MTL - Movie Master-Chapter 1014 4 rumors

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The cold night wind blows, and the chilly seaside makes people feel a bit of coolness, which is really rare for Los Angeles, which is like spring all the year round.

"You'd better live in the city, stay here in Malibu, those paparazzi will not stop." Walking side by side towards the gate with Lance, Edward joked, "Besides, it's convenient to go to parties in the city too much."

"How do you know that I'm not avoiding those parties?" Lance said earnestly, causing Edward to be stunned for a while, and then carefully cast his gaze. It took a while to confirm that Lance was joking, and he couldn't help He shook his head with a smile, his face full of helplessness.

From a distance, you can see the bustling crowd under the street lamp at the gate, and with a quick glance, you can see at least twenty people, maybe more. Edward was not surprised at all, "Look, I said, even if you drive back here every day, they will not let you go." Sighing, Edward did not wait for Lance's response, and raised his chin to look at , "It should be the end of the Golden Globe Awards. You said, they rushed here so impatiently that they didn't even wait for the red carpet of the celebration banquet. Is it good news or bad news?"

Lance shrugged, "It seems to be bad news." To be honest, Lance is waiting for bad news, because only bad news is a good thing for "Fury Road", otherwise their previous period of time College public relations are ineffective. However, the wheel of history has changed its trajectory, and he doesn't know how accurate the news of the previous life is.

"Then I'll just guess the good news, breakfast coffee tomorrow?" Edward made a bet without hesitation, and Lance pursed his lips, even if he acquiesced in the bet. Edward took half a step ahead and actively walked towards the reporters gathered at the door. Without waiting for the other party to ask questions, he raised his voice and asked, "How's the result?"

The answer to Edward was silence, and the reporters looked at each other, not sure how to answer Edward's question, nor how to express the weirdness of tonight's Golden Globes.

Edward turned his head helplessly, then met Lance's shimmering eyes, as if saying, "I told you so", Edward stuffed his hands into his pockets speechlessly, and patted Lance's eyes. Lance's shoulder, jokingly said, "Caramel Macchiato." It's no secret that Lance has a sweet tooth. The coffee was also cloyingly sweet, that's why Edward deliberately said "caramel macchiato", a little girl's drink. After finishing speaking, without waiting for Lance to protest, he walked towards the reporters, "Let's go, let's go."

After walking out of the crowd, Edward got into the taxi he had hailed in advance, and walked away without saying hello or goodbye.

The reporters couldn't react, and their eyes fell on Lance again. It was still the same suit in Burbank today, a dark gray shirt with dark black suit pants, and a dark green casual suit made of pure wool, as if in the past. The time gap of these few hours did not exist at all, and he returned to the gate of the Burbank photography base in an instant.

Lance raised his eyebrows, "So, no one is going to tell me what's going on?"

Throwing this sentence, the short-term balance was immediately broken, and the voices of questions flooded in, drowning Lance in an instant. He was not in a hurry, and stood quietly, waiting for the next question. After a wave passes, and then repeats again, "So, what the **** is going on?"

The reporters regained their senses, exchanged glances, and finally sent a representative to briefly summarize, "Lance, at the Golden Globes tonight, 'Fury Road' came away empty-handed again, what do you have to say about that?" What do you think?"

"What about the 'Queen'?" Lance asked irrespective of the question.

That reporter was an unfamiliar face, and there were too many people in the spotlight tonight. The main reporters of major newspapers and magazines probably had to stay in the city to cover the celebration party of the Golden Globe Awards, so almost all the reporters who came to Malibu were unknown. He was obviously not very familiar with Lance's style, so he got stuck for a while, and then coughed from the saliva. The reporter standing beside him had to answer instead of him, "Best Actress and Best Screenplay in a Drama Series."

"Not bad." Lance nodded in affirmation. As the first work independently produced by Chaos Films, it is indeed something to be happy about, and it also proves that Lance's strategy is correct.

"However, 'Fury Road' failed to win a prize again." The person who asked the question this time was a familiar face, Brian Barlow, who seemed to be late, and squeezed up from behind the crowd, his voice was a little erratic in the sea breeze indefinite.

Lance raised his chin and glanced at Brian, and said with a chuckle, "It takes a little luck to win the award, maybe I'm not lucky enough." Proceeding according to the established strategy, "Why, I thought you would be happy to see such a result."

Lance's rhetorical question made the reporters' eyes fall on Bryan. Brian was much more experienced in handling such a situation. He directly ignored Lance's counterattack, "So, you are absent from the Golden Globes tonight, Are you protesting?"

"I'm so busy with work that I really can't spare time." Lance's words were still high-sounding, at least maintaining a sense of harmony, "I thought that tonight's Golden Globe Awards would be full of stars, and no one would notice my absence." Putting on a top hat for the Golden Globes eased the atmosphere.

"Someone accurately predicted the outcome of the awards ceremony tonight. This seems to be suspected of internal manipulation. What do you think about this?" Brian's question was a bit fragmented. After all, the rumors in the circle are just rumors, not posted on The evidence in black and white in the newspapers, and the source of the rumors cannot be verified, and it is not so easy to explain the ins and outs, which leads to a strange problem.

"Wait, I didn't understand what you meant. You mean, the results of the awards were leaked in advance? Isn't this a mistake in the confidentiality work?" Lance will not be easily fooled. He cannot disclose such sensitive issues in public. Respond positively on the occasion, otherwise it will be a formal war.

Bryan watched Lance open his eyes and talk nonsense, holding his breath in his chest, but he still explained, "Before tonight, someone predicted the list of winners, and the results were 100% consistent with the winners, including some surprises. upsets, including the 'Fury Road' results. Don't you think that's too much of a coincidence?"

"Ha, isn't this kind of prediction made every week?" Lance chuckled, "Gowin will participate in ESPN's game result prediction every week. If Gao Wen's correct rate is 100%, we will I thought it meant that Gao Wen's analysis was sufficient and in place, and his vision was vicious and accurate. I never thought that there are other meanings." Such an interpretation made it impossible for the reporter to start. Brian looked at Lance sharply. Intuition is screaming: Lance must know something inside! However, Lance gritted his teeth and refused to admit it, and he had nothing to do.

"So, what are your expectations for the Oscars?" Brian asked again, taking the Golden Globe Awards as the boundary, the awards season has passed halfway, and it has officially entered the sprint stage.

Lance raised his right hand, crossed his index and middle fingers, "This should be the only thing I can do." Then Lance shrugged, "Or, the one who accurately predicted the Golden Globes... Professionals, can you predict the Oscars and let me make mental preparations in advance?" The joking words made the reporters chuckle, and then Lance didn't stop there, turned around and walked towards the villa .

But apparently the reporters were unwilling to give up, "Lance, will you attend the Golden Globes next year?" , Do you think there is something shady here?"... Questions came one after another, but Lance's footsteps did not stop at all. Under the dim streetlights, he gradually drifted away and finally disappeared.

The reporters stood there, a little frustrated, but they were quickly swept away. Although they hit a wall here in Lance, the hot spot tonight is not just "Fury Road" How would the "Infernal Walker" feel after losing to the "Tongtian Tower"? Isn't it strange that Clint lost to Martin? What happened to "Little Miss Sunshine" being upset? In the script department, the "Queen" actually won? There is also the acting department. The acting department also had some big upsets tonight. For example, Leonardo DiCaprio fell again? Why were the rumors in the industry so convincing that they accurately predicted the distribution of major awards? Was this an accidental leak, or was there an insider operation?

Focus, it's all focus. The Golden Globe controversy has just begun. Lance can do Tai Chi, but the reporters don’t intend to give up easily—the Hollywood Foreign Press Association is an institution that has had countless controversies. They are obviously the Foreign Press Association, but almost all of them are Americans only work for foreign media; the association has less than 80 members, how does such a small organization select the list of winners; the association is a public welfare organization in name, but they have not done anything for the American film industry contribution, then how did the income of the award ceremony disappear; the association is composed of journalists, not film critics, not professional film practitioners, so where does their professionalism and authority come from... Now, the list of winners of the Golden Globe Awards There is something tricky again, and all the clues are pointing to an answer:

The Hollywood Foreign Press Association is a transfer station for interests. The award-winning results of the cakes every year are undoubtedly the result of a comprehensive game between major film companies, academies, and major film critic associations. This year's "Fury Road" is so strong. It was completely ignored, which is really unreasonable for the Golden Globes, which flaunts entertainment to death. The only explanation is: Chaos Films has become a victim of power struggles and interest entanglements, so all the previous rumors in the circle can be justified.