MTL - Medical Master-Chapter 5 Exclusive big secret!

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Jiang Miaoyu understands that the phrase "you are beautiful" just before the boy is not to praise her, but to let her produce a moment of blasphemy. At this moment of human beings, the whole body muscles are relaxed.

The boy’s bones in front of him are the moment of use.

She really didn't know how to evaluate the behavior of the boys in front of her.

Trying to move the arm, Jiang Miaoyu was surprised to find that it was really good, and the feeling of uncomfortable arms disappeared.

"There should be some pain. It is the cause of ligament strain. This can only be raised. There is no way to get it to recover quickly. Don't use your left arm too much in a week."

Fangqiu swears like an old doctor treats a patient.

"um. Thank you!"

Jiang Miaoyu, with his arms on his side, thanked him sincerely.

"You're welcome."

Fangqiu said with a smile.

At this time, the mobile phone at Jiang Miaoyu vibrated.

"Sorry, I will take a call."

Jiang Miaoyu said that he was embarrassed to pick up the phone.

Fangqiu gestures to you casually and continues to study orthopedics.

At this time, the surrounding boys were almost blasted.

Their goddess was defiled!

There was a man who grabbed her arm and even held her hand!

Although it is only a few seconds, but this can not be tolerated!

The most unbearable thing is that the goddess actually laughed at the guy!


Why? ! !

The boys in the entire library are all broken.

At this time, Jiang Miaoyu put down the phone and said with embarrassment: "I am gone, my roommate forgot to bring the key, I have to go back and open the door for her."

"up to you."

Fang Qiu stretched out his hand.

Jiang Miaoyu nodded and said: "Thank you again."

"you are welcome."

Fangqiu said.

Jiang Miaoyu smiled and picked up the needles and books and left in a hurry.

She thought that Fangqiu would call her for a phone number, but no.

Fangqiu did not care about the savage eyes around him. He continued to close his eyes and pick up the pages of the book. He left his left hand on the pages of the book.

At the moment when it could be put on, Fang Qiu’s eyes slammed open.

The eyes are full of shock and can't believe it!


All the above marks have disappeared!

Fangqiu quickly picked up the page and checked it several times, and finally decided.

It disappeared and disappeared completely.

Now the pages of his hand are completely a real white paper, meaningless.

I really don't know which one can do this, this is a one-off item!

Fang Qiu’s heart has a longing for the ability to make such a wonderful book page. I really want to see what the deity looks like.

Wouldn't it be a middle-aged person at the door?

He suddenly thought of it.

If it is really him, then he must know the above!

After thinking for a while, he decided to tempted.

Fang Qiu immediately put the useless pages into the ancient books, and then put them back into the distance, and took a few modern books of orthopedics and came to the door to borrow.

The reason why he took modern books, he wanted to understand the difference between modern orthopedics and ancient orthopedics.

Seeing a few books that Fang Qiu brought, the middle-aged man’s look inevitably revealed a slight disappointment. He asked: "Is the "The Key to the Injury" not found?"

"I found it, but it didn't look strange to look at it. I put it back after reading it."

Fangqiu returned to the road, but his eyes stared at the middle-aged person intentionally or unintentionally.

“Is there anything strange about this book?”

The middle-aged man shook his head and seemed to be saying to himself: "It seems that you can't crack it either."

Wen Yan, Fang Qiu's body and mind shocked, the eyes could not help but brighten, then calmly calmly asked: "What can't be solved?"

"It's nothing."

The middle-aged man faintly replied.

Then quickly count the statistics of Fangqiu, push the book and the borrowing card forward, and ignore the square.

Fangqiu smiled slightly.

It seems that you don't know the secret inside!

You can't be that power!

I don't know who is that person?

And who are you?

Putting the ancient books in the bag, Fang Qiu took the borrowing card and said thank you, he took the door directly.

Looking at the back of Fangqiu, the middle-aged man sighed with disappointment.

A senior told him that he had told him that there was a big secret in the book, but he stayed here for ten years, but he did not find any secrets.

He saw a strange boy today, so he asked him to give it a try.

Unfortunately, nothing has been found.

It seems that the predecessors said bad!

Middle-aged people can't help but think of it, but he doesn't care much about this big secret. In his opinion, the secret about orthopedics is nothing more than something like secret recipe plaster. I don't know if it is no big deal.

Let the secret disappear at any time!

He didn't know that Fangqiu had already got this big secret, and he had already used it, and he still spent on the new school.

Fangqiu returned to the dormitory with a bag, and the three guys in the dormitory immediately surrounded him.

"Daddy, ask for teaching!" The old three Sun Hao directly spoke.

"Seek to teach!"

The boss Zhu Ben is minging with the old four days.

"What is taught?"

Fangqiu asked down the bag and asked.

"Pick up the girl, oh no, the method of playing the flute, ask for advice!"

Sun Haoyi’s pleading for the look of the gods seems to want to learn to show up immediately.

"This is ah, simple."

Fangqiu directly pulled the chair and sat down to start teaching.

All three people stunned, and obviously did not expect Fangqiu to speak so well.

Then I ecstatically pulled the chair and learned it.

Half an hour later, three people were lying in bed with no face in love, and Fangqiu had already gone to the cafeteria to eat.

"Everyone, it's a little difficult!" The old four days said that the white wall of the roof was weak and said.

"It’s just a bit, it’s not too difficult!”

Sun Hao also said with anger.

After blowing for half an hour in a row, the fart didn't learn, and the heads that were blown were all hypoxic, and all of them were Venus.

"Isn't that old man talking about it, persevere, he has only reached this level for several years." Zhu Benzheng, the boss.

"After several years, I graduated from the university! What kind of girl is still there! It seems that we can only live in the shadow of the old man in the future, especially this kid has already appeared in the school, and keep reading all the time! ”


The three men sighed and continued to squat on the bed.

After dinner, everyone went to study last night.

Today, the beauty school sister class director Liu Feifei said that she would start the class.

Waiting for the class meeting, Liu Feifei, the class teacher of the school class, boasted a lower hill.

Everyone knows that the righteous **** of the hot campus forum in the afternoon is Fangqiu!

There was a warm applause in the classroom.

It’s very doubtful that other classes have heard it. Are these three classes noisy? So lively.

Zhu Benzheng, Sun Hao, and Zhou Xiaotian were even more ugly, and they looked at each other and then smiled bitterly.

The shadow of this old man is a bit big!

After the class was over, a group of people would sleep in the dormitory.

Three in the morning.

Fangqiu got up from the bed, dressed quietly, then opened the dormitory door and jumped directly from the fifth floor.

The floor is silent.

Immediately turned into a black shadow flashing, quickly rushing toward the drug king mountain in the school.

Every day at three in the morning, he started practicing.

From the perspective of Chinese medicine, if twenty-four hours correspond to the four seasons of the four seasons, then the three o'clock in the morning corresponds to the Lichun Festival, which is the moment of all things, and the simultaneous training of Wu and the atmosphere of the world is undoubtedly the best.

Jiangjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine has a large campus with lush vegetation and lush greenery.

“King Wang Shan” is a man-made mountain next to the central lake of the campus, which is full of various Chinese herbal medicines.

It is a pity that these herbs are only in the air because of the climate and other reasons.

When I stepped into the Yaoshan Mountain, Fangqiu heard the sound of "嘿" and "Ha", and the brow suddenly wrinkled.

Is there anyone else besides him?

When the figure flashed, Fangqiu had already come to the source of the sound, and saw the look of the person who was wearing the boxing punch, and then smiled.

Chen Cong.

The beautiful school girl represents another person performing in their class, performing programs, martial arts!

Fangqiu stood under the tree and watched Chen Cong play boxing.

The boxing of the tiger is a strong wind.

Gives a rather fierce and fierce feeling.

Extremely explosive.

But Fangqiu shook his head, looked at it for a while and turned away, suddenly heard a burst of drink.


Chen Cong immediately put up his fist and watched the direction of Fangqiu with vigilance.

The sweat on the forehead dribbled down, I don’t know if it was caused by practicing boxing or cold sweat.

He didn't even notice that someone was watching it next time. It was really too big.

Fangqiu smiled slightly and walked out of the tree shadow. Just now he deliberately revealed a figure of his body. If Chen Cong did not find it, he would be too disappointed.


Seeing the face of the people, Chen Cong brows slightly.

"It's me, good morning."

Fangqiu said.

"How are you here?" Chen Cong took out his towel and rubbed his sweat, and his expression was obviously relaxed.


Fangqiu simply replied.


Chen Cong’s action stopped and his eyes flickered. “Is passing at three in the morning? Are you also coming out to exercise? Is it also practicing martial arts? You will not tell me if you are coming to study?”

Fangqiu did not answer.

At this time, a leaf fell from the tree. He reached out to the palm of his hand. The leaves fell steadily on his palm, and then he looked at Chen Cong with a smile.

Chen Cong turned a blind eye to this and still stared at him, waiting for his answer.

Seeing the shape, Fangqiu palm turned over and the leaves slowly fell.

"I just can't sleep, come out and let go, I didn't expect to touch you, don't bother you, I will go first, you will continue."

Say nodded and then leave.

Chen Cong looked at the back of Fangqiu's back, his eyes narrow, and then put on his clothes and quietly followed.

Fang Qiu noticed that someone was following the track and smiled.

If Chen Cong is really getting started, he will realize how powerful the realm behind his own hand is.

But he did not find it.

Explain that he did not get started.

Therefore, the road is different and there is nothing to say.

The footsteps of Fangqiu instantly accelerated, and the whole person disappeared silently in the jungle.

Chen Cong came over and suddenly found that Fang Qiu was not seen.


This situation made him frown in an instant.

With his skill, he will not be lost with an ordinary classmate.

He immediately looked around, but did not find the figure of Fangqiu.

Back in place, Chen Cong fell into meditation.

Is the classmate a master?

Otherwise it would not be so easy to leave his tracking line.

This guess made him excited in an instant, clenched his fists.

It seems that I am not alone, and finally find someone who is practicing!

However, it seems that this guy is not ready to expose himself, he has to find a chance to try him.

After the decision, Chen Cong took off his clothes and continued to play the military.

at the same time.

Fangqiu came to the central lake, and there was a small island in the middle of the center lake. Because there were no boats, few people went up.

Fangqiu listened to the ear and determined that no one was around.

Taking a deep breath, the internal air is full of body.

Silently walked forward.

When I stepped into the lake, a horrific scene happened. He didn't sink.

The foot stood still against the lake, like a flat!

Fangqiu strode forward, walking very stable, stable than walking on the ground, and added a feeling of embarrassment.

The faster and faster, the last Buddha flew up on the lake.

Light work!

If anyone sees this scene, it will definitely remember the light work that can be seen on the martial arts film on TV!

In this world, there will still be people who will do it lightly. This is totally a violation of Newton's law!

If you pass it out, it will definitely shock everyone in the world!

Jumping from the lake, Fangqiu, like a giant eagle, gently fell to the island, sitting cross-legged and practicing.

By the time he is in this realm, he is no longer too focused on emphasizing moves.

Instead, it pays attention to the internal air.

With the action of internal gas perfusion, each movement implies martial arts and power, and the power is endless.

This is the real way to make it simple and simple.

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