MTL - Martial God Conqueror-Chapter 2992 : Ultimate Secret [Large

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The second chapter of the nine hundred and ninety-two chapters: the ultimate secret [big chapter].

Lu Shaoyou’s eyes are suddenly a glimpse, watching Du Shaozhen approach the front of the ancestors!

He knows that perhaps the next moment, there will be a terrible killing between the two!

The strength of the ancestor is great, and Du Shaozhen is relatively weak. At this time, the two men may have similar combat power. Du Shaohao still has the opportunity to occupy some active positions!

But the more it will face the final result, Lu Shaoyou is more nervous!

Under his gaze, Du Shaozhen was not in a hurry to stand in front of the ancestors, but stared at the tall, magical body that seemed to be broken and defeated at the moment!

"Whether the two generations of Pangu and Da Luo Tianzun really have a layout, but one thing can't be changed, that is all this has become an established fact! And I, the one who can kill him. !"

Du Shaoqi gently opened his mouth, his eyes were still moving, and he was full of murderous words, but it did not sound too strong.

In the ancient world war, the Pangu Great God and the Da Luo Tianzun two people, whether or not they really intend to make such a layout, in order to make the ancestors become half of the big Luo Tiansheng spirit, so that the undead body is shattered, this has become a fact!

Today, Du Shaoqi is the master of Da Luotian, and the demon ancestor is at least half of the life of Da Luotian, and his life can naturally be harvested by Du Shaozhen!

All this is really like having been arranged!

Lu Shaoyou listened to Du Shaoqi’s words and nodded. He continued: “Perhaps the two predecessors did not think that they could really go to this step today! And the strongest means they left at the time was not the magic. The ancestral town is in the big Luotian!"

"what is that?"

Du Shaoyan didn't move his eyebrows. He just asked Lu Shaoyou. All his attention was concentrated on the body of the demon.

"Do you know the special features of Du's blood?"

Lu Shaoyou suddenly turned around again, as asked.

This is awesome, and if it is heard by others, it may be amazing.

However, Du Shaoqi was not surprised. When he recovered from Du Jiashi, he felt faintly that he had more unimaginable secrets.

Therefore, after Lu Shaoyou asked questions, the purple robe youth did not speak, just listened quietly.

"In this world, not everyone can master the rules and order of the world of the gods, and the ethical principles there can only be true if the blood of the Du family can be truly matched!"

Du Shaozhen’s calm attitude did not make Lu Shaoyou’s accident at all. He only listened to his own voice: “Otherwise, can the devil, the demon ancestor, me, and others not be the masters of the Shenwu world? Will it be your turn to be a younger brother?"

After Lu Shaoyou explained this, Du Shaozhen naturally understood.

It turns out that the blood of Du’s family still has such a special feature. It’s no wonder that all this is actually such a coincidence. When it was born in ancient times, it was the ancestor of Du’s family. After many years, he once again controlled the heavens, and Du Shaoyu!

If not, I am afraid that there will be many outstanding figures from all over the world. I am afraid that there will be many powerful people who can steal the world of the gods and gods. How can it be that it is difficult to get his Du Shao’s head in the round, at least the brothers and the behind him? Three thousand big world powers, there are countless people in the early years than Du Shaoqi to be many times stronger!

In addition, Du's most outstanding ancestor, who possesses the body of Heaven, must have a great relationship with this point!

"The past is awkward, I can only guess something. That is, before the big Luo Tianzun was about to die, I made some minor changes in the blood of the Du family, making your blood seem very ordinary, but in There are great variables in this ordinary! And just in the ancestors of your Du family and your own generation, there are really variables!"

Lu Shaoyou said with a smile, he breathed a sigh of relief after he finished.

The previous battle with the ancestors has already caused him to consume the ultimate situation. At this time, the heavy body has said so much with Du Shaoqi, almost unable to support it!

He hurriedly sighed and secretly adjusted his breath and stopped talking.

In another direction, between the creation of the spirit and the devil's ancestors, the war is extremely terrifying!

The broken world of one side, once again under the energy shock of the two, turned into more pieces!

However, the ancestors of the ancestors did not fight desperately with the creation of the spirit. He tried hard to rush to this side and blocked Du Shaoqi’s shot on the body of the ancestors, but it was difficult to do so under the blockade of the spirit!

"Du Shaohao, you want to kill your ancestors, you are crazy! I admit that you have something special in your body, but you don't have enough strength to fight with your ancestors!"

In front of Du Shaozhen, the ancestors suddenly shouted after a long silence.

Immediately, I saw his body squatting and rushing toward Du Shaoqi!

The sharp claws were torn off in the void, and they wanted to smash the vast expanse of the earth!

The blow was so sudden that it was so difficult to react. It seemed to be a long-awaited attack. Even when Du Shaoqi almost did not react, the ancestors' claws had already caught his chest!

"Teacher is careful!"

Lu Shaoyou exclaimed, he was about to be scared by this scene!

Du Shaoqi can not have any mistakes, now count on him to suppress the ancestors!

However, the situation in front of me is too unpredictable. It is obvious that the Devil's ancestors had been prepared for a long time. It is necessary to kill Du Shaoqi!


In the distance, the eyes of Chuang Ling also cast their eyes on this side, with a horrified color in their eyes.

Under his gaze, only the purple robe youth did not escape the attack of the ancestors, letting the other claws directly tear his chest!

It was just at the same time that the field seemed to be still. Some people saw Du Shaoqi’s body being directly torn by the ancestors, but one of his hands was so slightly forward, and this one Holding in the palm of your hand is a broad sword with a radiant shot!

This broad sword went straight ahead and was inserted straight into the chest of the ancestors!

The endless power burst out from the purple gold scorpion, madly rushed into the body of the ancestors, launched a crazy strangle, annihilating his vitality!

The undead body of the Devil's ancestors was actually under the slash of Du Shaoqi's broad sword and quickly ruined!

"Wait for your shots!"

Du Shaozhen’s body broke into two halves and suddenly made such a sound. Then, with the attention of everyone, the two bodies began to slowly close together and gradually returned to one place, eventually returning to their original appearance.

Du Shaozhen looks as if he is not injured, but his breath is too much!


In front of the purple robe youth, the sturdy body of the singer looked at him incredulously, and it was difficult to accept.

"Younger brother..."

Aside, Lu Shaoyou was pleasantly surprised!

He can naturally perceive that the vitality in the body of the ancestors is dying rapidly, and the body is quickly destroyed by the power of Du Shaoqi, turning into nothingness!

Luo Wei is proud of the undead body, because it absorbs the power of the **** Wu world and produces a spiritual life, which leads him to no longer be true!

Until this time, a few people in the battlefield knew that the person who had just sneaked on the attack was not the ancestors, but Du Shaoqi!

The purple robe youth has been waiting for the action of the ancestors, and the conversation with Lu Shaoyou has only deliberately revealed some flaws, but it seems that all spirits are still concentrated on the ancestors!

This arrangement is seamless!

And the demon ancestor is also in the middle of Du Shaoxuan's mind. In his expectation, Du Shaoqi will definitely hide after being attacked by the sneak attack, but he did not expect that the kid has already prepared himself and directly gave him a fatal blow!

"I am your heavenly way. Some of your life is given by me. It is not so easy to kill me!"

Du Shaoqi stood still and still kept the action of raising his hand and looking at the ancestors.

I have to say that Luo Wei is Luo Yi after all, after all, the ancient demon from the chaos, just that blow has caused great trauma to Du Shaozhen!

However, he is not in danger!


Lu Shaoyou suddenly laughed and looked at Du Shaoxi with satisfaction.

"Du Shaohao, Lu Shaoyou, Chuangling, the ancestors will kill!"

The body of the ancestors finally collapsed and opened, and the stalwart shadow disappeared so slowly, turning into a strong black smoke!

Before all the vitality was completely annihilated, the remnant of the ancestors flashed into his body, which is the body of the demon god!

"Luo Wei, you still accept the fate, things have come to this step, you can no longer change the results!"

The opposite side of the stubborn old body, the creation of a soft sigh, as it is.

Luo Hao's body has been destroyed, only such a avatar is left, really is too much to look down on!

On their side, in addition to Chuangling himself, there are Lu Shaoyou and Du Shaoqi, even if these two guys are not affected at the moment, they need time to recover!

But in this way, they occupy an absolute initiative, and will never be afraid of Luo Wei!

"Luo Wei, your body has been destroyed, even if you leave this avatar, it is impossible to have the strength of the past! Not to mention, your greatest advantage is not dead, but it is not dead, it is better to die for yourself." Is it necessary to continue to struggle?"

Lu Shaoyou glanced at Luo Yan's avatar and taunted.

When things have developed to this point, he is completely relieved, and all the arrangements have been reached!

As Lu Shaoyou himself said, even though Luo Wei still has a strong avatar, this is not his own body after all. The so-called undead body no longer exists, and the other party really has no chance to resist!

"Stupid humans!"

Listening to Lu Shaoyou in the ear, Luo Wei sneered and laughed, and suddenly sneered at him, saying: "The ants are only ants, as the acquired creatures, even if they are higher, how can they penetrate the ultimate mystery of this world!"

In Luo Yan’s speech, it is completely a look at the humble reptile posture. The high-spirited appearance is the strongest disdain for Lu Shaoyou and Du Shaoqi!

And his words directly led Lu Shaoyou and Du Shaoqi to be a glimpse of each other, could not help but look at each other.

What is the ultimate secret in this world? They don’t know it now, but is Luo Shu clearly aware?

As a result, the two can not help but have some curiosity, want to hear how Luo Hao said!

"Even if my ancestors died, you will not be able to escape the final fate of the ruling! All living beings are no exception, and they will face the final judgment of God on one day!"

Luo Xiao sneered, and suddenly he turned his head and said: "You may know where the world comes from, but I am afraid that it is not clear where this will go!"

Luo Yan talked while recovering the power he consumed.

In this regard, Chuang Ling did not stop the other party. He and Lu Shaoyou and Du Shaoqi were also trying to restore their strength!

The three of them listened quietly, just wanting to hear what Luo Wei would say.

As time went by, Luo Wei explained some secret things to Du Shaozhen and Lu Shaoyou in an absolutely detached manner.

The world knows that the world was created by an ancient god, and these gods are born out of chaos!

So how does chaos appear when it comes to the bottom?

"Chaos comes from 'nothing', and it breeds the demon. The demon comes out of chaos, opens up the heavens and the earth, and has born countless creatures. It is also your ants! Just don't think that all this is the end, don't feel the world innocently. Everything will continue this way from now on! Because one day, everything will return to the original place, and all of your ants will eventually die without a burial place, even if it is a visionless place can not be avoided! Oh..."

At the end of the day, Luo Wei actually began to laugh and laugh, especially watching the eyes of Du Shaoqi and Lu Shaoyou, full of irony and mockery.

It is true that in his eyes, even if these two people are so powerful, they are enough to affect his life, but Luo Wei still looks down on them, just because they are born and born, they simply cannot know what the greatest horror in the world is!

"It turned out to be like this!"

Lu Shaoyou was not moved by Rosie's ridicule, and he felt a lot of emotion.

Before the impact of the past, he also deeply understood the concept of "nothing", and following that line of thinking, he finally took a crucial step.

The concepts that Lu Shaoyou has mastered are all from the legend. No one can confirm everything. Tell him that chaos really comes from “nothing”, and all the world will eventually return to “none”!

So at this time, I heard that Luo Wei said that he could not help but have some exclamations.

"Return to nothingness..."

Du Shaoyan brows and moves, whispering, he heard this for the first time, but did not feel too much awe.

Just because it only exists in the legend, and there is no sense of urgency at all!

Therefore, Luo Yu’s words are for Du Shaozhen’s roots to look at the blind, without any irony or shock!

"Stupid humans, small ants! The biggest catastrophe in the world, but they are completely disregarded, and there is no fear!"

It seems that Lu Shaoyou and Du Shaoqi’s reaction did not reach the expected appearance. Luo Xin’s heart was not stunned, and then he said: “The ignorant human beings, you can know that everything that the ancestors did was to avoid the world’s return to nothingness and all annihilation! You ants, but they have stopped me again and again! Including Pangu and Da Luo Tian Zun, and you, Chuang Ling, and so on are all ignorant!"

Luo Wei said that in the end, it was a sorrowful look!

Listening to his words, Chuang Ling has not made a sound, seems to take a default attitude towards everything.

Du Shaoqi and Lu Shaoyou eventually turned their attention to Chuangling's body and asked some things with their eyes.

They don’t feel as if they don’t care at first, just thinking that even if there is such a big robbery, it will definitely not happen in front of us, and even if it happens, no one can stop it, so that’s why Worried about people?

Now, Du Shaoqi and Lu Shaoyou saw the serious and serious expression of Chuang Ling, and they could not help but have an inexplicable meaning.

Is it really like Luo Wei said, is it so serious?

It seems that he is answering these two people. Chuang Ling nodded lightly and said: "Everything starts with nothing and belongs to nothing. This is an established law, and no one knows when the day will come. When 'nothing is born,' it is so abrupt and without warning! So these years, I have been pursuing this ultimate secret, but I have nothing to gain, I can't find any way to change this final direction!"

There is a little bit of loss in the words of Chuangling. Du Shaozhen is not clear, but Lu Shaoyou knows that the predecessors of Chuangling have not disappeared in the past few years. They just came back when they fought with the Devils.

He was looking for some hidden secrets in the world. Lu Shaoyou also tried to find him in the past, but he did not achieve his goal.

However, it was also the experience that made Lu Shaoyou gain a lot of benefits and gained a lot of new insights, which laid a solid foundation for the breakthrough.

Now, Chuang Ling personally agrees that Luo Wei said that Du Shaoxuan and Lu Shaoyou both suddenly felt that things might be worse than they thought.

Chaos, the world, the living beings, all things, the source of all these is "nothing", their end, or "nothing", that is to say, no one can escape the fate of returning to nothingness!

And Luo Wei, Chuang Ling, and even Pan Gu Da Shen, Da Luo Tian Zun and others, may have tried to prevent such things from happening?

However, with their ability, it does not seem to stop this!

The power of "nothing" is so powerful that it can be born out of nothing, and it can cover everything!

"All that ancestors did was to truly break the ‘no’, and thus get rid of the fate of the ultimate demise! It’s a great plan to know what the ancestors are doing.”

Luo Wei almost started to roar and pointed to Du Shaoxuan and Lu Shaoyou, and said with resentment, it was like angering two stupid and ignorant generations!

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