MTL - Movie Master-Chapter 1016 wily

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Why did the Golden Globes choose "Babel" instead of "The Departed"? Why is the list of winners of the Golden Globes so weird? More importantly, why are there rumors that accurately predicted the outcome of the Ballon d'Or? What is the inside story and conspiracy here?

Why did "Fury Road" sweep all the nominations in the awards season so far, but only received the approval of the New York Film Critics Association? Is it because the quality of the finished product of this work is not good enough? Obviously not, the 95-point media comprehensive review is second only to "Pan's Labyrinth" in the entire awards season, the IMDB audience rating is the highest in film history, and all five major film critic associations have been nominated...not to mention those professional film critics So, what is going on here?

Has this happened before? The answer is yes. In 2002, "The Lord of the Rings 2" was very popular, but it was always suppressed by the "Pianist" during the awards season, and finally lost to "Chicago" at the Oscars; in 2001, "The Lord of the Rings 1" "Acclaim was rave, "A Beautiful Mind" and "Moulin Rouge" were crushed throughout; in 1998, the injustices of "Saving Private Ryan" and "Shakespeare in Love" need not be repeated...

At the end of the day, this is where Academy PR comes in. Not only in 1998, but also as far back as 1940, the word-of-mouth and praise of "Citizen Kane" almost occupied an overwhelming advantage. Professionals in the industry believed that the victory of this work was a certainty. But it was John Ford's "Green Hills and Green Valleys" that reached the top in the end. The shock of this result has not completely dissipated until half a century later. Nominations depend on strength, and winning awards depends on luck. Standing on the highest podium is not necessarily the best work. After all, this is not the Olympics.

But how did it get to this point this year? Will 'Fury Road' really be a shame like 'Citizen Kane'? This situation breeds different ideas in each person, each group, and each group.

For the men, they can be sure that the votes for the women seem to be tilting towards "Little Miss Sunshine" and "Dreamgirls", and the loss of "The Departed" is, in a sense, making them Feeling a sense of crisis, "Fury Road", which was expected to be the focus of women's votes, failed completely, while the men's own votes were scattered among "Babel", "The Departed Walker" and "Letters from Iwo Jima". So, are they protecting their own interests, or are they harming their own interests? Cole Grinder's words began to take root in the hearts of many people.

For women, they are undoubtedly the most shocked to see "Fury Road" go away empty-handed, originally because this work will attract a lot of feminist support and win a better place in the award season, but now it seems that , this work has become a victim of conservative forces, not to mention the best film, even other departments have also fallen, as if the voice of the Internet and the noise of the media are just illusions. So, where did their votes go? Dorothy Wright's point seems to have been confirmed.

For independent film companies, the situation couldn't be clearer. Among all the Golden Globe Award-winning works, only "Queen" is an independent work, and all the others are from the hands of large film companies-if it is not for balance, "Queen" may also No Best Screenplay Award. In this battle for interests, independent films have fallen into an unprecedented crisis. Perhaps, the glory of last year's independent film is about to become real history. Ian Strelow's prediction seems to be gradually becoming a reality, and it will continue to get worse.

Competitors are starting to become clear for the major studios: Warner Bros. and Paramount are undoubtedly the biggest rivals, along with Sony Pictures, which owns "Happiness Knocks" and "Return." , Twentieth Century Fox, which owns "Scandal Chronicle", "The Last Dictatorship", "Borat" and "The Devil Wears Prada", is also not to be underestimated. Relatively speaking, Disney and Universal have been quiet this year. As for Chaos Movie Karma? "Road of Fury" is still the target of their joint attack, but at this time, it is time to start thinking about their duel with each other.

Of course, not everyone will be affected by Chaos Films. Everyone's ideas and interests have their own unique state, but what is certain is that the direction of voting did deviate from people's expectations. In particular, the results of the Golden Globe Awards are consistent with the previous rumors, which really makes people think deeply—this is a vanity fair where profit is paramount and entertainment is to the death, and this is a Shura fair where all means are used to achieve the goal. This is a cruel society where people do not kill themselves.

On the second day after the Golden Globe Awards ended, major newspapers and periodicals reported on the headlines one after another, but the contents were all kinds of weird and strange, each showing their special abilities.

"'Babel Tower' toppled 'The Departed', 'Dreamgirls' defeated 'Little Miss Sunshine', what happened on the night of the Golden Globe Awards?"

"'Fury Road' came away empty-handed, continuing the vicious circle of rave reviews but few awards. Who is protesting?"

"Amidst the controversy, 'Dreamgirl' has become the biggest winner of the Golden Globe Awards, and this year's awards season has begun to change!"

"Losing again, Lancelot Strelo continues the embarrassing situation of zero Golden Globes."

"'The Departed' only won one trophy for best director, and the prospect of Oscar is worrying."

The focus of the attention of these media is undoubtedly the unpopularity. They have raised many questions about the list of winners of the Golden Globe Awards, and discussed in depth the impact of this on the strategic significance of the awards season. The award season, which was already chaotic, is now in the mud, and the situation has become more and more complicated.

"The Golden Globe Awards is deeply under the suspicion of black-box operation, and the result of the award has long been determined: Who is the giant standing behind?"

"Amidst the chaos of the awards season, the Golden Globes are upset again, and the future trend is confusing. Who is the winner?"

"Whose Cheese Has Chaos Shadow Industry Moved: From No. 1 Seed to Empty Hands."

"The Hollywood Foreign Press Association is deeply involved in a bribery scandal, and the association's accounts have been questioned."

"The Golden Globes chose 'Babel' and 'Dreamgirls', and Warner Bros. ushered in a complete defeat."

These media focused on the conflicts of interests behind the scenes, and even some supermarket gossip newspapers began to discuss the phenomenon of canvassing and buying tickets during the awards season. Although they are still just speculating, the information sources of the supermarket gossip tabloids have no credibility at all. , but it created a kind of panic and panic.

"Four years of absence! This is Strelo's protest; four years of empty hands! This is the counterattack of the Ballon d'Or."

"Again Woody Allen-esque pride, Lancelot Strelow refusing Hollywood-style gala."

"Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are in high profile, and Jennifer Aniston is alone."

"Gisele Bündchen: I'm learning to enjoy being alone on the red carpet."

"Overtime for Burbank, unusual day for Strelow."

These media pay more attention to the lace news, and any explosive gimmick becomes the object of their attention. Interestingly, "U.S. Weekly" has even begun to look forward to next year impatiently. They believe that Lance will continue to miss the Golden Globe Awards next year. This is undoubtedly bad news for the Hollywood Foreign Press Association—

After "People" and "Forbes", "Time" magazine also announced the selection of the annual man of the year. "You" was successfully elected, specifically referring to netizens who use resource sharing websites in every Internet age. In this year, Youtube, Wikipedia The rapid development of Baike,, and Facebook has become the brand of the times, but Lance is used as the cover character. This is Lance's first "Time" cover, introduced in the article, not only for the historic feat of "Fury Road", which changed the Hollywood film industry's attitude towards R-rated movies and cult movies, but also because Lance's flexible use of the Internet has opened up the wave of the sharing era and is at the forefront of the era.

Needless to say, Lance's influence has far exceeded imagination. In this "war" between Lance and the Golden Globe Awards, Lance had nothing to ask for the Golden Globe Awards, but the Golden Globe Awards, which was committed to creating a national carnival party, suffered heavy losses.

"The awards season is full of Tower', 'Departed Walker', 'Dream Girl', and 'Fury Road' form the first group!"

"There was a scuffle, the Golden Globe Awards came to an end, and the awards season was halfway through, but none of the works showed absolute strength."

"The five major trade union awards will be announced soon. Can the chaos of the awards season be cleared to see the bright moon?"

These media produced special topics and began to pay attention to the special situation of this year's awards season. The "Fury Road" that could have been the best in the world unexpectedly fell into a difficult battle, but on the other hand, the evil attributes of "Fury Road" were originally He is doomed to be at odds with the college, not to mention Lance standing behind him, he is even more disgusting than Orson Wells back then, and his relationship with the senior management of the college is definitely not harmonious. All this has led to the current situation.

The mainstream media, including authoritative magazines such as "New York Times", "Chicago Tribune", "Los Angeles Times", "Hollywood Reporter", and "Variety Show", have always believed that this is the most chaotic situation since the 21st century. year. Looking around, it seems that there are a lot of excellent works, but it seems that each work has fatal flaws; the school's public relations seem to be harmonious, but it seems that the conflict of interests is far beyond imagination, unpredictable, completely unpredictable.

This time, Oscar seems to be in an awkward position. It may make history and be recorded in the annals of history; The tense feeling of stepping from heaven to **** is really too exciting, making it a bit overwhelming.

There are still ten days before the announcement of the Oscar nomination list, and the tense atmosphere is almost breathless. More than two-thirds of the votes were sent out before the deadline. Taking advantage of this gap, the nomination lists of the five major labor unions have been announced one after another, so that people can get a glimpse of the latest trend after the Golden Globe Awards in advance.

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