MTL - My Hero Academia: My Personality is the World-Chapter 11

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Can't you make up for it yourself?

At this time, the father of 8 million smoothed the field and said: "Wu Jun, is this too early to say? Why don't you let Bai see your training methods, it is not too late."

The mother of 8 million also said: "Yes, An Jun, 800 told me that your strength is the strongest among the peers she has ever seen. Auntie, please help me."

Really annoying…

Wu An propped her face with one hand, and said after half a minute, "Okay, as long as she dares to come."

"Really? Thank you!"

Eight hundred million mothers tugged at her daughter's little hand, "Come on, eight hundred hundred, hurry up and thank them."

"Thank you, Wujun."

Eight million hundred bowed in excitement.

"Really, we will all be classmates from now on, so just call me by name."

Eight hundred million mother said, and then squinted and smiled at Wu An, "Anjun, don't be polite, just call eight hundred hundred by name." Eight million hundred blushed when she heard her mother's words.

Located in the western area of ​​Tokyo.

Eight million hundred followed closely behind Wu An, and after struggling for a while, she blushed and said to Wu An's back: "Wu Jun, don't care about your mother's words, just call me as before."

"It doesn't matter, it's okay to call you 'Hundred' directly."

Wu An walked ahead without looking back.

Eh! ? "

Eight million hundred face immediately turned red and hot, "This, this..."

At this time, Wu An's voice came from the front again, "After all, your surname '8 million' is too hard to say."

Eight million hundred seemed to be splashed with cold water on the top of his head, and the slight ripples in his heart just disappeared completely.

Instead, there was a hint of anger.

As the two of them advanced, Eight Million Hundreds felt that something was wrong, and approached Wu An a little bit more nervously, "Wu... that... An Jun, this is..."

After passing the bustling commercial street just now, the surrounding roads are getting more and more empty, and it is almost difficult to see other pedestrians passing by.

From time to time, in the dark alley, there are several pairs of malicious eyes cast towards this side.

This reminded 8 million hundred of the thrilling memory of being almost killed by my body last night.

"Slums, or accident-prone areas, you've never been here before, have you?"

Wu An introduced: "Rogue gangsters, a gathering place for rats on the street, and sometimes gang members sell drugs here."

After a pause, Wu An continued: "Although cynical and weak personalities account for more than half of them, because they often struggle with land resource issues, they have rich actual combat experience, and there are also strong personalities."

Eight million hundred became more and more shocked. He had vaguely guessed something and couldn't believe it: "Difficult, could it be that, you, your training method is..."

"Yo yo yo, what a beautiful lady!"

"It's true! The boss, especially the pair, can't compare with the watch we have here!"

"And according to my observations, it's still natural, completely different from those silicone ones!"

"Boss, you go first, and leave a mouthful of soup for us."

Before the eight million words could be finished, five youth groups dressed in loafers and full of foul language came up from the corner of the street, blocking their way.

Wu An smiled slightly and explained: "This kind of stuff is not very powerful. If it is a strong personality owner, he will usually choose to go to the commercial street to grab money directly, or directly attack us. These minions can only be the lowest level here. of."

From Wu'an's introduction, he knew that he had been to this kind of place many times.

Wu An turned his body sideways, grabbed the arm of 8 million hundred, let her come forward, and sneered: "Usually this kind of waste is not worthy of [World] training, and it is not even necessary for me to use my fists, but for you now The level is quite appropriate.”

This group of cannon fodders came just right, just because of their ability, they are not qualified to let Wu An call out the stand-in.

Even practicing one's own physical abilities is not enough.

But for the current strength and ability of 8 million hundred, it is a very suitable sandbag.

"You bastard! What did you brat say!"

"Boss, grab his woman! In front of him!"

"That's right! Let him know how powerful our [Black Tiger Five Group] is!"

The five clamored together.

Two of them took the lead in rushing towards Wu'an.

One's fingernails turned into blades, and the other took out a nunchaku from the back of the waist, making it twice its original size in an instant.

Is this their personality?

Just when the two were only two meters away from Wu'an.



Two loud sounds.

Without everyone seeing clearly, they saw the two flying upside down and slipping to a place more than 20 meters behind.

It's exactly the same as what happened to Baohao Shengji before!

Do not!

If Izuku Midori is here, you can see that it is faster than when he beat Bakugou Shengji last month!

The remaining three suddenly looked at Wu An in horror.

"I said, your opponent is her, and they all attacked with all their strength. Holding a male dog who seemed to be in love, she was robbed of the mating object, and you wanted to kill your opponent. Give me a hand!!"

Wu An raised his hand with a look of impatience, and scolded the three of them with a wonderful metaphor.

PS: The promised plus more will be sent.

The evaluation ticket has also met the requirements for adding more, and will continue to add tomorrow.

After that, there is only a little reward, and friends who have the ability can give it to me, thank you.

18 Do you remember how many slices of bread you have eaten so far?

Listening to Wu An's wonderful metaphor, eight million hundred couldn't help but have a black line on his face while his face was blushing.

This guy, doesn't he see himself as a woman?

"Give me a hand, or I'll kill you first."

Wu An spoke again, this time in a more threatening tone than before, "Otherwise I'll make the three of you never get up."

The aura that erupted from his body made the three little gangsters understand that the opponent's strength was definitely far above their own.

Although they had never heard such a strange request, but under Wu An's repeated threats, the three had to face 8 million and began to stimulate their own personalities.

The leader of the gangster tilted his head slightly forward, and his shoulder-length hair doubled and fell to the ground.


The gang leader let out a low sigh, and his long hair grew to a length of more than five meters in one breath, like octopus tentacles rushing towards 8 million.

"Do you control the personality of your hair?!"

Eight million hundred was startled, and turned sideways to avoid it.

Unexpectedly, when the other party's hair just brushed past him, he turned abruptly and continued to chase him.

The short fat man next to the gang leader explained: "The boss's hair is like a part of his body! It can be controlled like his own hands! Turning or something, it's completely easy!"

Explaining is not time consuming.

The lengthening hair, like countless ropes, bound eight million hundred right feet in a blink of an eye, making it difficult for her to escape.

And after tying eight million hundred feet, the gang leader didn't dare to make the next move, and turned to look at Wu An.

"For real, don't leave me alone, or you know what the consequences will be."

Wu An threatened.

The gang leader gritted his teeth and shook his head.

At the same time, his hair was like a vine whip, throwing eight million hundred into the air.

It was about to crash into an abandoned building.

Just at the critical moment, Eight Million Bai used his own personality to "create" a Toyo Taidao, waved his hand, and finally cut off the hair that bound his right foot.

But when it fell, it was a little embarrassed and rolled on the ground twice.

The precious custom-made clothes were also stained with a lot of dust.

"Go ahead, you two go together."

Wu An gave another order to the two fat gangsters next to him.

"Uh... yes, yes!"

The two chubby **** had no choice but to rush up after hearing the words.

If Wu An wasn't there, they would probably still have the idea of ​​taking advantage of the attack.

But now, I don't dare to have a little bit, and I don't even dare to touch eight million with my own hands.

What if I was killed by that monster unhappy?

These two chubby men, one personality appears to be reinforcing the weight of the item.

He increased the weight of the stones on the ground and threw them at eight million.

The other one seems to be to harden the item, to increase the hardness of the paper, feathers and the like, and turn it into a weapon attack.

Although it's not too tasteless, compared with the personality of Hong Jiao Dong or Ye Lan Ino Zuo, it is completely the gap between heaven and earth.

It is precisely because many people are dissatisfied with the power of their own personality that they are willing to degenerate and become what they are now.

Nearly 40 minutes passed.

The time gradually entered noon.

Eight million hundred, who were practicing combat with the three little gangsters, seemed extremely embarrassed at this time.

Even though Wu An said that he would beat him mercilessly, the three of them were still afraid that Wu An would be unhappy and did the three of them.

It is already abnormal to keep his hands when he starts, and he does not dare to make fatal injuries, and he does not dare to directly touch the eight million hundred.

But even so, dealing with three personalities who have more actual combat experience than himself at one time is still enough for the eldest lady of eight million hundred.

At this moment, she is tilted over and twisted, as if she will fall to the ground in the next second

I don't know if it was an illusion or not, but Wu An always felt that her Moon Hung seemed to be getting smaller.

The original E, even the level above F, has been shrunk to below B.

Eight million hundred felt that the vision in front of him became more and more blurred, and his eyelids became heavier and heavier.

The footsteps are crooked, and they are about to fall to the ground.

Just when Eight Million Hundreds were about to fall, a hand grabbed her by the waist.

The next moment, put it on your shoulders.

"here you go."

I don't know if I said it to Eight Million Hundreds, or to the three little bastards.

After leaving this sentence, Wu An turned around and left the slum with eight million dollars on his back.

Just when the three of them breathed a sigh of relief, Wu An's voice was like the death knell of hell, and again scared them to the point of falling:

"It will come later."

When Eight Million Bai slowly woke up, he found himself lying on a bench in a family restaurant.

Wu An was sitting across from him, drinking a drink while looking out the window, watching the pedestrians passing by.

"Me, did I pass out?"

Eight million hundred quickly got up from the chair and looked at his body in astonishment.

"I slept about half an hour."

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