MTL - Medical Princess-Chapter 1245 , The dust fell to the ground, a feather!

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The sturdy mother-in-law is indeed the repairer, the mother-in-law of Xingguohoufu, and Shao Jing's confidant. Shao Jing has kindness to her. Her only son fights with people outside, and his legs are bad. Shao Jing helped her and gave his son leg treatment. After the son was gone, she followed Shao Jing wholeheartedly.

After Qinghua County's fake death at that time, she was served by her and brought to E Niang's residence.

E Niang went out of the house and became Shao Jing's outer room. She lived in an inconspicuous mansion in the capital. Shao Jing was careful every time she came, turned around a few times, and changed her carriage. Yu Lian's equipment was also changed, which is why Jiang had not found it, although he suspected it.

Shao Jing was very cautious. It was not just a matter of the outer room, but also the matter of Qinghua County.

E Niang, the former girl ring of the Qinghua County Lord, actually meant to help the guards and serve. This level was more than ten years. The Qinghua County Lord ’s sage had not been very clear. When she died, she was like this. Vice appearance, it has been like this for so many years. It is rare to be sober, even if you are sober of many things, you can't remember it. Many times E Niang says what it is.

She has always known about E Niang and did not make a big deal.

Everyone around knew that this family was low-key, men were businessmen, rarely in the capital, and had never been and did not care about Shao Jing. The Qinghua County Lord was noisy and noisy, of course, no one would find this family's home. There is also an abnormal woman.

The news that Qinghua County Lord was still alive spread!

The entire capital city was almost crazy, Qinghua County Lord has not died for so many years! And he has been imprisoned all the time, Shao Jing really deserves to be killed, killed his elder brother, imprisoned his elder sister, such a vicious and heinous person, has been a prosperous country for so many years.

Before, I thought that Princess Concubine returned to Xingguohou Mansion. There were a lot of troubles. Some people stood by Shao Jing. I felt that the Concubine Princess was not good. No one came out to help Shao Jing now. Talked.

The eldest princess of Ruian got the news, and all those crying holding the Lord of Qinghua County passed out. If it was not for the granddaughter and the end of Qinghua County Lord, it would have been a death sentence or lost value in Shao Jing's hands. Ruian A princess so strong, crying with blood and tears.

Outside rumors first pointed to Xingguohou's house, and then changed from Xingguohou's body to the king of the king. I don't know when, many people are saying that Shao Jing has a good relationship with the king of the king. In the palace, he will go and tell some Buddhist scriptures to the king.

The relationship between Shao Jing and the King of Kings was normal until outsiders looked.

Mrs. Tai professed to believe in Buddhism, and from time to time she would be asked to copy some Buddhist scriptures, saying that she would copy them by herself. It was nothing if Shao Jing asked the King to ask for some rare Buddhist scriptures. The group looked like a kind and friendly Buddha, like a smiling and smiling Buddha in the temple, and Mrs. Tai's **** in it, even if he went to the King of King several times, it was nothing.

There are always borrows and repayments. I ’m familiar with them once or twice. It ’s okay to walk a few more times. At that time, the king of the king focused on repairing and ambitious. He was not close to other courtiers. Will not cause suspicion.

It's different now. The king's ambitions become conspicuous as things push away.

Rising, many people are now suspicious of the King of Kings, thinking that King of Kings is not so clean on the surface. Since King of Kings has a mind, what about Shao Jing? Is it really just for the wife to copy the Buddhist scriptures?

The wife of Xingguohoufu is not a good one. Does she really know nothing about the behavior of the second son? Even if the killing of Shao Jing's brother is not a personal experience, but what happened to the Qinghua County Lord in the House of Xingguo? I heard that this lady does not know what happened in the house, although she does not care about the inner court.

I know, but I still watch the second son act with open eyes. How can such a mindset be a Buddhahood?

Since it is not true and good, it is Shao Jing who walks closer to the King of Kings through this fake Buddha nature of Mrs. Tai.

If you think about it that way, can you say that Shao Jing is the King of Kings?

Some things were originally thought impossible, but the more I thought about it, the more I thought it was possible. Some things Shao Jing couldn't do even if he wanted to do it. His hands were not so long.

For example, in the case of the Jiang family, the Jiang family blocked Shao Jing's way, making him unable to marry an outsider, and the incident that he had killed his brother-in-law was another one. Shao Jing would then kill Jiang.

Shao Jing didn't have that much ability. It wasn't Shao Jing's job to kill Jiang in the Ministry of Justice. So what about the possible king behind him? It must be possible.

One thing was figured out, and the other thing was understandable, so the king's men killed Jiang's. Only the personnel of the Ministry of Criminal Affairs would know when Jiang's staff were not under surveillance, and they could leave in the gap, check After the little official, no one saw him at that time, it must be his hands.

Then he marred to the King of Qingjun, and then the fire of the King of Qingjun went on fire. He chased people to the house of King of Qingjun, and assassin assassinated King of Qingjun, but it was a cover up, and then everyone His eyes caught on King Qingjun.

He was fast-tracked and pushed everything to the King of Qingjun. The King of Qingjun went to the palace and cried to the emperor, saying that he didn't know anything, why the clerk in the Buddhist temple was there, and he didn't know. That was the place where the princess practiced Buddha, and there was usually no one else. Just one old woman took care of it, and before the person from the Ministry of Justice found out, the princess had visited the Buddhist temple and found nothing.

Although the words of the King of Qing County did not explicitly refer to the King of Kings, but with all kinds of rumors, it also said that Shao Jie's daughter, Shao Jinger, had returned to her mother's house with a guilty conscience since the incident, and the answer was almost in his mouth.

The king of the king acted, Shao Jieer responded internally, which made the small official silently enter the Qing Jun Wang Fu.

Chu Qing cried terribly and was aggrieved. He only said that if he was so secretly calculated, it would be better to let his mother-in-law clear the ancient Buddha, and he was still an idler. There was no title, or it would be kept secret. Ever since he came out of Yu Huizhen, he has been uneasy.

In front of Manchu's civil and military affairs, Chu Qing cried and couldn't help crying, and knelt down on the Jinyu Hall.

Many old ministers looked sad, they must be the bones of the emperor. Now it is so distressing to have reached such a point. Many old ministers' eyes are secretly looking at the king of kings standing on the stage. This is the first The most orthodox descendant of the emperor is also His Highness, who the emperor has always been around. He is the one most convinced by the old ministers.

In the past, King Wang was not healthy. They did n’t have any idea, only

I want King Wang An to live safely and safely. As for the others, how dare you think about it, even if the King King's body is on the throne, I am afraid that it will not live long. It is not as good as the other emperors, at least healthy. Kang.

Right now, the king ’s health is getting better and better. The original king and the king zhou are not tuned. Although some things have been hidden, many people are also informed. Secondly, it was all for a woman, and this woman finally became the emperor's woman, so the royal family was degraded.

The only good thing is that this woman is dead.

On the bright side, it is better than the orthodox king, and the private character is the same. Many people secretly think that the healthy king is the most suitable one.

At this time, the King of Qing County was in trouble, and many people's eyes secretly fell on Chu Liuyu.

Chu Liuyu stood still in front of the platform, without any words, quietly listening to Chu Qing crying, his eyes were quiet, and he could not see any emotion.

He was calm at this time, but the emperor was furious, and immediately declared that the king of the king who had never been to the dynasty did not go up to the palace.

Below the main hall, Zhang Xiang and Wen repeatedly asked the King of Kings. Since King of Kings had already been prepared, he was almost asked. The final answer was somewhat reluctant. The emperor was furious and scolded King of Kings a meal. The orphan threw it down and smashed on the king's head, smashing the king's head.

Later, the title of the King of Kings was reduced to King of Kings County, which is no different from that of Chu Qing. The charge was that she had walked close to Shao Jing. The two actually had a good personal relationship. It wasn't good at all. Besides, there was also a case of not loving the younger generation, which meant the contradiction between him and Chu Qing.

Another one is disrespecting the elders, saying that he was still in contact with Shao Jing while in the queen mother's illness, and also had leisure time to swim together.

There is no evidence pointing directly at the King of Kings, but the sum of these crimes is enough to make the emperor pull down the title of the King of Kings, especially when the queen queen is ill, so still, the emperor still visits the queen mother every day, The King of Kings did not have filial piety, and took care of his mother-in-law's favor to him.

For all kinds of crimes, the angry king's nose was crooked. He wanted to go to visit the queen mother every day, and this had to be agreed by the emperor. Moreover, he was still in the name of cleanup, where could he please the queen mother every day.

What a sin to add to sin!

However, the King of Kings did not dare to make trouble. The more troubled this thing is, the worse it is. The carelessness may really trap himself in the matter of Xingguohou government. big.

Although the emperor has no evidence to prove that she really did it, she has no evidence to say that she definitely did not do it.

The King of Kings has now become the King of Kings, and has cut the title and punished him. He has also been allowed to meditate in the government. He is not allowed to go anywhere. Chu Qing, who was crying there for a moment, bit his teeth and could bear everything. He could bear it, but it was not the time to do it.

Shao Jing was in the jail of the Ministry of Criminal Affairs and knew what the Qinghua County Lord had been found. After only three laughs from the sky, he said nothing more. Even if the people in the Ministry of Criminal Affairs sentenced him to death, he also said nothing. Don't say, begging for death, but nothing about the words of Qinghua County Lord was revealed.

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