MTL - Medical Master-Chapter 6 Military training fracture!

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Two hours later, Fangqiu was satisfied with the work.

Two hours of cultivation, and let his cultivation into a point.

After receiving the work, he jumped directly to the surface of the water, quickly stepping on the waves and leaving the central lake.

Back to the dormitory, Fangqiu directly yelled at the other three people and saw three faces that looked reluctant.

Fangqiu said helplessly: "Everybody, summer and March, the night is getting up early, but the five points are the horror of the twenty-four solar terms. The yang is born, and everything is revived. At this time, the bed is suffocating, it will hurt the kidney, and hurry. Get up! Let's learn Chinese medicine, we must learn to use it!"

One listened to the kidney, and the three people threw themselves up and sat up.

While wearing clothes, the old three Sun Hao muttered and muttered: "We are not yet learning."

"That is, with you, our kidneys are saved."

Said the old four days.

After washing, after breakfast, the four people came to the playground. Today it didn't rain and continued military training.

In the next three days, the military training was over. For other people, the military training was miserable. For Fangqiu, it was a piece of cake.

Chen Cong came to the playground after breakfast. After seeing Fangqiu, he walked straight.


Chen Cong came to Fangqiu and shouted.

Fang Qiu looked at Chen Cong, and he knew the other party came to himself in the first time.

It is also clear about the purpose of the other party. As long as it is not a fool, he is so strangely disappeared, and he is doubtful.

"Is there something?"

"Looking for time, compare it?"

Chen Cong stared at Fang Qiu's face, intending to find any look as he guessed.

"Not interested in."

Fangqiu said directly.

"Don't rush to refuse, just a simple discussion, point to the end." Chen Cong further said.

"I still have no interest." Fang Qiu said.

Chen Cong was silent. He did not expect Fang Qiu to reject such a decisive decision. It is reasonable to say that if the other party is a martial artist, it should be very bloody. When confronted with challenges, he should directly fight. I did not expect the other party to be interested.

Is he guessing wrong?

After a sigh of relief, he stared at Fangqiu’s eyes and asked, "How suddenly did you disappear in the morning, I found you and didn't find you."

"This, I went back to sleep in the dormitory."

Fangqiu said.

Chen Cong also wants to ask again, when the instructor came, and immediately whistled.

He can only give up and go to line up.

He is ready to find another opportunity, even if the attack is to attack, Fang Qiu is not a martial artist.

It’s hard to find a practicer, how can he turn over!

"All of them, look to the right! Look forward!"

The instructor shouted, and all the people in the team lined up and turned their heads.

"stand at attention!"


"Good! Tell everyone, start practicing today and walk in the first three rows! I will show you the standard movements, everyone will look carefully!"

After the instructor quickly explained it, everyone started training.

Although there was a whole day of rain yesterday, there was no feeling of coolness in the air today.

In the summer of September, the scorching sun is burning. The entire three classes and rows of students are all separated by about one meter. The right arm is crossed and the left leg is lifted up.

The most tiring action in all military training.

The feet lifted and the toes were straight, and they had to be twenty-five centimeters away from the ground. They could not shake at all.

Just a minute later, all the students in the three classes couldn’t stand it, or the body or the legs began to shake.

Some even can't stand the leg, put it down and hurry up.

Only the stables of Fangqiu and Chen Cong, the instructors of the standard of action can't say anything.

Seeing the two, the instructor Gao Hu showed a satisfactory look.

It is said that the above will recruit soldiers this year, and let their instructors pay attention to whether there are good seedlings.

Before that, he also felt that after three years of college entrance examination, there were still some good seedlings. After training for a few days, he found that these two people are good seedlings, and their physical fitness is not as strong as it is, even better than him.

However, if Chen Cong's muscles are tense and strong, it is not surprising that he has such physical fitness.

But Fangqiu, who looks like a little white face, has such qualities, it is really unexpected!

Looking at two people, the instructor Gao Hu couldn’t help but smile. He wanted to test the two people in the end.

According to the usual training, if you can't stand it for a minute, you should change your legs, but this time he doesn't call for a change of legs. He has to look at how long these two people can last.

Another minute has passed.

The two still stayed still.

The legs of the rest of the class could not be lifted, all of them were on the ground, trying to lift them up, but the legs were not obedient.

At this time, everyone also found the abnormalities of Fangqiu and Chen Cong. I saw where the two were still standing straight, and the legs were not shaking, and I couldn’t help but praise:


After another minute, everyone stopped and found that the instructors did not care about them, and they were lazy, but their eyes kept looking at Chen Cong and Fang Qiu.

Chen Cong’s heart also slammed against Fangqiu, and it was his limit to reach four minutes.

He thinks Fangqiu is similar.

After another thirty seconds, Chen Cong’s raised left leg began to violently shake.

He glanced at Fangqiu and stood still straight. Like a sculpture, his heart could not help but be frustrated.

Instructor Gao Hu also noticed that Chen Cong had reached the limit. Although he was surprised at this time, he did not practice this after all. It is quite good to stick to this time.

What surprised him the most was Fang Qiu.

This guy has been a light-hearted look from the beginning.

It’s still a light and cloudy look.

It seems that it is not his legs!

The instructor Gao Hu sighed that the contest Fang Qiu won and won his optimistic Chen Cong.

This kid is hidden!

The other students in the class also noticed that Chen Cong couldn’t keep going. He was surprised that Fang Qiu had defeated the five big three thick Chen Cong. He knew that Chen Cong would be a kung fu. Fang Qiu’s ability to crush him was too unexpected. .

Zhu Benzheng, Sun Hao, and Zhou Xiaotian have more mourning in their hearts.

Bigger! The shadow is big!

The instructor Gao Hu saw that it was boring to continue. He immediately said: "Two! Change legs!"

Everyone took a step forward, the left leg fell and the right leg lifted.

The action was very flustered. Only Fangqiu took a step forward and put his right hand down. The left arm was lifted up and placed on the chest, and the right leg was lifted at the same time.

The action is just right, in one go.

Seeing his movements, the instructors had to admire a standard.

The drill continues.

After the morning exercise, everyone had a lunch break for lunch and continued in the afternoon.

In the afternoon, the hot sun is thick.

Everyone is listless and stiff under the scorching sun.

Only Fangqiu is still a light and cloudy look.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, here, the three classes of Fangqiu continued to practice, and the classes of other colleges opposite them were rioted.

It seems that someone suddenly fell to the ground and cried with a pain in his foot.

Although there is a distance from the distance, Fangqiu is still keenly aware that the face is a bit pale.

It seems that it is not a simple injury, nor is it loaded.

The instructor Gao Hu asked their students to rest immediately, and they rushed to another class to find the instructor.

Military training is an army task. They are all officers who have been soldiers for several years. They do not want their comrades to be separated from the military camp because of a military training accident.

Medical staff who are not far away from the medical point have also arrived.

But it does not seem to have any effect.

Fangqiu, who is drinking water, looks at the class in the distance. He sees that someone has dialed 120.

The student was also taken to the shade.

The student’s right-leg shoe box socks had been taken off. When everyone carried him through the class where Fangqiu was, Fangqiu looked at the student’s right foot.

No obvious trauma.

No trauma, it hurts like this...

Fangqiu thought of the symptoms of a fracture seen in a modern orthopedics book last night.

Fatigue fracture!

This type of fracture is mostly caused by the long-term non-physiological stress of the skeletal system, which occurs in the humerus, humerus and tibia. These stress-concentrated parts are one of the common training injuries, and the most important point is the disease in the training of troops. The rate is higher.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but have the urge to try and see if he judged correctly.

Although he is now in the period of positive bone control, but he wants to improve his friend's environment, he must practice a lot to be able to make friends.

So he wants to improve the opportunity to seize every practice without losing the opportunity to know that this kind of practical opportunity is not always there.

At this time, the instructor Gao Hu came over and whistled.

After everyone re-established the team, the instructor Gao Hu shouted: "We will continue below."


Suddenly, the crowd remembered a report.


Instructor Gao Hu looked at Fangqiu.

It seems to be military training for a week, the first time I heard this guy shouting a report.

Everyone else has a shoelace open, the skin is itchy, dizzy, tired and other reports of shouting, this guy has not!

This is a once-in-a-lifetime, what should this kid do?

He is very curious.

"I want to see the student."

Fangqiu said loudly.

As soon as this statement came out, the instructors included all the students in the class.

I don't understand why Fangqiu has this request.

"Your classmate? Or your friend?"

The instructor asked.

"Report! No! I know some medical knowledge, I want to care about my classmates!"

Fang Qiu replied.

The students in the class were surprised.

They didn't know much about Chinese medicine before they entered Jiangzhong. Now some people say that they know some medical knowledge and want to see it. Is this gap a bit big?

Gao Hu looked at Fangqiu with a puzzled look. Although this request was a bit strange, he still agreed.

"Is five minutes enough?"

"Report! Enough!"

"Good! Derailed!"

Fangqiu immediately ran to the students in the shade.

There are only the instructors and two medical staff in addition to the students.

"Report! I look at my classmates' orders!"

Fangqiu came to the instructor and came directly to a standard salute, then sprinkled a good faith lie.

If he doesn't say this, he is estimated to have been rushed away and there will be no chance to get close to the injured student.

The instructor did not think much and agreed to Fang Qiu’s visit.

Fangqiu immediately came to the students, and he did not care for his stench. He picked up his classmates’ feet and asked, “Where is it hurt?”

The student's face is full of pain and points to the top of the big toe on the instep.


This position is the location of fatigue fractures.

Fangqiu directly attached the back of the student's foot to the left hand, and the right hand grasped the side of the big toe and the sole of the foot.

There is a faint image of the entire cover of the hands in the mind.

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