MTL - Movie Master-Chapter 7 light the flame

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"Please forgive my impoliteness. I overheard your conversation just now. I seem to have heard that Warner Bros. is planning to shoot a work in Tokyo?" There was a trace of sincere apology in Lance's eyes, but the smile on the corner of his mouth was invisible. This eased the atmosphere, making it easy to forgive his abruptness and recklessness.

Barry knew that Lance was speaking to himself, and he didn't want to get involved in the personal grievances between Lance and Ryan, but at this time Lance's words of restraint did not arouse his disgust at all, on the contrary, he Arousing his curiosity, he said with a half-smile, "Why? Are you interested?"

In 2000, Barry Meyer became the CEO of Warner Bros. He made drastic reforms to Warner Bros. and single-handedly brought the company to unprecedented glory. From 2001 to 2010, Warner Bros. nine times in ten years It ranks among the top three at the box office in North America, and has won six of them, dominating Hollywood and creating an era of blockbuster films belonging to Warner Bros. As the helm, Barry not only has extraordinary vision, but also is an old fox, and no one should underestimate him.

Lance tasted scrutiny and alienation in Barry's ambiguous/ambiguous smile. Obviously, Barry was just dealing with himself politely, which meant that Lance had to be careful in his next words; what's more, there was Rui who was eyeing him covetously. Yep.

"Hehe, is there anyone who is not interested in cooperating with Warner Bros." Lance chuckled cheerfully, the slightly dull voice was full of magnetism, blooming in the sunshine, this rhetorical question made Barry reveal With a slight smile, "The real reason is that I know more about Asian culture, especially China, so when I hear Tokyo, my ears will inevitably grow a little longer." After speaking, Lance raised his hands slightly, put In front of his chest, he made a half-surrender gesture, vividly expressing his apology again.

Hearing this explanation, Barry was obviously very satisfied, with a slight smile in his eyes, and he opened his mouth to answer, but Ryan, who was standing beside him, was half a beat ahead of him, "Really? I've known you for more than ten years." It's been a year, but how did I not know that you know something about Asian culture?"

Lance turned his head to look at Ryan, narrowed his eyes slightly, and suddenly withdrew his smile, and his voice sank straight down, "Dude, you don't know about me, there are many things." Ryan couldn't help being startled by the evil spirit, because it was so unexpected that Ryan's expression was a little stiff-although he didn't make an embarrassment, but in front of an old fox like Barry, this was enough.

But before Ryan opened his mouth, the smile on the corner of Lance's mouth rose again, and those blue eyes cast the shadow of the sun, sparkling like dew on the tip of a leaf in the morning, "If I said, I said You can speak good Chinese, surely you won’t believe it?” The eyes were shining with brilliant confidence, and there was a hint of ridicule, as if the evil spirit at that moment just now was just Ryan’s illusion, and it was just a joke made by Lance from the beginning to the end .

Sure enough, Barry laughed heartily, even his eyes showed a smile, apparently really amused by Lance's words. Ryan couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, his stiff face relaxed a little, and then chuckled dryly twice, finally covering up the embarrassment just now.

"Even if you can speak Chinese fluently..." Barry raised his eyebrows, and with that joking tone, he obviously didn't believe that Lance could speak Chinese at all—for them, Chinese is no different from heavenly scriptures, "But, China and Japan are not the same."

"Of course!" Lance nodded bluntly, "But I also know a lot about Japanese culture. Japan is a country that obeys etiquette very much, even a bit rigid, so for film crews, shooting in Japan is a good idea. It’s a very difficult, and very struggling thing.”

Barry tapped his chin lightly, showing the appearance of listening carefully, and Lance successfully attracted his attention; not only Barry, but Ryan was also paying attention to Lance's words at this time, he vaguely smelled There was a dangerous breath, but he couldn't tell why, so he could only pay close attention to Lance.

"A friend of mine once went to Japan to shoot a documentary. He made a verbal agreement with a hotel to shoot here until four o'clock in the afternoon, but you all know that there will always be unexpected situations during the filming process. Not to mention documentaries." Lance's blue eyes were full of sincerity and focus, which inadvertently attracted the attention of Barry and Ryan, "As a result, my friend failed to finish the filming on time. After four o'clock, he was still busy in the hotel. He thought about going back and apologizing to the boss, and then subsidizing part of the expenses, there should be no problem. But he didn't expect that at ten past four o'clock, the owner turned off the power supply of the entire hotel They were all cut off." Both Barry and Ryan showed surprise in their eyes, "Besides, this friend of mine was severely scolded by his Japanese friend who was traveling with him, and that Japanese friend also said, This is a serious breach of trust and disrespect to the owner."

"Then what happened next?" Barry frowned slightly and asked.

Lance shrugged, with regret and surprise in his eyes accurately and restrainedly, "He can only reschedule the time, reschedule, and reshoot." One sentence made Barry show an expression of disbelief, similar things It will appear on any filming crew - and it is not possible, it is sure! But in America, everything is negotiable, even something as big as a street closure, let alone a hotel. Because of this, the culture shock was all the more ferocious.

Almost quietly, Lance firmly grasped the focus of the conversation and the leadership of thoughts. The two old foxes, Barry and Ryan, didn't notice it.

Ryan stood beside him, with a look of surprise and uncertainty in his eyes. On the one hand, he was also shocked by Lance's words, and began to worry about the difficulties and setbacks of shooting on location in Tokyo; but on the other hand, he doubted the authenticity of Lance's words, after all, he and Lance are not friends now.

However, Lance probably doesn't know what he is planning now, so he shouldn't be calculating himself, right? Ryan raised his head hesitantly and looked at Lance.

Ryan's hesitation is well hidden, there is no flaw in his expression, outsiders can't see that he is hesitating at all, but Lance has known Ryan for ten years, he really can't understand this best friend, he You can clearly see through Ryan's mind from Ryan's unconsciously tidying up the hem of his clothes.

Lance knew that he had succeeded, that his gamble had succeeded, that he had successfully aroused the uncertainty in Barry and Ryan, and that all he needed to do next was to light another fire.

"However, what kind of work are you talking about? If it's a big production like 'The Matrix', then please forget all the words I just said." Lance expressed his surprise and curiosity just right, and then didn't move He brought the topic back sensually, "Look, who am I talking nonsense with?" Lance chuckled lightly, turned his head to look at Barry, but his eyes were always locked on Ryan, " A work that requires the cooperation of two companies must be a big production, isn't it? So, please ignore me!"

Lance's words were extremely brisk, but Ryan felt that Lance's gaze was always entangled with him vaguely, like aquatic plants on the bottom of the sea, invisible and intangible, but annoying. Ryan's expression was always uncomfortable.

It seemed that everything was going well between the three of them, but everyone's eyes were so deep that they concealed the turbulent waves in their hearts.

So far, the aftertaste is profound. After the goal was achieved, Lance did not intend to stay for a long time, and left in a sensible manner, "Look, I seem to have appeared on an inappropriate occasion again. I will leave now and leave space for the two of you." Lance's ambiguous eyes It made Barry laugh dumbfounded, and Ryan had to twitch the corner of his mouth.

"We'll talk slowly when things are over later." Lance shook Ryan's hand again, exerting a little force on his right hand, which caused Ryan a little pain, but before Ryan could fight back, Lance Just let go, quick and direct, like a rattlesnake. Then, Lance showed a light but polite smile at Ryan, turned around and walked away.

Leaving Ryan standing where he was, his right hand was aching, and his tight teeth were about to be crushed.

Lance has tried his best, and he has made the best effort within his ability. Lance knows very little about this funeral. He only knows that Ryan has made a huge breakthrough in this funeral, the most notable of which is the five works with Warner Bros. This has become an extremely important turning point. As for the details of the agreement, the specific projects of cooperation, etc., Lance knew nothing.

I happened to hear the key word "Tokyo" just now, and then I heard some clues of the conversation between Barry and Ryan in fragments, combined with my own memory... "2002", "Tokyo", "Field Shooting", "Ryan-Carter Warlaug", all these put together constitute a classic masterpiece, "Lost in Translation".

Lance boldly speculates that Ryan hopes to cooperate with Warner Bros. in the filming of "Lost in Translation"! Perhaps, "Lost in Translation" is the beginning of the cooperation agreement between Ryan and Warner Bros. for five works, UU Reading www. What Lance needs to do is to destroy the possibility of this agreement and the best opportunity for Ryan to rise. If possible, he even hopes to grab this opportunity and hold it firmly in his own hands.

Judging from the few words just now, Lance believes that Ryan and Barry still have doubts about the plan of the entire crew to go to Tokyo for filming in person, and all he needs to do is to deepen this hesitation.

Everything Lance said just now is true, without any false content, even if Ryan or Barry go to verify it in person, they will never be exposed, but Lance's words express a meaning: If this is the big For production, if you have money, you can turn ghosts around, so all the problems will not be a problem; but if this is a low-cost production, there is no need to go through such troubles, and going to Japan to shoot in person will only make things more complicated.

More importantly, a work produced at a low cost does not require two companies to cooperate in filming at all—or to be more precise, Warner Bros. does not need to cooperate with Ryan, and can complete the production independently; and the intriguing Yes, Ryan doesn't need to cooperate with Warner Bros., but he came to seek cooperation, so what does this mean? The prospect of this work is not optimistic, or is there a problem with the production lineup of this work, or is Ryan asking for something else?

Lance's seemingly simple words reveal too much information. A stupid person may skip it directly, but a smart person will think more and deeper. Both Ryan and Barry are smart people.

In fact, "Lost in Translation" is a small production, definitely a small production!

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