MTL - My Hero Academia: My Personality is the World-Chapter 272

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Xia Qi tentatively asked him to go back and wait. The leader of the bounty hunter looked up. At this time, he was very moved and didn't know what to say.


He thanked him very sincerely. It had been a long time since no one had treated him so sincerely. He was really touched.

"you are welcome."

Xia Qi waved her hand generously, which made Xia Qi's image instantly taller in the heart of the bounty hunter leader. It seems that there are still such beautiful women in the Chambord Islands. The first one that arrived, he didn't cheat on his money, and he took the initiative to listen to him so much.

"Then you'll be busy first, I'll go back first."

In fact, he didn't hold him either. She was able to find out something. After all, the Demon Lord of Hell is very (bdeg) afraid of many people, including her.

"It really doesn't work, and you don't have to be brave."

The leader of the bounty hunter warned uneasy, for fear that she would be brave.

"I know."

Xia Qi replied with a smile, she wouldn't make fun of her life, not to mention she was very familiar with the Hell Demon Lord he called, the leader of the bounty hunter could only nod his head, he wanted to say something, and swallowed it. , One step three turned back and left.

Xia Qi stopped him, and the leader of the bounty hunter stopped and looked back at Xia Qi.

Xia Qi held the bag full of money in her hand and motioned for him to take it away, but was rejected by the leader of the bounty hunter, saying: Send EUR from! Group, stay! Stay*9: 8#0>2!0;5&8/56

"This is what you deserve."

She has already helped him, and the money and wealth should belong to her.

"That's not good."

Xia Qi deliberately declined.

"There's nothing wrong, just accept it."

The leader of the bounty hunters is about to leave.

"Then come over in three days."

Xia Qi told him to ask him to come back in three days. If there is any result, he still needs to discuss with Wu An.

After all, this is about Wu An, and she can't make decisions for Wu An.

The leader of the bounty hunters left in a good mood. No matter whether there was a result after three days, he was content.

Xia Qi weighed the large amount of money in her hand, and the corners of her mouth rose in satisfaction. The bounty hunter was really rich. This bag of money was enough for her half-year's pure profit. It is conceivable that the leader of the bounty hunter took action. , how generous.

"The leader is rich."

Xia Qi collected the money contentedly. With these, even if the next business is not good, it will not affect the quality of life of her and Rayleigh.

Xia Qi intends to tell Rayleigh about this.

"Look at it."

Xia Qi was hurting to hire waiters. She didn't want to hire them, but she couldn't help it. She often went out and visited Rayleigh. If there were no waiters, the bar would have really closed down. By then, there would be no source of income. .

"Day" ae.

The waiter nodded seriously, optimistic about the bar, which also means that his sales amount can increase, and his salary can also increase at that time, which is inseparable from the bar.

Rayleigh didn't know how many times he was helpless. The salary of the coating was not high. In a month, he was disturbed by Xia Qi several times, and he had to ask for leave.

"Don't look at me like that, I know I shouldn't disturb your work."

Xia Qi was very conscious, and when Rayleigh was unhappy, he knew that it was she who disturbed his work. But there is no way, what can she do, she can only tell him.

"What's the matter this time?"

Rayleigh realized that he should get used to it, that Xia Qi came to him at no time, and he was used to it from the bottom of his heart.

361 Tell Wu An

If Xia Qi didn't come to him when he was working for a month, maybe he would get used to it.

"The leader of the bounty hunters has come to the bar."

When Xia Qi spoke truthfully, Pluto Rayleigh was stunned.

"Boss of bounty hunters?"

"Yes, he came to me because he wanted to know Wu An's residence."

"The bounty hunters have already come here? Didn't they teach them a lesson last time?

Pluto Rayleigh, referring to the last time Wu'an fought against the bounty hunters.

Are they going to fight to the death? Just to get the Wu'an Pirates, a bounty?

This is too persistent. There are so many pirates. If they don't arrest them, why should they arrest the Wu'an Pirates?

"that's not what it means."

Xia Qi knew that Reilly had misunderstood and quickly explained.

"What he means is that he wants to cooperate with Wu An to deal with Brother Doflaming."

"What does Doflamingo have to do with him?"

Pluto Rayleigh was puzzled. In this case, the leaders of the bounty hunters were all present in the Chambord Islands. It can be seen that they came here in secret, but what does it have to do with Doflamingo?

"His enemy."

Xia Qi told Pluto Rayleigh clearly the whole story.

"I want to discuss with Wu An. As for whether to meet or not, the leader of the bounty hunter is Wu An's decision."

Xia Qi sighed, she was heartbroken for them all.

"Have to tell him."

Pluto Rayleigh made a decision, and he had to tell him about Wu'an's affairs.

Xia Qi nodded, and then shared the money she got today.

Rayleigh's mouth curled into a smile, and in his eyes, Xia Qi kept talking, he didn't perfunctory, and he didn't show impatience.

He listened to Xia Qi's words quietly.

"Then you won't have to be so tired."

Rayleigh hoped she could rest and not be so tired.

"That won't work."

Xia Qi didn't even want to think about it, so she refused the child directly, saying: "Send EUR from! Group, stay!" Stay*9: 8#0>2!0;5&8/56 is absolutely dead, it's about making money, how can you rest.

"I've spent huge sums of money hiring waiters."

When Xia Qi thought of the waiter, her heart ached. She had always been in charge of the bar by herself. Now that she has a waiter, she still can't relax.


Reilly shook his head to himself, not knowing what to say about her, obviously she didn't need to be so tired.

"As a girl, you can't work so hard."

Rayleigh tried to reason with Xia Qi. In Rayleigh's eyes, Xia Qi was a fan of petty money.

"I'm old enough to be a girl." Xia Qi corrected Rayleigh's words. Although she was very happy to hear what he said, she still had to behave normally. After all, she was no longer a girl.

"No matter how old you are, I am a girl here."

Rayleigh spoke in a slightly doting voice, Xia Qi was suddenly shocked by this sentence, her face was flushed and she didn't know what to say. She used to tease Rayleigh, but this time, Rayleigh was serious. When she spoke, she was a little surprised, a little shy, and at a loss. It was the best way to describe the current Xia Qi.

Over the years, camouflage has become a habit, and it seems that only in Rayleigh can the camouflage be removed.

Xia Qi was immersed in her own world. Even if she didn't pay attention to Rayleigh, she knew that Rayleigh was watching her all the time.

"I didn't expect you to have a blushing side."

Rayleigh seemed to be different from usual today, and made fun of Xia Qi when he found an opportunity.

"Okay, let's work."

Xia Qi found her voice and wanted to leave after speaking.


Rayleigh stopped, Xia Qi who was about to leave in a hurry.

"Go and tell Wu An an O\"

This matter, let Wu An make up his own mind.

Xia Qi nodded and left quickly with a sigh of relief. Why are they so unpromising? They have known each other for so long, why are they blushing so easily?

Rayleigh's eyes flickered. Although Wu An was young, he had a different feeling. In the eyes of others, Wu An, who is like a hairy boy, would never have thought that he was a **** that shocked many people. Demon Lord, but that's the truth.

He seems to develop according to his ideas about the world and the future situation.

Rayleigh was taken aback by his own thoughts. How could such a supernatural event happen? No one could predict the future, including Wu An.

But he has always been very calm and calm, very confident.

Rayleigh tried to dismiss the idea, but it seemed to be rooted in his mind.

Perhaps, he is here to save the world, save these suffering people, save all this, and unequal treaties, these are all possible.

oooo asking for flowers..

Fortunately, he is not a member of the world government. If he is a member of the world government, the unequal system in this world will never change. Fortunately, he is his own.

Rayleigh is fortunate for this, no matter how strange he is, as long as he wants to abolish the unequal treaties of the world government, and the inexplicable nobles of the Tianlong people, all this is enough, and the rest need not be said.

Xia Qi came to the place where they lived. Xia Qi looked left and right, but didn't find anything different here. It was clearly talking about the place to live, but there was nothing here, only one big tree. Maybe live in a big tree? I can't get in here. Xia Qi looked at this big tree, the Chambord Archipelago. The most important thing is the beautiful bubbles.

It looks very dreamy. Although it is sometimes dirty here, it is undeniable that the scenery here is still the most beautiful.


Xia Qi was a little anxious, and once suspected that she was going wrong. Otherwise, how could there be nothing here, and she couldn't find anyone else.

She can't shout too loudly, or someone with a heart will hear it, and it will be over.

"There seems to be someone outside the tree hole."

Xiao Ba has a keen sense of hearing, and found that there were footsteps outside the tree hole.

"Can you tell, how many people are there?"

"It should be one."

Hearing Xiao Ba's answer, they all breathed a sigh of relief, for fear that if some navy came, they would blow up the tree hole here.

Xiao Ba carefully opened it, and found a familiar figure in the bubble above the tree hole. Who else could it be except Aunt Xia?

Xiao Ba didn't have time to speak, and quickly ran out, making the others stunned for a while, what happened to Xiao Ba.

"Aunt Xia."

Xiao Ba shouted excitedly, just when Xia Qi wanted to go back, she heard Xiao Ba's voice, looking at Xiao Ba, her crisp voice made her a little puzzled.

"Where did you come from, Xiaoba?"

Xia Qi looked at him curiously, how come out like a cat.

Xiao Ba pointed to the tree hole behind him, where he came out.

"You kid, don't tease Aunt Xia, no one came out of the tree hole."

Xia Qi flicked it funny, his little forehead, and said it again.

362 The Tree Hole That Made Xia Qi Impressive

No one lives in the tree hole, isn't this a joke, Xiaoba looked at Aunt Xia suspiciously, and suddenly remembered that she seemed to be here for the first time.

"Aunt Xia, don't believe it."

Xiao Ba said very seriously, Xia Qi looked at Xiao Ba's serious, immature face, a little surprised.

"Okay, believe it."

Xia Qi looked at Xiao Ba's mouth dotingly, and Xiao Ba sighed loudly. He knew that Aunt Xia didn't believe it at all.

"follow me."

Xiao Ba led the way in front, Xia Qi followed with curiosity, here she just turned around and found nothing, not to mention that they live here.

Read The Duke's Passion