MTL - Movie Master-Chapter 1015 Dilemma

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The winners list of the 64th Golden Globe Awards has really exploded a series of surprises, which is really too abnormal for the Hollywood Foreign Press Association.

The results of the Best Picture in the Drama category, the Best Picture in the Musical Comedy category and the Best Director have all deviated from the previous predictions. If Martin Scorsese beats Clint Eastwood, it is It is still within a reasonable range. Apart from a small accident, people still send blessings to Martin, making up for the regret of the defeat of "The Aviator" two years ago; Road", and "Dreamgirls" beat "Little Miss Sunshine" and "The Devil Wears Prada", which is worth pondering.

Apart from this, other parts are no exception.

Leonardo DiCaprio, who was nominated for "Blood Diamond" and "The Departed", lost to Will Smith, who was nominated for "When Happiness Comes Knocking". Leonardo, so what about Forest Whitaker and Peter O'Toole? The Best Actor contest was definitely the biggest upset of the night, and even Will was at a loss as to what was going on.

Sacha Baron Cohen had the last laugh in the race for Best Actor in a Musical Comedy, a result that looked a little lackluster, with no surprises in the department's slate of nominees aside from Johnny Depp, but The defeat of Aaron Eckhart, who has the most outstanding artistic reputation for "Thank you for smoking" - the tallest among the short ones - is still a bit embarrassing, but this is the Golden Globes, the entertainment-oriented Golden Globes.

Supporting roles were even more disappointing. Eddie Murphy won with "Dreamgirls" and both nominations for "Departed Walker" both lost, causing a lot of consternation. This famous comedy superstar in the 1980s has long passed his peak period. Although his comedy performances have won countless loves, he is not an actor who is famous for his acting skills, but more for his unique Unexpectedly, his street gangster style won the attention in this year's awards season, beating Jack Nicholson, Brad Pitt and others to win the first Golden Globe trophy in his career.

Jennifer Hudson relied on her debut film "Dreamgirls" to kill the **** road, "Babel" double insurance, "Scandal Chronicles" Cate Blanchett, "The Devil Wears Prada" Emily Brown Jennifer was not able to gain an advantage in the competition, which can no longer be described as unpopular or a dark horse—Jennifer is a non-professional singer who was born in the talent show "American Idol". She only won the seventh place in the show and truly interpreted American The true meaning of dreams.

Before the Golden Globes, the little-known "Dreamgirl" actually became the biggest winner of the night, winning two trophies in the supporting actor category and the best film in the musical comedy category. Shards of glasses.

In comparison, "The Infernal Walker" and "Babel Tower" lost to the "Queen" in the screenwriting department. This accident seems to make people feel a little bit disappointed. It can't be called an accident, but it can't be said to be reasonable. Just looking at the entire list of winners, there is an indescribable sense of absurdity.

What really wasn't a surprise was the two awards for the leading actress. Meryl Streep won the musical comedy category. Toni Collette of "Little Miss Sunshine" had some chances, but apparently Meryl The reputation still prevailed, and she won her sixth Golden Globe; in the drama department, Helen Mirren won easily. This award can be said to be the most suspenseless award season this year. Almost nothing fell through.

As a result, the list of winners of the Golden Globe Awards has formed such a dumbfounding situation: "Dream Girl" became the biggest winner and won three trophies; "Queen" followed closely with two important trophies; , "The Departed", "The Devil Wears Prada", "Happiness Knocks", and "Borat" each received a trophy; The winners for animation and best foreign language film are all different.

Such a spectacle, the technique of dividing the cake is brought into full play, but at the same time, it completely reduces the list of winners of the Golden Globe Awards to a complete joke-so, apart from "Dreamgirls", there is actually no work that can Gain more affirmations? The "Queen", who won the best screenplay and best actress, lost to "Babel" in the best picture competition? "The Departed", which won the best director, actually missed the best screenplay and a series of acting awards? "Tiantian Tower" won the grand prize, but fell in other parts. So what is it that wins, director, actors, script, editing, soundtrack, photography, or...?

More importantly, with such a chaotic, dumbfounding, and chaotic list of winners, someone actually predicted the result accurately? This is completely a fantasy! Countless question marks crazily popped up in his head, and there was no reason to explain it other than the black box operation.

Chaos, complete chaos, which immediately pushed the Golden Globes into an embarrassing situation.

Looking at this year's awards season, "Fury Road" can be said to be the best in terms of word-of-mouth and popularity, and the degree of attention is absolutely strong, unrivaled; but "Babel Tower" and "The Departed Walker" The industry discussion voice However, it has always remained high, showing a completely different pattern from the popularity of the media and audiences; "The Queen", "Little Miss Sunshine", and "Pan's Labyrinth" are waiting for opportunities, and the affirmation of professional film critics continues to add bricks; "Dreamgirl" came out of nowhere, and the momentum of its strong rise even surpassed all competitors, and it has become the number one seed this year; "Scandal Chronicle", "Motherhood", "The Queen Wears Prada" , "Letters from Iwo Jima", "Flags of Our Fathers", "When Happiness Comes Knocking" and other works are eyeing, and the frequency of college public relations is gradually increasing; Out of the ambition of hitting the best picture nomination...

In the chaos, it seems that none of the works can show the strength of the wind and rain, which also makes the trends of the major award ceremonies attract more attention, because each award represents the support of this group—they not only It will only represent the views of professionals in the industry, and a large part of them are members of the Academy with voting rights. The results of the awards allow people to get a glimpse of the trend of the awards season.

In fact, as of the time of the Golden Globe Awards, the awards season has already passed halfway, and the direction of the wind has indeed shown a certain outline.

"Fury Road" was so powerful that it swept almost all the nominations, including the National Association of Review, the North American Broadcasting Film Critics Association and the Golden Globe Awards, and even the three major cities of the Film Critics Association, Los Angeles, New York and Chicago. It also successfully received nominations, and its strong performance was invincible, even "The Departed Walker" and "Babel Tower" failed. The top seed is well-deserved, but here's the magic part: "Fury Road" fell apart in every town except the New York Film Critics Association.

As the oldest Film Critics Association Award in the United States, the authority and status of the New York Film Critics Association is beyond doubt. They have always flaunted their superiority and purity. Although their award-winning results have an important guiding role for Oscar, but They are even more proud that they have a more advanced taste than the Oscar Academy. One of the reasons for the establishment of the association in 1935 was that the Oscar's best picture was sometimes questionable—this was also one of the earliest sources of differences in artistic taste between the East and the West.

In the history of the New York Film Critics Association Awards, there have been countless glorious moments. They chose "Citizen Kane" instead of "Green Hills and Green Valley"; they awarded "A Clockwork Orange" instead of "French Drug Network"; They affirmed "Goodfellas," not "Dances with Wolves." More importantly, they once affirmed those film masters who have been neglected by Oscar so far, Alfred - Hitchcock, Stanley - Kubrick, Ingmar - Bergman (Ingmar-Bergman) Bergman), and Martin Scorsese. Therefore, the New York Film Critics Association Award has always been considered the most tasteful and professional film, "Fury Road" is facing such a situation again: it has been affirmed by New York, but Encountered neglect by others.

The American National Board of Review chose "Letters from Iwo Jima", which broke everyone's glasses, and their love for Clint was once again shown; Interpretation and interpretation of the film; the Los Angeles Film Critics Association also chose "The Departed", which is also the fundamental reason for the sudden rise in the film's voice. As the stronghold of the Oscars, the award trend of the association often indicates the views and attitudes of most of the student judges ;The Chicago Film Critics Association unexpectedly chose "Pan's Labyrinth", such a peculiar style of painting makes people exclaim incomprehensible.

Still, it's safe to say that the few titles that have been recognized have won over local association film critics, and their prospects for awards season are bound to be positive.

However, the Golden Globes chose "Tiantian Tower" and "Dream Girl", and now everyone's question marks are already overflowing. If you don't choose "Fury Road", then forget it. Apart from other things, the personal grievances between Lance and the Golden Globes are not a secret; but you didn't choose "The Departed"? This is definitely the biggest upset of the night at the Golden Globes, and it also makes Tan Hunshui even more confusing during the awards season. Even the win of "Dreamgirls" caused consternation, as if the work had popped out of a crack in the rocks, and then swept to the top of the Golden Globes. So "Little Miss Sunshine" and "Little Miss Sunshine" The Devil Wears Prada" worked hard all award season, so what?

The awards season, which was already a mess, is now even more incomprehensible, and has fallen into an even more terrifying situation.

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