MTL - Movie Master-Chapter 6 1 funeral

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"Sorry, sorry." George's voice sounded above his head, and Lance looked up and saw the panic and astonishment on his face. Apparently, George didn't expect him to fall down straight like this.

Lance pushed away George trying to raise his right hand, stood up by himself, subconsciously touched his suit pocket, but didn't find what he was looking for. It's 2015 here, but it's 2002, and he should get used to the change. But soon, the eyebrows stretched again, and then let out a breath, completely calming down all the chaos.

Even if he has experienced it once, the second time still does not mean he is proficient; however, at least he is not inexperienced at all.

The last time he appeared at the funeral, he made a fatal mistake. He was immersed in the joy and chaos of time travel, and put all his energy on covering up his own feet, so that he ignored all the details of the funeral. What happened, he forgot how Ryan colluded with others, betrayed himself, used tricks to expel himself from the company, and left the house; he also forgot how George pretended to be a close friend, but secretly stole the copyright of his works, And secretly colluded with Ryan to ensure that he rotted in the abyss with nothing... He even left a pile of mess and left directly, allowing Diorama Films to grow stronger and stronger, and in the end he couldn't compete at all.

He will not and cannot make the same mistake again!

After calming down, Lance found that a scrutinizing gaze was falling on him, seeming to be inquiring about his abnormality at the moment. Lance knew that this was George's sight. He was a smart man, and an exceptionally smart one. It was impossible for him not to notice his abnormality.

However, unlike the second world, this time Lance did not panic at all. Instead, he turned his head calmly, looked into George's eyes calmly, and faced the probing exploration. With a teasing smile, he began to examine every detail of George's expression in an anticlimactic manner, as if he wanted to see what George's true heart was hiding under the mask of "best friends".

George is indeed looking at Lance in front of him. His heroic eyebrows, blue eyes, handsome nose bridge, and thin lips are outlined in detail like an ink painting. His short and medium-length hair is neat and docile. The back hair is combed into two to eight parts, and the elegant and sharp temperament between the brows has a fatal attraction, which makes people unable to help but marvel.

Even though George has known Lance for such a long time, he is still no exception. He can only sigh that God is too partial to this man. The angular face, the three-dimensional and resolute facial features, and almost every line are carefully crafted. No matter from which point of view, they meet the most stringent aesthetic standards; but there is a kind of fragility in those clear and bright eyes that are about to be broken, as if he can never hurt others, but others can easily hurt him. This mixed temperament of wildness and gentleness makes people admire the ingenious workmanship of the Creator.

However, the Lance in front of him seems a little strange. He has lost the vigor and immaturity of his youth, and the decadence and depression in the trough. Most importantly, the absolute trust that belongs to friendship seems to have changed with the fragility in his eyes. It became hazy, and it was clear that Lance was standing in front of him, but George felt that Lance was suddenly far away, near, and floating, as if he couldn't figure it out at all.

This wasn't the Lance George knew. This made George's heart tense again. Could it be that Lance really discovered his secret?

Just when George was about to test out, Lance spoke first, the smile on the corner of his mouth opened slightly, showing a touch of slyness and playfulness, "Don't fall in love with me."

George was stunned for a word, and then he snorted and laughed, and punched Lance on the shoulder, "Go away!" This is the Lance he is familiar with. So, it was just his illusion?

"Now you look like you crawled out of a garbage dump!" Lance continued to tease, his eyelids drooped slightly to conceal his short-term panic, and then he quickly raised his eyes again, looking at the recovery in front of him. The elegant and calm George, if it weren't for the fist marks on his face and the slightly swollen corners of his mouth, no one would have noticed his embarrassment at all.

But Lance knew that under the gentleman's skin was a treacherous, duplicitous, and brazen thief. Therefore, there was absolutely no mistake in the two punches he gave George just now, which was a little interest in advance. However, George is not the main target he needs to deal with today, but Ryan is, and there is still a lot of time for him and George to slowly settle.

"Who hit those two punches just now?" Lance's words successfully attracted George's attention, and he complained fiercely.

Lance didn't buy it at all, and said confidently, "You deserve it for bringing up a taboo topic."

George noticed a trace of bitterness in Lance's smile, turned his head to look at Gwyneth who was drifting away in the distance, let go of the last trace of doubt in his heart, and raised his hands, "Brother, my fault, It's all my fault." One sentence made both of them chuckle, as if they were smiling, "However, man, you punched too hard just now, people who don't know think we are against each other gone."

Lance raised his eyebrows slightly, "Who knows, maybe one day, we will be."

Quiet, still quiet, Lance and George met their eyes, and the air seemed to freeze together. After about a second, the corners of their mouths loosened at the same time, and then they laughed heartily. The tacit understanding between friends is laughing The sound is surging, as if returning to the best time.

Lance patted George on the shoulder and pointed to the crowd that gradually began to gather not far away, "Let's go, everyone is here, we will be late if we don't go over." Lance noticed Ryan who was talking And Barry, there is not much time left for him, he has no time to entangle with George here, he must join this funeral as soon as possible, if he remembers correctly, Ryan's attendance at this funeral has a purpose!

Naturally, George had no objection, and Quick Step and Lance walked towards the place where the crowd gathered.

Karel Ruiz is one of the most important directors after World War II. In the 1950s, as a film critic and documentary director, he became a representative of the free film movement. His "Don't Be Crazy", "Morgan" , "The French Lieutenant's Woman" and other works are considered masterpieces of film history.

But objectively speaking, as a director, Karel's influence is limited, but today's funeral was very lively, and many important people in Hollywood were present. In his last life, Li Jin didn't understand the twists and turns, and he couldn't understand it; but now, he knows very clearly that in similar occasions, the important thing is never the person who died, but the person present.

In short, funerals are for the living.

After expressing his condolences to Betsy Blair, the host of today's funeral, and expressing his condolences, Lance began to look around, taking a breath to calm himself down, and at the same time trying to find Ryan from the turbulent crowd to attend the funeral real purpose.

George's voice came from the side, "I'm going to say hello to two friends." Lance turned his head, followed George's line of sight, and then saw Brad-Pitt Lance also nodded his chin lightly to greet the couple with Jennifer-Aniston (Jennifer-Aniston).

Withdrawing his gaze, Lance looked left and right, but he still couldn't find any clues. There are many important people who came to the scene today, and everyone may be Ryan's target person. The possibility and uncertainty soared. I only know that Ryan is definitely not just here for the funeral, but I don't know where to start.

After thinking for a moment, Lance decided to take the initiative, and he walked straight towards where Ryan and Barry were.

Ryan soon saw Lance, and it was not easy to ignore Lance, not to mention that after Lance appeared today, he paid attention to Lance's every move all the time. , Now Lance suddenly walked towards him, which caught Ryan a little off guard—he had foreseen many possibilities, and the possibility of a frontal collision was undoubtedly the lowest, but it happened now. Every time Lance took a step closer, he let Ryan's heart beat faster.

"Put all the filming work in Tokyo? You know there are pros and cons, are you sure it's okay?" Barry's voice forced Ryan to quickly withdraw his attention. Compared to Lance, Barry is the most important. Ryan chuckled twice, while covering up his panic, the thoughts in his head quickly settled down.

Ryan was only upset by Lance's sudden move, but in fact, he knew clearly that he was the winner in the competition between him and Lance. Therefore, the smile on his face quickly recovered, "Barry, we all know that overseas shooting is not an easy task. If possible, we would also like to stay in Los Angeles for studio shooting. In fact, I think San Francisco's Little Tokyo is a wise choice. But if there is a need to film overseas, UU Reading believe me, we are definitely fully prepared."

Ryan spoke a little faster than usual, and Barry immediately noticed the abnormality, and sensitively noticed Ryan's distraction from the corner of his eyes. He turned his head very naturally, and then saw Lance oncoming. The smile on the corner of Barry's mouth was outlined, and his eyes meaningfully looked back and forth between Lance and Ryan, politely and silently stepped aside a little, and became a bystander.

While speaking, Lance had already come in front of Ryan and Barry, with a perfect social smile on his face, the gentleman extended his right hand politely, "Mr. Meyer, nice to meet you." Lightly Lightly shook hands with Barry's right hand, and he politely turned in another direction, "Hey, Ryan, we meet again."

Ryan was obviously not mentally prepared, and Lance stood in front of him calmly, with a just right smile on his face, and a trace of familiarity between friends, not too deliberate or too much Alienation, as if everything before this had never happened. Such Lance made goose bumps rise on Ryan's back.

Lance's right hand was placed upright and straight in front of him, without any hurry, embarrassment, or jerky, just plain and politely stretched out in mid-air, waiting for his response without arrogance or rashness. Ryan soon realized that in front of Barry, he was the one who was rude, who hadn't stretched out his hand for a long time. He quickly stretched out his right hand, and then held Lance's slightly cold palm, "It's been a long time Nope, Lance."

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