MTL - Marvel: Starting From the Dimensional Demon God-Chapter 51

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"Loki, Loki..."

The fans cheered loudly, and the sound was like waves rising from wave to wave. Even the small trees and street lamps on both sides of the street were not lonely and twitched excitedly.


There was a thick torch, streaking across the night sky, and with a sharp whistling, it directly smashed a F35 fighter jet circling high in the sky.

The other fighter plane was obviously frightened, and accidentally fell from a high altitude while spinning.

Excitedly, the Statue of Liberty stretched out her empty right hand, grabbed it in her hand, and was as happy as a little girl.


"Damn! Are we just here to watch?"

What does that guy named Loki think of New York?

His personal playground?

"General Ross, shouldn't you say something about the crash of two F35s?"

Staring coldly at General Ross, President Belden's tone was extremely dissatisfied.

Just ten minutes ago, General Ross assured him with a confident face that he would be able to solve the trouble caused by Loki perfectly. For this reason, he specially approved two F35 fighter jets.

The result...that's it?

His face was ashen, and General Ross felt as uncomfortable as he had eaten poop. Who would have expected that the Statue of Liberty would suddenly move as if it were alive?

Can you throw a torch with precision? Smash an F35 fighter jet in one fell swoop?'s not scientific at all!

[Mood value from General Ross +761]

"Mr. President, you don't need to worry, my soldiers are arriving quickly."

They are all the best guys in the army, and I believe they will bring us news of victory..."

Looking at the Statue of Liberty waving a fighter jet on TV, General Ross's eyes didn't blink, and he didn't even believe what he said.

"General Ross... I'm not questioning you, but your subordinates seem to be dancing very happily."

Pointing to another TV, Nick Fury sarcastically said.

"..." President Bairdon hurriedly looked over, then silently turned his head to stare at him.

General Ross: "…"

As if the incident was repeated, ten minutes ago, Nick Fury assured the president that he would send the best SHIELD agents to personally lead the team to solve Loki's troubles.

It was also like this at the time. The agents brought all the equipment and sneaked in from the nearby roof, trying to take Loki down in one fell swoop.

All I can say is that it was beautiful at the time.

Now, on the TV screen on the other side, Agent Coulson with the agents, tossing his clothes, twisting his butt, and dancing happily...

[Mood value from General Ross +793]

[Mood value from Nick Fury +791]


Spider-Man Peter Parker was swinging among the buildings, rushing towards Times Square with all his strength.

The sound of the explosion just now made his heart tighten, and he became more and more worried about the situation at the scene.

As I got closer, I could already see the Statue of Liberty from a distance, who raised his hands high, swayed his body cheerfully, and smiled like a fool.

"Wait... Statue of Liberty, alive?"

Walter? !

Peter hurriedly braked abruptly, squatted on a flagpole, and looked far into the distance.

"Let's not say why she lived, is there something wrong with that right hand?"

Where has the torch of American freedom gone?

How to change to a fighter jet?

Or the F35? !

I don't get it, Peter doesn't get it at all!

With a sigh, he touched the black card and the pig charm on his body, stepped up his steps, and galloped all the way, and finally arrived at the scene after Loki and the others reappeared on stage.

"Ha ha…"

Holding on to his knees, Peter gasped heavily, and the words he spoke were not imposing at all.

"Rocky, hurry up and capture it, I will never allow you to disrupt the order of New York!"

The atmosphere at the scene was extremely abnormal. Peter just swept around and felt goosebumps all over his body and shuddered.

Is it mental interference, or some kind of wide-ranging hypnosis?

What about those moving street lights, trees, and the Statue of Liberty?

Unfortunately, Loki was not interested in answering him.

"Humph... Spider-Man, your kid is finally here!"

Taking out the electronic sword that was flickering with electric sparks, A Fen led Zhou and Lasu with a smirk, and surrounded them from three directions.

Peter narrowed his eyes, examining the weapons in their hands.

"Is it a combination of the sharpness of the sword and the paralyzing effect of the electric current?"

By the way, where did these guys come from?

Is Loki looking for help?

Doesn't look like it?

"watch out!"

A Fen held an electronic sword and rushed towards Peter first.

The unique senses from the spider allowed Peter to clearly judge the trajectory of A Fen's attack. He could even clearly see the hairs on A Fen's face and the bloodshot eyes in his eyes.

Shaking his body slightly, dodging A Fen's attack, he jumped up, and while dodging the other two's attacks, Peter waved his wrists on his head and feet to shoot spider silk at the three of them.


It's no different from beating up the robbery gangsters, except for the high-tech weapons, and the spider silk that was shot out easily stuck the three of them to the ground.

Go up to make up two feet and kick them down one by one, Peter sneered.

"Haha... Just stay here for me honestly, I don't have the spare time to play with you now!"

Peter was about to turn around when he lifted his foot, but a pair of big hands grabbed his ankle.

"Hehehe...Spider-Man, I've got you now!"

He didn't have time to react at all, he was grabbed by the ankles with those big hands and dragged him into the shadow!

[Mood value from Peter Parker +747]

Chapter 64 "So, as soon as we braves saw the Demon King... we played GG"

Statue of Liberty, inside the observation deck.


A shadow swam to the center of the hall and stopped, and Ah Fu dragged Peter and jumped out of the shadow.


When they were still in the air, they kicked each other and flew to both sides.

"Bah... this guy is really agile!"

After scolding, he cautiously put on a martial arts posture, but Ah Fu had a fiery expression on his face.


Taking a breath, Peter straightened his waist and swept away casually, and found a large number of black-clothed ninjas standing in the entire observation deck.

In the distance, a man with silver hair and green clothes was standing beside the viewing platform with a cane, his back was calmly facing him overlooking the city under his feet.


Three black shadows appeared again, A Fen, Zhou, and La Su were brought over by the ninjas.

"Be careful, this guy's wrist will emit extremely viscous spider silk, which is extremely difficult to deal with!"

Using an electronic sword to cut off the spider silk, Zhou, wearing yellow glasses, issued a reminder.

"The melee combat is handed over to the ninjas, let's find a chance to shoot him!"

A cold light flashed in his eyes, A Fen took out his pistol and motioned for Lasu to follow.

Without even looking, with the demeanor of a boss, Wallon waved his right hand and gave orders silently.

"Come on, grab him."

Holding their swords, the Sombra Ninjas rushed over quickly.


Peter Parker didn't dare to be careless, and found the right time to raise his hand and shoot the spider silk to stick to the dome. His body bounced high, like a huge spider lying on the dome.

The incoming darts hit the dome, dinging, and he was swiftly dodged.

But there are too many enemies, and there will always be attacks on him. Although they were all minor injuries, the accumulation of small injuries also greatly reduced Peter's physical strength and energy.

There were enemies everywhere, and the ninjas seemed to be endless, leaving Peter without a breath.

"Ha ha…"

After knocking down a few ninjas, Peter took a deep breath while tensing his nerves and dodging the attack carefully. In this high-speed game, his physical strength and energy slipped to a rather dangerous area.

"Black tigers prey on sleepy lambs!"

A Fu accidentally caught a glimpse of the flaw. He used "flamingo dance steps" to hide behind the ninja. When he got close to Peter, he suddenly burst out and grabbed him on the back.


Peter screamed and fell from the dome.


A Fen's eyes lit up, and he raised his hand to shoot.

"Damn, did Spider-Man fail?"

Nick Fury's face was gloomy, and the communicator in his hand was squeaky.

"what is that?"

General Ross next to him suddenly made a sound, pointing to a certain silver armored man on the TV and exclaimed in surprise.

"Tony, I seem to have seen Spider-Man just now!"

Holding Tony's waist, Deadpool said in surprise.

"Well, I saw it too. It seems that I was pulled into the shadow by a big red-haired man."

On the other side, Constantine agreed.

In the air, after spending a lot of electricity, I finally arrived at Times Square. Tony could not wait to drop these two guys immediately.

" this the time to say that? Didn't you see Loki waving at us?"

Flying to the stage, Tony impatiently threw the two of them down.

Peng! Peng!

"Oh...Tony, you hurt me..."