MTL - Mountains and Seas For All People: Starting From a Thatched Hut-Chapter 10 Egg stealing meets peers

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"hold head high..."

In front, the two corners are communicating.

Soon the biggest horn turned around and left.

Only one female was left, obviously guarding the two eggs.

Seeing this, Su Mu was a little disappointed.

I thought the two horns would go out together, but I didn't expect that there was only one left.

He looked at the thick scales on Jiao Si's body. Once the huge horn erupted, it should not be underestimated.

One-on-one, no fear.

"Forget it, then get rid of this horn."

Su Mu made up his mind, quietly holding the bone bow, ready to sneak attack.

But at this moment, there was some movement around.


Not far away, there was a rustling sound in the grass.

Not only Su Mu noticed something strange, but even the corner who stayed behind also sensed that the crisis was approaching.

It stood up suddenly and growled violently, as if warning the hidden enemies.


Su Mu looked in surprise, only to see a head poking out of the grass.

Take a closer look, good guy, it's actually an oviraptor?


He was quite surprised, he did not expect to run into his peers.

Want to steal eggs and meet an egg-rapturing dragon.

This thing is a well-known thief among the strange beasts in the mountain and sea world, specializing in stealing eggs.

Oviraptor, with an ostrich-sized body that is exceptionally agile, has sharp claws, and a long tail that is extremely tough, capable of breaking a tree as thick as a bowl.

Moreover, the Oviraptor is extremely fast and is notoriously cunning.

Although it is only two meters long and three meters high, its fast speed is an advantage.

Compared with Jiao Si's huge body, it's not worth mentioning at all.

But Jiao Si was extremely nervous, and stood in front of the pile of rocks, growling and warning the Oviraptor.


The Oviraptor opened its mouth and shouted a few times, as if passing a message.

Soon, several oviraptors appeared one after another around.

A total of three oviraptors appeared in front of him, and Su Mu had to hide.

He looked at the picture in front of him with great interest, just in time for the egg stealing dragon to attract Jiao Si's attention, and he quietly went to steal the eggs.

He had a feeling that he was too bad.

The three oviraptors quietly surrounded it, causing Jiao Si to become irritable immediately.

"hold head high!"

Jiao Si stomped on the ground angrily, making a thumping sound.

It's a pity that the egg stealing dragon didn't pay attention at all, but approached step by step.

Seeing the enemy approaching, Jiao Si got angry and charged suddenly.


Jiao Si dashed forward, but unfortunately the Oviraptor dodged it dexterously. It couldn't brake enough to hit the rock head-on, just like a tank charging, deafening.

The entire stone was smashed to pieces, and the powerful force shocked people.

Su Mu couldn't help swallowing.

If the front is hard steel, he will definitely not be able to do it.

But his purpose is to steal the egg, not the horn itself.

Now there are three oviraptors interfering to attract Jiao Si's attention.

Su Mu quietly crawled over, bypassing behind the pile of rocks.

Climb up the pile of rocks from the rear, and saw two eggs lying quietly on it.

The whole body is dark yellow, covered with scales and mysterious lines, it is the two eggs of Jiao Si.

"Hey..." Su Mu chuckled, went up and put it into the backpack directly.


The two alien beast eggs disappeared.

Su Mu stepped back immediately when he was done, wanting to leave quietly.

Unfortunately, he was targeted.


Suddenly, a black shadow rushed out of the bushes in front, rushing like lightning.

Su Mu was startled, and instinctively rolled to avoid the shadow.

When I got up, I saw that it was an egg stealing dragon attacking.

"Dare to attack me?"

Su Mu is annoyed, everyone is stealing eggs, and you actually engage in a sneak attack.


The oviraptor roared loudly, which alarmed the other oviraptors.

They looked over one by one, and found Su Mu.

Jiao Si also noticed Su Mu, and then saw that his egg was missing.

Seeing that the egg was missing, Jiao Si suddenly fell into a rage.

"hold head high!"

It roared angrily, and rushed towards Su Mu crazily.


Su Mu cursed secretly, turned around and ran away.

But at this time, the oviraptor rushed forward and stopped him again.

"you wanna die."

Su Mu was furious, and he directly swung his saber.


A figure flashed by, and the neck of the Oviraptor was cut off, and its head flew around and landed on the ground.

Coincidentally, he was trampled into meat paste by the rushing Jiao Si.

But Su Mu ran away at an unabated speed, and escaped from this chaotic stone forest.

From behind, a frenzied horn chased after him.

On the left and right sides, each oviraptor quickly caught up, but the third one disappeared without a trace.

Su Mu didn't pay attention for a moment, just fled forward blindly.


Su Mu who was running suddenly drew his bow and shot an arrow.

With a puff, the oviraptor on the left was shot in the body, the bone arrow pierced through the chest, fell to the ground on the spot and rolled a few times before stopping.

Seeing the egg stealing dragon on the right, it was so frightened that it turned around and ran away.

"For you to run fast."

Su Mu snorted, without slowing down.

But the frantic character behind has already caught up.

Running is impossible, the only way is to kill it.

Although he couldn't bear it, in order to survive, Su Mu had no choice but to turn around, swung the bronze knife and slashed straight down.


There was a loud noise, sparks flew.

Su Mu only felt a powerful impact, and he was knocked away with a knife more than ten meters away.

"What a powerful force."

He looked at the horn in shock, the force of the impact was too terrifying.

If it weren't for borrowing strength, it might not be able to stop the direct serious injury.

"hold head high!"

Jiao Si roared and continued to charge.

Su Mu put the knife back into its sheath, his whole body gathered momentum, and powerful power poured into the blade.


The moment Jiao Si rushed forward, Su Mu suddenly drew his saber.

I saw a ray of cold light flashing across, bringing up a smear of blood with a puff.

Jiao Si's powerful body fell down with a bang, and the strong inertia made it draw a huge ravine all the way to Su Mu's feet before stopping.

Looking at Jiao Si again, a knife mark was left on his head, and he was killed with a single knife.

Just now Su Mu had no choice but to use the sword drawing technique to kill this crazy horn.


After successfully killing Jiao Si, Su Mu heaved a sigh of relief.

Looking at the dead horn, he shook his head.

Put away the bodies of Jiao Si and Oviraptor, and then quickly leave the scene.

Because the smell of blood would attract other powerful beasts, UU Reading had to evacuate quickly.

Anyway, I've got what I want, and I've successfully hunted down a horned horn, at least a few hundred catties of meat.

This trip has been fruitful.

"knock off."

Su Mu is happy to go back.

But just halfway there, I saw a treasure chest on the road.

"Silver treasure chest?"

Su Mu's eyes lit up, staring at a river ahead.

There was a silver treasure chest with a silver key stuck in it, which was not opened.

But there were some bloodstains scattered around the treasure chest, which made him look a little vigilant.

There are bloodstains, representing what happened here just now.

Looking at the messy footsteps by the river, someone has been here.

Could it be that someone came to open the treasure chest not long ago, but was attacked by some kind of strange beast?

Su Mu was extremely vigilant and did not dare to be careless.

He first observed the surroundings, and there was no place for beasts or people to hide in the open surroundings.

Then the only danger is in the river.

The water was so muddy that it was hard to see what was in it.

But it is certain that there is danger in the river.

"Do you want this treasure chest?"

Su Mu hesitated, whether to take the risk.

After all, treasure chests are rare.

But there are unknown dangers hidden in the river, and it is not easy to see the blood scattered around the treasure chest.

After thinking for a while, Su Mu took out a **** head of an oviraptor from his backpack.


He threw it into the river.

A **** smell spread out.

I saw that the river immediately rolled up, as if something was surging inside.

Su Mu's expression froze, there was indeed a problem.

Read The Duke's Passion