MTL - Medical Princess-Chapter 1246 King wants you to die

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The two soldiers dragged Shao Jing into a room. Shao Jinglai came in and saw Chu Liuyu sitting lazily under the shadow of a lamp, sitting on a stool on the side, he was dead anyway and was not afraid of anything.

"Shao Jing, why are you imprisoning Qinghua County Lord?" Xiao Xuanzi stepped forward and said coldly.

"There is no reason, you want to be imprisoned." Shao Jingdao said that he was really not afraid of anything at the moment, and the Ministry of Criminal Affairs did not give him a lot of torture. All he asked was this.

A dying man, what is he afraid of?

"Do you think you're going to die anyway ... it doesn't matter?" Chu Liu's ink-colored pupils rolled around, smiling as if they were Qing Jun talents who came down from the painting, gentle and gentle.

But in such a place, even Wen Wenchi, who was originally gentle and gentle as jade, got a little bit bad, not to mention Chuluoyu, which was not really gentle and graceful as originally, such a smile glowed with scarlet eyes in Shao Jing Seeing is gloomy and treacherous.

"King Wang, whatever you say, what are you talking about!" Settled, Shao Jing sneered, couldn't sit still, fell to the ground softly, leaning on the stool's feet, looked up at Chu Liuyu, Quite a bit provocative, he was not afraid that Chu Liuyu would kill him now. In fact, he was more willing to die now than a thousand swords.

But the man in the penalty department looked closely, he had no chance to die.

Breathing, spitting blood in the direction of Chu Liuyu, intending to anger Chu Liuyu, others may not dare to deal with themselves when the Ministry of Sentences decides for themselves, but the king of kings dares, and Shao Jing is very willing to Chulu A sword stabbed him to death.

Right now he's alive, that's how he lives.

Xiaoxuanzi stopped in front of Chu Liuyu, and Shao Jing's blood was spit on his body. His face was pale and he could not come up and gave Shao Jing two slaps.

"Do you think I can't take you?" Chu Liu said lazily, "Shao Jing, don't forget, you have a son."

"So what! I'm going to die myself. I can't see anything when I die. It's no use worrying me anymore." Shao Jing jumped suddenly, but his face looked careless.

"Shao Jing, don't you think you said nothing, and the king didn't know it? You have a great crime and your son is of course involved. Therefore, the merits and demerits will never be official, and among the offspring, the third generation cannot Enter the dynasty as an official. "Chu Liuyu's eyes fell on Shao Jing's body with great interest, saying very meaningful.

Shao Jing held his hand on the foot of the stool for a moment, but then said: "This matter has nothing to do with Hua An. He was still small at the time and didn't understand anything. He ... he has always been good to Princess Concubine. After the princess entered the house, Hua'an has always defended her. If it wasn't for Hua'an, the princess was so peaceful in the past three years. "

"Do you mean that your son is still protecting the king's princess?" Chu Liuxi raised an eyebrow, and smiled with a little enchantment, but it made people feel cold.

Shao Jing swallowed a spit of water involuntarily. Although he meant it, Chu Liuyu said it inexplicably.

"Princess Xie and Hua'an make good friends, and they will definitely not break all the roads of Hua'an." Shao Jing strived for reason.

"But you have harmed my prince's family. Even if you want to let him, you can't put it. Uncle Huang's order is like this, but your son might be hard to survive." Chu Liuxi smiled, showing

A sense of ridicule.

"Master Wang, what do you want?" Shao Jing's eyes narrowed for a while. He didn't care that Shao Hua'an was in a difficult situation right now, but he had to be alive.

"How about my king, don't you know? Are you trying to anger my king? If you change another one, you will definitely not do this. The reason for this is because your king is willful, even an uncle. The emperor sometimes can only follow the king, isn't it? "Chu Liuyu slender outstretched his finger and knocked on the desktop." Now the king sees your son is not pleasing to the eye and wants you to break off your grandson! "

Chu Liuyu's last sentence was still smiling and said. His handsome face didn't even have a half-light, and he gently said the words of extinction, even though Shao Jing had been desperate to die, at this time he couldn't help it. After a few stings, his face was as pale as snow, without a trace of blood.

If this is what other kings said, he would not believe it, but this person is Chu Liuyu, and even the emperor and the queen mother let his Chu Liuyu. If he did this kind of thing, he would destroy his family. Up and down the door, even if the emperor knew it, it would be treated as unknown.

Son and daughter are all his hopes.

It is not that he has the spirit of self-denial, but that he has to do so. He has heavy penalties and cannot escape, so he will not try to tell all the secrets.

Qinghua County Lord, he also left the last secret, which is the most important reason for him to imprison Qinghua County.

"The King of Kings has now become the King of Kings, and has been banned by his uncle. After that, he will not be allowed to leave the city. If he really wants to become a monk, he can also go to the house. There are no women, just like a monk. "

Chu Liuyu casually said, Jun eyes glanced at Shao Jing, even with a little smile, tepid look, but heard Shao Jing shudder.

Raised his head and looked at Chu Liuyu in difficulty. The sick prince never got into his eyes. Even after he became healthy, for Shao Jing, he never really looked into it. The reason for marrying into the King's Mansion, but at the moment Shao Jing felt that he was really blind. He only felt that King of the King was weak and wayward, which was useless.

If the current one is really useless, the other ones will be even worse.

Everyone is not as thorough as the King of Hell! But looking at the affirmation between his looks, he knew that he must know something, or that the King of Kings already had some things in his hands.

A crying, non-smiling expression appeared on his face, and Shao Jing's expression was dark and he wanted to speak, but he didn't know where to start. He pursed his lips and closed them.

"Your daughter is not at the King's Mansion now, and may have been given to other people by the King. I don't know if it is King or King Zhou. The king thinks that the most likely is Brother Zhou, who will be very fierce. Impulsive, but the king also heard that Ji Ji from his government died the most. Brother Zhou was very upset when he was easy to get angry with these women. It ’s really nothing to die for.

Chu Liuyu continued to crack down on Shao Jingdao.

A sentence sounded ordinary, but it made Shao Jing's daring fight, his face flushed with excitement.

"Don't say that you don't know that your daughter left the house with a fake death. The Qinghua County lord got Dr. Qiu's medicine. The fake death is out of the house. Of course, your daughter can also. Entering the palace is a dead end. In the palace

You will find your daughter. Your daughter will never see her life. She died in the king's palace unnamed. "

As if Chu Liuyu did not see Shao Jing's excited emotions, the dark mist in his eyes was even worse, there was a kind of evil spirit that was unclear, and it was difficult to argue.

Shao Jingjing's heart was stunned, his face was pale, and his hands were shaking. It was impossible for a second person to know these things. How could Chu Liuyu know? There is also the matter of the daughter, why is the daughter in Zhou Wangfu, he does not believe it? Impossible, the daughter followed the king, who is already the king of the king, and the king promised himself that if he came to the throne in the future, he would inevitably give the daughter a high position, even if it was not possible for the time being, depending on the daughter's ability.

After that, his room must be in its infancy, and his dependents are his daughters.

To get E Niang into the house, the most important thing is to want her daughter to become her own daughter again. This sounds strange, but the meaning is very clear. Her daughter is pretending to be out of the palace. There is no such thing as Shao Yanru in this world. In the future, her daughter will be in front of others, and she will be the daughter of E Niang, her own daughter, and her own niece.

As long as she recognizes herself, she can also appear right in front of people, both of her own daughters. It is normal to look like some, and it is OK to stay in the deep palace and cut out some. After entering the deep palace, it is not visible to ordinary people. As for the people who see Don't dare to say it arbitrarily, that's enough.

But what did he hear just now, what did he say that his daughter was sent to the Zhou King's Palace, and she had no name with him, and the daughter already had a relationship with the King of Kings.

"Shao Jing, don't you think that King Wang will protect Shao Yanru and your son? Do you think that if the king wanted Shao Huaan's life, the king, who was only degraded, would dare not say anything? Chu Liuyu smiled, Junmu Ruoshui, very leisurely, but let Shao Jing burst into coldness.

He knew that Chu Liuyu was not telling a joke. He was telling the truth. Although his eyes were smiling mildly, there was a burst of blood. If he shot, his son could not escape his life.

Not only sons, but also daughters, could not escape their lives.

He blinked hard, and the whole person fell to the ground softly and took a few breaths before he could feel alive. "After the elder brother left Beijing, he originally went to the south of the river, but later he got the intention to go to the border. I went to find a few calligraphy and paintings. I want to know from the mouth of the Qinghua County Lord that the elder brother has been found. "

"How many paintings? Why?" Chu Liuyu knew that Shao Jing's defense had been broken, and no longer put pressure on him, he asked lazily.

"There is a place hidden in the calligraphy, which refers to the place where the first emperor tiger amulet was placed." Shao Jinghun was in pain all over and around him. The desire to support him had collapsed. Chu Liuyu asked what he said Then he answered what he did not dare to disobey Chu Liuyu's meaning. He clearly realized that his disobedience would not only have no effect, but would also cause his children to die.

He is the most terrible person!

Others only think he is seriously ill, and no one cares about him. He is also a sick cripple. Who would have thought that this sick cricket would be better in the future, and it would be so powerful that he would control the psychology and actions of almost everyone? In his heart, Shao Jing smiled horribly. At this time, since King Wang was willing to hold his daughter in his hands, there was no chance of it.

The King of Kings has revealed his fangs, and no one can escape it. By the method of King of Kings' ruthlessness, there is only a dead end without compromise ...

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