MTL - My Hero Academia: My Personality is the World-Chapter 230

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Jessica admitted it generously. No one knew how much courage she mustered. Nami looked at Jessica's forehead, the thin sweat, and knew that she mustered a lot of courage. She used to be shy. Implicit, but now she is so bold, Nami can't help thinking that she likes a person, can really change, and it is a little different from the original.

"Nothing, cheer for you."

Nami looked at her very seriously, Jessica nodded gently, she would not let go.

276 Bear's Helplessness

The two went back talking and laughing. On Wu'an's side, with Luo and Hancock, they walked around very leisurely.

I heard a lot in the middle, and when they changed their words, Wu An nodded with satisfaction, this is the effect he wanted.

Luo didn't understand it very much, and he still doesn't understand this kind of thing.

Hancock supported his actions, no matter what, she did, and she didn't know why.

This kind of support comes from the heart, and Wu An is very clear about all this.

"Aren't you weird?"

Wu An looked at Luo and spoke casually.

Luo nodded, nothing to hide.

"Reputation matters."

Wu An didn't give him a detailed explanation, Luo nodded in understanding but he didn't understand this kind of thing very well.

Inexplicably, he felt that what he said was right, but he couldn't say exactly where it was.

Could it be that he really believed in his heart that he was the captain?

Luo shook his head again, his original intention at the beginning was definitely not like this.

What went wrong?

No matter what it was, the idea of ​​leaving him firmly in the past was completely gone, and he even thought about following him.

Luo didn't care. His strange idea, even if he followed Wu An forever, was not a bad idea.

Luo, who figured it out, has changed his temperament. Wu An looked at him in surprise, as if he couldn't understand where his strange change came from.

"Captain, why are you looking at me like that?"

Luo touched his head, not knowing why.

Wu An raised his eyebrows, what was his inexplicably respectful tone?

Could it be a transition?

This kind of thought almost startled him. He could think of Luo, and he would integrate into their big family and into his pirate group, but he didn't expect that he would integrate so quickly.

Anyway, wait and see, Wu An is not worried about his change, as if he hadn't seen it.

This made Luo even more confused. He had already seen his change, so why didn't he ask?

In history, Luo had the most discouraged side, and under Doflamingo, he had never been so discouraged.

Wu An smiled indifferently, saying that he was here to bring them and force them to change their words, let alone bring them to inspect.

See how well they do their work and whether they can change their minds smoothly. No matter what their true thoughts are, as long as they come out of their mouths, they are true.

Obviously I don't want to admit it, but I can't admit it. This sense of disobedience must be very interesting.

Wu Anda had the meaning of watching a joke, and Hancock was very happy to see them change their tone.

Luo looked at Han Cook's obsessed look, and snorted coldly in his heart. Of course, he didn't let them see it on the surface, otherwise Wu An would definitely crush him.

I really don't understand, why do you like captains like this, it's not enough to have Jessica in front, and now there is another one.

I followed Wu An around, and of course the result was to satisfy Wu An. Violence may be useless to others, but to them, it is still very useful.

"Okay, let's go back."

Wu An took them back with a smile. They didn't do anything, so they went back like this. President Luo felt that something was missing. The most important thing was that he was full of resentment in his heart.

, this time there is nowhere to vent.

If he were to do the ideological work of these people, he would definitely put his anger on them.

It's a pity that he hasn't met him yet. The most important thing is that Wu An is going back now, which means that he has no place to vent, which makes him uncomfortable.

"Captain, I think I should stay."

Luo Jin took the initiative to speak up and fight for one thing. If he disagreed with this matter, it was estimated that he would be turned into a fool.

Wu An looked at him thoughtfully for a while, then nodded. Luo wanted to let out his anger, which he understood.

"be careful."

Wu An warned, and took Hancock away, and just left Luo like this. Luo felt that although he had the ability to go back, but just left him like this, he always felt that something was wrong.

If he wants to speak, he can't say it when he sees Wu An's move to leave. It can be said that his pride is at work. Without Wu An's protection, he can go back smoothly without being caught by Doflaming. Brother to find out.

Wu An would not be stupid enough to put Luo himself in this place, and there would be a hapless bear protecting him in the dark.

Before Wu An left, he gave Xiong a wink, and Xiong in the dark agreed reluctantly. He felt very unlucky, how did he meet Wu An.

The title of Hell Demon Lord is scary, but he is not afraid. After all, he also has a scary identity. The most important thing is Wu An. He can grasp his seven inches and know what his weakness is. He is the revolutionary army. If things were to be stabbed out by Wu An, it would probably not be better in this life.

?0 asking for flowers.....

How many people would want to hunt him down, and how many people from the World Government would not let him go, and the Five Old Stars would speak up and give him a reward, so is there still room for him in this world?

No, that's a pretty sure reason.

There will be no miracles, and no one will protect him. Except for Wu An, Wu An is willing to protect him at that time. This is also a reason, a very important reason.

At this time, the most important thing to do is not to offend Wu An.

As for Wu An's arrangement, he could only execute his fate, which was strange. With just one look, he could know what Wu An meant.

This is very strange, Xiong shook his head, stopped thinking about such strange things, and turned to look at Luo, he can't have anything, otherwise Wu An will settle accounts with him, and he will not have a good life.

But his helplessness, who can understand?

Xiong really wanted to shout up to the sky, but unfortunately he can't do it now.

Luo watched Wu An go away, put away the somewhat disappointed expression, and an expression of memory appeared on his face. Here he felt a long absence, and lived here with Brother Doflaming.

Everything here is well known.

Turning around a few familiar places, his heart was in an instant mess. All these things were not under his control, which made him really helpless.

Why is it different from what he thought? There is only one explanation.

Wu An was different from what he imagined, too different.

If Wu An didn't do this, knew everything about him and his thoughts, then would there be a different change.

All this can only be thought about. Luo has no idea how many times he sighed. He really wanted to kill himself. Why did he come to find Wu An?

Why do you want to do this?

When he didn't come, he was still the Luo who didn't accept threats from anyone.

It's still the Luo who can join the World Government, but unfortunately all this has changed.

Luo put his thoughts away and started looking for his prey, so that he could vent his anger.

277 Sad Hancock

Wu An took Hancock away, and the thoughts in his mind flew to Luo's body involuntarily. I don't know who would become the unlucky ghost who met him. Don't look at this period of time, his temper is okay.

In fact, his temper is not good, even irritable.

Luo searched aimlessly, and unknowingly saw that a group of people came out of one of the hotels. Luo looked familiar with those people, and they seemed to be bounty hunters.

It goes without saying that the purpose of the bounty hunters coming here is definitely for Wu An and the others.

Before, Fan Oka and the others had killed so many bounty hunters, and it was not surprising that they came to take revenge.

It's just this matter, does Wu An know?

If they knew, would they still be able to appear here so aboveboard?

According to Wu An's idea, killing them will never cause trouble.

"707" Luo was a little confused, should he tell Wu An, what if he knew it, wouldn't it seem that he was self-indulgent?

But this is not self-indulgent, at most it is to inform him, not to mention that he is his crew member.

If you don't let him know, what if these bounty hunters have any conspiracy? Isn't this the end?

No matter, since as a member of the Wu'an Pirates, he has the responsibility to take care of this matter.

Luo always felt that he had forgotten something. Looking back, Wu An and the others knew about it a long time ago. They didn't let him before. Brother Doflaming went back.

Luo was surprised by his own memory. It was only a few days ago, so why did he forget it, or he was too angry in his heart, so he forgot these things.

Luo ignored these changes and started looking for his prey instead.

Or are they too efficient to change their tone?

Luo's eyes flashed suddenly, as if he had thought of a place, raised his footsteps, walked slowly, the bear hiding in the dark, his face full of complaints, what is the situation?

If he can't find it, he won't have to go back. Why be so serious, so that he can't be lazy for a moment, otherwise if something happens to him, he will be finished.

Luo Yixin only wanted to find his prey, and would not pay attention to other people, let alone know that there were people behind him.

"You just dropped him like that? Wouldn't it be nice."

Hancock spoke vaguely worried, and Wu An touched his nose.

"Don't worry about him, don't worry about him."

Wu An comforted him, but in that tone, it was like saying that Hancock was worried that something would happen to Luo, so she could relax.

Hancock opened his eyes wide and stared at Wu An, his eyes slowly filled with tears, she didn't know whether he really didn't understand or pretended he didn't understand.

Why did she have to impose her ideas on Luo, Hancock at this time was like an incomprehensible girl.

With big red and watery eyes, he stared straight at Wu An.

Wu An had Shaowu's guilt in his heart. This feeling has always surrounded him. Looking at Hancock, his eyes softened unconsciously. He knew that he had to cut off Hancock's thoughts, otherwise it would appear, and he couldn't control it. He didn't want such a mess, let alone.

Hancock looked at his eyes, and there was a hint of softness in his eyes, thinking that he didn't understand, so he didn't want to cry so much, and tried his best to hold back the tears in his eyes.

She wanted to give him the brightest smile, but before she could relax, her face turned pale when she heard his next sentence, and her heart suddenly turned ashes.

"If you like Luo, I can help you match."

Wu An looked at her firmly.

Hancock's face was pale for a long time, but he did not return to his original state, and his heart was in a mess.

"Me and him?"

I don't know how long it took for Hancock to find his voice, with a look of disbelief, how could he have such thoughts, how could he have such thoughts?

What was she really doing wrong? Or did he misunderstand?


Wu An didn't seem to see her change, and there was a hint of hesitation in her heart. Is it too cruel to do so and leave no room for her at all?

"I see."

Through his words, Hancock knew another meaning. He knew that he didn't like her and didn't want to be with her. She had always been affectionate.

Wu An looked at her vaguely a little worried. At this time, Hancock was still a girl, not the future at all, the empress who made people feel fearful, is it a bit too much for her?

Wu An couldn't bear her because she was the future empress. What if something happened at this time?

Hancock saw his entanglement and knew what he meant. It was nothing more than politely rejecting Xiao, saying: Send EUR from! Group, stay! Stay*9: 8#0>2!0;5&8/56, I don't want to tell her directly, how could he not see that he is so smart, she has feelings for him, and this feeling is very special.0

On the contrary, he had already seen it, but he just didn't want to embarrass her.

The Empress is the Empress. Even though she is still a young girl now, and has nothing to do with the ruthless Empress, she still has the posture of the Empress.

"You don't have to do this, and I am not Hancock. I don't know what is good or bad. You saved me. There is no need to promise you."

Hancock's remarks were very domineering, and Wu An's face showed a faint smile, which was indeed different from others.

"Let's go." Hancock suppressed his grief, turned and walked towards the tree hole, waving his arms behind his back.

No one knew her tears were streaming down her face at this time, and Wu Anwan walked in front of her a little and could see her sadness.

From Wu An's point of view, he doesn't understand girls very well. He thinks that she doesn't remember hating him for leaving so unrestrainedly. He will soon forget about it and like other people. At least in Wu An's cognition, Han The same is true for Cook. It's a bit too much for him to comfort him now, so it's better to wait for her to relax.

Read The Duke's Passion