MTL - My Hero Academia: My Personality is the World-Chapter 10

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Swallowing the red wine in his mouth, Wu An put the glass aside and said mercilessly: "Her personality is not a fighting type, even less good at fighting than your personality. Failure is your own problem."

Eight million hundred did not have a small temper this time, but lowered her pretty face even lower in frustration.

Wu An didn't try to comfort the other party either, just kept trying different brands of red wine in the refrigerator in the car.

Bentley slowly drove into the private villas of eight million homes.

It is not so much a villa as it is the size of a resort.

Looking through the car window, Wu An couldn't help but chuckle and said with emotion, "How long does it take to earn such a mansion for such a hard job as a hero? At this time, Wu An hadn't noticed that there are eight million bangs under the hood. His expression, as if he had made a decision, became more and more determined.

Inside a luxurious villa.

When Wu An and Eight Million Bai had just stepped into the entrance. A woman who had a seven-point resemblance to 8 million hundred rushed up with tears in her eyes and kept asking questions while holding 8 million bai's face.

Another middle-aged man in a suit also walked quickly, and at the same time quickly ordered the deacon to call the doctor over.

These two, compared to eight million parents.

"Thank you, boy, I just heard that the other party is likely to be the criminal who committed the [serial fatality incident] recently. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't know Baishe..."

Speaking of the back, the father of 8 million hundred couldn't help but shed tears.

After wiping it with his cuff, Eight Million Hundred's father said eagerly, "If you need anything, just mention it."

"Yeah, please don't be polite, anything is fine."

The mother, who was holding eight million, also said.


Wu An thought about it for two seconds and replied, "The place I live in now is too bad, let's change it to a better one."

Wu An is a person who is extremely pursuing enjoyment. Although the current house is not impossible to live in, it really does not meet his pursuit.

"One-by-one? Only, is that all?"

Eight million father was stunned for a moment, and his mother next to him also showed the same look.


Wu An instantly realized that his requirements seemed to be even lower, and he did not politely increase the price: "Then you will take your room..."

"Wujun, if you don't mind, you can stay in our house, there are many guest rooms."

Before Wu An could say "give me your villa", Eight Million Hundreds interrupted him.


This time, Wu An frowned.

The owner of the stand-in [World] wants the property of the other party's tyrannical family, and is then adopted by the other party. How does this plot feel like a strong sense of sight?

Wu An suddenly had the feeling of pulling the back collar of 8 million hundred to see if there were any stars

type tag idea.

PS: The second one is delivered.

Continue to kneel and beg for flowers, evaluate votes very much, and give rewards.

By the way, no one sees the stalk of the protagonist's name? .

16 Official Admission

The first ray of sunlight in the morning shines through the precious curtains into a room that is even more advanced than the presidential suite of a star-rated hotel.

Wu An immediately woke up from his sleep.

He was not in the habit of staying in bed, and it should be said that he did not find it fun to stay in bed.

Obviously there are more interesting things in this world.

Looking at the luxurious European-style suite in front of him, Wu An still felt a little strange.

Yesterday, at the invitation of Shengli of 8 million, he moved into the mansion of 8 million as a VIP.

After that, should I be like a vampire who is not a human being and aim to **** the property of 8 million households?

dong dong --

Not long after Wu An got up, there was a knock on the door.

"Mr. Wu An, the master, his wife and the young lady are already getting up. Do you want to go to the dining room for dinner together, or will you bring breakfast to your room?"

The maid's voice sounded outside the door.

"I go by my own."

Wu An opened the wardrobe.

Last night, the eight million father had asked his servants to bring a bunch of designer clothes that fit his body shape.

Rich people do things more efficiently.

Villa dining room.

Wu An, who had put on a black coat, sat down on the left hand side of Eight Million Hundreds.

"Wujun, come and see if these suit your taste."

Eight million father raised his hand to signal Wu An to eat.

On the dining table, Japanese, European, and Chinese breakfasts are available and served in exquisite tableware.

"not bad."

Wu An stuffed a piece of bread into his mouth and nodded in response.

"Really? That's fine,"

The father of 8 million smiled and said again: "I heard that in half a year, you will be enrolled in Xiongying with my daughter, so you have to work hard."

Just after the father of 8 million finished speaking, a maid came up and handed over an email, "Master, the admission notice of Miss Xiongying Academy has been sent."

"Has it arrived yet?"

Sitting next to Wu An, Eight Million Bai felt a little nervous for some reason.

Glancing at Wu An next to him, he said again: "Then Wu Jun's should also be here, right?"

Wu An's eyes narrowed, "The address I left is still where I used to live. I will go back and pick it up later."

"This kind of trivial matter, you can just ask the servants to go. You don't have to be polite, Wujun. You can send the servants and cooks at home as you like." Eight million father said, beckoning to a bodyguard and instructed Said: "Go to Wujun's house, if you have an admission notice, bring it over immediately."


After the bodyguard took orders, he left quickly.

When Wu An saw this, he could not help but laugh secretly.

I really haven't adapted to the behavior pattern of rich people.

But... it's really enviable.

Eight million hundred can't wait to open the admission letter.

When he saw the above content, Su's hand shook and almost let the admission notice fall into the coffee on the table.

"Come on, let me take a look at my family's 800 results."

Eight million mothers walked to their daughters with a smile, and when they saw the contents of the notice, they were also a little surprised: "First place!?"

To be honest, although they know that their daughter is very good, they are still very surprised that they can get the first place in the entrance exam of Xiongying High School, which is a master class.

"I, I thought the first place must be Martial Lord."

Eight million hundred looked at Wu An in disbelief.

Wu An glanced at the notice:

Name: Eight million hundred

Written test score: 30/30

Physical Fitness Test Score: 45/60

Interview Score: 9/10

Total Score: 84

Special Admissions Rank: 1

Enrollment: Hero Class A

Written test, physical fitness, interview, each will be 30, 60, 10 out of 100.

In this way, Wu An almost knew his own situation.

Sure enough, soon, the bodyguard sent Wu An's admission notice, "Master Wu An, this is the admission notice found in your mailbox."

It was brought back so quickly, and it must be a user of some kind of personality.

In the eyes of the eight million family of three, Wu An opened the envelope.

After spending five seconds reading the above content, he handed it over to the curious 8 million hundred beside him, and continued to taste the chef's handmade bread.

Eight million hundred and his mother have a look:

Name: Wu An

Written test score: 5/30

Physical Fitness Test Score: 60/60

Interview Score: 6/10

Overall score: 71

Special Admissions Rank: 4

Enrollment: Hero Class A


Seeing that there was only a "5" in the written test result, Eight Million Hundred One couldn't hold back and laughed lightly.

In the next second, he blushed again, and quickly waved his hand to apologize, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Lord Wu, I didn't mean it!"

Wu An didn't care about this kind of **** at all.

But being able to enter Heroes means there are more opportunities to fight against powerful enemies, right?

It seems to be more and more interesting in the future.

"Hundred, people's physical fitness test is full score."

Eight million fathers suddenly spoke.

At this moment, Eight Million Hundreds suddenly remembered the purpose of inviting Wu An to stay, got up and bowed ninety degrees to Wu An, "Mr. Wu, please guide me in my practice."

Just in the special admissions test, Wu An, Yelan Daozuo, and Hong Jiao Dong were severely left behind in the physical fitness test.

Last night's crossing of my body was a heavier blow to 8 million.

Wu An all said that the opponent's personality is less good at fighting than his own.

But she still beat herself to no avail.

This made 8 million hundred understand that without actual combat ability, it is not good to be a hero.

"You can't keep up."

In the face of eight million bow requests, Wu An responded without hesitation.

PS: Please throw more things, throw more things.

Flowers, very evaluation tickets, and monthly tickets are all free.

Of course, if you can give a reward, thank you.

Plus don't procrastinate.

17 The Wonderful Parable of Wu'an

Eight million hundred's expression instantly became depressed.

Yes, the difference in strength is so big, and the difficulty of training is absolutely different.

Read The Duke's Passion