MTL - My Master is a Bug-Chapter 572 emergency rescue

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Outside the endless void, Ye Tiansheng, who was driving his Dongtian towards the Canglang Realm, was suddenly stunned.

Immediately afterwards, he also took out another jade pendant.

This jade pendant is the same as the one crushed by Feiyun ancestors.

But at this moment, a crack has run through it.

Ye Tiansheng frowned slightly, activating the jade pendant.

The next moment, the scene outside Canglang Realm was reflected in his sea of ​​consciousness.

Ye Tiantian 'looked' at the Dongtian that was already connected to the Canglang Realm, his pupils shrank slightly and said:

"Why does Feiyun act in advance? Does he think he can kill Fang Mu by himself?"

As soon as his words fell, the scene in the sea of ​​consciousness began to flow back madly.

The previous scenes appeared one after another in his sea of ​​consciousness.

Ye Tiansheng watched Old Ancestor Feiyun being suppressed again and again, and his eyes widened unconsciously.

After a while, he said incredulously:

"Fang Mu actually has such strength!

how can that be…"

As soon as Ye Tiansheng finished speaking, the jade pendant in his hand lit up again.

He looked at the jade pendant in his hand, and his face that was full of shock just now recovered instantly.

After confirming that he had no flaws, he lightly tapped the jade pendant.

The next moment, the voice of Qingming ancestor sounded in the jade pendant:

"Feiyun was attacked by Fang Mu, the situation is quite unfavorable, you and I need to go to the rescue!"

Ye Tiansheng said calmly, "Senior, please be safe.

With the strength of Feiyun Ancestor, it would not be a problem to contain Fang Mu for a while.

When the caves of the few of us are in place, it will be Fang Mu's death. "

Ancestor Qing Ming said eagerly, "There is no need to do this in front of me.

Fang Mu was in charge of two acquired spiritual treasures, which were difficult to deal with.

Now that he has shown a state comparable to mine, it is even more difficult to deal with.

Feiyun was attacked by him, and he was already at a disadvantage, and he may not be able to last until the realm like me is in place!

If we want to save Feiyun, we can only leave our respective caves immediately and go to rescue outside Canglang Realm! "

Ye Tiantian said calmly, "Senior has been worrying too much.

Fang Mu is in charge of two acquired Lingbao, which is indeed difficult to deal with.

But after all, he has just broken through to Asia Saint.

It is wishful thinking to kill Feiyun ancestors in just a few days. "

Seeing Ye Tiansheng shirk one after another, Qing Ming couldn't help his face sinking and said, "Ye Tiansheng!

You just want to use Fang Mu's hand to consume the strength of both of us.

But don't forget how terrifying the Son of Destiny is!

Even people whose realm is not as good as me, may be able to kill me.

Now Fang Mu and I are in the same realm, even if the four of us deal with it with all our strength, we may not be able to ensure that he will be killed.

What's more, there is an accident now.

If Feiyun falls to Canglang because of your careful thinking, then Fang Mu will be unstoppable.

At that time, I will completely cut off the road to sanctification, and I will be with you forever! "

Ye Tiansheng's attitude softened slightly: "Senior's words are indeed reasonable.

But it is because Fang Mu's luck is too strong, so I can only sit in my own cave.

If I waited to go to the rescue, there would be no accident, and the caves I was waiting for would be destroyed.

This result is probably not what the seniors want to see, right? "

The ancestor of Qingming had long expected that Ye Tiansheng would have all kinds of excuses.

He did not entangle with this issue, but directly made a condition:

"I know what you're worrying about.

As long as you and the unintentional old ghost are willing to rescue immediately, I can work with you to control the sun-changing banner! "

Ye Tiantian listened, and his pupils shrank slightly.

He forcibly suppressed the excitement in his heart and said, "Changing the sun flag is the spiritual treasure of the senior's bottom of the box, so he is in charge of the same with me, isn't it..."

Before he could finish speaking, the Qingming Patriarch said furiously:

"Stop talking nonsense, you know the situation in front of you better than me.

If he could break through the Canglang Realm, he would gain far more than an acquired spiritual treasure.

You are afraid of me and the two of you, just because of this spiritual treasure.

Now that I am in charge with you, it is enough to show my sincerity.

If you continue to shirk, then I can only put the sun-changing banner on your head! "

Ye Tiansheng said quickly: "Since the senior is so sincere, I will naturally not shirk.

I and Wuxin Ancestor set off immediately! "

Ancestor Qing Ming asked, "Can you represent the unintentional old ghost?"

Before Ye Tiansheng could respond, the phantom of an old man appeared in front of him.

Ancestor Wuxin said solemnly, "I already know the conversation between the two of you.

Since Ye Tiansheng promised you, I will naturally not regret it.

However, Fang Mu is cunning, and if I go there rashly, it is very likely that I will be distracted by him.

It's better to find a place to catch the breath of changing the sun flag first.

We will jointly take charge of changing the sun banner, and the combat power will also increase a lot. "

Qing Ming was silent for a moment, then nodded and said, "Just do as you said, I will wait for you in the east of Canglang Realm!"

A few minutes ago, outside the Canglang Realm.

After Old Ancestor Feiyun informed his several companions about the situation here, he turned into a cloud of black smoke and charged straight towards Fang Mu!

Fang Mu looked at the mad-looking ancestor Feiyun and said with a smile:

"Yes, this is a bit like a saint!

But now is not the time for you and me to fight. "

With a virtual press of his palm, the huge yin and yang fish reappeared.

Ancestor Feiyun, who was already ready to fight Fang Mu to the death, suddenly found that the surrounding rules had changed again.

He was banned by Fang Mu once again!

"Fang Mu, you and I will never die!"

At the same time that Feiyun Ancestor was drinking violently, phantoms appeared in the ten fingers in the rapid outline.

After a while, the Immortal Formation that broke through the ban before reappeared.

The same fairy light shot toward the surroundings and broke through this empty space.

However, just as he rushed out of the ban, he found that another yin and yang fish bumped head-on again.

In his frightened and angry eyes, the space completely supported by the yin and yang fish enveloped him again.

Ancestor Feiyun, who was in a rage, had to condense the Immortal Formation again.

Just as he was condensing the Immortal Formation against Fang Mu's Yin-Yang Fish again and again, Fang Mu took the opportunity to distort the rules around the cave, causing the cave to accelerate toward the Canglang Realm again.

As Ancestor Feiyun broke through the ban of Yin-Yang fish again and again, it became more and more difficult for Fang Mu to trap him.

Clearly, the rules in the yin-yang fish are being cracked.

But for Fang Mu, it was enough to restrain the ancestor Feiyun for such a long time.

Taking advantage of the moment when Feiyun Patriarch cracked the Yin-Yang fish, Fang Mu had already pushed his cave outside the Canglang Realm.

With a loud bang, the two huge realms collided directly.

The familiar rules in the Canglang Realm poured directly into the cave of Feiyun ancestors, rushing the original rules into pieces.

It was only then that Fang Mu turned around slowly and said to the ancestor Feiyun who once again broke through the space of yin and yang:

"Now it's time to play a good game!"

Read The Duke's Passion