MTL - My Hero Academia: My Personality is the World-Chapter 255

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Kizaru suddenly didn't know what to say. Facing the Wu'an Pirates, he always felt powerless.

"There is no way to be arrogant."

Wu An spreads his hands, full of provocation, the world government is nothing in his eyes, he is not afraid of anyone, and he is not afraid of anyone.

Huang Yuan and the others are feeling troubled now. The Wu'an Pirates are wanted criminals, and there is a reward order, but in front of them, they are unable to arrest them.

Kizaru and Akainu looked at each other, and neither of them thought that they would meet them in such a place this time. They originally came out to find Saint Roswald, for fear that he would be in danger.

Unexpectedly, he met the Wu'an Pirates.

For them, the Wu'an Pirates are dangerous, very dangerous.

"You can arrest him."

Saint Roswald suddenly said to them, and Kizaru was startled, is this an order for them?

When is it time to let them arrest them?

Don't even look at it, whether they have the ability, sweet fruits, they are already in their hands, they were almost killed just now, and now they are so shameless, it is ridiculous to think about it.

"Lord Roswald, go back first."

Huang Yuan's meaning is very clear, and he wants him to go back and be taken away by two bodyguards. As for the Wu'an Pirates, don't bother him. If he stays here, he will definitely help more and more.

Saint Roswald was obviously unwilling to leave. When he was alone, he was bullied badly by the Wuan Pirates. Now they have finally come here and want him to leave without even thinking about it. possible.

"I want to stay here."

Saint Roswald's temper came up, no one said it was useless, he was unwilling to leave, and he had to stay here, which was very difficult.

"It's very dangerous here." Huang Yuan's temper came up, what time was it, and he was still causing trouble for him. If he didn't ask for trouble for a moment, he felt uncomfortable, didn't he?

"You were almost killed by Sweet Fruit just now."

Akainu said with a sullen face, what time is this, and it is too much to still compete here.

Saint Roswald, what else do I want to say, but when I think of the sweet fruit, I almost died when I thought of the scene just now, my heart was filled with fear, and the scene of dying just now was constantly replayed in my mind, that This scene, no matter what, he was thinking just now, with them here, he will definitely not have anything to happen, he wants to watch the Wu'an Pirates, be caught by them, and be arrested back, be good Teach them a lesson, but what they didn't expect was that they wanted him to leave because they thought it was too dangerous here.

\"I'm going."

Roswald opened his mouth with holy air. He actually knew very well in his heart that he would not be accidentally injured if he left here, not to mention how they fought with the Wu'an Pirates, it would not affect him. This kind of treatment to him Favorable things, he will not personally push away. 743

Huang Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, wishing he had left here quickly, otherwise, Wu An wanted to take action against him later, and no one could protect him.

"Hold on."

Van Oka watched Rozwald Saint want to leave and stopped him.

"What are you doing in such a hurry?"

Saint Roswald looked at him and snorted coldly, what is he, and it is too much to want him to stay.

"Don't go too far."

Saint Roswald said with dissatisfaction, why did he want to leave but didn't let him leave?

"What about too much?"

Tiger didn't care at all. It happened that Hancock had just obtained the sweet fruit, so he could use them to practice his hands, so that it would be more convenient to use in the future.

Kizaru vaguely knew that what he wanted to do was nothing more than anger, Saint Roswald, so that he could stay and do extreme things, and they would have the opportunity to let him die.

"Lord Roswald, you should leave first."

Huang Yuan urged again, at this time, it is best to leave quickly, otherwise, what should I do if I really give up my life.

"I'm not leaving yet."

Saint Roswald's mouth was full of air, as they said, he was easily provoked, and Saint Roswald was unwilling to leave.

324 handshake peace?

"Lord Roswald, you should leave here first. They have sweet fruits and are very powerful."

Akainu tried his best to answer him patiently and not let himself get angry. Saint Rosward shook his head, he didn't believe that Kiabou and Akainu were staying here, what else could they do to him.

"You are here."

Saint Roswald replied that with them there, there is nothing to worry about. They are the generals of the World Government, and there is something that they cannot settle.

Kizuna felt a toothache, what kind of logical thinking is he?

How can there be such logical thinking?

They are the generals of the world government. But that doesn't mean that everything can be successful.

"You better go back first."

Huang Yuan has persuaded him more than once that it is best for him to go back, and it doesn't make much sense to be entangled here at this time.

"What do you want me to do back?"

Saint Roswald now wants to stay and doesn't want to leave at all.

"It's safe to go back." Akainu doesn't know what to say anymore. It's obviously safe to go back, and he still doesn't want to leave here. I really don't know what's good here.

"I'm watching."

Saint Roswald's temper came up, and he was reluctant to leave. In his eyes, he must have seen them unlucky and watched them all being arrested. Saint Roswald's idea was good, but he could Not being able to do so is another matter.

Kizaru gave the two bodyguards a look, wanting them to be forced to leave with Saint Roswald. It can't continue like this, otherwise there will be an accident.

Wu An and the others looked at this scene amusingly. It was really interesting. Saint Rozwald still hasn't figured out his position yet? Up to now, he is still outspoken, wanting to watch them get arrested, how is this possible.

Saying that Saint Roswald has no brains is really not wronging him at all. He looks like a person with brains.

But Tianlong people are all like this, Yeyang is sad for this world, dominated by such a group of brainless Tianlong people, but fortunately Wu An came here, the world government here must be overthrown, can not survive in this world, otherwise it will be I don't know how many suffering people will be here, it's scary to think about it.

They have endured so many unequal treaties and were forced to become slaves. These so-called fairness and justice of the world government will not take any action at all. It is even more sad to think about it. The world government must be overthrown this time. It is time to let these The so-called Tianlong people tasted the taste of becoming slaves and pulled them down from the nobles.

These Shiyang hopes that this can be achieved tomorrow, but he feels that it should not be possible. After all, it still takes time, and it takes a lot of time.

I hope his joining can quickly catalyze all this.

"You can do whatever you want." Kisumu flicked his sleeves and didn't want to care about him anymore. It's all the time. He still thinks he is omnipotent, just because of his identity as a Tianlong person, he

Why haven't I seen the facts clearly? In front of the Wu'an Pirates, the identity of Tianlong people is really difficult to use. They are very disgusted, and it is strange to be polite to him.

To put it bluntly, Saint Roswald is stupid, and he is not willing to admit it.

You must know that it was on the opposite side of them, Roswalder heard it, and Kizaru's impatience did not break out for the first time, but quietly endured it, and waited until this incident was over to see how he dealt with them.

Saint Roswald secretly remembered in his heart that although they are all generals, he is a Tianlong person, and Wu Laoxing is also a Tianlong person, so he will naturally favor him.

"Are you still going to fight?"

Wu An looked at Huang Yuan and the others, and looked at their appearance, as if that's what he meant.

"I won't fight with you.\" Kizaru shook his head, he is not a three-year-old child, he has not experienced anything, this time I came here, just take it away, Saint Roswald, if you want to fight with them, even if you want to fight , and it's not just the two of them. In other words, the two of them can't really fight them.

This yellow monkey started to admit from his heart, and there was nothing he didn't admit.

It's just that in front of the Wu'an Pirates, they didn't show a trace of timidity.

Wu An looked at him unexpectedly. He didn't expect that this would be the result. Did Huang Yuan admit that he was cowardly?

Their intuition told them that they should have confessed their counsel. Unexpectedly, the generals of the World Government would still have one day to admit their counsel. It was really unbelievable.

"What do you mean?"

Fan Oka didn't understand, since he didn't fight with them, could it be possible to shake hands and make peace?

The more I think about it, the more likely it is.

Fan Oka was afraid that such a situation might happen, and quickly expressed his determination.

"Don't think about shaking hands and making peace. That's impossible. We have a mortal hatred with the world government."

Fan Oka's remarks are called a high-spirited person, who can shake hands and make peace?

It will never be possible, don't even think about it, so much so that the sun may come out from the west and shake hands with this matter, it is also impossible.

No matter what, there will be no handshake.

When Tiger heard his words, he laughed involuntarily. It was too vivid. Even if the world government begged to shake hands with them and make peace with them, I believed that the captain would definitely refuse the child. stay! Stay*9: 8#0>2!0;5&8/56 must not agree, they know better than anyone what the world government is.

How could it be possible that he would agree to shake hands with them and make peace.

Kizaru and Akainu have black lines all over their faces, what does this mean?

They didn't mean it, but it was so uncomfortable to say it from his mouth.

"o\'The world government will not shake hands with you to make peace."

Huang Yuan was very helpless. How did they think of this? Could it be that (how is Zhao) because he said the reason for not fighting?

But he didn't say that it was too much to shake hands and make peace.

"That's it."

Fan Oka patted his chest, as if he had been frightened a while ago. He really thought that someone was going to shake hands and make peace.

It's enough for Huang Yuan to deny it, which means that it is impossible and unnecessary, so he doesn't worry about it.

The black line on Kiabou's face, what does this mean?

He could see it clearly. Even if the world government asked for peace with them, they would not agree. You must know how honorable the world government is. Huang Yuan didn't say these words. In his opinion, there is no need to say it at all. There is no need for this. The relationship with the Wu'an Pirates will always be hostile. It is impossible for them to become allies, and it is impossible for them to join the World Government. This is simply impossible.

"You think too much." Akainu said.

325 Think of a good way

"This is not a question of overthinking, but a fact. If the world government really comes to us to make peace, how terrible it is."

Fan Oka waved his hand. He didn't think it was impossible. Instead, it was them who didn't believe it. If there was such a day, they would be slapped in the face, and they didn't even think about it.

"I said it was impossible, it was impossible."

Akainu is really anxious, why is he so sure that the World Government will definitely seek peace with him, how is this possible, to say that the World Government really decided so, he was the first to refuse.

"You are the second one who refuses to agree, and there is nothing you can do."

Fan Oka continued, madly speaking, don't be so sure, just in case it's true.

Wu An pondered, what if such a day really happened.

It is estimated that the world government is more sincere. They believe that if the enemy is so powerful, it is better to let them join the world government and serve the world government. According to the shameless standards of the world government, this is not impossible. On the contrary, it is very possible and very likely. .

This day still has to wait, as for how long to wait, it depends on the will of God.

Akainu was angry for a long time, but he didn't speak, but Saint Roswald, who was on the side, had a new idea in his heart. He was right in saying that, it was a good way.

They can't be punished yet, but when 743 they enter the world government, they will have a great opportunity to punish them.

At that time, how to punish them is not up to him?

Saint Roswald was ecstatic, thinking about this in his heart, it's just the five old stars, can you agree, this is still a question.

Brother Doflaming didn't say anything, he has been observing here, sweet fruit, it really needs good-looking people to exert great power, the girl who uses sweet fruit, I have to say, looks really beautiful, it can be said, Of all the women he had ever seen, she was the most beautiful, without exception.

If this person, if he had met earlier, he would not have stayed, Wu'an Pirates.

Doflamingo glanced inadvertently and found St. Roswald, as if he was thinking about something, shouldn't he want to lead the wolf into the room?

It shouldn't be like this, Wu'an and the others are going to enter, the world government, it can be said that the entire world government will be messed up.

The Five Old Stars would not be so stupid, nor would they agree to let the Wu'an Pirates enter the World Government. Is it so easy to enter the World Government?

I don't think about it (badg), but it's very unexpected that Saint Roswald wants to intervene.

He wants to let the Wu'an Pirates enter the World Government? Isn't this asking for guilt? He was the first to joke around.

Why does he have no sense of crisis at all, he really doesn't understand, are all Tianlong people so stupid?

It is really hopelessly stupid, Doflamingo, he didn't show it at all on his face. In his opinion, how Saint Rozwald is a demon is all under the influence of the World Government.

But if he wants to enter the World Government in the future, will he have to give him a pocket? Suddenly thinking of this makes me feel a little scary.

He didn't do anything, and he had to take care of him. This was full of unfairness, but there was no way to do it.

Who made him want to enter the world government? Doflamingo has his own ambition, and the world government is his springboard. There is no accident. Thinking about his ultimate goal, this difficulty is nothing.

Doflamingo consoled himself like this, and Saint Roswald felt more and more that his idea was right, and the Wu'an Pirates could not be caught in the first place. It is better to let them enter the World Government and keep them under his nose. Watch over so they don't do anything outrageous.

Akainu's eyes were red, and he was about to start, but he endured it. He knew that the strength of the Wu'an Pirates was extraordinary, and now with the addition of Sweet Fruit, their strength has improved to a higher level, just him With Kizaru, it is very difficult to win against them. If there is an accident, you will not be able to eat and walk around, especially Roswald Saint is still here.

Let alone let him have an accident, anyone can have an accident, but he can't.

Read The Duke's Passion