MTL - Marvel: Starting From the Dimensional Demon God-Chapter 57

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The blood stuck to his face, Wo Jin subconsciously licked it, and immediately frowned and spat it out.

"Bah... the blood of the minions is really unpalatable!"

call out!

An arrow shot silently from the dense forest by the roadside. The moment Wo Jin relaxed his vigilance and had no time to release his qi, it could cut his face, leaving a trail of blood on his right cheek.

Blood flowed out of the wound on his face, Wo Jin froze for a moment and smiled.

"Hahaha...Finally a meaningful character has arrived!"

The timing of the opponent's shot was too good, especially that arrow, which could easily pierce his body, it was extraordinary!

He laughed as he dashed in the direction of the arrow.

Two more arrows were shot on the body one after another, but they were blocked by Nian Qi, Wo Jin laughed, stepped on the ground, stepped on a deep pit, and jumped up.

"Hey, archer, you have this kind of ability?"

As if in response to his mockery, two RPG rockets fired furious flames, hitting him from the other side of the jungle.

boom! boom!

The air waves rolled and the flames rose. Seeing that the two rockets hit the target one after another, the two agents who fired the rockets were already happy, and they never believed that any human could survive in the rockets.

"He's dead!"

But the heart of eagle-eyed Clint Barton was beating wildly, and an ominous premonition was growing stronger. that guy...

"Hmph... rockets? This level of power can't kill me!"

There was a disdainful snort, followed by a loud bang, from the flames, and the violent airflow passed through like a hurricane, blowing away the fire and black smoke in front of him in one breath.

"..." The two agents held a bazooka and opened their mouths like two roosters strangled by their necks. They were dumbfounded and speechless!

[Mood value from Clint Barton +763]

"..." Barton's eyelids jumped in shock, and he immediately shifted his position.

Baring his teeth, Wo Jin's killing intent became even more violent. He jumped into the forest and charged towards the direction of the rocket attack at high speed.

It didn't take long for two screams to come out from the forest, his clothes were stained with blood, and he chased Barton's direction like a goblin cannibal with red eyes.

tao tao…

The jungle is Patton's home court.

He studied under the swordsman and the quick shooter, and has an extraordinary talent. As a child, he won the titles of "Hawkeye" and "The World's Best Sniper".

He had undergone experimental government vision surgery in both eyes, which strengthened the muscles around his eyes and gave him super-farsightedness.

At the same time, his rod cells were also increased, which made Barton's visual accuracy far beyond that of ordinary people, while the reduction of cone cells allowed his eyes to adapt to the interference of various external light on vision.

Whether it is sunlight, darkness or fog, he can see clearly!


Climbing over a thick dead tree, Patton twisted his waist and spun back in the air. His eyes were calm, his arms were extremely stable, and he took the arrow, set the arrow, pulled the bow, and shot a series of movements without even a second. On Wojin.


After being shot with an arrow, although Wo Jin suffered no damage, his figure couldn't help but his speed slowed down.

He is a burly physique, 2.58 meters tall, and his fighting style has always been straight, and he's fine in the open. However, in a place with a complex environment such as a dense forest, the speed is greatly limited.

"Archer, you eggless coward, don't you dare to stop and fight with Lao Tzu?!"

He tried to disturb Barton's mind with words, but Barton completely ignored his mockery and rushed in a certain direction with his head down.


Seeing that the other party was not fooled, Wo Jin scolded secretly, and could only use all his strength to slap away the blocking tree trunk and speed up to chase after Barton.

tao tao…

In the dense forest, the two run one after the other, running farther and farther...

Stark Industries Building, 5:37 p.m.

Obadiah's office.

"Bastard, what's going on with those subordinates? Don't you call me now?"

As early as 20 minutes ago, he inexplicably lost contact with the younger brothers sent, and there was no way to get news of the scene.

After drinking a sip of red wine, Obadiah walked irritably around the room.

It was difficult for me to sit still for a while, so I couldn't help opening the shutters and glanced downstairs.

At this sight, Obadiah Staney was taken aback immediately.

I saw a group of guys in black clothes, who were guarding downstairs at some point.

Others got out of several black cars and were led into the building by a man with thinning hair.

bell bell bell…

On the table, the landline phone rang suddenly.

Obadiah took a step back in fright. He stared at the phone, grunted nervously, and had an ominous premonition in his heart.

Chapter seventy-two. . . This tough fight. . . I won. . . . . .

bell bell bell…

The phone was still ringing in the quiet room, and the piercing bell sounded like a life-threatening magic sound, as if it was going to go on forever.

[Mood value +763 from Obadiah Stanley]

Obadiah was in a cold sweat and didn't dare to pick it up. He pushed aside the bookshelf against the wall in a panic, revealing a secret elevator.

Without any hesitation, he hurriedly walked in and started the elevator, and the bookshelves automatically closed again.

Bang bang bang!

In less than 3 minutes, the door was kicked open from the outside, and Coulson strode in with a pistol in hand.

He glanced around, but could not see Obadiah, looked at the unfinished red wine on the table, and his expression immediately became serious.

"Obadia is not here, he ran away."

"Hurry up and send another team in. One team searches upwards, and the other team searches downwards. Be careful to keep in touch at all times."

The other two groups remained on alert, and immediately intercepted vehicles and pedestrians when they found vehicles and pedestrians near the building.

I suspect that Obadiah is very likely to mix in and want to escape! "

"Got it!" xN

They move fast, Obadiah moves faster.

In just two or three minutes, he came to a secret laboratory underground.

On the shelf in the center of the room, there is a war armor code-named Iron Overlord.

The Ark Reactor, stolen from Tony, was purposely placed on the chest of the armor as a power source.

By the time Coulson led the crowd to rush here, Obadiah Staney had finished dressing and was manipulating the Iron Overlord to walk down the shelf.

"Bastard, you can't stop me!"

Obadiah shouted, and just running forward made Coulson and the others' faces changed greatly, and they had to dodge to both sides.

The bullet hit Tiebawang, splashing a few sparks, and it was useless like a tickling.

"Squad C, Squad D, quickly rushed to the exit of the underground parking lot, Obadiah Stani is running away in armor!"

Looking at the direction in which Obadiah fled, Coulson quickly took out the walkie-talkie and started giving orders.

Peng, Peng, Peng…

Tie Bawang's speed was very fast, and his big metal feet made a loud noise on the ground.

He ran out of the underground parking lot all the way, his mind still a little confused.

He doesn't know what happened to Wojin? Is Tony dead?

Why don't you guys call him? Did the plan leak?

when? by whom...


At the intersection ahead, several cars suddenly accelerated and rushed over to block his way, but the Iron Overlord stepped on the carriage and pressed him over.

They tried to use firearms to stop Tiebawang, but they couldn't shoot through its armor at all, so they could only watch him leave helplessly.

tao tao…

Coulson led the crowd hurriedly from the rear, he took out the walkie-talkie while running and shouted.

"Failure to act, fail to act, call for augmentation, call for augmentation... Barton, how's the situation on your side?"

Barton didn't answer, he could only hear heavy breathing, hurried running, and occasionally a loud laugh, like chasing a perverted madman behind Barton.

[From Phil Coulson's emotional value +813]

Deep in the dark jungle.


After snapping a tree, Wo Jin raised his hand to grab an incoming arrow and sneered unceremoniously.

"Archer, no matter how many times you try, the result is the same, your arrows can't penetrate my thoughts!"

But Patton didn't care at all. He slipped and slipped under a crooked tree. Naturally, he heard Coulson's question on the walkie-talkie, but he didn't have that free time now.


Wo Jin's approach was too rude, and with a rush of anger, he directly broke through the big tree and rushed over.

tao tao…

Just chasing and chasing, a few minutes later, when he saw the light in front of him, Barton was overjoyed, and suddenly accelerated and rushed forward.

Wo Jin naturally discovered this, and regardless of the burden on his body, he injected more energy into his legs, smashed the tree and rushed towards Barton.


Barton jumped up and rushed out of the jungle first, the afterglow of the setting sun sprinkled on him, and turned his bow and arrow to aim back.


Wo Jin followed closely, and the two jumped in the air one after another, and the distance between them was less than 3 meters.'re dead!

With bloodthirsty eyes open, Wo Jin silently conveyed his killing intent.

His right fist flickered, and the ultimate super-destruction punch had been brewed.

Huh... idiot.

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and Barton shot back with his eyes.

Only when he was the last stubborn before his death, Wo Jin threw his fist forward, and before the fist arrived, the strong fist style had already hit Patton's face.

However, Barton laughed. He bent over and rolled his stomach to prepare for the unloading posture in advance. While blocking the punch with his bow, he tried his best to shoot the last arrow.

Whoosh! Bang!

An arrow was first shot at Wo Jin. He wanted to replay the old trick to fly the arrow, but he didn't want the arrow to suddenly turn into a big net with a strong binding force, covering him.

The body was covered by the big net, Wo Jin's body was tilted, and he roared regardless of the shot.

The 250-pound bow body reinforced with special materials was only swept across the surface by Wo Jin's right fist, and it couldn't withstand the power of the super-destroying punch, and was smashed to pieces on the spot.

The five fingers were rolled backwards, the bones of both arms were broken, and Barton's eyes bulged, and he spit out a mouthful of blood and quickly flew backwards!


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