MTL - My Master is a Bug-Chapter 573 Jiang Yao's choice

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Ancestor Feiyun's anger had already reached its climax in this delay.

After Fang Mu issued an invitation to fight, he chose to fight without any hesitation.

The black clouds around him suddenly skyrocketed, and after a short gathering and dispersal, they condensed into thousands of black dragons with their teeth and claws!

"go to hell!"

With a loud shout from the ancestor Feiyun, thousands of black dragons rushed towards Fang Mu from all directions.

"The momentum is good."

While Fang Mu commented with a blank expression, he raised his right hand and made a swipe at the body around him.

Where his fingertips swiped, the black dragon, who had been dancing with his teeth and claws, was immediately frozen in place.

When he retracted his palm, the entire piece of void had already solidified, becoming a still picture.

Ancestor Feiyun's pupils shrank suddenly, and a trace of panic appeared on his originally angry face.

Although he knew for a long time that his blow would not hurt Fang Mu, the opponent's method of cracking his blow still shocked him.

Fang Mu actually solidified all the rules within a radius of tens of thousands of miles without borrowing any acquired spiritual treasures.

This kind of method is not mastered by a just breakthrough Ya Shengneng, but Fang Mu used it lightly.

‘Is this the growth rate of Son of the Era! ’

At this moment, Old Ancestor Feiyun finally had the intention of retreating.

Fang Mu looked at Old Ancestor Feiyun, who had a grim face, but stopped in the distance and refused to take a step forward. He shook his head with some regret and said:

"Since you don't want to fight, then retreat.

I accept your cave. "

Ancestor Feiyun heard this, and a thick anger appeared on his calm face just now.

In addition to anger, there was also a strong fear in his heart.

Because he suddenly realized that the cave that he had been operating for millions of years might be swallowed up.

Once Fang Mu completely devoured his cave, his strength would inevitably skyrocket again.

At that time, even if the other three sub-sages came, most of them would get Fang Mu because they couldn't help it.

If this happens, then he may become the abandoned son of the other three at any time.

That kind of situation was intolerable to him.

Feiyun ancestor thought of this, and the fighting spirit that had just been extinguished was rekindled.

At this point, he had to fight.

He must not watch Fang Mu devour his cave!

Ancestor Feiyun flashed a stern look in his eyes and said, "Fang Mu!

I have given back again and again, not because my realm is not as good as yours.

I just don't want to fight to the death with you alone, and let the rest take advantage of the fisherman.

But you took advantage of this to bring me to a point of desperation.

If that's the case, then I'll show you the strength of Ancient Asia Saint! "

As his voice fell, the power of terrifying rules frantically poured out of his body.

Where this power passed, the time that had been solidified instantly resumed the passage of time.

The black dragons that were frozen in the sky and the earth roared again.

In an instant, the entire void shook endlessly because of the dragon's roar in the sky.

In Canglang Realm, Jiang Yao, who had been secretly watching this battle, had a worried expression on his face for the first time.

She pursed her lips slightly, and muttered, "Oh, this old guy has been annoyed!

If several other sub-sages rush over at this time, they will definitely use Feiyun as an arrow to forcefully penetrate the Canglang Realm. "

When Jiang Yao said this, she couldn't help complaining: "What the **** is Fang Mu doing!

Can't he defend honestly?

Those old guys cherish their lives very much, as long as he doesn't go too far, those old guys won't fight him desperately at all.

At that time, the two sides will be deadlocked with each other, and it will not take long for him to be invincible at his growth rate.

It's better now, you've just annoyed Feiyun.

Wait for a few other Asian saints to come and see how you end up! "

Just as she was muttering, the Canglang branch beside her suddenly swayed gently.

Before Jiang Yao settled in, Canglang Branch was affected by the scarlet luck, and the branches and leaves were hung with a strong red of luck.

After a few pieces of Jiang Yao's infiltration, the crimson on the Canglang branches gradually faded and turned into emerald green branches again.

At this moment, the green rays of light overflowed from the Canglang branches, and began to converge towards the sky in an inexplicable way.

Seeing this, Jiang Yao's pretty faces immediately came together.

She whispered: "Really, if you get into trouble, why don't you fight yourself, why extract the power of my Tongtianshu."

She worked so hard to cultivate Canglangzhi into what it is now, and when she saw Fang Muyou began to extract the power from it, she was naturally displeased.

However, she also knew that when the Canglang Realm was in danger, Fang Mu could not have left a Kambia saint's combat power unused.

So she just mumbled and didn't interfere with Fang Mu's actions.

Not only that, Jiang Yao also cooperated to draw a water dragon from the spring under him.

With a slight wave of her hand, she scattered the water dragon and filled it near the roots of the Heaven-reaching Divine Tree.

After absorbing a water dragon, the rays of light from the Heavenly Sun Tree became more and more dazzling, dyeing the nearby sky with a faint cyan.

However, this light did not last long.

In the blink of an eye, the water dragon was completely drained.

Seeing this, Jiang Yao immediately said with a dark face: "Hey, it's almost done!

Don't you still have two-color lotus?

What if he gets bald! "

Jiang Yao's remarks did not receive the slightest response, and the power in the Canglang Branch was still gathering towards the sky.

She had no choice but to draw out a water dragon again with a dark face, and replenish the consumption of Canglangzhi with the power in the water dragon.

After draining the three water dragons in a row, the power in the Canglang Branch finally stopped leaking out.

At this time, the azure light in the Canglang Realm has already faintly outlined a towering ancient tree.

Jiang Yao, who was complaining constantly, suddenly fell silent after seeing the phantom of the ancient tree.

Because the shadows of ancient trees outside the Canglang Realm are no different from the Heaven-reaching Divine Tree back then!

Jiang Yao stared at the phantom in the sky for a while, then sighed again:

"To be able to comprehend his style in such a short period of time, no wonder he chose to take root in the Canglang Realm.

However, you still haven't learned the essence of him in this style. If you want to kill Feiyun, you are still a little short. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Fang Mu's voice sounded in his ears: "I don't know how my style is different from the real Tongtian Divine Tree?"

Jiang Yao pointed to her nose and said faintly, "I'm missing!"

As soon as she finished speaking, her whole body collapsed into crystal water droplets all over the sky.

These water droplets rushed out of the sky with a slight circling, and circled endlessly near the phantom of the Tongtian Tree.

At the same time, Jiang Yao's voice echoed around again.

"For the sake of this formula, I will help you once.

However, this style consumes a lot of money for me. After playing, remember to return my favor! "

Read The Duke's Passion