just like the torrent that can't be caught, no one can stop it!

It’s been more than 600 years old. It’s been eight hundred years since Du Shaozhen’s return to the Shenwu world by Lu Shaoyou. All the world is very calm.

But in these six hundred years, there have been many amazing things happening in the Shenwu world.

In the fifth hundred years when Du Shaozhen was brought back to Shenwu World by Lu Shaoyou, Du Tingxuan, Du Yunlong, Yan Qing Alcohol, Kalou Lou Yu and other strong people were all quickly breaking through. In the early years, they first reached the half-step Tiansheng. They are all in the same level as Du Shaoxuan and Xiaoxing, and they have entered the level of immortality.

In addition to these people, the immortal world in the whole world has emerged in large numbers, and the number has soared, fearing that there are no less than 200,000!

This is a very terrible number. Compared to the world of any one of the thirty-three, such a strong base is also quite impressive!

However, all this has not stopped, and more and more have to move towards immortality and become a real powerhouse!

The most prominent ones are those who are small stars, Du Xiao Yao, Du Shaoqi, and Dong Qingqing. They have had many opportunities in their early years, and with their extraordinary understanding, they have already begun to attack and forget the realm!

Under the guidance of the strongest of the Holy Emperor and Duanmu Haotian, these people did not look at the black eyes and could not find the way to promotion.

"This is a big era, an era in which the whole world has completely changed. The old man is fortunate enough to witness this process!"

The Holy Trinity stood with Duanmu Haotian and felt the change in this world, as if sighed.

In the perception of these two strong men, the power between heaven and earth is completely mobilized by countless creatures in this world.

Because of their retreat, diligent cultivation, inciting the innocent trend, set off a wave of horrible energy.

For such two strong people, although they can't peek into the deepest meaning of truth, they can also see the essence of many souls that cannot be seen through their cultivation!

The creatures of the Shenwu world are changing and getting stronger and stronger. The layer of aura that fluctuates, affecting the order and rules of the heavens and the earth, and rolling up the boundless mysterious power, making people feel incited!

Even the Holy One and the Duanmu, who have never seen such a grand event, almost all the souls of this world are breaking through.

"If the younger boy has a sense of autonomy, he is afraid that he can benefit a lot from such fluctuations! In addition to the speed of entry into the world, the world has been stagnant for many years!"

Duanmu Haotian gently opened, and if so.

The Shenwu world is closely related to Du Shaoqi. It is precisely because he has mastered the rules of heaven in this world. Therefore, in every breakthrough, he will open up some things that have been silent for countless years, causing the world of Shenwu to grow again and again, the overall scale and the concentration of aura. All are flying in general!

But the current situation is different. For hundreds of years, Du Shaoqi himself has been in a state of silence, and has not been able to find much change.

Therefore, the world of Shenwu has not expanded again, as always!

But the living beings living in this world are making breakthroughs with great blessings!

All of this was caused by Du Shaoqi, but this time it failed to bring any benefits to Du Shaoqi, only because he lost consciousness and could not mobilize these vast forces.

To the Holy Emperor and Duanmu Haotian had to sigh, if Du Shaoqi even has a sense of consciousness, as long as the power of the world of Shenwu, and then to resolve the power of the chaos of the ancestors, I am afraid it is not too difficult!

At the same time, the two looked up at Tianzhu, and there was a piece of aura around the curtain that day, and they were soaring and spectacular!

It is also an endless law order intertwined, constructing a very imposing manner, the mystery that can't be said!

For the general strong, it is difficult to see such intangible changes!

However, the two are not strong, and at least they are not at the same level as Lu Shaoyou. Otherwise, they must be able to see that in addition to the changes in the rules of invisible order, the traces of the avenues are not only evolved, but also complicated. abnormal.

Under the changes of the traces of this avenue, there is a burst of resonance that is difficult to perceive, and it sways in every place in this world!

The sarcophagus in the Du Jiazu 棺 is still placed securely, and the light wrapped in Du Shaozhen is placed in it!

Under the consumption of these hundreds of years, the power of colorful light did not consume much, and the scarlet light that entangled in the final life of Du Shaohao still exists, and I want to swallow it!

There is no change in the vitality of Du Shaoqi, as in the early years!

Only a few hundred years ago, there was a faint to extreme tremor, which was caused by the spiritual cultivation of this world, but no one noticed it.

However, on this day, in an ordinary time nearly eight hundred years later, there was a slight change in power in Shijie.


Du Shaozhen's life was gently shaken, it seems to be a slight tremor under a certain resonance fluctuation.

But this time trembling, there are some differences with the earlier.

If Lu Shaoyou is here, I can definitely feel it. With this slight vibration, there is an invisible force that gently impacts it. It seems that I want to smash the scarlet light that is wrapped around my body!

However, this fluctuation is slightly extreme, and it is tens of thousands of times weaker than a larva in a soil!

Therefore, when it comes to the power of the magical ancestors, it is not even tickle!

But this seems to indicate a good start, which shows that Du Shaozhen’s life has changed.

However, just after this change, Du Shaozhen’s life form once again fell into silence, and there was no longer any movement for a long time.

A thousand years of success, smashing the sea!

The concept of a thousand years is nothing to be considered by practitioners. Some of the strongest people need to retreat for tens of thousands of years!

No matter which side of the world, in the presence of countless practitioners, there is no such thing as a sea of ​​sang.

Once again, for more than a thousand years, the worlds are still calm, and countless souls are striving to find a breakthrough!

In addition to retreat, many people will occasionally walk out of the cultivation place and move around in various places to increase their sentiment!

After repairing to a certain level, the so-called experience has not played a strong role, and more depends on understanding!

Walking through thousands of mountains and rivers, seeing the world, I may be able to grasp a certain rhythm from a worming song, and then realize the epiphany!

This situation is very mysterious, it seems that it is not true, but the fact is just that!

For nearly two thousand years, the number of immortal powers in the Shenwu world has grown from a small number to about 400,000!

This is a powerful force, even in the world of any one of thirty-three days, it is extremely fierce!

However, there are still more souls still trying to cultivate, is not to think of an early breakthrough, the achievement of immortal body!

In the thousands of years that followed, Du Shaozhen’s life was a few more trembling!

As early as the first and second vibrations, it was separated by about four or five hundred years; and between the second and third times, it was only three hundred years; the fourth vibration was consumed again. Going for two hundred years...

This is an increasingly frequent process. Although it is weak, no one can see it, but it exists!

Xiaolong, Yang Guo, Lu Xinyu, Emperor Ba Tian, ​​Dong Huang Tai Xuan, Lu Jingyun, Long Yao and others have not appeared for many years. Lu Shaoyou went to the earth world and did not return. No one knows what they have specifically gone. The situation!

Many souls know that this will not always be so calm, but they don't know, when will the turbulent day suddenly come.

"Thirty-three days of speeding letters and Da Luotian, telling the lords of the three thousand worlds, something big happened!"

Sure enough, on one day, many powerful people outside the battlefield of the gods and gods heard a voice, coming from the battlefield of the gods and demon, with a strong urgency.

Many people looked awkward and immediately rushed forward.

With the appearance of a figure, the emperor came from the **** battle of the suppression of the battle, and all the strong who heard the sentence, is not very nervous!

"Report quickly, the ancestors moved!"

This kind of news is like a giant mountain rushing into the calm lake, stirring up the wind and waves, sweeping nine days!

The news was like a hurricane. The whole thirty-three days were all boiling up and set off a terrible panic!

"Go fast to Da Luotian and find the Lord of the Three Thousands!"

"Send people to the world of three thousand and seek support!"

Some of the older generation's strongmen made a decisive decision and issued such an order.

Numerous strong people have started to move, and the whole thirty-three days have changed from the initial quiet to the extreme, boiling against the sky!

Someone took the news and quickly went to the world of Shenwu, and told the strong people there.

In addition, there are also strong followers following the guidelines left by the 3,000-strong world powers in the early years, and want to add more powerful people to the 3,000-year-old world!

No one knows Lu Shaoyou, the lord of the world of three thousand, who is in the world of Shenwu or the world of three thousand, but now he can only resist the ancestors of the ancestors, he is the last of all thirty-three days of life. Hope.

"The ancestors have moved, and a new round of war is about to begin!"

All the strong people are flying in the direction of the gods and the battlefield, while some people have a very heavy opening, as it is.

The ancestors recovered in the eighteen layers of **** for many years. After completing all the eighteen gods, they fought with Lu Shaoyou, and now it is thousands of years.

For thirty-three days, the fierce demon of the world has not really set foot in thirty-three days!

But this time I am afraid it is different, things are very different!

This time, there is no advance arrangement of Lu Shaoyou, the lord of the world of three thousand, without the leadership of Da Luotian, Dapeng Huang, all the thirty-three days of the strong feel that the heart is heavy to the point of no more!

If the ancestors really entered thirty-three days, what do they take to stop?

"Collect all the strong, ready to fight!"

A series of orders were issued, and countless strong men followed, such as the group bees generally flocked to the place where the gods and gods battles.

"I hope that in these years, there will be new arrangements for the lord of the world of three thousand! Otherwise, this time, I am afraid it will be worse!"

Some strong people are worried and open.

Under the arrangement of the lord of the world of three thousand, they seem to be in a hurry!

All the strong people feel that in the face of the ancestors, I am afraid that there is no other way than suicide.

If Lu Shaoyou did not make a new preparation, what will happen?

In fact, no one can know that Lu Shaoyou did not make any detailed preparations.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to, but the power of the ancestors can’t be contained. The past means can’t be used anymore!

Under the absolute strength of suppression, how to fancy the arrangement, and finally it is difficult to resist the horror demon!

What he can only think of is to break through, reach the highest level, achieve the invisible body, and fight with the same strength with the ancestors!

"I don't know if Dapeng Emperor Du Shaoqi has recovered. The news has been broken for many years. I hope he can reappear and join the three thousand world leader Lu Shaoyou to bring all the creatures to fight!"

Those who have thirty-three days of strength are feeling emotional and with ardent expectations.

At this time, they miss Du Shaoqi and Lu Shaoyou very much.

"Everyone enters the battlefield of the gods and is ready to resist the ancestors! If you want to commit a crime for thirty-three days, you must first step on the body of me and others!"

Some strong people shouted, and a figure around them swept out, passing by the **** crack of the cracked seal!

With countless figures coming in, the magical battles boiled up.

Thirty-three days, there were too many hollows, and I don’t know how many strong people entered the sky, and then went to the vicinity of the gods and battles.

Among these people, from the weak to the top, there is everything!

The world of the gods, the real world, the immortal world, and the environment of forgotten, all plunge into the first battle.

For thirty-three days, the forgotten ancestors took the lead and went straight through the gates of Hell. They wanted to further observe the latest movements of the Devil.

In their gaze, through the innocent starry sky, you can see that a cloud of chaotic gas is boiling, as if the clouds are generally awkward.

Even through the distance of endless distance, people can clearly perceive that the power in the cloud is too horrible, and one eye will make people feel that the body is contracted and bloody, and it is hard to breathe!

"That is the real power of the ancestors..."

There is a strong man muttering in the mouth, saying this.

In ancient times, the ancestors killed the world, and they fought against Pangu and Daluo Tianzun, and they were both disabled in the 33rd day and the Mozu world.

The two worlds of the two worlds are not saved, and they become the final thirty-three days and eighteen layers of hell.

It is conceivable that the ancestors of the heyday were so strong!

"His strength is still climbing and growing. It is estimated that it will take a long time to really come to the world again!"

Sounds like this sound everywhere, and many powerful people can easily find that the strength of the ancestors is still growing stronger.

He is still in the process of recovery, but he can conclude that since the other party appears directly and does not continue to evade, it can only explain one problem - the day of the true recovery of the ancestors is not far away!

"When you guard the gates of hell, let this starry sky become our battlefield!"

An old man who had to be white was open and said softly.

No matter how powerful the ancestors are, but as long as they exist, they will never easily let the other party kill and block, let the ancestors kill for thirty-three days, killing countless creatures!

As the strongest group of all living beings, this is their duty to be duty-bound!

In fact, many people understand that it is not a terrible battlefield to be here. To be more precise, it should be the most bleak cemetery...

"Break the battle, fight against the ancestors!"

Many people's blood is rolling up and burning!

Countless people are ready to swear to resist the ancestors, even if they die, what about?

The huge and powerful battles were arranged by them, and everyone was ready for everything.

They all know that with the power of their own countless people, it is impossible to stop the powerful demon ancestors!

In the presence of such a person who came from ancient times and emerged from chaos and has the body of the demon, their resistance is especially inferior to the stone!

In the eyes of everyone, in the distant places, the chaos of the scarlet light, the violent, fierce, killing, **** and other forces, emerge endlessly, straighten to the top, shocked the world!

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