MTL - Marvel: Starting From the Dimensional Demon God-Chapter 56

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"No, how is it possible, you heard wrong!"

Obadiah's face turned red, and he denied it dryly.

But in the next second, his stomach groaned again in disgrace.


"..." [From Obadiah Stani's Emotion Value +643]

Chapter 70 Tonight, be sure to let Mr. Woking feel the enthusiasm of our American people!

"Would you like to eat something too?"

Wo Jin was stunned, pointed to the plate on the table, and suggested kindly.

"..." Obadiah scolded inwardly with a black face.

Am I crazy to eat your leftovers!

And... look at these slick and bright dinner plates you've licked, not even a grain of rice left on them, what shall I eat?

Does the show eat air?

[Mood value from Obadiah Stani +677]

Finally, Obadiah forced himself to endure and turned the conversation back to the task.

"Don't worry, Stanley, killing a person is no more complicated than killing a chicken!"

Waving his hands, Wo Jin smiled confidently.

"You have confidence, which is a good thing."

He took out several documents from under him and handed them to the other party, and Obadiah introduced him.

"This is Tony Stark's day itinerary for the day after tomorrow."

His horse, Happy, has been dragged by me with trivial matters, and the staff at the front desk and the new driver have also been bought by me with money..."

Speaking of which, Obadiah pointed to a section of the road on another document: "You stay here and wait for Stark to appear."

He put a cell phone on the table and nudged Wojin, beckoning him to pick it up.

"Once I find that Tony Stark's team is passing through here, my subordinates will contact you in advance. You just need to concentrate and complete the task."

As long as the event is successful, the reward of 10 million US dollars will definitely be offered with both hands! "

Without saying anything, Wo Jin quickly wrote down the locations on the map, shook them, and shook them into powder with his mind power.

Seeing this move, Obadiah has more confidence.

He smiled and waved to the waiter, served more good wine, and then pointed to the dancing girls on the other side of the room and shouted.

"You all let me go and dance, with less clothes and bigger movements, yes yes... Tonight, be sure to let Mr. Woking feel the enthusiasm of our American people!"

Or Wojin is more direct, and his temperament is straight.

He grabbed Obadiah's shoulders, as affectionately as he was hugging his younger brother, and laughed.

"Don't worry, Brother Stanley, I'll see you tomorrow with Tony's head in hand!"

"Okay! Then, leave everything to Mr. Woking!"

Meimei took a sip of red wine, Obadiah didn't feel angry at all, his face was as bright as a chrysanthemum, and when he thought that Tony was going to die tomorrow, he was shaking with excitement...

Picking up a new bottle of high-end red wine and filling it up for the other party, Obadiah raised the glass and smiled.

"Cheers to Tony's death..."


The next day, Obadiah deliberately went to Tony with a good wine.

During the period, they talked a lot, Obadiah confided in his heart, told their past, and sincerely apologized to Tony.

The two drank a lot, and it wasn't until Pepper arrived at 10 a.m. that they stumbled on the old Ark reactor inside the box missing...


Tony Stark walked out of the company building with Pepper Pepper.

A black high-end car was parked quietly in front of him, and the new driver rubbed his chest with one hand and bowed.

Tony squinted his eyes, paused slightly in his walking steps, and entered from the back seat of the car with a natural expression.

Pepper followed his movements, sat next to him, and closed the door.

As the car started, the three cars behind with bodyguards slowly followed, and when they drove onto the street, Tony spoke impatiently.

"You S.H.I.E.L.D., what are you going to do this time, Agent Phil Coulson?"

In the front passenger seat, the bodyguard, who was wearing a pair of sunglasses and dressed in a black suit, froze and turned his head awkwardly.

"Mr. Stark, your eyesight is really good, you have discovered this..."

Looking at Coulson's sparse hair, Tony pouted. He wasn't blind. He still knew what his bodyguard looked like.

Even the driver... was replaced.

"Mr. Stark, our intelligence analysis system shows that your uncle Obadiah has reached an agreement with the Ten Rings."

A powerful killer has secretly infiltrated New York to take your life! "

Coulson was very frank and pointed to Hawkeye who was pretending to be a driver.

"We are here this time mainly for your personal safety, please allow me and my colleague Hawkeye to conduct..."

"Thanks...but I'm not interested in men, especially bald old men!"

It was obvious that his hair was sparse and never bald, but as soon as Tony opened his mouth, he was an intersex man.

Being called a bald old man, Coulson was a little speechless. He took out a photo from his pocket and pointed to the red and gold-painted Iron Man on the photo and said to Tony.

"Mr. Stark, perhaps you feel that you have such a hard armor to keep you safe."

But real guns are easy to hide, and dark arrows are hard to guard against. You can't put on this armor 24 hours a day.

Even if there is a slightest negligence during this period, those experienced killers may seize the opportunity and unfortunately lose their lives! "

Coleson understands it with emotion, and hopes that Tony will not go his own way.

"Our S.H.I.E.L.D. has the best talents in the world. Please believe in our professional ethics. We are professional in dealing with killers!"

Looking at the photo in Coulson's hand, Tony didn't have any unexpected reaction. When he was wearing the armor and flying high, he had expected such a thing to happen in advance.

And a dog like S.H.I.E.L.D. can't change an organization that eats shit, how could it not pay attention to his actions?

However... Tony has no plans to announce until the Obadiah matter is resolved.

"I hope you're not stupid enough to threaten me with this photo."

"Of course not, Mr. Stark, we have absolutely no ill will towards you!"

Coulson winked and tore the photo to shreds on the spot.

On one side, Pepper Pepper was a little nervous, and his palms were sweaty.

Patting her on the shoulder, Tony comforted him silently, raised his head to look directly at Coulson, and said solemnly.

"Well, before you tell what your plan is, I have to remind you."

Just last night, Obadiah approached me privately to reconcile, and we drank quite a bit.

This morning, Pepper told me that the Ark reactor that had been replaced in the trash had disappeared.

So, if he's really going to kill me, you have to take that into account..."

Hearing this, Coulson and Hawkeye looked at each other, turned their heads and smiled: "Of course, Mr. Stark, thank you for your reminder."


Leaning against a big tree by the roadside, Wo Jin yawned lazily.

He'd been standing here for almost an hour, before Stark's motorcade came.


The phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

"Mr. Woking, Stark's convoy is heading for you, please seize the opportunity and be sure to complete the tasks assigned by the Boss..."


Before he finished listening, Wo Jin hung up the phone impatiently.

He spat on the ground and took a few steps forward to the middle of the road.

Before long, in front of his line of sight, there was a group of black cars slowly coming here.

"Fuck! Let me wait for a while, you are finally here!"

Chapter 71 Hawkeye vs Wojin, the chase in the jungle

Those vehicles were approaching slowly, and at a distance of more than 20 meters away from him, the driver of the first car suddenly stepped on the accelerator.


The engine roared, the wheels rolled extremely, and with a wild momentum, the smoke and dust rolled up the sky and slammed into Wojin fiercely.

Holding his chest, Wo Jin's eyelids pressed down, colliding with the maliciousness in the driver's eyes through the windshield of the car window.

"Oh? There are still some means."

Wei Wei praised him, he didn't move, and when the car was less than 30 centimeters in front of him, he suddenly leaned over and gave a quick press.


The thick palms were slapped on the front of the car like a 10,000-pound Buddha. The front of the car slammed down, and the two wheels at the bottom burst apart after being unable to withstand the pressure.

The rear of the car lifted up at a high speed with inertia, like a spring attached to pressure, rolling over the top of the head.


The car exploded and billows of smoke, Wo Jin didn't look behind him, and slowly straightened up with a sense of oppression that enveloped the audience.

His eyes were scarlet, and his gloomy gaze turned to the remaining three bodies, and the violent killing intent roared and spread to the surroundings endlessly.

"Tony Stark, get out!"

tao tao…

15 meters away, men in black with guns jumped out of the car one after another. They hid nervously behind the car, carefully sticking out the gun body, mixed with indignation and fear, it was a burst of fire at Wo Jin.

Bang bang bang!

The bullets popped out of the chamber, like pear blossoms in a rainstorm, and shot at Wo Jin with powerful kinetic energy, but they were prevented by the thoughts on the body surface and bounced to the ground one by one.

When the gunfire subsided and the crowd panicked, Wo Jin roared and rushed towards the enemy.


The mere car door was not even a hindrance at all, just tore it open with a probing hand and grabbed it in his hand.

In the face of such a monster, the men in black present were in chaos, so they could only dodge and shoot in a panic.

However, Fu Jin waved the car door, and slapped the agents dressed in black bodyguards to the ground one by one.

"Hmph, Tony Stark isn't here either? Sure enough, they're all scoundrels, it's too boring to fight!"

Standing in the middle of a corpse, holding the head of the last agent with one hand, Wo Jin was very disdainful.

The agent struggled to fire a shot, but Wojin taunted the bullet with his teeth in his teeth.

"Trash, too weak!"

"Monster, monster..."

He was trembling and didn't say anything neatly, but the quilt Jin exerted force with one hand, and brutally exploded his head.


Read The Mage of Eternity