MTL - Martial God Conqueror-Chapter 2978 : Body is empty [big]

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The second thousand nine hundred and seventy-eight chapters: the body is empty [big chapter]

Lu Shaoyou closed his eyes and closed his eyes, and his body was full of layers of air and tumbling, not tossing!

The yin and yang fish graphics are spinning wildly, giving out terrible invisible fluctuations. If there are creatures close, they are afraid that they will die directly and are killed in the invisible!

This yin and yang taiji fish is still under the constant compression of Lu Shaoyou, and Wei Li smashes!

In the midst of the insurgency of chaos and chaos, they are all differentiated and turned into yin and yang, becoming part of the yin and yang fish!

Suddenly, at a certain moment, a dull bang of "Boom" spread, and when the yin and yang fish were compressed to the extreme, it broke out instantly!

"Oh la la..."

The power of horror is madly shot and rushed out of Lu Shaoyou’s body, endless catharsis, and violently shocked!

滔滔 滔滔 滔滔 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

In the boundless space, everything is dust, and only the power released by Lu Shaoyou is boiling!

He sits in the center of this power, like the same god, the master of everything!

At this time, Lu Shaoyou’s face also appeared pale.

He drained all his power, and all the chaotic origins in the body were all divided, and the cohesion was compressed into yin and yang, and then quickly spread out!

"The power of the world, give me a cure!"

Closed, Lu Shaoyou was vocal, and his hands were full of complicated handprints.

Accompanying it, the surrounding terrorist forces began to roar and roar!

The power of this layer is constantly intertwined, changing combinations, and alive.

Soon there was a scene of wonder, but in the vast space, the endless land was spreading, and there were mountains and rivers, and rivers traversed things...

Outside the space, there is a special force to generate, intertwined and derived, shocking the power of terrible laws, so that this space is completely independent!

There are thick clouds on the scorpio, and the horrible thunder and lightning are like dragons and snakes dancing, raging, slamming and ruining!


Suddenly, a horrible screaming sound swayed like a river flowing down from ancient times and into this world!

With the snoring of this sizzle, you can see an infinitely long dragon body stalking up, swimming around in the space of Lu Shaoyou, carrying endless power!


Then, I heard a sound like a bird.

Followed by, the infinite flames appear to rise, burning all directions, if you can burn the world!

This is a huge flamingo with two wings and a long tail, which is very similar to the shape of the Phoenix family in thirty-three days!

The dragons and Chifengs in tandem are terrible!

Both of them have great differences with the Dragons, Phoenixs, and Qinglongs in the world of thirty-three days and three thousand, but in terms of appearance, they are very similar!

One dragon and one phoenix, terrible, if it is the highest living, it is suddenly born between this world!

This is the birth of the world in Lu Shaoyou, the birth of the living spirit, like the ancestors and Yuanfeng in the thirty-three days, for the innate spirit, endless and powerful!

Only after the two appeared, everything did not end!

As time goes by, you can see that more creatures have emerged, jumping and jumping in this world!

A huge black tiger was born from the heavens and the earth, and walked through the mountains and forests. A small island emerged above the sea, engraved with a checkerboard-like mark. Then the island smashed out from one end. One head, originally a giant tortoise; in a deep mountain, gave birth to a strange creature, in the form of a snake, but with eight heads, capable of spewing different forces...

A living spirit appears in this world, and it is nurtured under the blessing of the power of heaven and earth. When it first appeared, it has a terrible power!

However, these creatures are still growing rapidly. They have seized the power of creation between heaven and earth, and they have grown rapidly.

In the entire space, there is a strong force of law, which is built by Lu Shaoyou, forming a powerful rule between heaven and earth, condensing a vast order!


In the whole world form, there are constantly inborn creatures.

In the process of the evolution of the world, these creatures have realized the world jurisprudence and realized the ideology of the road, and it is becoming more and more powerful!

And only at a certain moment, with the birth of the first dragon, the invisible force between the heavens and the earth seems to be touched, and it stops!

Since then, all the creatures that have emerged are the day after tomorrow...

At the same time, the rules of the world and the rules of law have also taken shape, and they have suddenly solidified, as if they have evolved to an extreme level!

The congenital spirit era, from now on!

But the wonderful evolution of the whole world has not been cut off!

In this space, there are countless innate creatures, no more than the number of innate spirits!

"The world has become a condensate..."

Sitting in the center of the world, Lu Shaoyou muttered, he gently spit out a breath, said to himself: "Continue!"

With his slight words falling, but listening to the "bang" a loud noise spread, like a thunder in this space, so that the whole world wants to collapse!


In an instant, the mountains and rivers and the jungles and rivers are further expanding wildly, and the whole world continues to grow. The overall scale has risen in multiples in a short period of time!

This scene is terrible. It seems that this world wants to expand to an infinite degree within a limited time!

In fact, Lu Shaoyou knows clearly that when Pan Gu Da Shen, Da Luo Tian Zun, Mozu Luo Yu and others are opening up the world, they will never forcibly intervene in the growth of the world in such a short period of time and make it fly fast.

For those chaotic gods, opening up the world is like shaping your own beloved things, or a process of flowering results, without deliberate!

Only after the world has stabilized, they will let go, let the whole world grow up slowly, naturally transition, and wait until the end is as ripe as the Pangu world and the Mozu world in ancient times!

However, Lu Shaoyou is different. He only wants to understand the concept of "nothing", and he wants to realize the power of such a glimpse of the road!

In this process, he must always participate in the changes of the world. The form of the whole world must also be maintained by his full strength in order to survive!

The biggest difference between the path of the road and the state of the imagelessness, in this respect, is whether they need to instill it with their own strength after they have evolved into the world!

Once Lu Shaoyou withdraws his strength at this time, the whole world formed will soon dissipate and return to nothingness, no longer exist!

After the Pangu Great God, Da Luo Tianzun and others opened up the world that year, they will be placed aside, so that they can naturally evolve!

This is the huge difference between the two!


Under the control of Lu Shaoyou, this world has grown rapidly.

In a short time, the whole world became incomparably prosperous. Among them, the four primitive laws of time, space, material and life were all there, and there were endless derivation laws that weaved the rules and order between heaven and earth.

In the world, life is endless, and countless creatures are presented here, almost reaching the peak of the world!

This is the purpose of Lu Shaoyou. What he wants is to evolve this world into the most prosperous situation, just like picking up stones and stacking them into mountains!

On the day when the mountain was formed, it was suddenly pushed down!

Next, what Lu Shaoyou has to do is to gently push it out!


He breathed a sigh of relief in his mouth, and his eyes were no longer closed, but he glanced at his work.

I have to say that this world is very prosperous, and all the creatures in it have reached the peak in a short time because of his full force, which is terrible!

In the world form, many congenital creatures have achieved the cultivation of the near-boundary realm. If you give these creatures enough time, I am afraid that they will really break into the road!

But Lu Shaoyou knows clearly that all this is just an illusory thing!

As long as you can't realize "nothing", then all these things are rootless duckweed, which can't last forever. Until the day when his own power is exhausted, he will never escape the fate of dying!

"This gambling, there is no such thing as a success, but nothing is lost!"

Lu Shaoyou whispered openly, speaking in a voice that only he could hear.

Sitting for a moment, but it seems to have been sitting for countless years.

Finally, his expression became extremely calm, slowly lifting a palm, and spitting a word in his lips: "Go!"

With this "walking" word falling, it seems that the most powerful force in the world is booming!


In the world where he evolved, the time wheel was rolling and spinning, flying fast!

If someone can stand outside the world at this time, you will find a creepy scene!

But when you see the whole world form, everything is running at an exaggerated to the extreme speed. The time and space change here, compared to thirty-three days and three thousand big worlds, etc., I am afraid that it will be tens of millions of times faster. !

A head grows to thrive, but quickly grows old and decays into mud!

The mountains stretched across the mountain, but under the erosion of time and power, they collapsed!

The rivers are criss-crossed, but after all, they can't resist the invasion of the years, and the film is dry and turned into a desert!

Situations like this happen everywhere in this space, and they are fast!

Lu Shaoyou has exhausted all his power and made this world a turn.

He is the **** here, with the heavenly constitution, the words and the law, everything is under his control!

The extremes of the matter will be reversed, and the prosperity will decline. When the whole world has developed into an extreme place, and then Lu Shaoyou instills the power to evolve, it begins to slowly descend the downhill road!

As time went by, everything started with a different change.


I don't know when it was, a subtle sound rang between the heavens and the earth.

The sound is very slight and difficult to detect. It is like a rope that has been lifted and heavy, and it is insignificant!

However, the fact is that only in the near future, a powerful and unparalleled soul will naturally grow old, sit down and die, and die from the world!

This is extremely incredible, unimaginable!

In the normal world, even the existence of immortality is worthy of the saying that "everything is immortal and immortal."

However, in this world of Lu Shaoyou, there has been such a strange scene, and the scene of forgetting is dying, falling into the world, and incredible!

"The order is broken, the rules are broken, and the end times are coming..."

In the world form, those congenital creatures discovered such a scene.

They knew that the slight sound was that the rules and order of the avenues between heaven and earth were broken, but they were powerless to change anything.


Time passes quickly, more and more sounds are emitted, and more and more dense.

Under the full force of Lu Shaoyou, the world has not continued to evolve and grow, but has shown a state of dying.

More powerful creatures die in the world and fall into dust!

The order of the law is disintegrating, and the avenue is collapsing. The mountains and rivers, the rivers and rivers, and the jungle trees on the ground all began to crack, collapse, dry up, and decay!

In one scene, it shows the meaning of depression.

The souls die in pieces, and in the case of the demise of the order between the heavens and the earth, they themselves have suffered a huge impact and can't compete at all.

Even those congenital creatures that were made to be strong and unmatched, but also the body appeared to wither, and the Yuanshen began to turbid.


In the world, the terrible humming sounds are soaring, dull and bleak, as if playing a sad song, making the whole space a mourning!

Lu Shaoyou is sitting in the center, no joy or no sadness!

His own body began to differentiate, the original young and handsome face, but at this time it was a gully, folds, and the dark hair behind the head has long become pale, dull!

His breath is also weakening, breathing is no longer as symmetrical as ever, it seems to be an ordinary human, generally began to decline, the limit is coming!

As the pioneer and master of the whole world, Lu Shaoyou is dying in this space, and his own power is also dissipating.

It is foreseeable that, only when the world has completely disappeared, he himself will be completely degraded and become nothingness, erased from the world, without leaving traces of traces!

"Probably, this is ‘no’!”

Lu Shaoyou whispered, he squinted, feeling everything, and the process of his own demise.

The function in his body drifted wildly and quickly lost.

On the face, on the body, the pieces of skin dried up and then fell; the flesh and blood turned into powder, rustling down; the inch of bones shattered, and then failed to escape the decaying destiny.

This is Lu Shaoyou's own choice of path. He realized this process, no joy or no sorrow, no negative emotions caused by the loss of his own strength and the extinction of the flesh.

He had already expected everything, and the facts were almost identical to what he had imagined.

Pushing one world to the top, and then dissipating with one, the process is very wonderful, very mysterious, and he gave birth to a lot of emotions that he had not felt before.

What kind of concept is “none”, how Lu Shaoyou has not been able to participate in the past, including now that he has not really grasped the wonderful feeling.

However, after this act, he now feels that he is getting closer and closer to the end he wants to reach.

No, that is, no, that is, empty, that is, there is no trace, that is, there is no trace of it!

This is very different from the evolution of everything in the normal world, and it has a very different place.

Whether in thirty-three days, in the world of three thousand, or in the eighteen layers of hell, everything will change.

The huge mountains and rivers are annihilated, turned into dust, blown by the wind, and flow to the rest of the world; the creatures turn into dead bones, flesh and blood are mud, nourish the long jungle...

Fundamentally speaking, the changes within the world itself are within the control of the law order.

When things are transformed into each other, they will exist in the world in another form. It is not the real annihilation and demise, just like the practice of Lu Shaoyou when he was young, and the power of the five elements revolves with each other.

But today, all of this is very different, and he will disappear with the world he has evolved into a true "nothing"!

"If you have a thought, you have nothing to say, just don't know, will I eventually return to the world!"

The flow of time is fast, and Lu Shaoyou’s body has all withered and disappeared.

The location of the center of the world, and only a group of faint and weak light is still shining.

Surrounded by a devastated world, the creatures have long since died, and all the matter is dissipated and turned into chaotic gas. The space collapses and turns into pieces, leaving only the time wheel is still rolling wildly.

At this time, Lu Shaoyou was not enough to give birth to some emotions.

He knows that he will become a real "nothing" with all this, no longer exists, but he can't know if he can finally wake up!

There is no image, no image, no image, this is the ultimate realm, everything comes from nothingness, and goes to nothing.

If Lu Shaoyou wants to break through the final layer, he must break through and become "nothing" and then "nothing"!

At that time, it is the real elephantless, standing at the top of the world!

However, no one can be sure, as the strongest of all the worlds, the first to be able to pry into the realm of the realm of the natural spirit, can you finally succeed!

If there is no image, then the defeat will be annihilated!

It must be known that only the ancient known gods of Pangu, Dalutianzun, Mozuo, and Chuangling have been ruined since ancient times, and they are all chaotic creatures, even those who are more advantageous than Lu Shaoyou. Congenital spirits, no one has ever done it!

"wait for me!"

Lu Shaoyou’s Yuanshen sent such a wave of volatility and did not know who said it.

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