MTL - Mountains and Seas For All People: Starting From a Thatched Hut-Chapter 11 Thrilling, Purple Weapons

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The river was tumbling, and there was a huge black shadow inside.

Sure enough, he guessed right, there was a big guy hiding in the river.

How to get the treasure chest?

Su Mu thought for a while and came up with an idea.

He took out the headless Oviraptor corpse from his backpack, just in time to give it a try.

Discards an Oviraptor carcass, attracting things in the water.

Then take the opportunity to grab the treasure chest.

Just do it.

After making a plan, Su Mu dragged the corpse of the Oviraptor slowly approaching.

Stop at a distance of eight meters from the treasure chest.

He took a deep breath, shook the body, and threw it into the river.


The river splashed up, startling what was under the water.

In the next second, Su Mu accelerated and galloped away.

Eight meters passed by in a flash, picked up the treasure box with both hands, turned around and jumped away.

The whole process took less than three seconds and was done in one go.

The moment Su Mu successfully got the treasure box and escaped from the river.

The river exploded.

A huge black shadow rushed forward.

The huge mouth opened, but unfortunately it came to nothing.

Su Mu successfully escaped with the treasure box, throwing away the things by the river.

He looked back, just in time to see a huge thing with its mouth open, pounced on where he was just now, but bit lonely.


Su Mu was surprised.

It turned out to be this thing.

Shizuku, one of the strange beasts of mountains and seas.

It is a strange underwater beast with a huge body, with four claws like a giant salamander, a red head and a gray body that is not slippery.

The most frightening thing is the huge mouth, which is covered with countless sharp teeth. If you bite down, the bones will be crushed by you.


It screamed a few times in an atmosphere, and its voice was as scary as a baby.

Finally, failing to catch its prey, it backed into the river indignantly.

This kind of thing is an amphibious creature, a strange beast that can survive both in the water and on the shore.

Fortunately, it runs fast. This thing can spit out venom. Once it is contaminated with venom, it will immediately numb the whole body, and it will directly paralyze you.

And Su Mu found that there was more than one in the river, there were many.

The exact number is not clear, anyway, he does not dare to compete with these things rashly.

After getting the treasure box, Su Mu happily sat on a boulder to rest.

Next is to open the treasure chest.

This is a silver treasure chest, it is lucky to meet it.

And there was a silver key inserted in it, the person must have wanted to open it, but unfortunately, Shizuku in the river attacked him and died.

In vain, it was cheaper and Su Mu got a benefit.


With a slight twist, the treasure chest opened.

A mass of silver light flickered, blinding his eyes.

Su Mu narrowed his eyes and looked at two things lying quietly inside the treasure chest.

It was a golden thing, and when I picked it up, I saw a key inside.

golden key.

[Congratulations, you have obtained a golden key. 】

Su Mu looked at the key in surprise.

The golden key is the key to open the golden treasure chest, keep it first.

After putting away the golden key, Su Mu looked at the second thing.

[Congratulations, you have obtained the high-quality purple weapon Hengdao - Cracking Soul. 】


Su Mu was surprised, and his eyes lit up immediately.

I saw an extra weapon in my hand.

It's a knife, a horizontal knife, a Tang style horizontal knife.

And it's still a high-quality purple weapon.

Weapons are divided into vanilla, blue, purple, gold, and more advanced ones.

I didn't expect to open the box to get a handful of purple quality, which is still a high-quality product. It's a windfall for nothing.

The scabbard is exquisite, with excellent texture and exquisite workmanship, which makes people like it at a glance.


The blade was unsheathed, and a ray of cold light hit the face, with a biting chill.

Su Mu's eyes lit up, excitedly looking at the treasured sword in his hand.

Much stronger than the bronze knife, the bronze knife is not worth mentioning in front of it, and it can even be cut off with a light stroke.

"Hey, the bronze knife can be retired."

Su Mu happily retracted the knife into its sheath, and carried the horizontal knife on his back.

As for the bronze knife, it was considered to have fulfilled its mission when it was thrown into the cold palace. After that, it will be linked to the trading platform to find a good buyer for it.

Really good harvest today.

Su Mu was in a good mood, looked at the disappearing silver treasure chest, got up and left.

"The person who wants to open the treasure chest should be dead."

As he walked, Su Mu stopped.

He thought of a question.

If that person is dead, does his homeland still exist?

According to speculation, he died no more than twelve hours ago, so he should still be alive.

Just don't know where.

However, Su Mu felt that it should be in the nearby area, not too far away.

In this way, should I look for it, maybe I can still find it, that is another piece of unclaimed soil.

Thinking of this, Su Mu immediately made a decision.

Look, it's still early anyway, and there are still a few hours before dark.

There should be enough time to find and be able to return to their homes before dark.

The idea is good, but the reality is cruel.

It took more than an hour to find a big circle.

He even encountered some powerful strange beasts a few times, and almost confessed, but he couldn't find out where the dead guy's home was.

"I didn't find it?"

On the rock in front, Su Mu looked around with a depressed expression.

After searching for more than an hour, I wasted time and couldn't find it.

Could it be that the guy's homeland is gone.

Or, was it snatched away by someone else?

"Forget it, I won't look for it."

Su Mu simply gave up.

He shook his head, turned around and walked towards the direction of his home.

The distance from home is relatively long, and it takes at least an hour and a half to get home.

And during the period, there must be no danger and no trouble.


As I was walking, suddenly the ground shook.

Su Mu looked suspicious, and an astonishing guess flashed in his heart.

Earthquakes, definitely not.

Apparently some kind of behemoth had appeared.

Boom, boom...

The vibration on the ground became more and more intense, UU Reading seemed to have a terrifying giant walking.

Su Mu suppressed the doubt in his heart, and judged that it should come from the front mountain.

Thinking of this, she immediately climbed up the rocky mountain in front of her.

After a lot of effort, I finally climbed to the top of the mountain.

Standing on the top of the mountain, Su Mu looked into the distance.

What he saw made him gasp.

On the other side of the stone mountain, there was a giant walking.

That huge body is like a pile of countless boulders, a body as high as 100 meters, like a mountain walking.

"Rock giant?"

Su Mu exclaimed.

He looked at the giant with scorching eyes, it turned out to be a rock giant.

This is a powerful alien in the world of mountains and seas. It is made of rocks. Not to mention its huge body, it is infinitely powerful and invulnerable. It is simply a mobile fortress.

It shakes the ground with every step it takes, scaring away all kinds of creatures around it.

This rock giant is also called a mountain giant.

Its size is too large, almost invincible.

Anyway, only those thousand-year-old beasts can compete with it.

The century-old behemoth is just a little brother in front of it.

"Hey, why are there rock giants here?"

Su Mu had a question in his heart.

There shouldn't be such a mountain giant in the Eastern District.

Never seen it before, let alone heard of it.

Boom, boom...

The mountain-like giant walked towards the distance step by step, and soon disappeared into the vast fog of the mountains and forests.

Su Mu withdrew his gaze.

He didn't stay any longer, and rushed back towards his homeland as fast as possible.

Hurry home, it's too dangerous outside.

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