MTL - Movie Master-Chapter 1017 general trend

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Years later, the 2006 awards season is still being called "the most chaotic year in history."

"Fury Road", which leads from box office to word-of-mouth, failed to show the strong dominance of "Titanic" and "Lord of the Rings 3". The cult attribute can be said to have completely shattered the mainstream style, and it is incompatible with the academy's consistent restraint and conservatism. Almost every detail is challenging the academy's sensitive nerves; it is also because Hollywood is going through a clear period of pain—

This stage has nothing to do with the film industry, but with the awakening of social ideology, just like the Beat Generation culture was born after World War II, and a large number of related works of art have been derived from it. After entering the 21st century, the Internet has produced a powerful Influence has brought society into a stage of change. From 2005 when "Brokeback Mountain" broke the taboos, to 2006 when "Fury Road" awakened cultural diversity and the rise of minorities and disadvantaged groups, this kind of society Changes in ideology are projected onto the film industry. It can be said that what the small awards season reflects are social changes.

However, this kind of change is a catastrophic transformation for the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. What they need is not only courage, but also a sharpness—a quality that the academy lacks. "Citizen Kane" in 1940 was a comprehensive innovation of filming techniques, "Male and Female Thieves" in 1967 was a subversion of anti-hero culture and script structure, "Jaws" in 1975 and "Star Wars" in 1977 were iconic. Ushering in a new era of commercial films, "Pulp Fiction" in 1994 brought innovations in narrative techniques and the rise of independent films... These films have one thing in common. Lost—specifically Best Picture and Best Director.

In this light, it is no surprise that 2006 was turbulent. Even without Fury Road, 2006's Little Miss Sunshine and Babel, 2007's No Country for Old Men, Juno, and There Will Be Blood, all the way to 2010's The Social Network ", are continuing the chaotic situation of this painful period.

In the final analysis, the awards season is just a mirror that reflects social changes, cultural changes, and historical changes; awards ceremonies, including the Oscars, reflect the attitudes and positions of different aspects of the film industry against the painful period. The reason why the Oscars are special is not that Its long history lies in its huge membership base, and the votes of more than 6,000 members reflect the courage, courage and sharpness of the film industry.

It missed "Citizen Kane," it missed "Boom and Mock," it missed "Pulp Fiction," it missed "Brokeback Mountain," so, this time, will it miss "Fury Road"?

Judging from the development results of the previous life, it still missed it after all. It was not until "Birdman" in 2014 that the academy showed enough courage; so what about this life? The wheel track of history has undergone a huge deviation, and the progress of the times has taken on a brand new look. Last year, "Brokeback Mountain" and "Hard Candy" almost made a breakthrough at the last moment, but it was a pity that they were rejected at the door. "Crash" completed the comeback, so what about this year?

After the Golden Globe Awards ended and before the Oscars announced the list of nominees, there were still ten days to go, and the whole Hollywood was full of turmoil and rumors. The reason why people attach importance to the Golden Globe Awards is that the Hollywood Foreign Press Association has a strong network, which plays a vital role as a weather vane; more importantly, the award ceremony dinner of National Entertainment will be the best place for public relations of the academy. After the awards are over, the wind direction and momentum will change drastically, so the awards season can be divided into the first half and the second half with the Golden Globes as the axis. This year is no exception.

The buzzing rumors changed three times a day. It seemed that the energy accumulated in November and December had finally found an outlet and exploded in a mighty breath. The craze of the 2006 awards season reached an unprecedented height in an instant. The intensive announcement of the trade union nomination list added fuel to the fire, completely detonating this long-dormant volcano.

The Screen Actors Guild of America, which was the first to appear on the show, was an upset!

Lance of "Fury Road" was actually shortlisted for the best actor competition. "'s outstanding performance, not only was shortlisted for nominations, but also won the Best Actor Award at the Screen Actors Guild Awards in one go. Although he failed to continue the miracle at the Oscars, it still caused a lot of exclamations. Could it be that this time Lance Want to continue the magic?

Another upset came from Leonardo DiCaprio. The surprise was not his failure, but his selected works. It is "blood diamond". Objectively speaking, the overall quality and momentum of "Blood Diamond" are far from being comparable to "The Departed", which is very unfavorable for the academy's public relations; and Leonardo's performance in "The Departed" is even better , more delicate and richer than "blood diamond". However, the nomination list is like this, and the name of "Blood Diamond" is clearly visible.

There is also a third surprise, Ryan Gosling has risen strongly with "Half Nelson" and seized a place in the nomination. The chick movie "Lianlian Notebook" did not expect that this year's first half of the awards season was tepid, but it accelerated in the second half and achieved the first important breakthrough in its career.

There is no suspense in the last two seats, Forest Whitaker of "The Last Dictator" and Peter O'Toole of "The Last Lover" successfully won the nominations. But here is the fourth upset, Will Smith, who just won the Golden Globe Award for Best Actor in a Drama Series, was squeezed out of the nomination list!

The amount of information is really too much, which makes the heart overwhelmed.

In addition to the Best Actor division, "Fury Road" also won a spot each in Best Actress, Best Supporting Actor, and Best Supporting Actress, most notably Gisele Bundchen Winning her first Best Supporting Actress nomination and only the second model, after Kim Basinger, to win a major award of the awards season, the result is disappointing even considering Gisele's much-lauded performance. Broken glasses are definitely the most noticeable change in the second half of the awards season; if you add Jennifer Hudson, who was born in a reality show, this year's awards season is really weird.

Unbelievably, "Fury Road" was also shortlisted for the nomination of the best collective performance, tied with "Babel", "The Departed", "Dreamgirls", and "Little Miss Sunshine". The Screen Actors Union expressed its support for "Fury Road" with practical actions, and they gave this work the same treatment as the original "Titanic".

Immediately after the nomination list was announced, the Writers Guild of America Awards, Best Adapted Screenplay, "The Departed", "Borat", "The Devil Wears Prada", "Motherhood" and "Thank You for Smoking" occupied the Among the five nominated seats, except for "The Departed", the other four seats are more or less unpopular, especially the nominations of the three comedy films are even more confusing.

The same is true for the best original screenplay department. There is no suspense in the finalists of "Little Miss Sunshine", "Babel", and "The Queen", but "Survival Under the Pen" and "Thriller Flight 93" occupy the remaining two seats. Unexpectedly, the exposure rate of the two works during the awards season was very limited, and the awards they received were even more insufficient. Unexpectedly, they were able to defeat many competitors and get the affirmation of the Writers Guild of America, which is really rare.

"Fury Road" failed to win nominations, and Lance's record of being nominated for screenwriting for three consecutive years has not been able to continue, but objectively speaking, the script of "Fury Road" is a bit weak, which shows Lance's writing power and background. Character shaping and depth of thought are more accomplished by relying on a magnificent framework, and the plot and plot itself are not enough to stand out in this year's fierce competition.

Afterwards, the American Editors' Union did not have too many surprises, and all popular works were successfully shortlisted. Drama, "Babel," "The Departed," "Fury Road," "The Queen" and "Flight 93" earned nominations; musical comedy, "The Devil Wears Prada," "Dreamgirls," "Sunshine Little Miss", "Pirates of the Caribbean 2", "Thank you for smoking" were successfully shortlisted.

The biggest surprise was the failure of "Eavesdropping Storm", "Pan's Labyrinth" and "Letters from Iwo Jima". The three highly acclaimed foreign language works failed to break the language barrier and were recognized by the American Editors' Union.

As the most authoritative and professional award among the five major labor unions, the Directors Guild of America Award is not only the most compatible with the but also the prestige and reputation of the winners are most affirmed. This year's Directors Guild of America Awards is obviously facing a severe test. The extremely fierce competition has reached its peak, and the final list of nominations is also highly anticipated.

Martin Scorsese of "The Departed" and Alessandro Gonzalez Inarritu of "Babel" were no doubt successful; Lancelot of "Fury Road" - Strelow won the nomination four years in a row, to much applause; the remaining two seats were upset, Bill Condon of "Dreamgirls" and Jonathan Dayton of "Little Miss Sunshine." Dayton) and Valerie-Faris (Valerie-Faris) achieved a counterattack at the last moment and entered the top five.

"Queen"'s Stephen Frys, who has been highly praised throughout the awards season, lost the chain at the most important American Directors Guild Awards and broke through a floor of shattered glasses; and won two nominations at the Golden Globes Clint Eastwood also came away empty-handed, a result that literally caused everyone to gasp.

Due to the high overlap rate between the Directors Guild of America and the Oscars, as soon as the nomination list came out, the anxious atmosphere of the awards season was pushed to the extreme. But in this wave, it can be clearly seen that "Infernal Walker" and "Babel Tower" firmly occupy the nominated seats. This is true of the four major trade unions that have been announced so far, continuing their strength. The momentum of "Fury Road" is already unstoppable. In addition to the script, the comprehensive affirmation of the other three trade unions shows the general trend.

It seems that quietly, the troika of the 2006 awards season has finally revealed its clues. Now there is still the American Producers Union, which is also an award closely related to the nomination of the best picture. , to be revealed soon.

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