MTL - Metropolitan System-Chapter 1965 Sweeping the rivers and lakes

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The first thousand nine hundred and sixty-five chapters swept across the rivers and lakes

Not to mention other people, even Xie Mingyou listened to this news and felt that his father is not necessarily a Jiang Bai opponent, it is inevitable to worry.

Two people are constantly fighting here, Jiang Bai is also unambiguous, and all kinds of killings are displayed.

He mastered not only the three gods, but also the simple seven, the previous seven hates, and the various powerful methods that Jiang Bai plundered, and they were extinct in the world, and they were all exhibited at this time.

Even Jiang Bai also specializes in the swordsmanship of the sword, simplifying the creation of a set of swordsmanship, the power is endless, the sword is out, nothing is broken.

Finally, two people played four hundred strokes to open, and Xie Wuya, who had already been in the hang of the color, could not resist, and was directly hit by Jiang Baiyijian.

The stabbing of the person on the ground, Jiang Bai did not have any ambiguity, three **** skills, once again launched.

The sky is smashed!

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Killing people and prestige, while earning prestige, isn’t the mosquitoes less?

Compared to other people, this is still fat.

After finishing all of this, Jiang Bai pointed his gaze to Xie Mingyou, who had already turned pale. He did not wait for the other party to open his mouth and directly slaughtered him.

It made people around me feel awkward, but no one dared to speak, swallowing one by one, and his face was blank.

"Today, the famous Jianshan Villa can be delisted. If you are not convinced, I will stand here. You can challenge me!"

Are we crazy to challenge you?

At that time, the words caused people around the world to blink, no one spoke, everyone is not stupid, this time challenge Jiang Bai? Is this different from sending death?

Idiot is doing this!

No one spoke, and Jiang Baiyin’s sneer did not take care of them.

Afterwards, they gathered many famous swords from Mingjian Villa. They were also welcome. Some of them were taken away. The rest were auctioned on the spot. They changed a lot of money. Then they dealt with some backbones of Mingjian Villa. Burned.

Mingjian Villa has been destroyed since then.

Declared Xia Ziyan, Jiang Bai did not take her, but agreed to have time to find her, and then hurried away.

On an unmanned hill, Jiang Bai said to the system: "System, I also have a prestige to kill these people. According to my experience, upgrading from a master to a heavenly position requires a lot of prestige. But I should be able to get it together. Does this mean that I can break into the heavens?"

This is a problem that Jiang Bai suddenly thought of. He has also hunted a lot of masters here. Some of them have some powerful characters and gave them some prestige points. However, too few Jiang Bai, who used to make a fortune, simply did not look at it. In the eyes.

Up to now, the prestige has only increased by tens of thousands, and it is simply not enough.

Therefore, Jiang Bai did not have a heart, this will just kill Xie Wuya, Jiang Bai suddenly thought of this question and began to ask the system.

"This. In theory, it is not impossible!"

"As long as you don't break the rules, you can do it. In fact, if you just have enough prestige points, then I can raise you to the level of heaven, or even higher."

"Although here is limited by the big man, but he is only a body, and even the body can not control my affairs, as long as you do not violate the rules."

"But I have one thing to remind you that even if you advance to the heavens, you will probably be deprived of it. The great man has already been buried, but the soul is still intact."

"Not to mention that he left a dogleg in the past, but now it is extraordinary, staring at everything, if you violate the rules to advance to the heavens, it is likely to be discovered and deprived."

The system's answer made Jiang Bai frown, mixed.

The good news is that he can break through the rules and advance to the heavens, even higher, and the worry is that even if he does, he is likely to be discovered by the other party, depriving him of this extra repair.

Because of this, it is a violation of the regulations.

This makes Jiang Bai very sad.

However, this is only temporary. Jiang Bai soon returned to God and his face was smiling.

What is so scary? He deprives himself of his cultivation, and he exchanges it back. He has enough prestige points. Is it still afraid that the exchange will not be repaired?

He was deprived once and exchanged himself once.

What's more, he has no chance to advance to the heavens. At present, as long as the accumulated prestige points to keep the rankings, it is.

When the top ten of the list of heavens really entered the inheritance, it was not too late to exchange, and all the people around them were killed at the shortest speed. The inheritance was still unstable in his hands.

I want to understand this point. Jiang Bai smiles.

Soon Jiang Bama’s news of the famous Jianshan Village spread throughout the rivers and lakes. Jiang Bai was the second in the list, but he was not satisfied.

A pot of good wine, a long sword, swept across the rivers and lakes.

Within a month, the four great families were picked one after another.

Twenty-four roads were wiped out two months later.

Three months later, there were only two of the eight major gangs in the rivers and lakes. Simabo, the leader of the 12th ring dock, was cut off from his head and placed at the door of Yihongyuan.

After another half a month, no old mother was thrown into the wilderness.

Eight months of the main teachings of the Devils were completely abolished, killing them on the banks of the river, and there were countless deaths and injuries of the masters of the magic. Hundreds of people were killed, and a residual value was broken, making people fear, and it was a **** river.

Ten months later, the Hanging Temple was knocked down from the top of the mountain. The ancient temple was destroyed in a thousand years, and the gods were able to repair themselves and swear that they would no longer provoke the rivers and lakes.

In the blink of an eye, twelve months ended, Jiang Bai all the way across the rivers and lakes.

Wherever you go, no one keeps the dog, unless it is good for people. For example, the **** of the Hanging Temple does not do evil, and there is no other surroundings. Although there are some scums in the temple, it has nothing to do with him, so Jiang Baifang He is a horse.

Others Jiang Bai have been killed, and Tian Ba ​​has been cleaned twice by Jiang Bai.

However, Jiang Bai, who is on the list of the heavens, must kill people, and the people who are engaged in it are very embarrassed. Many masters, once boarded the list, then released a message to withdraw from the martial arts.

Some people even cried and yelled at the six doors, asking the other party not to rank themselves in the list, which is the list of days? It is simply a reminder!

During the period, Jiang Bai was also subjected to several sieges. Every time he was in danger, he was able to make Jiang Bai’s battle experience more and more, and Jiang’s combat experience increased day by day, complementing himself before the promotion was too fast and some neglected.

In one year, Jiang Bai’s cultivation has not been increased, but he can be a one-offer. It’s not the same as before. The fighting power is not the same as before.

At the same time, Jiang Bai accumulated a large number of prestige points. While sweeping the rivers and lakes, Jiang Bai accumulated enough prestige points to break through the heavens.

This makes him extremely satisfied, the inheritance is about to open, and Jiang Bai is confident! This mysterious heritage must be his Jiang Bai!

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