MTL - My Weird Life-v2 Chapter 652 Upside down golden fight, Kuixing kick fight (2/2)

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  Chapter 652 Hanging Jindou, Kuixing Kicking Fight (22)

   At the bottom of the cliff at the back of Fengshan Mountain, as Ding Ling said, the place is full of fog and miasma, and there are many ravines and fissures. Not only are people rarely visited, even birds and animals will not stay in this barren place.

  The sun casts light from the zenith, and when the sunlight falls on the mist and miasma, it reflects the dense mist and miasma with colorful brilliance.

  Some rays of light fell on the mountain wall, leaving thin shadows in the rocky forest under the mountain wall.

  Among those shadows, viscous black liquid wrapped in multicolored silk threads kept gushing out, and colorful silk threads adhered to viscous black liquid, standing in the shadows to form three-dimensional black shadows in the shape of human beings wearing armor.

  A series of armored black shadows broke away from the shadows on the ground and flew everywhere, sealing off the cliff bottom of this Dushan Mountain.

  Search the mountains and check the seas, and there are no gaps.

   There were shadows replacing Su Wu's eyes to patrol everywhere. It didn't take him too much time to lead Cauldron to find the target in a certain crevice at the bottom of the cliff.

  The deep and narrow mountain crevices are mostly blocked by rocks.

   A gust of cold wind blows through here.

  In the only gap less than half a meter long, a corpse was stuck.

  The corpse was stuck in this gap. For an unknown number of years, most of the clothes on his body were torn, and there were faintly blackened writing on the leftover fragments of clothes attached to his body.

  Su Wu carefully identified the handwriting, and could see that the handwriting was a word for 'free'.


   should be the word 'injustice'.

  The rest have weathered and disappeared over time. "Su Wu handed the piece of clothes to Ding Ling for him to check.

Ding Ling looked at the faint handwriting on the fragments of clothes, and then at the corpse of the woman stuck in the crevice of the mountain, pursing her lips, not knowing what to say—she and Su Wu had a preliminary and common understanding of the identity of this corpse. guess.

  The corpse was stuck in the mountain peak, not in contact with the earth atmosphere, and was blown by the mountain wind all the year round,

  The surrounding air is quite dry, and the soil environment is barren of grass. Therefore, it has been preserved until now, and it has not been completely turned into a pile of yellow sand with the passage of time. It is also a kind of providence in the dark.

  This mummy has long grass-like hair on its head, its face and body are all shriveled, and its original appearance cannot be seen.

  After Su Wu carefully freed it from the crevice in the mountain, he signaled Cauldron again with his eyes.

  After getting approval from Ding Ling,

  He just took off the clothes that had already been attached to the skin of the female corpse, and after examining it carefully, he said to Cauldron Ling: "It is indeed a female corpse, there may have been other people who have thrown themselves to death over the past few hundred years, and there are many women among them.

  It is not yet possible to determine the identity of the female corpse.

  However, some clothing fragments of the female corpse are in better condition.

   On those pieces of clothes, the words 'Ghosts', 'Rabbit Ghosts', 'Fate', 'Body', etc. are left. The complete handwriting should be the eight words you said, 'Ghosts haunted, ghosts claim their lives'.

   Moreover, those eight characters were also written on her pair of red shoes.

  The red color on the embroidered shoes has faded,

  The ink marks are still relatively intact. "

  Su Wu handed the pair of embroidered shoes to Ding Ling,

His eyes were calm, and he continued to speak: "No accident, the real identity of this corpse is the 'grandmother' who often gave you dreams, the first wife of the founder of the altar—at that time, the Tianwei Taoist altar was opened. The Patriarch of the Altar ordered people to search the bottom of the cliff. Whose corpse was the corpse of the wife who carried it up the mountain from the bottom of the cliff?

  Since that corpse could be considered by the founder of the altar to be the corpse of his first wife, it is also extremely evil to think about it.

  Is it still the corpse of a 'human'? "

  The last sentence was so meaningful that Ding Ling's heart was slightly chilled!

  Ding Ling raised his head and looked into Su Wu's eyes, his eyes became firm: "Let's go up the mountain now, dig up the graves of our ancestors and grandmothers, and find out what's inside!"


  Su Wu nodded,

  Several shadowy soldiers who had incorporated fake fates approached silently, carefully collected the corpses on the ground, followed Su Wu and Cauldron Ling, and walked up Fengshan Mountain.

   All the main roads around Fengshan Mountain were stationed by Yin soldiers arranged by Su Wu.

  Once there is a disturbance everywhere, he can detect it instantly and respond accordingly!

  He returned to Fengshan Tianwei Dao Altar with Ding Ling, and under the guidance of Ding Ling, he walked to the tombs built by the founder of the altar and the masters of the altar.

  “There are actually many ‘fengshui treasures’ on Fengshan Mountain.

  The remains of the patriarch who opened the altar were buried in a geomantic treasure land, and then three altar masters were buried around that geomantic treasure land after their deaths, gradually forming a group of mausoleums.

  However, since the eighth-generation altar master 'Ben Ming', the private house he chose for the seventh-generation altar master was separated from the mausoleum group and located in another direction in Fengshan.

  After Ben Ming died, Yuan Kong buried him in a different location according to his will.

  From the seventh generation of altar masters, the group of tombs formed by the collection of the tombs of the founders of the altar gradually declined. "Ding Ling led Su Wu to walk between various monasteries in the Tianwei Taoist Altar, and gradually arrived at a place with sparse buildings and lush vegetation.

  The verdant trees obscured the view,

   Only the road paved with stones is left deep into the forest.

Su Wu followed Cauldron Ling into the deep forest, and after hearing what Cauldron Ling said, he nodded and said, "Zong Shengji's requirements for a yin house are different from ordinary yin houses, and there must be a mountain pattern of 'all rivers return to the sea', which is forbidden." Fengshui treasures such as "Upside Down Jindou" and "Dragonfly Touching Water".

  This kind of yin house that covers the blessings of blessings to future generations is not suitable for planting foundations.

  If you go straight along here, you will come to the end of the deep forest.

  The shape of the mountain is just like a ‘dragonfly’s water’. If the end of the deep forest is the burial place of the founder of the altar and the masters of the altar masters, it’s no wonder that ‘Ben Ming’ would choose another yin house for Yaoyangzi. "

   "It's like this." Ding Ling said thoughtfully, "At the end of this road, it is the burial place of the founder of the altar and the masters of the altar masters.

  However, the yin house that Benming chose for Yaoyangzi is not far from the "dragonfly pointing water" mountain-shaped pattern on the top of the mountain. "

   Having said this, she stopped.

  Where she stood, a road still goes straight forward, leading to the tombs of the founder of the altar and the tombs of the altar masters on the top of the mountain.

   There is another road that winds down from the left and goes deep into another dense forest.

The female teacher pointed to the path of occasional stones in the depths of the dense forest, and said: "The burial places of Yaoyangzi and Benming are here. In addition to these two generations of altar masters, there are also more than ten gold-robed masters." The Duke is also buried there.

  Let’s go to the graves of Yaoyangzi and Benming first?

  Or go straight to the top of the mountain to see the tombs of the founder of the altar and the tombs of the altar owners? "

   "Go to the graves of Yaoyangzi and Benming first!" Su Wu made a final decision.

  Ding Ling led Su Wu to turn into another stone road going down. After a roundabout in the dense forest along the road, he saw a large tomb piled up in front of the cliff.

  Go seven steps to the left from the tomb hill, and when Kuixing is kicking and fighting, another tomb stands impressively.

   Around the burial mound standing above the 'Kuixing Kicking Dou' point, there are more than a dozen smaller burial mounds scattered sparsely.

  The huge cemetery standing in front of the cliff,

   is Yaoyangzi's private house.

  The cemetery standing on Yaoyangzi's left side above the point of "Kuixing Kicking Dou" is the tomb of his disciple "Ben Ming".

   There are more than a dozen small graves scattered around, which are the tombs of several dead masters in golden robes.

  Su Wu stood in front of the tomb of 'Yaoyangzi', observing the vague connection between the surrounding mountain topography and this tomb, he frowned tightly.

  Ding Ling saw the change in Su Wu's expression, and knew that there was something wrong with Yaoyangzi's grave, so he asked in a low voice, "Isn't his yin house not in line with the requirements of 'Zang Sheng Ji'?"

   "Yes." Su Wu nodded, and continued, "This tomb is connected to the surrounding mountainous terrain, and it is becoming an 'upside-down golden bucket'.

  Upside down hanging gold bucket,

   is to pour all the blessings and shades to future generations.

  The owner of the tomb can't enjoy it.

  Do not share the blessings and shades,

  How can Qi be stored and nourished? "

As he spoke, Su Wu turned and walked towards the grave of 'Ben Ming' on the left: "This is where Kuixing kicked and kicked the upside-down golden bucket, and all the blessings in the golden bucket were poured into this place." Kuixing'.

  This 'Ben Ming' city is very deep.

  Behind the fact that Yaoyangzi ushered the Wutong God into the Tianwei Dao Altar, there may be his shadow.

  —Look at the more than ten small tombs around you, they are scattered like stars around Benming’s tomb, and each small tomb secretly corresponds to a water-shaped vein around it.

   This is artificially forming a pattern of hundreds of rivers flowing around 'Ben Ming'.

   Along with Benming, he was buried at the Kuixing Kicking Point.

   Hundreds of rivers torrent have a destination.

   All of them rushed towards Kuixing's kicking point.

   It is forming the feng shui pattern of "all rivers returning to the sea" that I said before, which is most conducive to "planting the foundation"!

   It was this 'Ben Ming' who wanted to grow the foundation.

  He wants to gather all the blessings and treasures in one body—does he want to live another life? !

  Yaoyangzi worked hard and made all kinds of preparations, but in the end—making wedding clothes for others? ! Thinking about why Yaoyangzi stayed at the foot of Fengshan Mountain, why did he just stay in the temple where the 'Wutong God' was worshipped?

   But it happened that his chronic illness just happened at that time?

   But he knows that Wutong God has the ability to "success people's wishes", so he makes a wish to Wutong God?

  There are so many things, it is likely that someone has been pushing behind it!

   the one who made it all happen,

   Most likely it was Ben Ming! "

Su Wu looked at Cauldron Ling and said, "I have to dig up every grave here to find out the truth - a kind of living foundation, which requires the 'sacrificing life' to be broken and buried alive in a coffin. , so that all vitality can be brought into the coffin of the person who wants to plant a foundation through the mountainous terrain, 'all rivers return to the sea'.

  Help it out of the dead!

  If this method is successful, Benming's body must not be in the tomb at Kuixing's kicking spot.

  In the many small graves around, the death methods of the so-called golden robe masters must be extremely tragic!

  I have to verify them one by one! "

   "Is this method of 'planting a foundation' really useful?" Ding Ling asked Su Wu.

  Su Wudao: "It is useful or not, you will know when you dig the grave!"

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion