MTL - My Hi-tech Library-Chapter 283 potential threat

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After a lapse of months.

Li Yi entered the star map space of the library again, and was immediately stunned by the content presented in the light curtain.

I saw that in the light curtain, there were tens of thousands of messages, and the prompts for countless new call requests kept flashing.

"Hello, Li of Human Civilization, I like 'Twisted Machine' and 'The Eve of Frost' very much. Are there more similar music recommendation codes?"

"Li of human civilization, this is a greeting from the Pinasa civilization. I like the music you create very much. I hope to make friends with you and exchange more music."

"Li of human civilization, I like your music very much: "Blue Danube", "Sorrowful Sonata", "Blue Love", "Autumn Whispers", "Symphony of Life", these music, I hope to hear more So much similar music, I look forward to having an exchange with you.”

"Hello, I'm from Yumu Galaxy, Luodou Civilization. I like your music very much, and I hope I can also 'represent' your music works!"

"Li of human civilization, I like the music you create very much. I want to establish friendly trade relations with your civilization. I don't know if you are willing. If it is convenient, please send a message."


Li Yi clicked on some message reminders. The messages from many civilizations are all 'fan-like' messages praising the good music, making friends, seeking cooperation agents, even trade exchanges, seeking realistic relationships, ... various messages.

Most of them are low-level civilizations, but there are also many high-level civilizations, and there are even many from fifth-level civilizations. Li Yi is a little flattered.

After reading the message, Li Yi looked at the Star Coin account again. A sales commission of tens of billions of Star Coins had already been transferred to his account, and the number per second was increasing at a rate of seven or eight digits, which was very scary.

Li Yi glanced at the data information of Starcoin's instant account, and a waterfall of data slanted down.

"Daryou purchased "Orcs", "Gangnam Style", "Song of Raz"..., and other music licenses. According to the cooperation agreement of Emperor 34, you will get 124,580 stars to share!"

"Xie'er purchased "Distant Journey", "Reminiscence ~ Sincere To Kong Ming", "Dawn of Heroes"..., and other music licenses. According to the cooperation agreement of Emperor 51, you will get 74,800 stars to share!"

"Morte purchased "Fireworks Smile", "Rear Window", "The Song of Leda", "The Bell", Hungarian Rhapsody No. 6..., and other music licenses, according to the cooperation agreement of Emperor 77, you will get 332200 stars Coins are divided!"


Every second, a large amount of transaction data jumps out, and the agents have gained a lot of money. At the same time, he has also received a large income share. If this trend continues, it will not be used much, and his Starcoin account will soon be closed. exceeded one hundred billion.

Li Yi was taken aback by this situation, he never imagined that this would happen.

As soon as I think of three interstellar weapons, it only sells 1 billion star coins. However, the music value of human civilization will continue to develop and break through trillions of star coins, sooner or later.

Fire, terrifying explosion,

The music of human civilization has become popular in the circle of other alien civilizations in the star map. No wonder it receives so many messages and calls.

How to do! How to respond to these message messages, and how to answer these call requests?

If they annoy a certain high-level civilization, they will hold grudges, and human civilization will not be able to resist a devastating blow in reality.

Li Yi had to think about this issue, calmed down, and checked more than a thousand messages to see if there were any malicious messages.

After reading all the messages one by one, Li Yi couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief. He didn't find any such message. For these civilized people who like music, the messages sent to him are biased towards goodwill, with the purpose of communicating and making friends.

Of course, there are many popular people.

The music of human civilization is on fire in many civilizations in the star map, and there will definitely be jealousy and malice in some civilizations. This situation has to be considered. The best way is to spend this huge star coins as soon as possible and transform them into human beings. The scientific and technological strength of civilization-like, just in case, Li Yi thought so.

However, before starting the big purchase, Li Yi thought about the language and started to reply to these messages and call requests.

For example, thank you for liking their music, you will create excellent music, there are too many people leaving messages and applying for communication, and it is impossible to reply immediately, thank you very much for your support, and have the opportunity to communicate again, such as polite and polite words.

Li Yi deleted and wrote, wrote and deleted, respecting the words and sentences, and it took several hours to get this polite "fan reply".

After finishing this 'fan reply', Li Yi clicked on Bellis' communication application in the exchange list of friends list, and in the 'agent' who communicated with him more, ready to learn about the situation with him.

As soon as Li Yi's communication application was sent out, the opposite party responded in seconds, and Bellis' figure appeared in the star map space and appeared opposite Li Yi.

"Li, you're finally online! I've been waiting for you! Quick, quick, authorize my next batch of music!" As soon as Bellis appeared, he begged Li Yi with eagerness and anticipation.

"No problem, but before authorizing, let's talk for a while. I want to know about the operation of music." Li Yi smiled slightly and gestured at Bellis.

"Understand the situation. Can't you see the sales data? How many 'agents' have you cooperated with? Don't you know that your music has already sold out in the circle? We haven't taken the initiative to sell it to others, Many people have come to me to buy human music, and now, the music of your human civilization is the most popular in the civilized music circle." Bellis responded.

"Yeah! Did the popularity of human music suppress the music of other civilizations? Will they harbor malice against us!" Li Yi nodded, looking at Bellis and asked.

After listening to Li Yi's words, Bellis immediately understood what he was worried about, and responded with a smile: "This is unavoidable, but the popularity of human music will also boost the creation of other musical civilizations, giving them Bring new creative inspiration, so they will only learn in jealousy, and there will be no musical civilization specifically for you."

Hearing this, Li Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

"However, the human music pandemic has gained huge benefits, and it will definitely arouse the prying eyes of other civilizations. Although the Bolsai civilization has customized a strict management system to prevent conflicts of interest between members of the civilization, there are still some loopholes. , it is inevitable that there will be some mercenary guys who will exploit such loopholes." Bellis reminded.

"You must know that in the civilization circle, star coins can buy many kinds of things, and there are few ways to win star coins. The value of music of human civilization may attract many civilizations." After a pause, Bellis added. road.

After listening to Bellis' analysis, Li Yi's face suddenly became ugly. Looking at the rising number of the Starcoin account, it was like a reminder.

Human beings have a famous saying of interests, with a proper profit, the capital will be bold, if there is a 10% profit, it is guaranteed to be used everywhere; with a 20% profit, it will be active; with a 50% profit, It takes desperate risks; with 100% profit, it dares to trample all human laws; with 300% profit, it dares to commit any crime, and even risk hanging its head. . . .

I am afraid that at this time, there are already many civilizations looking for the geographical location of human civilization!

Li Yi is looking at the attribute information of human civilization. Fortunately, he has always been on guard against this situation. He has not filled in the real geographical location of human civilization in the introduction of human civilization information, nor has he entered into trade with other alien civilizations in the real world. allies and the like.

Therefore, apart from the Borse civilization that controls the star map space of this library, there should be no other alien civilization that can know the address of human civilization in the real world.

However, despite this, Li Yi is still a little worried. He doesn't know what kind of search technology these alien civilizations have mastered. Once they are used to search for human civilization, it may not be impossible to search for Dao.

Li Yi's face was gloomy and annoyed, and he couldn't help but regret this decision, which pushed human civilization to the forefront and brought huge risks to human civilization.

Seeing Li Yi's preoccupied appearance, Bellis quickly comforted: "Actually, this problem is not that serious, and high-level civilization will definitely not peep at this interest. In addition, the system customized by the Bolsai civilization management system It is very severe. If this kind of thing is discovered, the entire civilization will suffer devastating punishment. Therefore, the vast majority of civilizations will not take this risk. Therefore, there are not many civilizations who put down their stature to exploit loopholes, and neither will the low-level ones. Where to go."

After a pause, Bellis continued to comfort him: "As long as you are willing to spend the star coins you earn, you will definitely be able to purchase many advanced technologies to upgrade your civilization. Therefore, you should be completely confident against these adventurers. peeping."

"In addition, your human civilization has not formed an alliance with any civilization, and the location of the galaxy where the parent star is located has not been disclosed. It is extremely difficult for other civilizations to find you. This is a good direction for you. If you really find a malicious civilization, you can go to Gao Gao. If you are really worried about asking for help from an advanced civilization, you can also pay a certain price for long-term armed protection from a high-ranking civilization, ..., so there are still many ways to solve the problem of prying eyes from other civilizations." Bellis then comforted Li Yidao.

After listening to the various situations analyzed by Bellis, Li Yi's nervous nerves could not help but relax.

"Thank you, I know what to do!" Li Yi nodded with a smile, thanking him gratefully.

"What about the authorization of the next batch of music?" Bellis looked at Li Yi and said embarrassedly.

"No problem, I'll give you 3,000 songs this time. You can choose which ones you want!" Li Yi called up the music database from the light curtain and gave Bailis temporary reading permission, and said generously.

Hearing that there were so many 3,000 pieces of music in this batch, Bellis was overjoyed and began to carefully select from the hundreds of millions of music libraries.

Regardless of whether Li Yi was in charge of Bellis, he directly called up the knowledge disclosure area of ​​the Borse civilization in the library in the light curtain to find scientific and technological knowledge suitable for purchase.

Human science and technology civilization is now in the stage of leaping from parent star civilization to planetary civilization, but Li Yi's star currency account has tens of billions of star coins, and the technology of star-level civilization in the public information area is completely Can bear.

The most important feature of stellar civilization technology is the manufacture of Dyson spheres, which utilizes the energy of the entire star, and civilization spreads throughout the entire star system.

The so-called "Dyson sphere" is actually an artificial celestial body with a diameter of 200 million k, which is used to wrap stars to mine stellar energy, and use stars as a natural nuclear fusion reactor for the power source of civilization.

Such a "sphere" is made up of satellites orbiting the sun, completely surrounding the star and obtaining most or all of its energy output, creating an "interstellar city" around the star, a structure that exists for a long time in the universe and requires energy The inevitable logic of rising civilization is also the main feature of stellar civilization.

With the technological level of human civilization and the level of civilization development, it is completely unnecessary to start purchasing the manufacturing technology of the ‘Dyson sphere’. However, it is still possible to purchase some planetary technology to the star level technology.

Picking and choosing, Li Yi spent nearly 5 billion star coins to purchase hundreds of black technologies, mainly using various new materials and auxiliary instruments developed by various auxiliary The development of materials has a great impact on human technology. The promotion of civilization is very powerful.

The world is made of matter, and materials are related to the entities that human beings use to manufacture various machines, parts, structures, etc. with a special substance. From civilian products to military products, the advent of a new material can subvert the A certain scientific research field, or even the entire human society, especially some basic materials.

The materials of stellar civilizations tend to develop in the direction of high strength and high pressure, changing the particle spacing of materials, and giving materials new characteristics.

"Li, I've made my choice! Let's start signing the contract!" Bellis suddenly opened his mouth and reminded Li Yi excitedly.

"Okay!" Li Yi nodded and continued to sign a contract with Bellis.

With a manager who signed a large number of 'representation' contracts, the contract was finalized within a few minutes. The agency fee for a piece of music was 10,000 stars, and Li Yi received a sum of 30 million stars from Bellis. And the profit sharing of the eight layers of subsequent transactions.

After the transaction was completed, Bellis looked at Li Yi happily and said sincerely: "Li, you don't have to worry about being targeted by other forces. If there is any problem, you can always ask me for help. We are long-term partners. I will never let you have an accident. In addition, I hope you can create more and better music. Otherwise, many musical civilizations will get these creative inspirations and will soon create similar to you. Music cannot maintain this advantage for a long time, and the new music trend you brought will soon be replaced by other musical civilizations.”

"Thank you for your suggestion! I will pay attention to this issue!" Li Yi moved in his heart and humbly accepted Bellis' proposal.

Bellis nodded and was about to say goodbye to him. At this time, Li Yi suddenly remembered something and stopped him quickly.


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