MTL - Martial God Conqueror-Chapter 2993 : Desperate Rosie [Large

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Chapter 2, 939: The desperate rogue [Big Chapter].

Du Shaoxuan and Lu Shaoyou, both of whom bear the fascinating gaze of the demon ancestors, can’t help but feel a little tumbling.

According to Luo Yi’s own meaning, everything he did was to prevent the world from eventually becoming “nothing”, which led to the end of all life!

If this is the case, then it is indeed a great plan!

It is against the will of "nothing". What kind of strength should this be done?

Of course, Du Shaoqi and Lu Shaoyou are not fools, and naturally they will not believe in the words of the ancestors.

In addition, even if the other party really has such a great idea, it can't cover up the fact that it is cruel and bloody, and can't change the fact that he is enemies with the thirty-three days, three thousand big worlds, and many Luotian. !

"The power that was originally lacking is so great, it is more horrible than I thought!"

Lu Shaoyou whispered softly, his heart was very emotional.

He broke through the imagelessness, that is, he used the concept of "nothing", and he was born with nothingness, and then resurrected from nothingness, and then broke through the final relationship!

After such an experience, Lu Shaoyou naturally grasped the essence of "nothing", which is similar to controlling the "native" power of a part.

Only through the words of today's Devil and Chuangling, he really realized that the power of "nothing" was much stronger than he imagined!

It seems that "nothing" is not something that can be touched by any living being, even if it is the ancient gods of Pangu, Dalutianzun, Mozuo, and Lingling, it is not good!

There is such a day, the world is broken, annihilated into dust, and then returned to nothingness, even if there is a chaotic **** of invisible body, can not escape to die!

"The ancient chaos is a mere battle of three thousand gods. The cause is this! When everyone realizes that the chaotic world will one day come to an end, they will start to think of ways to end this day, because no one can predict, that day. When will it suddenly come, just like when the world appeared, it was so awkward and without warning!

Three thousand gods, each person has his own ideas. Some people think that they can intervene in the world's evolution. After the chaos is broken, they will open their own grounds, so that they can gain a new foothold and get a breathing space, and slowly find the final solution. Method!

Some people think that only when they break, they can see the source! There are not many people who hold this kind of thinking. Among them, Luo Wei is headed and determined to destroy everything! They feel that as long as the world is destroyed to the ultimate, they will have the opportunity to realize the deepest mystery and get a solution to ‘no’! ”

Chuangling once again spoke up and said to Du Shaoxuan and Lu Shaoyou.

At the end of the day, his gaze once again looked at the body of the ancestors.

Du Shaozhen and Lu Shaoyou are not difficult to understand these words. They know that those who believe that they can intervene in the world and gradually gain a new foothold, and then seek new opportunities, should have Pangu!

The other big Luo Tianzun, Chuangling and others may not directly stand in the same camp as Pangu, but they do not reject his idea!

The other is the ancestors, his purpose is to destroy the world, and Pangu and others are in line with each other, naturally arise from each other's disputes, and gradually become unbearable!

With such an explanation, Chuang Ling and Lu Shaoyou are more aware of their hearts!

They also have to admire Luo Wei and others, actually want to destroy the whole world, and thus through such an opportunity, really crack the root of "nothing", so as not to suffer real destruction!

"Only if the ‘no’ is broken, the world can be truly eternal, and life can be truly embarrassed! If it is not eternal, it is impossible to escape, even if it has lived through the ages, what is the difference between it and the fingertips?”

Luo Gan opened his mouth again, and if he did, his face was a bit old, but at this time he was mentally awkward, as if he had eaten a big tonic, and his face was rosy.

It is conceivable that these things, discussed with Du Shaoqi and others, have restored Luo's madness in ancient times!

"As long as the ancestors succeed, they can bring a new prosperity to everyone, a world that will never be destroyed. It is a place where many people can find eternal!"

Luo Hao once again made a noise, almost roaring, loudly: "And Pangu, what can he bring? Everything he does is just lingering! All the escapes are useless, don't look at the scenery at the end. I just want to stop everything that is going to happen there, and I’m crazy about it!”

Du Shaozhen and Lu Shaoyou did not answer the phone for a long time, and they all fell into the thoughts.

Eternal, this is probably the result that everyone wants to achieve.

For the thirty-three days, three thousand big worlds, the gods and the world, the purpose of cultivation is to strengthen the power and obtain a longer life!

After entering the immortal level, it can be called "the immortality of the world, the immortality of the ages", almost can be regarded as eternal life, unless the great world is destroyed, so that the souls lose their place of standing!

In addition, very few people, such as Lu Shaoyou, can break into the territory of the road and engrave their own way. They can be independent of the world, even if the big world is annihilated, they can Move, keep the intact body and survive in the world, after the end of the ages, it will be destroyed and often new!

However, even if the situation of carrying the road has been so strong, there is no need to rely on the carrying of the big world, but it has its own independent road, but it is impossible to escape the power of "nothing"!

Do not say that it is the realm of the road, even the ultimate imageless scene, so is it!

Just because, but everything in the world, invisible, visible and intangible, is not from "nothing"!

"None", metamorphosis of everything, can also erode everything!

Not only Luo Gan or Pangu Great God, no matter who it is, as long as it can really break the "none", then you can get the most powerful power, can prove eternal, and have great opportunities, so that the whole world will exist forever. !

And the creatures living in this world naturally do not need to worry about the so-called "destruction"!

It sounds like this, Luo Yan said, it seems to bring a strong "savior" taste!

But after the creation of the spirit, I heard it, but it seems to be very scornful!

"Luo, don't be your spring and autumn dream, or wake up and see what you are doing now!"

Chuang Ling gently opened his mouth and said to Luo Wei: "You are not qualified to compare with Pangu. What he did is to win the last life. Once successful, the world can be preserved intact. If it fails, He will also be with the sentient beings, but he will face the fate that he could not escape!

And the purpose of your arrogance is just for your own sake! Of course, as you said, you really prove the power of eternal, and indeed have the opportunity to reopen the world and make it the ultimate eternal land! But before this, Pangu World, Three Thousand Worlds, Da Luotian, and even the Mozu world that you have developed yourself, in addition to our chaotic creatures, one counts one, you must die first in your hands!

When all the creatures die, and then let the world be completely destroyed and turned into nothingness, it is really the time to enlighten ‘no’! Here I would like to ask, why do you stand on the highest point, judge the life and death of others, just to fulfill yourself? ”

Chuangling said to the ancestors, but also with a strong disdain.

Especially when it comes to the last sentence, it is extremely contemptuous.

When I heard this, Du Shaoqi and Lu Shaoyou’s two talents really understood everything.

They all know that the Pangu Great God is the way of all beings, but I don't know that there is such a layer of things in it.

The ancient demon who opened up the Pangu world, let the world continue, let the living spirits survive, and carry all this, to pursue the final "nothing" step by step, just wait for the ultimate and the whole world to prove eternal!

Even if it is a failure, he is just a homonym with all beings, and it becomes nothingness. This is a destined result. It is also reasonable to change it!

But Luo Wei is different. Everything he does is for himself.

At this time, the body he occupied was also a **** named Devil, and the same camp as Luo Wei, but also died in the hands of Luo Wei, even his own body and the world he opened up, all become the ancestors. Hand!

What Luo Hao wants is destruction!

In the face of countless rebellious creatures, use killing to open a magical domain and lead yourself!

Therefore, he opened up the world of the Mozu, and produced the strongest of the nine great devils, and competed with the creatures of the Pangu world!

His purpose is to destroy everything. If his killing succeeds, thirty-three days, three thousand big worlds, and the world of gods and gods will be destroyed. If all the souls die, then it will be his turn to become the world of the demon world. It will also die under the slaughter of the ancestors!

This is his way, the way to kill, the way to destruction!

Derived in killing, reborn in destruction, and pursues eternity, this is the result that Luo Wei wants!

"Stupid guy! You and Pangu, Da Luo Tianzun are generally, they are ignorant! Hehe..."

After a ridiculous question by Chuang Ling, Luo Xiao smiled happily and only listened to him: "There is only one chance for the ancestors in this world, you can get a glimpse of the last step!"

His smile is very incomparable, as if he has seen the ultimate of "nothing", and has realized the mystery of it, and the smugness is beyond words!

"Luo, don't you think you are too happy now?"

Du Shaoqi screamed, his wounded torso moved, turned to Luo Xiao, who was laughing in the yin, interrupted his laughter.

"Do not talk nonsense, continue to fight, I want to see, what is your ability today, you can continue your own crazy move in this desperate situation!"

Chuang Ling said with a voice, stepping out in one step and forcing the past to Luo.

On the other side of Lu Shaoyou, at this time also restored some strength, although far from the peak of the situation is still very far, but also slowly surrounded by Luo Wei!

This is the final battle. As long as you kill Luo Wei, the crisis of the Mozu will be completely relieved!

That long and ancient looting world will also be completely over!

As for what the world is destroying into nothingness, go to hell, it is not the problem that Du Shaozhen and Lu Shaoyou should consider at this time!

"With an enemy three, Luo Wei, you have no chance!"

Du Shaoqi gently said, slowly accumulating the power of his body.

He looked at both Chuang Ling and Lu Shaoyou, but he did not move.

His cultivation is much different than the other three, and he can't directly participate in the next battle, but Du Shaozhen is also preparing, just like before, just waiting for the rogue blow at the right time!

All three believe that there is only one avatar in the moment, and the advantage of the undead body has been lost, leaving him with only one dead road!


Chuang Ling no longer delays, directly shot, a palm stalking out, seemingly ordinary, unpretentious, but how strong this palm is, no doubt!

In the face of his assassination, this avatar of Luo Wei directly avoided the opening, and did not fight hard with the spirit!

He is hiding fast, but the speed of the pursuit of the spirit is also fast to the extreme, leaving no retreat to Luo Wei!


Luo Hao was in danger of escaping, and he was still making a burst of laughter. At the same time, his throat still said: "This ancestor knows that today you can’t fight for the three of you! But it doesn’t matter, since Everything is beyond the control of my ancestors, and that simply makes my ancestor more crazy! Hehe..."

Luo Wei is not stupid. Of course, he can see the situation in front of him and know the strengths of the three generations of Chuangling, Lu Shaoyou and Du Shaozhen.

With his own power, it is impossible to escape from the hands of these three people!

The advantage of the undead body has been lost, so Luo Wei also gave up and killed the three people in front of the killing!

While avoiding the pursuit of the spirit, at the same time, his power suddenly swayed, and the fierce magical spirits swiftly flow like clouds, madly filled in the broken world of the devil, everything Wrapped in it.

And by the erosion of this magical gas, everything in a moment has turned into a chaotic form, flowing with a secret light, terrible!

Du Shaozhen, Lu Shaoyou, and Chuangling were also exposed to this magical power, and there was a "beep" sound.

In particular, Du Shaoqi, he repaired a little worse, the flesh actually began to corrode, the immortal body is about to be eroded, and the gods are also deeply shaken!

"this is……"

Du Shaoyan raised his eyebrows and raised his voice and asked: "What do you want to do with Luo Wei?"

The action of Luo Wei is really abnormal. It is not only the vast magical power, but also the beginning of brewing his own power, and the resonance of the surrounding horror!

Under the influence of resonance, the still large and broken world of broken demons also issued more cracks and began to make terrible roars. It was like a huge mountain peak, and began to collapse on a large scale. pole!

What is most daunting is that the power of this resonance is still expanding. From this zone, it begins to spread further away!

In the far-away space of nothingness, only the rest of the earth's world, under the influence of this resonance, emits a special frequency of vibration, and the protective force outside the world is about to collapse!

"Rosie is releasing his strength, he wants to blew himself!"

Chuang Ling eagerly opened his mouth and said with extreme dignity.

Upon hearing such words, Lu Shaoyou and Du Shaoqi were both shocked.

If Luo Hao wants to blew himself, the problem can be really serious!

The power of a visionless world is completely released. I am afraid that not only will the people who are present in the scene die, but they will be surrounded by the distant thirty-three days, the world of Shenwu and the world of three thousand. Unimaginable destruction, even direct annihilation becomes nothingness, and it is not necessarily early to return to the beginning!

Du Shaoqi and Lu Shaoyou are aware that Luo Wei is really crazy. He was pushed to the present field step by step, and there is no way out. It is not like the ancient times, letting himself be suppressed by Pangu and Da Luo Tianzun. Seeking this world to return again!

His inexhaustible body is lost, there is no such opportunity anymore. As long as he dies, he will really be annihilated in the world and will cease to exist!

Therefore, Luo Hao wants to finally gamble on one, use all his strength, to collapse everything in the world, see if you can achieve nothing!

"Oh... Chuang Ling, Du Shaoqi, Lu Shaoyou, you are very fortunate to be able to witness such a day and witness the arrival of true nothingness! The ancestors will lead you to see for yourself, who is right and who is wrong!"

Luo Wei was laughing wildly, his voice was hoarse and dull, and his eyes were red.

He is already desperate for the last blog!

When the world becomes a void, he can use this opportunity to spy on the ultimate top secret; the defeat is the death of the dead, the annihilation becomes nothing, and all traces are erased from the world!

On Luo's body, the flesh began to disintegrate, and the gods were also glaring at the scarlet light, and the terrible power was shot in madness!

Chuang Ling is chasing him tightly and wants to stop him from blasting himself, but the difference between the two is not huge!

It is not difficult to let Chuang Ling hurt Luo Biao, but it is impossible to prevent the other party from accumulating strength.

"Must stop him!"

Lu Shaoyou is also anxious, no longer able to take care of the injured body, urging his own strength, chasing Luo Hao!

He and the spirit of the general, just want to block Luo Wei, stop his self-explosion!

If not, and regardless of whether Luo can understand the final "nothing", say the three big worlds of thirty-three days, three thousand big worlds, and the world of gods, fear that it will be finished!

Needless to say, the self-destruction of a powerless person can definitely sweep directly from the world, and it can't be avoided even further!

All the creatures, all of them can't survive, including the three super strong people present!

If you can't stop this kind of thing happening, then the countless efforts they have made, I am afraid it will really be lost!

When the vast majority of the dead die, the world is shattered, and the roots are destroyed, it is really the end of the day!

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