MTL - Metropolitan System-Chapter 1966 Loyal dog legs a bit cattle

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The first thousand nine hundred and sixty-six chapters loyal dog legs a bit cattle

Jiang Bai came to Jinling City to find Xia Ziyan. When he was enjoying the service of the other person in the bottle of the powder, the thunderous sound came along.

"Inheritance is open, the top ten in the list!"

"After ten minutes, enter the inheritance, life and death!"

The voice fell, let Jiang Bai stunned, then turned over and hurried away in the eyes of Xia Ziyan.

Ten minutes later, Jiang Bai felt that he was being pulled by any force. In the blink of an eye, he was already in the middle of a mottled ancient city. It is better to say that it is an ancient city than an ancient tomb.

This tomb is built under this vast expanse of land, surrounded by caves of more than 10,000 meters. A huge city is built there, built on the bottom of the lava, with strange and unpredictable means, forming a ground on the ground. The energy group, which lasts forever, shines in all directions.

Let this be as white as it is.

Ten masters have appeared in the center of this city, above the palace, in the middle of this vast platform, face to face.

There are some old acquaintances, the **** sea emperor is there, the Tianhuo Emperor is also there, and there are other masters, Jiang Bai does not know.

The only thing I know is the god, Hui Neng, the old monk of the Hanging Temple. When he saw Jiang Bai’s glimpse at the time, Jiang Bai saw his own self-destruction and explored it. I didn’t expect this old guy to be so fast. It has recovered.

Not only that, but also better than the past, this makes Jiang Bai look blank.

The other party saw Jiang Bai just playing a head and did not say anything.

At this time Jiang Bai realized a problem.

That is, the Huihui in front of us is not a local master, but from the outside world, because this assessment goal is not the local wastewood, but the assessment comes from a strong presence outside the domain.

Yourself. . Let this old guy play!

This guy should not know how many years ago it has come to this everlasting ancient star.

Once I have revealed the power of Superman, or thank you for not being able to challenge Huineng for 20 years.

When I thought of Jiang Bai, I narrowed my eyes and looked at the old monk.

The other side was just a light-hearted nod to Jiang Bai, and he didn't care at all, which made Jiang Bai's eyes more murderous.

"Everyone kills Jiang Bai first!" The blood sea emperor first said such a sentence, and immediately started to work with a demon emperor.

This year, Jiang Bai gave people off to death, not only the local masters washed twice, but even the outside masters were killed countless, whether it is the six holy places, the extraterrestrial demon, or the scattered repairs, etc. Wait, let Jiang Bai wash several times.

Killed, do not know how many masters.

In the past, these people also ambushed Jiang Bai several times, but unfortunately they did not succeed. Now there is a chance, naturally, you are welcome, the **** seas open.

The people around me immediately prepared to rush, and it was just right to kill Jiang Bai, the unstable scourge.

Even the old vultures of Jiang Bai’s god, Huo Hui, have begun to eagerly try.

That looks greedy, tyrannical, and the quietness and peace that he pretended when he had let him go before Jiang Bai, floating out of the air, kindness and kindness, is exactly two appearances.

"Come on, will I still be afraid that you will not be a grandson?" Jiang Bai said wickedly, between the words, he held the sword and went straight to the blood sea and the power.

To kill both of them first, these two are the most annoying!

At this time, the boundless pressure came down from the sky, letting Jiang Bai and others suddenly sink, and almost fell to the ground, and could no longer stand up.

This pressure is simply too horrible.

Let them immediately stop the war between each other, know that there are no shortage of great emperors, and the strength is superior. Although they are collected, they can still be in the realm, and the soul is tenacious. Not everyone can scare them.

Although they are now at the same level, they are only equivalent to the Grand Master.

Can come to a great emperor, release all the pressure, and will never let them feel scared.

But this huge pressure, almost let them kneel, which shows its horror.

"Immortal!" At that time, Jiang Bai exclaimed, and together with the next few masters to judge the identity of the coming, in addition to immortal, who else has such ability to create such a terrible pressure?

The next moment, a young man with a sword-like meteor wearing a golden robes, dressed in a river, is unusually expensive, appearing in front of everyone, with a golden sword floating behind him, huge and incomparable, as if to dominate everything.

Seeing him, Jiang Bai was in a bad mood at the time.

There is nothing wrong with it because Jiang Bai knows this guy in front of him.

The sword of dominance! Who else can he besides?

Jiang Bai’s calculations are not counted, and the sword of the ruler will come here.

The other party noticed Jiang Bai's weird eyes. He looked at him and said nothing. He floated in the void and said faintly: "You can come here, it is your chance."

"The ancestors of many of you have followed my master!"

"It's not surprising that they know some secrets. No matter who they are, even if they are extraterrestrial, you can get here."

"Although I am overbearing, it is not unreasonable. As long as you follow the rules, I will not shoot you. No matter what your identity, I don't like you, it doesn't matter."

"As long as you follow the rules, you can compete for inheritance!"

Here is actually the graveyard of the master of the sword?

This news is really amazing. Jiang Bai had never heard of it before, no one told him, now I know naturally surprised.

In other words, the loyal dogleg that the system said is the sword of dominance?

I think of Jiang Bai’s sorrow, the sword of the lord, one of the nine immortals, the role of the gods, can be called invincible, and even have a master?

Its owner, what kind of person is it terrible?

Jiang Bai was very curious about this.

But what does it mean to dominate the sword? What is it, whether I like it or not?

Who is this? Jiang Bai’s subconscious mind felt that the other party seemed to be talking about himself, and his mood was even worse.

"System, do you say that this grandson is discriminating against me?" Jiang Bai could not help but ask questions about the system.

"This dog's leg, this is the appearance, to see who is not pleasing to the eye, want to take a bite, is indeed a grandson!" The system answered affirmatively.

However, they do not know what they are saying. The sword of the ruler is not likely to know. Stand there and look around. Look at the people around you and say: "The origin of my master, some of you may know that some people may not know, but these are not. important."

"The important thing is that he is my master, this is enough!"

"If you can get the inheritance, I guarantee that the benefits are unlimited. If not, in order to protect the secret here, you must die here."