MTL - Marvel: Starting From the Dimensional Demon God-Chapter 52

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Rubbing his butt, Deadpool rolled to Loki's feet screaming, and he slashed with a knife at the moment of his violent surge.


Go faster, come back faster!

Lighting the cigarette, Constantine silently moved two steps to the left, and Deadpool's body flew back upside down and fell to his original position with a clatter.

Half-supporting his head, he pulled out the long knife that pierced his abdomen from behind, ignoring the wound that was still spewing blood, and Deadpool was very dissatisfied.

"Constantine, what are you hiding? Come on!"

Exhaling a breath of smoke, Constantine glanced at him and calmly nodded to Tony's position.

"Wade, what are you anxious about? Let's see what Tony has to say."

Flying in mid-air, the arc pulse in the palms of both hands triggered but did not fire, Tony asked loudly.

"Loki, what kind of conspiracy is there for you to create such a big scene?"

"Is it hard to understand?"

Scratching his face, Loki seemed confused by Tony's incomprehension.

"There is no conspiracy, nor is it a complicated puzzle, but I simply think the world is boring!"

Because I'm Loki, I want to bring a little fun to this boring world..."

He gestured with two fingers, indicating that it was just a little bit, but Tony spat secretly, not believing it at all.

The blazing light between the palms was blazing, and the arc pulse spurted out in an instant. It was about to hit, but it was blocked by a huge copper book cover in the next second, leaving a dark burn mark on it helplessly.

"Watch out, Tony! If you get hit with an iron fist from the Statue of Liberty, it's going to kill you!"

Listening to Constantine's reminder from the rear, Tony withdrew from his heart.

"My dear... How do you fight such a big guy?"

Getting up from the ground, Deadpool looked up and stared at the active Statue of Liberty in front of him.

With his two small pistols and long knives? Go for scraping?

This is indeed a problem, but the next moment, Deadpool doesn't need to worry.

Because his body has begun to dance with the beat of the music.

"Oh... this familiar feeling..."

No matter how he suppressed it, how unwilling he was in his heart, Deadpool's body spontaneously made a choice.

He danced and even played with Constantine.

"Hey... Constantine, why are you swaying too?"

With a cigarette in his mouth, Constantine looked helpless: "Wade, how do I know, you don't see Tony..."

Before "Thing" could blurt out, he saw Tony Stark perform a standard set of mechanical dance steps in front of everyone's eyes.

Don't mention it, the armor and mechanical dance steps are indeed unique.

The audience off the field watched with relish and received a lot of applause.

Clapping his palms, Loki looked at them with a smile: "One or two is enough. Three people forgot to bring the card I gave you at the same time. What is the probability?"

Ah... this, Deadpool absolutely couldn't tell the trumpet he blew all night that day, his mouth was red and swollen, and he was so angry that he wiped his **** with a card on the spot.

"...Constantine, where's your card?"

Glancing at Constantine, Deadpool asked maliciously.

After thinking about it, Constantine remembered.

"That night, I was picking girls in the bar as usual, I guess I forgot which bed I was on..."


Fake, what other bed... I shouldn't have asked you the fuck!

Heartbroken, old iron, Deadpool decided to change the target and asked Tony quietly.

"Old Tuo, you are a famous genius in America, what's the situation now?"

"..." After waiting for a while, Deadpool heard a few words from Tony's mouth.

"Two days ago, a model came to me..."


Can you still have fun, friends? !

With his mouth pouted, Dead Servant made a big windmill with one hand while laughing at himself.

"So, as soon as we braves saw the Demon King... we played GG?"

On the other hand, Constantine tried his best to keep his cigarette from falling out of his mouth along with the samba dance steps: "This is a good question, Wade, so I suggest to have a good relationship with this dude..."


It was another set of difficult mechanical dance steps, splitting his legs. Tony resisted the pain and blushed.


[Mood value from Wade Wilson +783]

[From Tony Stark's emotional value +788]

Chapter 65 At this moment, the world will focus on this!

"New York, an incredible night of carnival! 》

"What Happened to America? Why do superpowers frequently commit crimes? 》

"Does the fall of two F35 fighter jets herald the shake of dominance? 》

"In order to cope with the increasingly complex and changeable international surrounding environment and supernatural disasters, Dongguo announced to the world that the "Shen Spear Bureau" was officially established, led by the first director Zheng Xian. 》


Text, pictures, voice, recording, live broadcast... reprint, crazy reprint.

There has never been a moment when the world would go crazy with a concert.

This is a carnival for journalists and a super carnival night for the general public around the world!

Magic, fantasy, incredible... No matter what words are used to describe it, at this moment, the world will focus on this!

new work time.

Da da da…

News planes from various newspapers flew over the crowd with banners, flower petals, and giant Rocky propaganda posters.

The people of New York below shouted Loki's name loudly, one after another.

Intensive fireworks soared into the sky, turning the night sky of the city into a sea of ​​fireworks.

The splendid light strips wandered around the city, and with the drums of the high-altitude clouds, they echoed repeatedly in the city.

This is Rocky's solo concert, and it's a carnival night in New York!

In this intoxicating night, it seems to be in the galaxy of photons, even the Statue of Liberty has come alive under the magic of the rat spell, and is dancing—the Pure Land of Bliss!

How complacent I was before I set off, and how embarrassing it is now!

But there is no way, Tony can only pray that Loki is really as he said, must be a little interesting...

"..." Shaking his head, there was a problem with the three people in the script, which made Loki even more boring.

The card was sent by him personally, in order to protect the holder's spirit from being disturbed in his super-large-scale mental interference.

"What should we do now?"

Looking at the drumming clouds in the sky, the street lamps swaying on the side of the road, and the dedication of the American military, the F35 fighter jet held by the Statue of Liberty...

Loki lowered his head, silently pulled out a spiked baseball bat from his pocket, and laughed wickedly.

"Very well, I have all the props ready to live, and the three of you told me that I didn't bring the card?!"

Looking at that terrifying smile, Deadpool wanted to step back, but his dance was too coquettish, and he slipped back in a space dance without taking two steps.

"..." With a sad face, Deadpool turned to Constantine on the right for help: "Constantine, use your invincible magic to find a way!"

"Don't worry, Wade! At this moment, my mental resistance is higher than yours!"

The smoke fell to the ground, Konstantin gave a thumbs up confidently, and swayed his body, not knowing what magic he cast.

One step, two stand behind Deadpool?

"..." Staring, Dead Servant wrote "Fuck me" all over his face!

We can't be so cheap, Constantine, I **** curse you for not picking up girls—

"Fake... don't force it, come and save me!"

On the other side, Tony Stark raised his legs high, and sat on the ground with a plop, his legs splitting, his aching soul was shaking!

His legs were sore and his face was pale, but he had to maintain his demeanor at all times, gritted his teeth and endured bitterly.

The only gratifying thing is that no one has been able to see through his armor and know his identity!

"These three guys are helpless..."

Shaking his head, Rocky threw his stick, turned and walked off the stage. The night was still long, and he wanted to get closer to his fans.

"Loki, Loki..."

Powerful, Luo base pressed his hand down in the crowd.

The beautiful host of the New York Daily had red eyes and swayed passionately while holding the door of the plane. She shouted Loki's name with a peach blossom on her face, and could not wait to jump on the spot.

The high-altitude clouds beat the drums and drizzle at the right time. The street lamps in the street cooperate with the orange **** of light, making the scene even more dreamy!

Only our Statue of Liberty was clicked by Loki, with a small mouth and a bulging face, almost crying out of grievance.

She crouched down reluctantly, and "gently" placed the F35 fighter in the center of the stage.


The ground under their feet trembled, and the three dancers felt tight, and stared dully at the big pit under the fighter's fuselage. The dense, cobweb-like cracks spread all the way to the feet of the three of them.

[From Tony Stark's emotional value +877]

[Mood value from Wade Wilson +878]

"Bad man, even grabbing the little girl's toys!"

She opened her mouth and the Statue of Liberty spoke. She didn't dare to stare at Loki and could only stare at Tony and the others, raising her fists high and looking indignant.

Tony: "…"


Constantine "…"

God...what the **** is this monster?

I'm not hallucinating, am I? !

Tony shuddered with fright and almost cried out.

Or Deadpool's brain circuit is very strange, shouting like a temptation for a child.

"Big girl... Uncle has a baby for you!"


The huge head pressed down, and the wind roared over, almost blowing the three people down.

The waist and horse were unified, Dead Servant stabilized his body, and took out a... lollipop from his pocket with difficulty?

"Look, I have a lollipop!"


Muttering, those big eyes of Kaslana flickered, she pouted her lips and stared at the lollipop with curiosity.

Read Legend of Swordsman
Martial ArtsXuanhuanAdventureAction