MTL - My Sweet and Charming Wife-Chapter 1358 keep the fat guy out

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  Chapter 1358 Shut the little fat man out

  How can there be such a big difference?

   This is thanks to the fact that it is one's own. As long as it is not one's own, how miserable is it? They are all children, why does he like his daughter so much, and he kept saying no to her before.

   As a result, Gu Yuehuan has also convinced him, as if his heart softened at the thought of his daughter.

  Huo Qingyue took out all these things and prepared to free up a guest room, which will be a baby room in the future.

  Anyway, the house is big enough, and it is impossible for the children to squeeze together. The little fat man has his own baby room, and their daughter must also have a baby room.

  Huo Qingyue is really busy now. The baby hasn't been born yet, so he's getting ready for the baby room.

Gu Yuehuan saw that he was busy up and down, and he didn't look like a person with a stomach problem at all. Those who didn't know it thought he didn't go to the hospital for treatment. He just came back from the hospital. The doctor said that he had a stomach problem and he had to take a good rest Seeing how busy he is, I'm really afraid that something will happen to him, and he seems to have overlooked an important point while being so busy.

  Gu Yuehuan said to him: "You have prepared so much, what will you do if you will give birth to a son? The child has not yet been born. If you give birth to a son, you will be in vain."

   Gu Yuehuan really didn't deliberately hit him, the main reason is that there is a saying that if the time comes, it will still be a son. He's going to use Disillusionment, so don't have such high hopes in the early stage.

  Huo Qingyue is serious. He was happy to hear what to do if it was his son again, but his face collapsed instantly, what to do if it was his son again.

   It's a son again, he doesn't even want it anymore.

  So he was so happy just now, it was because he thought it was his daughter, so he was so happy, and it was his son who scared him again. After a moment of silence, he said very stubbornly: "It can't be a son, this time it must be a daughter. I can't have two sons in a row, so it must be the daughter who listened to me."

  Gu Yuehuan: "..."

  No one can stop Huo Qingyue's honeyed and confident appearance, even Gu Yuehuan can't do anything when he sees him like this.

   Just let him pack his things, not to mention that he bought a lot of things for girls.

   This is all here, the second child. I hope the second child is a girl. If the second child is a girl, I don’t need to buy these things. The new ones can be used directly. If the second child is not a girl, I have to use my brother’s everything.

   Isn’t there a saying that the second child should be raised as a pig.

  If it’s a girl, it’s fine, but if it’s not a girl, I can only be raised as a pig.

  The little fat man is still so energetic that he can't sleep, his eyes are wide open, and after seeing his father packing up, he plopped towards his father.

  When Huo Qingyue saw the little fat man like this, he thought that the little fat man wanted to hug him, so he reached out and hugged the little fat man.

   It turned out that what happened next was funny. When the little fat man was hugged by him, he spit at him.

   He kept spitting at him.

  Huo Qingyue: "..." He wanted to throw the child away right now.

  Seeing this scene, Gu Yuehuan felt like she could laugh out of tears. This is too funny, and she actually spit at him.

  Huo Qingyue couldn't take it anymore, and wanted to throw the child away.

  Gu Yuehuan laughed until his stomach ached, and fell on the bed. The little fat man became more and more joyful, and kept vomiting on his face.

   Finally, Huo Qingyue couldn't take it anymore and threw him outside, closed the door, and with a slap, the little fat man cried outside again.

  (end of this chapter)