MTL - My Hero Academia: My Personality is the World-Chapter 231

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Shouldn't be sad for too long, Hancock was alone, returned to the tree hole, sat there alone, with the empty space around him, became a lonely companion, wiped his face, I don't know when 3.6 , falling tears.

It doesn't matter at any time.

Her two younger sisters had already gone back under Wu An's arrangement, and suddenly she wanted to go back too, wanted to go back to the country that belonged to her, wanted to be with her younger sister, and didn't want to see Wu An. From now on, she would see him every time.

She will think of today, as if his words were engraved in her mind.

No matter what, it doesn't look like it at all. She is joking with her. She regrets it, why should he let him see it, otherwise they are still friends now, and there will be no trouble at all. The situation is now.

Even if I regret it, I can't go back at this time.

Hancock was surrounded by loneliness and sadness, always feeling that it was too soon.

278 Fighting Doflamingo Together

It seems that this is also the meaning of God. With Wu An, there is really no possibility. This kind of knowledge makes her sad.


Hancock said in a low voice, why let her suffer this, unbearable pain, finally escaped the prison of slaves, and now such a situation is indeed, how can she not be sad?

Hancock's sadness was endured alone, his body curled up, his head buried in his knees, his hands on his knees, and he went to cry alone, without making a sound, and he had to pay attention to whether anyone would come in outside, But the probability of someone coming in depends on how fast they come back.

"Don't cry, there's nothing to cry about."

Hancock fought back his grief, wiped his tears, and murmured in a low voice.

When she came in just now, no luminous gems were used, and there was darkness in the tree hole. Hancock seemed to be integrated with this darkness.

"The captain must be satisfied this time."

Fan Oka spoke proudly, and the people here can change their tone. They have already changed, and the rest are people from Doflamingo, but they disdain such people. Take care of it, of course, it's still because of strength, Doflamingo is also here, what if you want to shoot at 10 them?

It was unanimously decided to let the captain deal with Doflamingo, so that he would know how powerful the captain was.

"The captain is not satisfied."

Nami said angrily, even Doflamingo couldn't deal with it, how could the captain be satisfied?

"Then go deal with it."

Van Oka said solemnly.

"Are you sure the captain won't let you deal with him yourself?"

Jessica looked dangerously at Van Oka, who was taken aback by her.

Shaking his head helplessly, he knew that would be the case.

"You said that together, can we deal with Doflamingo?"

Sabas suddenly had this question. This sentence made everyone's footsteps stop, and there was a tree hole not far ahead.

Originally, they were all going back, and this happened by chance.

"The idea can be there."

"Then let's try it?"

Fan Oka was a little excited. After all, Doflamingo's strength, below the captain, but above them, can be beat, this is still a big question.

Even if you can't beat it, you can escape by running away.

They are eager to take action, and they are not afraid of being discovered by others.

There is no naval supervision here, and there was Saint Roswald before, but now he has disappeared.

I heard that the house was burnt, and he ran faster than a rabbit.

"Where does Doflamingo live?"

Van Oka is a little confused, Chambord, so many places, who knows where Doflamingo lives?

"Look for it, maybe you will meet again."

I can only look for it, but unfortunately Luo is not here, otherwise we can find Brother Doflamingo.

The place that Luo came to was near Doflamingo, not that he was in the tiger's mouth. He lived up to expectations here, and there were many gathering places for human traffickers, constantly spreading,

How the Demon Lord of Hell killed their companions and poisoned them.

Luo snorted disdainfully, this kind of thing is also worthy of letting him take action.

"Have you heard? Just now, many people changed their tone."

What they are discussing is that many people here, who originally hated them, the Demon Lord of Hell, and now they are all praises for their unanimous caliber.

"Who knows what stimulated them?"

Some of them snorted disdainfully. They wouldn't believe a word of this statement. Who knows if it's true or not.

"So they won't be threatened by anyone, right?"

After speaking, the others were stunned for a moment, who would threaten them if they were free?

Isn't this a joke, is it really the devil of hell?

"Hell Demon Lord?"

This can't be verified if it's true or false, so why don't you take the initiative to ask the Demon Lord of Hell?

Unless you don't want to live anymore, a few lives are not enough.

"It's really possible that the virtues of people like them will threaten these weak people. Why don't they dare to threaten us?" Some of them said arrogantly, why didn't they dare to threaten them.

"Really, we are strong and strong, how could they threaten us."

Luo kept walking, with a chilling aura that scared them.

"Who are you?"

They stood up vigilantly, this inexplicable sense of crisis made them have to care.

"do not know?"

Luo bloodthirsty raised his eyebrows, and the others were stunned for a moment, each with big eyes and small eyes, what's the situation?

How could they know, Luo continued to snort coldly.

"The crew of the Demon Lord of Hell."

Luo said flatly, with no expression on his face, they all panicked, what is this saying?

I just said casually, bragging, how could I provoke such a person?

"I just said casually, don't take it too seriously."

Some of them explained dryly, and some wanted to leave, but they just looked at Luo's eyes and gave up the idea. It was still impossible to leave.


Luo spoke slowly, since he said it, it would be worthwhile for him to search for so long without paying some price.

"What are you going to do?"

They swallowed nervously. This person has never appeared on the reward order, and they knew that he was not a good person at first glance, so why not give him a reward order.

"Want to know why I didn't have a bounty 707?"

Luo spoke slowly, as if he couldn't feel the tension towards them.

They were already frightened. He didn't say that it was the crew of the Demon Lord of Hell. He couldn't control it at all, and the fear in his heart could only be frozen here, waiting for his words.

Talking about the Demon Lord of Hell behind the back, I'm afraid I don't want to live anymore.

What made them even more unexpected was that they were already here, how could they still be found by him, this is a very strange phenomenon.

"The world government doesn't know I exist yet."

Luo answered them truthfully. In his eyes, these people are already dead, and there is nothing that cannot be said.

They were stunned, what do you mean by telling them that?

Are you not afraid of them going to inform? You might even get a lot of money.

This idea flashed in my mind, and there was no actual action. Whether it was safe to leave is still the most important thing at present.

"You can't leave."

Luo continued not to hide them, and told them everything truthfully, and the few people standing had their faces ashen.

I have 10,000 regrets in my heart, what is wrong, why do you want to provoke them?

What sin is this?

It's a pity that no one answered them, Luo quietly admired them, their horrified expressions.

279 I'm sorry

Seeing them so terrified, he was greatly satisfied, and Luo didn't know why this hobby was.

The bear in the dark, followed him all the way here, didn't he understand his thoughts very well, to teach them a lesson, isn't now the best time? Also enjoy here, they look terrified and frightened.

What worries the bear even more is that this is Doflamingo's site, and not far from it is his residence. If Doflamingo suddenly appears and finds him, wouldn't it be over?

The bear was two big and on high alert, not only to keep him safe, but also to make sure that Doflamingo wouldn't find him.

This made Xiong not ordinary, so he wanted to beat him hard in annoyance, but unfortunately he couldn't do it.

"Tell me what you just said?"

After Luo finished admiring, they looked horrified and said the next sentence by the way.

"Nothing was said."

They squeezed out a smile that was even more ugly than crying, and came to perfunctory Luo, hoping that he would not care so much.

"I heard it just now."

Luo's implication is that he already knows what they said just now, what are they doing so secretly?

"Forgive us."

Luo was very helpless. Hearing this sentence, he felt a headache. When is this time, he can still say this sentence.

"Why don't you change it?" Luo digs his ears. He doesn't know what to say. He's heard it many times, and now he's tired of hearing it.

"Change what?"

They said stupidly, just hoping to let them go. They can say whatever they want, as long as they can let them go.

"You said, do you want me to teach?"

Luo squinted his eyes, the danger was self-evident, they looked at each other, how would they answer this?

If the answer is not good, life will be explained here, this is not what they want.

The bear was in the dark, sweating for him all the time. He didn't know that Doflamingo was nearby. He had heard a lot of recent things. It should be Doflamingo who got into trouble. , otherwise Luo would not be so confident.

When Xiong has time, he will do other things, not just protect Luo.

The tension of time, only he can know.

Luo waited patiently, and didn't seem to be in a hurry at all, but they were sweating coldly.

Luo looked at them, although he really wanted to kill them, but he was a doctor, so it would be interesting to dissect them with a scalpel. It's just that there are so many people who irritate them and won't turn against him?

Luo suddenly had this bad idea, and none of them were vegetarians.

"Are you sure you want to go 々V?"

Luo looked in a good mood and let them know that they could still leave.

The name Hell Demon is too scary, and his crew is scary.

There is no time to think, this crew member has no force.

Fear is greater than all, and the brain freezes, and there is no time to think so much.

Luo kept thinking about how he could take them away.

His scalpel has been useless for a long time.

Suddenly losing their interest in aligning them, Luo looked at them seriously.

"Okay, let's talk more about the devil of hell, or your life will be lost."

Luo kindly suggested to them, a few of them were relieved and nodded desperately, they still understood this common sense.

Read The Duke's Passion