MTL - My Sweet and Charming Wife-Chapter 1359 Suddenly that man appeared

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  Chapter 1359 That man suddenly appeared

As soon as Zhao Yun came up to the second floor and heard the little fat man crying, she knew that her grandson was being bullied, so she knocked on the door angrily, and taught Huo Qingyue a lesson: "Huo Qingyue, what's the matter with you, you are bullying your son again. No matter how you say it is your own child, why do you always bully your own child, be careful that your child will not recognize you in the future. You bully your child every day, if you don’t know about it, you think it’s picked up and raised.”

  Zhao Yun went to coax the little fat man again. The little fat man is very good at crying, and he only cries in front of the elders, because he knows that the elders will dote on him from generation to generation. No matter what he does, the elders will always dote on him.

When Huo Qingyue saw this scene, he couldn't help pointing outside and said, "You saw it too. What's going on? Do you dare to have a son? If another son is born like this little fat man, I'll kill him." The child was given away."

  Gu Yuehuan: "...Isn't this your own child? You are willing."

  Huo Qingyue: "I don't have any reluctance. If there is another one with the same virtue as the little fat man, I will give it away without money. I will give the little fat man away even if I pay for it myself."

  Gu Yuehuan: "..."

  The father and son are really friends.


Gu Yuehuan went to work in the factory early the next morning. It's strange to say that the second child is much easier and more comfortable than the first child. I don't know if it's because the second child has experience. There is no such trouble as the first child, so I feel that I am still very relaxed. When I was the first child, I was worried.

   I was afraid that there would be problems with the baby, so even morning sickness was very troublesome. I would vomit early in the morning, and it would not take an hour to slow it down.

  But she didn't vomit much today, she just vomited a little yesterday, and she won't vomit today.

  When I was pregnant with my first child, I didn’t have a good appetite at first, and I didn’t eat much, but now I have a good appetite. I like not only sour things, but also sweet things.

   This kind of pregnancy state is very comfortable, and there is no need to worry about any problems with her pregnancy. This is the pregnancy state she wants.

   When I went to the factory, I brought happy candies to everyone, and told everyone that I was pregnant again, and I had a second child in my stomach.

   This is really a festive event. Everyone was very happy after hearing it, and was sincerely happy for the proprietress, and they can still eat wedding candy.

   When the time comes, they can still eat pig's foot ginger.

  When the proprietress was pregnant with her first child, her mother-in-law made pork knuckle **** to share with everyone. Although everyone only knew a little bit, the taste was so delicious that I miss it even now.

  So everyone is waiting for the day when they can eat pork knuckle ginger, and congratulations come one after another.

  Although Jiang Dahe just came in just now, he somewhat understood after hearing everyone cheering so much.

  Yue Huan is pregnant again, and now she is pregnant with her second child, which is very good, and she has a son and a daughter.

  He went over to bless Gu Yuehuan, "Congratulations, I heard that you are pregnant with a second child."

  After hearing this, Gu Yuehuan passed him a few candies, "Thank you, I didn't expect it to come here all of a sudden."

  Jiang Dahe smiled and went into the inner office.

  At this moment, an employee came in and said to her urgently: "Ma'am, there is a man outside who wants to see you. He said he is your relative. He came to buy drinks from us. Do you want him to come in?"

   is a man, said to be her relative, it should be Jiang Luyou.

   Gu Yuehuan thought that it was a man and also her relative, and there was only such a man, so she called him in, but when she saw the person who came in, her face became stiff.

  (end of this chapter)