MTL - My Weird Life-v2 Chapter 651 Reincarnation (1/2)

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  Chapter 651 Borrowing life to reincarnate (12)

  The sun is rising.

  The sleeping Tianwei Dao Altar began to wake up.

The disciples of Tianwei Dao Altar, who were possessed by the "Guard of Resentment to the Gods" in the dark night, woke up from under the walls and corners of the various courtyards of the Taoist temple. After discussing a few words, put the matter behind.

  Su Wu unlocked the Tianwei Dao Altar that Chilong Daoist had sealed with the 'Curse of Sealing the Evil Temple Gate',

  The disciples who are still alive here have received notifications one after another that they are allowed to go down the mountain and leave the Taoist temple.

   At the beginning, Tianwei disciples in twos and threes left the mountain gate together.

  If they stay on the Taoist altar, they will become the targets of the "Guard of Resentment to the Gods" and they may all have their souls taken away during the process of being surrendered by the "Guard of Resentment to the Gods".

  Let them down the mountain,

   It is also to leave a way out for them.

  In the Taoist temple where a group of people live in Beilu Mountain.

  Several Beilushan disciples moved the books to the desk in the middle hall. Su Wu sat behind the books, flipping the pages, and browsing the various classics collected in the Tianwei Dao Temple Collection Pavilion.

   At this time, Ding Ling walked in from the door.

Xianxing moved a chair, invited Ding Ling to take a seat, turned to look at the master who was studying hard behind the desk, and was about to remind Su Wu when Su Wu raised his head and looked at Ding Ling who was sitting on the chair: "Last night, while I still had some time, I dug out all the books in the Tianwei Dao Altar and roughly read them."

  Ding Ling looked at the mountain-high pile of books on the desk, and couldn't imagine how the person behind the desk spent half the night to roughly read so many books.

  But she had no doubts about what Su Wu said, and nodded slightly upon hearing the sound.

  Listen to Su Wu continuing to say: "Most of the things you told me last night can be found in the classics.

   In addition, I also found a little other clues. "

  Staying at the desk, several female disciples sorting out the classics quietly looked at the cauldron sitting on the chair, who seemed a little cramped. Following Su Wu's words, an inexplicable atmosphere was brewing in the middle hall.

  Ding Ling didn't realize it, looked up at Su Wu behind the table, and asked blankly: "Is it something related to resentment?"

   "It's hard to know whether the two things are related."

  Su Wu shook his head, took out a book from the mountain-high pile of books on his desk, handed it to Xianzheng beside him, ordered it to be handed to Ding Ling, and he continued: "It's about Wutongshen.

In this "Examination of the Patriarchs of the Tianwei Dao Altar", it is recorded that the seventh-generation altar master of the Tianwei Dao Altar, "Yaoyangzi", began to move the "Wutong God" into the Taoist altar in his later years. Enjoy the devotion.

  Yaoyangzi passed away one year after Wutong Shen moved to Tianwei Altar.

  Since then, he has been in charge of enshrining the Wutong God, and advocated that the Wutong God be moved into the Patriarch Hall. The person who deserves to be worshipped in the Patriarch Hall is his apprentice, the eighth generation altar master "Ben Ming".

  I remember you said earlier that the "Master Baihe" who had been kind to you in raising you once urged Ben Ming not to move the Wutong God into the Patriarch Hall.

  But I didn't listen to this harsh advice,

  On the contrary, it means that the "Master Baihe" is connected with heretics, and often has correspondence with the "Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Temple".

Those few letters and armored horse charms are also kept in Zangshu Pavilion. I have read it. Master Baihe mainly communicated with the monk "Sian Chay" in the "Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Temple". Pass the Wutong God. "

  Su Wu took out a stack of sealed letterheads and armored horse charms, and asked his disciples to pass them to Ding Ling for viewing.

Ding Ling read the various materials that Su Wu handed over, and at the same time heard Su Wu say: "This monk Sian Chay is the one who led his disciples to leave the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Temple and pull up all the dharmas in the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Temple. Under the siege, the "Black-faced Patriarch" who successfully established the "Pu'an Altar" was often called the "Monk King" by outsiders.

  'Monk King' in the correspondence with Master Baihe,

   Regarding the matter of the 'Wutongshen', he mentioned to Master Baihe a strange incident that happened far away in the 'Dongliu Island Country'.

  It is said that there is a nine-tailed fox in Dongliu Island, which can turn into a beautiful woman, and it is called "Yamazaoqian".

  This 'Yamazao' has the ability to stir up people's desires, it can make people's desires entangled and ultimately unable to go smoothly, desires will eventually turn into resentment, and then cause all kinds of disasters..."

  Monk Wang Shanji mentioned the old events before Yuzao, and Su Wu also heard "Jianzhen" personally tell him about it.

But 'Jianzhen' is the person who has actually met Yuzaoqian. He and Su Wu worked together to forge the sword of ten extinctions, sealing this horrible and even calamity-level horror. , which is closer to reality, but also treacherous, which makes people shudder.

   And the Yuzaoqian described by the monk king, although a little weird, but not evil enough, what the monk king said can only be heard as a story.

  Na Sian Chay said at the end of the letter: "Yuzaoqian and Wutongshen are both existences that gather the wishes of all living beings. Yuzaoqian is evil, and Wutongshen may not be the 'true god', but may also come from the transformation of evils.

   It is definitely not a good thing to welcome this object into the Tianwei Dao Altar. I hope Master Baihe can persuade the altar master at that time, "Ben Ming", to stop worshiping the Wutong God, move it out of the mountain, and designate it as an evil sacrifice.

  If this cannot be done,

  Master Baihe can get a letter from Sian Chay, and he can help. "

  Su Wu's eyes flashed, he paused his words, and waited for Ding Ling to read all the clues before he said: "Wutongshen, Wushen, and Yuzaoqian, will they have the same origin?

  First there is Yuzaoqian, then there is "Wutongshen" and finally there is "Wutongshen"?

  The three are in the same line, but are they three independent individuals? "

Su Wu still remembers——Jianzhen was full of **** after seeing the beauty in front of Yuzao, and his worries grew wildly. In the end, he chopped off all his long hair, and the hair turned into a ghost—"Yuan Xingmen's hair'!

  It can be seen that Yuzaoqian itself has the ability to give birth to the evolution of Li Gui,

   This 'Resentful God' is likely to be a fierce evolution formed by the erosion of Yu Zaoqian's power!

  The situation of the ‘Wutongshen’ is different from that of the Resenting God.

  It is not comparable to Li Gui, but it is also very evil to combine the characteristics of Li Gui, human beings, and temple gods in one person at the same time.

"I heard Master Baihe said that in his later years, the seventh-generation master of the altar suffered from a strange disease for unknown reasons, and he was in great pain. The earth religion and the shamanism, which are strictly prohibited by the Taoist sect, have close contacts, in order to combine the "leaders of a hundred schools" and sort out the methods to curb their own illness.

  By chance, when he stayed overnight in a folk temple at the foot of Fengshan Mountain, the strange illness on his body recurred.

  The seventh-generation altar master, the great master, called Tian Tian Ying, and called the land not working.

   was tortured and rolled all over the floor,

  Suddenly he looked up and saw the portrait of the Wutong God on the wall of the common temple, so he made a vow, if the Wutong God can really fulfill the wishes of others and relieve his own pain, he is willing to welcome the Wutong God into the Taoist altar and enjoy the Taoist worship.

   Unexpectedly, after sending out a thought, the pain on his body instantly weakened the next moment.

  He therefore welcomed the Wutong God into the Tianwei Altar.

   But after welcoming this **** into the altar, his condition did not improve.

   Instead, it went from bad to worse.

At that time, there were three disciples under his sect, only the youngest disciple, the eighth generation Tianwei Dao Altar Master Ben Ming, served him wholeheartedly. Although he wanted to take care of this disciple more, but the two senior brothers were strong, so they continued to develop like this. The position of the altar master will inevitably be selected from among the two senior brothers.


  One day, two senior brothers got into an argument for some unknown reason. They fought each other and set up an altar to compete.

  After a lot of fighting,

  Both actually died.

  Ben Ming won the altar master's honor because of this.

  After he ascended to the altar master master, the ancestor Fang died on the seventh day. He was in great grief at that time, and buried his former master in a grand manner.

   Was blocked by Master Bai He. "Ding Ling pursed his lips, and continued, "Although he was the altar master at that time, his cultivation foundation was weak after all, and his strength was not as good as that of Master Baihe. Master Baihe stopped him.

  Later he said that Master Baihe was a master of the outside world,

  After being charged with a crime,

  He raised the altar to ask for the law, saying that he was asking for punishment from heaven, and if Master Baihe had committed no crimes, then the divine thunder of heaven's punishment would never harm him in the slightest.

  Master Baihe didn't take it seriously, so he stood on the altar and asked for the Dharma by drawing symbols.

  —Unexpectedly, he really invited a thunderbolt,

   Master Baihe was hacked to death on the spot.

  Thinking about the scene now, I still feel a little strange.

  Ben Ming’s cultivation was at that time, logically speaking, it is impossible to ask God to punish the thunderstorm..."

"Yuankong, Benming, Yaoyangzi..." Su Wu listened carefully to what Cauldron said, and repeated silently the names of the ninth, eighth, and seventh generation patriarchs of Tianwei Dao Altar. After a long time, he opened his mouth and said, " Previously, I always thought that the 'Wutongshen' had the deepest involvement with Yaoyangzi.

  The source space is next.

  Although Ben Ming was the one who promoted this matter, he was not the ultimate beneficiary.

   Now it seems that maybe I was wrong.

  Ben Ming may be the ultimate beneficiary of everything.

  Follow his line, and only then can we thoroughly understand the secrets of the ‘Wutongshen’,

   It even touches the mystery of the 'Resentment God'! "

  Ding Ling nodded slightly, affirming what Su Wu said.

  Su Wu stood up: "I have searched all places such as Zangshu Pavilion, the Taoist temple where several generations of ancestors lived before, and only found this in the former residence of Yaoyangzi 'Jing Hong'—"

  He picked up a dusty thin booklet and said: "This thin booklet describes a method of reincarnation by borrowing life, which is called 'Seeding Genesis'.

  What is said above is very absurd, emphasizing that those who want to "seed a foundation" should choose a place with good geomantic omen to bury themselves.

   Today we went down to the bottom of Fengshan cliff together,

  I want to excavate the tombs of the founder of Kaitan, his wife, the seventh generation, the eighth generation, and the ninth generation of altar masters, and find out what is inside.

   I wonder what Junior Sister Ding Ling thinks? "

  The patriarch who opened the altar and the patriarch who made his wife are the ancestors of Ding Ling.

  The entire Tianwei Taoist altar can be regarded as the foundation of the ancestors of the tripod spirit.

   If digging the grave here, Su Wu would naturally need to discuss it with the host.

  Especially he may have to dig the grave of the master's ancestors.

  Ding Ling hesitated for a long time when he heard the words, and then nodded: "Don't touch the corpses of my ancestors and grandmothers, and the rest of the graves, you can visit them as you like."


  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion