MTL - My Hero Academia: My Personality is the World-Chapter 254

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Hancock thanked him earnestly. If it weren't for the captain, she would not be today. All this is to thank the captain, if she hadn't saved her.

"You're welcome."

Wu An didn't know what to say, so he could only say this, especially Hancock, who had confessed to him once. He always felt that when he faced her again, he always had a strange feeling. This feeling can only be guilt, not It will be something else, especially now, with Jessica, he doesn't want Jessica to misunderstand something. After all, girls are more sensitive and misunderstand something, but he doesn't want her to misunderstand something. , not at all.

Hancock looked at the fruit attentively, with an inexplicable sense of familiarity. He always felt that this fruit belonged to her from the beginning. Hancock was taken aback by his own thoughts, how could this be possible.

Wu An himself looked at her reaction and nodded with satisfaction. It seemed that she had a sense of familiarity, and it was normal to feel this way. To be approached, sweet fruit belonged to her.

Saint Roswald, his eyes followed the sweet fruit, and found that they gave the sweet fruit to the beautiful girl. She was so beautiful that she couldn't be expressed in words.

Saint Roswald felt that she was already beautiful to this extent. This was not a joke, but serious.

Saint Roswald is a bit strange. It stands to reason that he could not have seen such a beautiful girl, but the fact is that he has never seen it, which makes him a little confused. Where did Wu An find it, so pretty girl.

They are all paying attention to Sweet Fruit, and no one pays attention to Saint Roswald. If they see Saint Roswald's expression, they will definitely beat him up and look for teeth all over the floor.

"Try it."

Wu An asked her to take the sweet fruit, just in time to practice with him. This is not a ready-made handle.

Han Kukki used the sweet fruit, and instantly felt different. The naked eye could clearly develop and become more beautiful. Wu An knew very well that it was because of the sweet fruit and nothing else, but because of the sweet fruit. Only she will change, sweet fruits are given to her, not wasted at all.

Jessica looked at Hancock's changes and felt so amazing, it's amazing that it has become like this.

Nami sighed twice, but made Hancock feel a little embarrassed. In the eyes of Saint Roswald, her whole body felt soft in an instant, it was too beautiful.

He had never seen such a beautiful woman, which really surprised him.

Everyone is amazed that Hancock has changed, and Hancock also feels that he has changed differently, but there is also a change in his heart.

321 Hancock Trials

This kind of change is because she feels that the responsibility on her body is greater, and she is about to leave here, leave them, and return to her own country. This is not what she wants, but Hancock is very sensible, and the captain has said that her The mission is to return to her own country, so she can't let the captain down, and she can't influence the captain's plan because of her own thoughts. Hancock believes that she must compromise, even if she doesn't like it, she must work hard to do it , Hancock doesn't know if his own thoughts are right.

She felt that her thoughts had misunderstood the captain's meaning, Hancock didn't know.

Wu An gave her the sweet fruit, and she was really relieved. The sweet fruit is in her hands, and there will be no accidents at any time. She also has the ability to protect herself. There is no need to worry about her safety at all times. , after all, sweet fruit, she can exert the greatest power.

"Want to practice your hands? Front? There's a suitable one."

Wu An pointed it to her, Hancock saw Roswald Saint, and the captain meant to use him to practice his hands, wouldn't it be - not very good.

Wu An nodded affirmatively and used him to practice his hands. There is nothing wrong with it, don't worry too much.

Hancock is vaguely excited. This kind of excitement has been gone for a long time. Saint Roswald is a Tianlong person. Will he really not anger the five old stars?

"Now he is the most afraid." Wu An gave the answer, Roswald is the most afraid now, Hancock has the sweet fruit, others may not understand the power of the sweet fruit, he It is well known that once the sweet fruit is possessed by a beautiful girl, the power it exerts is unimaginable, even very huge.

Saint Roswald looked at their eyes, all gathered on him, and felt inexplicably uneasy.

Can't help but retreat, shouldn't they want to practice with him?

With this knowledge, Saint Roswald is so angry that it cannot be added, how can they do this.

Hancock is eager to try, and she also wants to see how powerful the sweet fruit is.

Saint Roswald was terrified, his legs were shaking constantly, you could see how scared he was, which was unavoidable.

According to the familiar feeling in his mind, Hancock put his hand on his lips and turned into a heart shape. However, the peach-like heart shape represented a lot of arrows, which were densely shot towards him.

Seeing this scene, Wu An shivered for Saint Roswald. It was really terrifying. Looking at the pink heart shape, it turned out to be densely packed with arrows, which was creepy.

Saint Roswald watched this scene and intuitively told him that this time he was dead, and closed his eyes in despair. Is he really going to die?

Is there really no one here to save him?

While these arrows were shooting St. Roswald into a sieve, someone suddenly appeared and saved St. Roswald.

Saint Roswald opened his eyes carefully and found that he was still alive, and his joy was self-evident.

It was none other than Kizaru, Akainu, Doflamingo, and two bodyguards who saved him. To talk about them and why they found this place, we have to start from before.

These two bodyguards have been staying at Doflamingo's residence, waiting for them to come back, but the more they think about it, the more wrong it is. It's been so long, the generals, they haven't come back yet, they will

Will nothing happen?

This made them a little surprised. On the one hand, they were really afraid of what happened. On the other hand, they really couldn't afford it, especially if it happened to Saint Roswald. If something happened to him, no matter what it was. Yes, the world government will blame them.

There will never be any accident. Although the world government is under the banner of fairness and justice, what is the truth? They understand this truth better than anyone else. They all understand that they will only favor the Tianlong people. They exist for the Tianlong people. of.

"Do you want to go out and look for it?"

They are hesitant to go out to look for it at this time, can it be too late?

If you don't report to the general, if something really happens, Saint Roswald will not be saved, and no one will come to save them.

"We still return to the same path to ensure the safety of Saint Roswald. In case, it is the best thing to meet the general."

Another bodyguard said this, wouldn't it be very good in case of encountering the general, this would better ensure the safety of Saint Roswald.

?0 asking for flowers.....

After thinking about it, they unanimously decided that they could not stay here and wait for the generals to come back alone.

The two bodyguards went back the same way, still looking around to see if they could see the general's figure.

"Is that the generals?" One of the bodyguards with good eyesight saw the figure of the general not far ahead. If they were right, it was the general.

They came quickly, and the yellow monkey is here.

"General, Lord Roswald, don't let us follow. We were afraid of accidents, and we have been following him carefully. As a result, the Lord found out and ordered us to come back. We can be regarded as finding you."

One of the bodyguards spoke preemptively. They understood that if they didn't speak, the generals would definitely not listen to their explanations.


Before Kizaru and the others could speak, they heard them speak very fast, and in short, they understood what they meant.

It is still Saint Roswald who is a demon, not letting them follow, and he sighed deeply in his heart, this Saint Roswald, how much trouble he has to give them before giving up, it is simply too much.

Since they came here, they have been in constant trouble, and they have been causing trouble for them. They feel very angry. How can this happen? It is too much.

"Where is Lord Roswald?"

Kizaru spoke quickly, for fear that it would be late, and something happened to Saint Roswald, and they couldn't afford it.

"It's right in front." The two bodyguards answered quickly, without scoffing at all, Kizaru and Akainu.

I didn't say anything to blame them. In their opinion, it is more important to find Saint Roswald now. Otherwise, even if they are blamed, it will still be a waste of time, and it will really be too late.

They hurried to save him under the premise that Saint Roswald became a sieve.

Kizaru rescued Saint Roswald, and then he looked at the other side carefully. They turned out to be the Wu'an Pirates. This is the first time he came to Chambord Archipelago to meet them. It was so interesting. I didn't expect it. , Their meeting will be carried out under such circumstances, it is too surprising, Wu An raised his eyebrows unexpectedly, he did not expect that his life should not be utterly dead.

322 Yan Zhi Pirates

At this time, there are still people to save him, but think about it, Saint Rozwald, if something happens in the Chambord Islands, the Five Old Stars will definitely not let them go, the yellow monkey and the red dog, when the time comes If they can't eat and walk around, their lives will definitely be lost. No matter what position they hold in the world government, they can't match the Tianlong people.

After Saint Roswald was rescued, he still looked like he had not recovered. It can be seen that he was really frightened just now. Saint Roswald was trembling with fear. He had lived for so long and never felt it. When he arrived, he was so close to death. This was the first time he felt the taste of dying. What he couldn't imagine was that if they all didn't arrive in time, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"Sir Roswald, it's okay."

The two bodyguards, who were struggling, had to step forward to appease him, and the "740" kept complaining in their hearts, how could he be so timid, he was frightened, and he still hasn't recovered. Tianlong people really are, the most fragile existence.

Saint Roswald couldn't help but looked up and looked at Wu An.

Wu An looked directly into his eyes, Saint Roswald, originally wanted to summon the courage to look him in the eye, but in the end he failed, and he failed at all.

Saint Roswald, unable to bear the pressure, looked away. In his eyes, this kind of gaze was really terrible.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Wu An greeted him with a smile, and the yellow monkey scolded the old fox.

It seems that this meeting is like an old friend gathering. I don't know, I thought they were old friends I hadn't seen for many years, but in fact, they were enemies, very big enemies.

The mortal enemy, Akagi's beard and staring, this Wu An, as if nothing, knew how anxious he was when he saw that Saint Roswald was about to be silenced.

Once St. Roswald has an accident, it means that they are going to be finished. Fortunately, St. Roswald was rescued by them at a critical juncture. Let’s talk about the excited Hancock, she did not To be honest, I was quite surprised to think that she could exert such great power as Sweet Fruit.

Jessica looked at her. It was the first time she used Sweet Fruit. She was so handy. She understood why Wu An gave her Sweet Fruit. I, Nami noticed, sweet fruit, no matter what kind of tricks are used on the opponent, is pink, which is very surprising, just saw the pink heart, it turned out to be dense arrows, no Not to mention, Saint Roswald, who was rescued this time, will not have such good luck next time. After all, Hancock will become more and more comfortable with the use of sweet fruits in the future, not to mention, Today was the first time she used it, and she was able to exert such a great power. It is conceivable that how many people will be frightened in the future.

It was only then that Kizaru found out that she used sweet fruit, Saint Roswald, the most precious sweet fruit, and gave it to them at first, and finally asked for it back. Unexpectedly, in the end, it still fell to In the hands of the Wu'an crew members, they could only sigh helplessly. Apart from this, they really didn't know what kind of expression to use.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

This sentence, said by the yellow monkey, is called gnashing of teeth. It's been a long time since they hadn't seen them. Their hatred has increased a lot, which is really gratifying.

"General Huang Yuan, it seems that you are very dissatisfied."

Wu An's words, like a knife, pierced deeply into the heart of the yellow ape. When the yellow ape heard these words, when he was about to refute, Wu An opened his mouth again.

"There is no way to be dissatisfied. We are destined to meet, and there is no escape."

Wu An really has the ability to anger people when he speaks, and Huang Yuan is even more angry when he hears it. Although his emotions should not be dominated by Wu An, every word Wu An said is to sprinkle salt on his wounds. , it is too much, I have never seen such excess.

Nami looked at the captain in admiration. The other party was also a general, but he was still relieved. When dealing with the enemy, no matter what position he had, he became an enemy. This cannot be changed, and there is no way to change it.

"Wu'an, you guys are too arrogant." The red dog said angrily, how could they try to kill Roswald Saint? This is a very important matter. If something really happens, they can't escape. .

"I just can't get used to Tianlong people, what's the matter?"

Hancock said confidently and shot at the Tianlong people, that was what they deserved.0

Akainu heard Hancock's voice, noticed her, and found that she was very beautiful. No wonder she was a user of sweet fruit. Most people really couldn't use it. The power of sweet fruit,

Only beautiful people can do it. Saint Roswald was almost silenced by her. Looking at her delicate appearance, people couldn't say anything. Any blame, as if no matter what happened to her, was right. Akainu shook his head. , It's too incredible to see such a girl, not to mention that they are opposites.

Akainu felt helpless. If it weren't for the opposite, there would still be a chance to know something, but unfortunately, those linked to the Wu'an Pirates can only become enemies.

There was no other meaning on Akainu's face, and his heart was full of helplessness.

It seems that there is really no relationship. I found out that the Wu'an Pirates and the female crew members are all very beautiful. I have to say that they are a good-looking pirate group, and they are all handsome and good-looking.

Akainu found that he had changed, how could he treat his enemies like this? He shouldn't praise them, they were inseparable.

To put it bluntly, it has nothing to do with the Tianlong people and the world government.

"You know that the Tianlong people are nobles."

Kizaru was still trying to change Hancock's mind, and suddenly felt a toothache. Just because the Tianlong people are nobles, everything they do in 3.6 is aristocratic reason, even if there is no reason, Tianlong people say there is Then there is, if there is no then there is no.

"Yes, stupid."

Hancock spit out these words extremely sarcastically, and she felt that they were very stupid and ignorant. It was really terrible.

Huang Yuan felt a pain in his head, they were all the same as Wu An, and now he understands.

Those who can join the Wu'an Pirates, the hatred for the Tianlong people is quite large, probably because of the influence of Wu'an.

"Wu An, your bounty orders are already all over the world, are they still so rampant?"

He really can't understand, he is not afraid at all, is the world government?

He has seen too many people, and even more strange people.

323 Angry him

But Wu'an made him feel even more strange. Obviously, he has a lot of skills. Entering the World Government is not a problem at all, but what makes people wonder is why he should fight against them, and what is the benefit of doing so?

He didn't understand why he had to fight against the Tianlong people and the world government again and again, except for being targeted.

The Tianlong people are the nobles in this world, they have more power than anyone else, and there is the world government. They are in charge of the life and death of anyone. It can be said that except for the Tianlong people, they have the most power. Is it bad to enter the world government? ?

Sometimes I meet, like Saint Rozwald, this brainless Draco.

But there is no way, he is still a Tianlong person who can't afford to offend.

In addition to the strangeness of the Tianlong people, Huang Yuan felt that all of this was acceptable. Why did Wu'an not want to enter the world government, but instead founded the pirate group and followed them

Everywhere is right, but what's the benefit?

There is no benefit, only the result, the reward order, the wanted order, the situation flying all over the sky.

But he still couldn't catch them, and the yellow ape snorted coldly. He didn't know who he was talking to. In his eyes, it was too hateful. He clearly had a better choice. He had to ask the world government to want them. Understand the idea of ​​Wu'an 10.

In the beginning, he didn't think much about it, he just wondered why the world government let him go, but later, it became that it was very difficult to arrest him, especially difficult, so much so that it is still difficult to arrest him. Let them go with impunity.

If the World Government had not let them go in the first place, would things have been different and would have developed in a good direction. Back then, when the World Government wanted to arrest them and bring them to justice, this situation would not have happened.

It's a pity that the people in the world government are all self-proclaimed smart and think that the Wu'an Pirates can't make a big storm at all. As a result, it turns out that they are still wrong. The Wu'an Pirates not only caused a big storm Wind and waves, and let the world government take them, there is absolutely no way.

"There are too many bounty orders."

Wu An didn't care at all. Even if their bounty orders could be piled up into a mountain in this world, they still couldn't catch them. This is not a joke, but a fact. How could it be so easy to arrest them? However, this matter was doomed from the beginning, and Huang Yuan regretted the beginning. At the beginning, they should have stopped the World Government and prevented them from releasing the Wu'an Pirates, so that they have not been able to arrest them until now.

"Don't be too arrogant."

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