MTL - My Hero Academia: My Personality is the World-Chapter 273

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"I just suspected that I was going wrong."

Xia Qi looked around and said casually.

"Normal, otherwise it has been hidden here for so long, and no one has ever discovered it."

"Nine One Zero" Xiao Ba said confidently, but when he came, he was stunned.

"When the captain and I came here, we were also stunned, thinking how could people live here, only to find out later that people can live here.

Xiaoba patiently explained to Xia Qi, who looked at the tree hole in front of her.

"You're not going to get in, are you?"

Xia Qi was obviously suspicious, and Xiao Ba smiled mysteriously.

"Aunt Xia, what are you afraid of? I'm right behind you."

Xiao Ba asked Xia Qi to go in first, but after he put it up, Xia Qi didn't move for a long time, she always thought it was unbelievable, how could people live in the tree.

"Go in, Aunt Xia."

Xiao Ba urged behind him, Xia Qi entered this tree hole with mixed feelings and trust in Xiao Ba.

Xia Qi was suddenly stunned, and Xiao Ba, who was behind her with unknown reasons, heard an exclamation. It was none other than Aunt Xia in front of him.

"Aunt Xia, what's wrong with you?"

Xiao Ba said worriedly, Xia Qi was frightened, and things had to start. She just came in and started talking. She didn't do anything just now, and she was startled when she saw everyone suddenly appearing.

"I'm fine."

Xia Qi shook her head, indicating that she was fine.

"I didn't expect it?"

Wu An spoke in a childish tone, and Xia Qi glanced at them strangely, what kind of prank they were playing.

"I said that it's fine for you to joke at ordinary times, but at this time, you are still making such jokes with me."

Xia Qi entered the tree hole and looked at the place while talking, and found that the space in the tree hole was really not small. It could accommodate so many of them, and it was more than enough.

"It's really okay for you to hide."

Xia Qi really admired them. When they came to such an unfamiliar place, they were able to find such a good place to live. Most people really couldn't find it.

Do not! It should be said that as long as they don't show up on their own initiative, no one will find out that there is such a residence here, which is really incredible.

She stayed in the Chambord Archipelago for a long time, and she didn't know anything about this kind of tree hole.

"When we first came here, we were hunted and killed, and this place was provided by Jessica."

In Wu An's words, the pride that could not be concealed, the place that Jessica provided, how could it be bad.

Xia Qi keenly discovered that when Wu An mentioned Jessica, his words were full of pride. It seemed that the two of them had a situation.

"I haven't seen you for a few days, your development is fast enough."

Xia Qi teased, this is good, two couples appeared at once.

Wu An has nothing to be embarrassed about, but someone might be embarrassed. This person is none other than Jessica. Jessica blushed embarrassedly.

Xia Qi knew that Jessica was embarrassed, so she let them go at this time. It seemed that they were so sweet, and she felt that she was really old.

Back then... Forget it... Xia Qi stopped recalling, after all, she was just like them back then.

More than 20 years have passed, and it is not okay to be unconvinced.

Xia Qi saw a familiar face, isn't this her old customer?

Shiyang obviously saw Xia Qi as well, and it really was a coincidence.

"What a coincidence."

Xiao Yang took the initiative to say hello, but Xia Qi also suspected that she had read it wrong just now.

"It's quite a coincidence."

Xia Qi followed his words and Wu An looked at the two of them.

"How did you know each other?"

"He's the old customer I told you about."

Xia Qi said with a smile. She didn't expect her old customers to stay with Wu An so well. Looking at their posture, Xiao Yang had already joined the Wu An Pirates.

Poyang laughed out loud, it was a coincidence.

"I said, why do you live in a tree hole? I didn't believe it just now."

Xia Qi looked at the huge tree hole.

"How about it, is it alright here?"

Wu An is very satisfied here. In his words, he doesn't even look at who found it.

"I came to see you for something."

Xia Qi did not forget her purpose.

Xiaoba handed Xia Qi a glass of water, and Xia Qi found a place to sit down.

Seeing that Xia Qi was so anxious, Wu An thought there was something urgent.

"It's not really a big deal."

"The leader of the bounty hunters, came to the bar and wanted to buy information about your residence..."

Xia Qi explained everything about the leader of the bounty hunter and the purpose of entering the bar.

"The leader of bounty hunters is interesting."

Wu An rubbed his chin and opened his mouth, and the leader was dispatched, and he hated Doflamingo so much.

"Actually, it's me who they should take revenge on most."

Wu An said this sentence, after all, it was them who caused the tragic death of the bounty hunter.

"But without Doflamingo's bun idea, it wouldn't be a tragic death."

Jessica disagrees, Wu An's point of view, if they hadn't listened to Doflamingo's plan,

"What do you mean.

They didn't lose so much.

Xia Qi wants to hear what Wu An means, the leader of the bounty hunter, is it worth contacting and cooperating?

"You can develop into your own person."

Wu An smiled mysteriously. Since he is the leader of the bounty hunters, it means that he can still lead the other bounty hunters. He thought that the bounty hunters acted independently, but 4.6 did not expect that the bounty hunters still had leaders.

"Your ambitions are really big."

Xia Qi was stunned for a moment. Even though she had been in the arena for so many years, she was still shocked by Wu An's thoughts, but she quickly adjusted.


Wu An spreads his hands, this is innate, and there is no way to change it.

"Okay, I should go."

After Xia Qi said what she wanted to say, it was time to leave.

"That leader, when you go to the bar again, you can tell him where I live."

"is this okay?"

Xia Qi is still a little worried, don't you need to look elsewhere?


Wu An waved his hand, no need to worry about this.

Wu An looked at her and suddenly thought of a bar.

"Aunt Xia, is the bar's business okay?".

363 business is good

Wu An suddenly said this sentence, which made Xia Qi stunned, and then waved her hand. The business of the bar has always been a pain point for her. The business cannot be said to be too good or bad. After all, people are greedy. Hope to have more.

"The bar's business is pretty good." In fact, business is not smooth sailing.

"Aunt Xia, don't worry, with me, your bar's business will definitely improve."

Wu An swore that he would make the bar's business better. In his mind, he had already searched a lot about bars. The facilities of a modern bar, as well as a variety of entertainment.

Xia Qi didn't believe it. What Wu An said could be false. It was too good a stone, and she put it down in her heart.

"Thank you in advance then."

Xia Qi didn't expect that this time, there will be an unexpected harvest.

It really surprised her, Ye Yang looked at Wu and knew what the captain was thinking.

He wanted to tell Xia Qi about the marketing of modern bars. In fact, this is not bad. Xia Qi really mastered some things about modern bars. Then her bar will be famous in this world.

Xia Qi left happily, every time Wu An surprises her, she is very surprised.

"Boss of bounty hunters, can't beat Doflamingo?"

Fan Oka has a lot of doubts in his heart. There are so many bounty hunters, and their power is not small, how can they be defeated, Doflamingo.

"You forgot, some bounty hunters have died tragically, and they came to seek revenge for Doflamingo."

"Do you want to deal with Doflamingo?"

In fact, Doflamingo, for them, has no substantial harm.

"Kizuna may have already cooperated with Doflamingo."

Previously, Akainu came to the Chambord Islands and wanted to wipe them all out. There was only one person who could help them, and that was Doflamingo.

They are not stupid, they know what Doflamingo is missing now.

"What he lacks is the opportunity to enter the world government"

They all know that Doflamingo's purpose is to enter the world government and become a noble, so that other people look up to him, so that the ordinary people he thinks do not dare to insult him.

"It's a pity he won't get his wish."

Fan Oka said gloatingly, with a contemptuous smile on his handsome face.

"As long as the captain is around, Doflamingo will never, ever, live the life he dreams of."

"That's right."

Wu An stretched his back, how could Brother Doflaming get his wish? In fact, his strength is very powerful. By himself, he not only entered the world government, but also mastered the country of flowers in the later period. It’s a pity that this life encounter With him, this is impossible.

"Then do you still need to cooperate with the bounty hunter leader?"

"It is not to cooperate with him, but to let him join our team and overthrow the world government together."

The corners of Wu An's mouth were puckered, with a black belly smile. The bounty hunter leader must have a lot of power, and he also has strong leadership skills, so he said. With the help of bounty hunters, the progress of this matter will be accelerated.

"Captain, you don't even spare the bounty hunters."

Fan Oka shook his head, the captain is too black-hearted, the job of bounty hunters is to catch them, who are rewarded by the world government, but the captain wants them

It's really good to develop into a companion.

"What are you worried about? Worried that he won't agree?"

Wu An believes that there is absolutely no need to think that he disagrees. As the leader of the bounty hunters, he must give his subordinates an explanation, as well as Brother Doflamingo. It was this plan that led to their deaths. The culprit, why? It's impossible to let it go easily.

They hated Doflamingo to the core. In fact, they should hate him the most, but they didn't seek revenge for him, so it's fine. It's okay to be able to successfully pull the bounty hunter into the pit. of.

"If this is spread, the bounty hunters will become a joke. Can they agree?"

Sabas is worried about this kind of problem. Many bounty pirates who see bounty hunters are like mice seeing cats. If they find out, the bounty hunters will cooperate with the bounty pirates. It's going to be spread, and it's not to blame for the jokes.

"The bounty hunter is not so vulnerable. He is still the leader of the bounty hunter. From the moment he came to me to cooperate, he should have known what the consequences would be, and he would not face much.

want. "

Wu An deeply felt that face is not important, what is important is the matter itself, whether it can achieve the result that he wants, as long as the result is what he wants, the process is casual.

At least in Wu An's opinion, that's how it is. He can ignore the consequences and other things. As long as the results satisfy him, he suffers hardships in the process and is not understood by others, so what's the point.