MTL - Martial God Conqueror-Chapter 2977 : The so-called "no" [large

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Chapter 2,197: The so-called "nothing" [big chapter].

Earth World!

The action of the ancestors has not yet affected this place. Under the innocent starry sky, all the terrible forces are blocked in the distant places, and it is difficult to touch here!

The existence of this world is very different from other worlds!

Here, the flow of time is very slow!

Thirty-three days have been rushing for years, but the earth world is just less than a year ago!

Therefore, compared with the early years when Lu Shaoyou came to the world with Xiaolong, there was not much change here.

But the earth's world is different from the thirty-three days and the three thousand worlds. Even the two powerful world powers, once they come here, fear will be a look. Circle, just because everything here is too different!

In the earth world, the souls are weak, and the aura is thin and horrible!

No matter whether it is a human race or other living beings, there are few practitioners. Even some hidden rivers of mountains and rivers can only be found as few weak people, not too strong than ordinary people. , let alone be compared with those of the thirty-three days and three thousand worlds!

In addition, only the people in this area stand out from the crowd, standing at the top of all living beings, with great wisdom!

In this world, human beings gather and live, and towering buildings rise up in the sky.

Under the transformation of the Terran, the Earth World has gained tremendous ability in a very strange way!

“The people in this world cannot cultivate and change themselves, so they seek the many mysteries of this world, starting from the subtleties, and gaining the means that those who I cultivate will not care about! They live, travel, produce, etc. , all involve something called technology!"

At that time, Lu Shaoyou once said to Xiaolong.

His soul comes from this world and is born again in the world of three thousand, so he knows everything about it here.

In the earth world, the Terran is different from the Three Thousand Worlds and the Thirty-three Days. They travel by means of “cars”, “airplanes”, “trains” and other tools, and they are connected to each other by means of “telephone” and “network”. Like these things, too many to mention!

At first, Xiaolong was very fresh and curious about these things.

He had to admire the human race in this world, and he could get so many strange means by observing the elements of the heavens and the earth!

Even though these means are in the eyes of these powerful people, there is no such thing as a mystery!

If a cultivator is willing to explore these things, it is definitely much easier than the Terran of the Earth World!

However, after all, under the premise that they do not have enough strength, these means are the most suitable way to survive the Earth!

This truth, Xiaolong knows very well!

"Don't look at the fact that the creatures in this world are very weak, but the weapons they create are terrible. Even if it is a small world of thirty-three days, if you really die with them, you will not be able to survive!"

Lu Shaoyou also said this to Xiao Long. He also went to a place with his brother.

The humans there carried out a terrible explosion in a desert, and the horror energy went straight to the top, and the desire to open the sky!

What surprised Xiaolong most is that there is also a strange power, like a super-penetrating energy, which can form terrible damage to the function of life, killing people invisible!

Lu Shaoyou told him that it was a so-called "nuclear explosion experiment" that showed only a small part of the power.

If the most terrible war is coming, useless means, the entire world of the earth will be overturned, and all living beings will not escape, and will die!

"The people of this world are really different! But their means are strange, but they are not enough to make this world completely ruined. After all, it is related to the Pangu god!"

When he heard Lu Shaoyou’s words, Xiaolong also sighed.

They have walked through many places in this world, and Xiaolong has also seen many novelties.

From the perspective of war alone, if the life of the earth world fights with a small world of thirty-three days or three thousand worlds, it is estimated that it will not be much worse!

Of course, the premise is that they are still unable to get rid of the shackles of this world, and they cannot bring the means to those worlds.

Coupled with the many means that cultivators have, the comparison is even more extraordinary. If you win or lose in a single argument, you don't have to think about it.

In addition to these, Xiaolong knows that there are some differences in the world of the earth!

Here, it is closely related to Pangu Great God, but what kind of relationship exists, even Lu Shaoyou can not be too specific.

But he knows that Pangu is here!

It is precisely because of this that Lu Shaoyou will choose to retreat here, impact the ultimate visionless!


When the neon of the sky illuminates the whole city, a row of bright and bright street lights are intertwined and the city is cut into pieces.

The traffic on the road is like a wind, coming and going like the wind.

"The road is yin and yang, the yin and yang are tens of thousands of laws, and the martial arts are woven." The road to cultivation is the end of the journey. It is a process of joining the road! The avenue comes from chaos, but where does chaos come from?"

Among the thousands of miles in the night sky, a huge iron bird flies with a horrible roar and traverses the sky at an extremely fast speed.

This is what is called an airplane in the earth's world.

At this time, the plane was sitting on the upper plate, and it was impossible to see its specific appearance under the night. It only had a skeleton outline.

It can be vaguely seen that this is a man's figure, with long hair behind his head, completely different from the dress of this world.

He sat on the back of the plane like this, and the wind swept past his side, but he couldn't even pick up a hair.

"The realm of 斩 开始 开始 领 领 领 , , 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不

The man gently opened his mouth, his voice was very subtle, and no outsider could hear it.

This man is the Lu Shaoyou who is seeking a breakthrough in the earth world.

He left thirty-three days and a thousand years, but in this world it was only a few months.

Lu Shaoyou knows clearly that the reason why the time flow rate is so different here is because of the Pangu Great God.

"The Taoist ancient Chinese biography said that the world is coming from chaos, and chaos begins with no..."

Lu Shaoyou whispered and then asked himself: "So, nothing?"

His brows picked up slightly, with some confusion.

These principles are very simple to understand, and perhaps a Chinese person of Huaxia can also elaborate one or two.

According to the records in some ancient books, it is known that the heavens and the earth are evolved from chaos, and eventually the thousands of creatures and colorful worlds are derived, and the avenues of bounds and boundless rules are constructed!

Chaos, but it starts with "nothing"!

Simply put, no, no, no, no!

Since it does not exist, how does chaos appear?

Lu Shaoyou did not understand, he could not understand the true mystery of this.

Stepping into the road, and at the peak of the years, the power of chaos has long been mastered by him.

But to be honest, he has not realized the mysterious land of the line for many years.

“Where is the place where the predecessors of Chuangling went, what is it?”

Lu Shaoyou inevitably thought of another thing. When Du Shaoqi took people into the 18th floor of Hell, he and Xiaolong went to a special area.

There, both of them have some new insights.

Really want to say what they saw, can be summarized in one sentence: everything, but nothing!

This feeling is extremely mysterious and very contradictory, but it is a real thing.

All the magnificent scenery, carefully looked at, but like a dream bubble, just as life is alive, the world is changing, true and false, unpredictable!

It was also in that place that Lu Shaoyou gained a huge sense of faintness and looming signs of breakthrough, which delayed a lot of time and almost caused great changes in the actions of the 18-story hell.

Fortunately, he left the state in time and rushed back to thirty-three days, which stopped the continued deterioration of things.

However, the magical feeling that is looming to be seized is also disconnected at that time. At this moment, it is extremely difficult to continue to go up!

"Being out of nothing, there is chaos, there is everything, everything comes from nothing..."

Lu Shaoyou was sitting on the back of the plane, whispering.

He turned his eyes to the distance, and saw the endless bright lights, and also the mountains and rivers that stretched miles!

Everything that exists in the world is real and illusory. One person, from the slightest, is it true or false?

This problem, Lu Shaoyou also did not understand at this time.

But he knows the fact that it is all that the world has, even if it dissipates into a cloud of smoke, it will leave traces of it, and it will not really be wiped out!

Just like the big tree in the sky, or the smoldering of the fire, it turns into earth ash, and it can also decay into mud and flow along the water.

But it is undeniable that this tree has existed and has continued to exist in another way after its demise. The only difference is that it is no longer a tree!

From this level, what is the real emptiness?

Chaotic metamorphosis, creation of all things, annihilation of everything, return to chaos, where will chaos return?

Lu Shaoyou knows the answer, then it is no...

But the problem took a big circle and returned to the original starting point.

What is true?

"There is no image, no fear, what is the ultimate secret!"

Lu Shaoyou sighed, and he stood up on the back of the machine.

At this point, the flight has reached the end and landed slowly!

Lu Shaoyou stepped forward and stepped out on the ground, just like walking on the ladder, slowly rising to the clouds.

He dispelled the protective force outside his body, letting the hurricane between the heavens and the wind blew on his face, feeling the power from nature, and wrapped his hair back to fly.

"The visionless world can open up the world, create the spirit, control the sentient beings, the essence is to obtain the strongest principle, and it is feasible to do nothing..."

Lu Shaoyou thought of Pangu Da Shen, thought of Da Luo Tian Zun, thought of the ancestors, and thought of the predecessors of the spirit...

This is the ability to have no image, master the source of chaos, gain the power of "nothing", you will be born out of nothing, open up a world, and give birth to all beings!

These demon gods who came out of chaos, they have innate advantages, have mastered the source of chaos very early, and are closer to the existence of "nothing", so in this step than Lu Shaoyou to save too much effort.

However, Lu Shaoyou felt that this is not a fundamental difference. The demon is also a living being, and is also a member born out of "nothing". There is no essential difference between this and the world.

Since they can realize the existence of "nothing", why can't they do it?

"Not as good as... try this?"

Suddenly, Lu Shaoyou raised his eyebrows and thought of a possibility.

His heart began to violently jump, almost crazy for what he had imagined.

Since everything comes from nothing, what is the end of the world? Is it also no?

If this is the case, wouldn't it mean that you can follow this idea to try?

He quickly thought of the whole process. First, he evolved everything with his own chaos, and then let everything continue to be derived. Until the sea was smashed, the world was shattered. When it was empty, it was the most authentic annihilation. What it felt was Really no!

Naturally, Lu Shaoyou is now a world of evolution, and there is no difference between it and the real world. It can also open up a vast space and create everything in the world and countless creatures.

But there is a great difference between it and the real world. That is the world that he evolved. It needs to maintain its own strength every time, otherwise it will soon dissipate and not last!

The biggest shortcoming in this is that he does not have the concept of "nothing".

Perhaps by this means, you can really feel the ultimate way!

However, Lu Shaoyou has some drums in his heart. Will the consequences of this happen to annihilate himself invisible? Can he finally wake up?

At this moment, he was weighing something in his heart.

If there is not a lot of tie-ups, I must definitely try it out, but now the ancestors are not dead, thirty-three days and three thousand big worlds are not.

In addition, the younger brother Du Shaoyu is still in silence, not knowing life and death.

If he really can't wake up again, even a dust can't stay, and it really becomes a nihilistic existence, then who can do it?

Lu Shaoyou counts, he is not afraid to do this, but there are really many things that can't be put down.


A burst of wind and wind, as if the knife was generally cut on Lu Shaoyou's body, but did not cause any slight damage to him.

He stood so quietly over the sky, and a round of bright moon traversed his body.

This figure of the green robe stood like this, motionless, as if it were a statue standing on the sky.

He has always maintained this attitude, it seems that this station is a long time.

"This dead knot can't be opened, and it can't kill the ancestors. After all, it can't protect the three thousand worlds and thirty-three days. I am afraid that even the small earth world of this side will not survive! If so, then Bet on a gamble!"

I don't know how long it took, Lu Shaoyou suddenly made a sound, look at the sky, still no change.

The bright light in his eyes is more dazzling than the brightest stars in the night sky.

Everything still needs him to make changes, whether it is the Devil or Du Shao, perhaps he needs to do something.

If he can't break through the imagelessness, he doesn't have enough strength to change more things. The thirty-three days and the three thousand worlds will be turned into magical fields.

Instead of this, it is better to bet on a gamble, to fight for the best possible with the courage of the boat!

"let's start……"

Lu Shaoyou said gently, and after his body flashed, he left the earth world.

He did not intend to try in this world, but instead found a lonely star and sat down.

Lu Shaoyou gently closes his eyes, as if he is old.

Then, a mysterious air machine rushed out of him and quickly spread around.

This air machine is very vast and tyrannical, but the whole star is included in the shackles, and it continues to spread rapidly.

With the strength of Lu Shaoyou today, under the full force, the stars are not covered, and such stars do not know how many pieces can be counted!

Under such circumstances, a unique atmosphere suddenly emerged in the starry sky, which seems to be covered with a mysterious aura.


In Lu Shaoyou's body, the power of chaos is boiling and boiling, just like the hot porridge cooked!

The power of these chaos is compressed by him, and finally merges into a light group under the umbilicus. The power of layers in the light group is changing, and the glare is blooming.

In the faint, you can see through these rays, the chaotic metamorphosis inside, and the change to the yin and yang, to the end, but the appearance of a yin and yang fish.


This yin and yang fish pattern rotates, with the release of Wei Li, it seems to be able to wipe out all the terrible gods in the world, fierce and unmatched, want to break free from his body!

But this yin and yang fish was suppressed by Lu Shaoyou, and he settled down, but he also beat a few times from time to time, trying to break his bondage.

Lu Shaoyou made all efforts at this time, mobilized all the power, the power displayed was terrible, almost beyond his control!

However, what he wants is not the result. He continues to infuse the yin and yang fish graphics with chaotic gas. He wants to squeeze all the power in the body without leaving a trace!

At the same time, it is necessary to control the movement of the yin and yang fish, and suppress it so as not to exceed your own control.

The purpose of Lu Shaoyou’s doing this is to seek the final outbreak. He wants to see what kind of situation he will achieve in a world that has evolved from his own efforts.

In the end, it is to control the growth and evolution of the world, from weak to strong, and then from prosperity to exhaustion, until it dies, no longer exists!

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