MTL - My Weird Life-v2 Chapter 653 Make wedding clothes for others (1/2)

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  Chapter 653 Making wedding clothes for others (12)

  Deep in the dense forest, on the edge of the cliff.

  The earth and rocks were piled up one after another, and the graves covered with weeds and small trees have all been dug up.

  The ground is full of new soil dug out from under the cemetery.

  Su Wu stood in front of the tomb where the seventh-generation altar master 'Yaoyangzi' was buried. Looking at the scene inside the coffin, Su Wu frowned slightly—inside the coffin, a white bone was wrapped in rags and lying in it.

  There are also some gold, silver and jade objects scattered around it, all of which are the funeral objects of 'Yaoyangzi'.

On the top of that yellowed skull, there are clumps of black and shiny long hair, those long hairs did not follow Yaoyangzi's scalp and flesh to rot, and separated from his skull, but like steel needles, into his skull!

  Some strands of hair penetrated Yaoyangzi's thick skull, and emerged from his nostrils and eye sockets.

Some strands of hair simply flowed through Yaoyangzi's bones, grew out of his limbs and soles of his feet, penetrated the coffin, and extended to nowhere—those strands of hair pierced into the top of Yaoyangzi's head also penetrated It penetrated the coffin above the head of the seventh-generation altar master, and penetrated deep into the soil.

  Buried around the tomb of the eighth-generation altar master 'Ben Ming' at the point of 'Kuixing Kicking Dou',

  The scattered tombs of the so-called golden-robed masters are full of bones with broken hands and legs, and there are more than one bones piled up in each tomb.

  There are often three or five corpses buried in the large coffin!

  The dense bones filled the huge coffin.

On the lid of the coffin uncovered by the shadow soldiers, black marks were drawn on the side facing the inside of the coffin—those marks were all the dying people who were buried in the coffin and were struggling with death. Fingers left on the coffin lid!

  The bones of the dead almost spilled out of the coffin,

  Among the white bones, clumps of black hair can also be seen winding among them.

Su Wu ordered a few shadowy soldiers to dig up the earth and rocks between the graves, and saw the clumps of hair penetrating through the soil, all gathered in the tomb of 'Ben Ming', and the coffin of 'Ben Ming' was even covered with thick A thick layer of black hair entangled—Su Wu took the 'Big Red Lotus Embryo Zang', and cut off all of these 'long hairs of the gods' with one knife.

  The shadowy soldiers then opened the coffin of 'Ben Ming'.

  At the moment when the coffin was opened,

  A gust of black air shot up from the coffin!

  The insidious curse hovered in that black air, and it was instantly wiped out by Su Wu's lightning in the palm of his hand!

  The coffin of Ben Ming’s teacher “Yaoyangzi” did not set up any traps or spells to prevent outsiders from stealing it.

   Only Ben Ming left various traps and spells in his own coffin.

  Combined with the various previous clues, Su Wu and Ding Ling believed even more that 'Ben Ming' was the one behind the scenes to push everything.

  However, Ben Ming's coffin was not as empty as Su Wu expected.

  —If the ‘seeding of the seed’ is successful, the deceased will ‘molt back to life’, shed a layer of human skin, and live a second life as a young man! And in Benming's coffin, except for the thick hair of the Asahi God that makes one's scalp numb,

   Surrounded by the god's long hair, there also lay a shriveled corpse.

  The corpse was covered with a layer of human skin.

It was a pitch-black woman's skin, and the human skin was still wrapped in fragments of clothes. It should have been dressed up ceremoniously—a pearl crown belonging to a woman was scattered around the head of the shriveled corpse under the woman's skin. There is also a lock made of pure gold on the top, and two gold bracelets are scattered on both sides of the coffin, one on the left and one on the right.

  Seeing this pitch-black woman's skin, Su Wu's pupils shrank.

   This pair of skins does not belong to the skin of a 'human'!

  He picked up the big red lotus womb, and the tip of the knife pressed against the dark skin. On the surface of the big red lotus womb, there were immediately blossoming red lotuses—it reacted with the skin!

  The pitch-black female skin is actually shaped by the 'killing stone'!

  But in the changing skin of the killing stone, the power of the killing stone has completely disappeared, leaving nothing but the material characteristics of the killing stone.

Su Wu signaled the Cauldron Spirit behind him not to approach with his eyes, and he himself jumped into the tomb, using the big red lotus fetus to completely lift up the whole black woman's skin—following the Taidao in his hand lifted up the whole human skin , and immediately saw strands of hair plunging into the back of this jet-black leather!

  Those strands of hair spread out from the shriveled corpse under the pitch-black woman's skin, and clustered into the back of the woman's skin!

  In the group of mausoleums under the cliff,

   All the strands of hair connected Yaoyangzi, many nameless bones who were replaced by the golden robed master, and finally gathered in Benming's tomb.

  These strands of hair are likely to be used by Ben Ming to run the 'source of life'.

  He extracted the source of life of all the "donors", using the pattern of mountain-shaped water veins, using these clumps of hair, to gather them on himself to help him transform himself from death to life-but he failed in the end!

  The mantis catches the cicada, the oriole follows!

  Ben Ming did not really succeed in living the second life,

  But the 'killing stone' that pressed on him and transferred all the source of life to himself has shed a piece of human skin and lived a second life. Where is that 'human' now?

   Does it still exist in Tianwei Dao Altar?

  All kinds of questions hovered in Su Wu's heart.

He looked at the shriveled male corpse under the human skin, and saw that the male corpse was complete with all parts, all of which were penetrated by the hair, except for his face, where his face was missing, as if it had been torn from his face by an inexplicable force. Take it off and get the unnamed land.

  Countless clues were twisted together in Su Wu's mind.

  Su Wu kept sorting out her thoughts,

   Untie this gradually knotted ball of thread!


  Resentment to God...

  Holding the black Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva statue in his arms, the Patriarch Kaitan who fell to the bottom of the cliff made his wife...

  The dream that Ding Ling repeats every night...

   Killing stone...

  A jet-black statue of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva bound by chains...

  The corpse of the founder of the altar found at the bottom of the cliff...

  The jet-black Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva statue that disappeared...


  Su Wu suddenly turned his head and stared at the cauldron spirit behind him!

  Ding Ling was stared at by him, and suddenly felt chills, and stammered: "What, what's wrong?"

   "The **** of resentment has long come!

  The statue of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva carved out of the killing stone has turned into Li Gui, and it has long been revived!

   It has already lived its second life!

  You are actually a blasphemy! "Su Wu stared closely at Cauldron Ling's eyes, and the mental energy was coiled in the brow chakra and continuously diverged outward. At this moment, his words were like sharp swords that could pierce all disguises!

  Facing his gaze and his words, Ding Ling panicked and wanted to defend himself: "I..."

  She just uttered a word, suddenly a pair of cross-eyed eyes appeared on her face, and the eyes in each pair of eyes shrunk down to the size of a pinhole, and all the eyes of "Mrs. Wuyan" gathered towards Su Wu!

  Su Wu's clothes instantly turned into paper!

   Shadows boil silently,

  The viscous black liquid suddenly enveloped Su Wu's whole body!

He stared at the pair of horizontal eyes, and suddenly two blood lanterns flashed in his eyes. In this way, blood lanterns appeared all over the surrounding space. The candles in the blood lanterns froze, like eyes that never looked away, surrounded Ding Ling!

  The power of the eye trick spreads out silently through the shadow trick!

   Withstood the gaze of the 'Madam in vain'!

  The red lotus bloomed in Su Wu's right eye, instantly suppressing the Li Gui who was about to recover in Ding Ling's body!

  Ding Ling's face was pale, and he collapsed to the ground!

A few shadowy soldiers leaned out from the shadows on the ground and surrounded the Cauldron Spirit. Su Wu's dark arm behind his back dragged the human skin transformed from the killing stone, wrapped the Cauldron Spirit with it, and then used the ghost craftsman to wrap it up. The seam is sewed together thinly,

   shaped a false fate,

  If the body of the cauldron spirit revives, it will be accommodated in the false fate in an instant, bound in it, and unable to attack!

   After finishing all this, Su Wu walked towards the tomb of the Patriarch who opened the altar on the top of the mountain with a cold face.

   Behind him, a group of shadowy soldiers carried the body of Cauldron Ling, and followed Su Wu to the top of the mountain.


  The joint burial tomb of Patriarch Kaitan and his first wife was excavated.

In the huge stone coffin carved with various scrolls of ascending immortals, only the remains of the founder of the altar can be seen. Beside the remains, there are only the night pearl hidden in the mouth of the deceased, and copper copper wires used to connect the bones and limbs of the deceased. Nails scattered.

  —The 'female corpse' who was carried up from the bottom of the cliff behind Fengshan Mountain and was regarded by everyone as the wife of the founder of the altar was indeed buried in this coffin.

   But later, someday,

  'She' disappeared from the coffin.

   Only the copper nails that were originally used to connect the broken bones and limbs after she fell off the cliff, and the night pearl stuffed into her mouth were left in the coffin.

   "The patriarch who opened the altar hanged himself in the wishing temple.

  So the neck bone of this corpse shows signs of breaking.

  However, according to some ancient records, the patriarch who opened the altar had a great enlightenment in the Temple of Wishing one night, and his heart was exhausted. When he walked out of the Temple of Wishing the next day, people bulldozed the temple, claiming that his wish had been fulfilled.

  The person who fulfills his wish is not the patriarch who opened the altar.

   is the trick of changing the killing stone.

  The 'Patriarch of the Altar' who survived in the Tianwei Dao Altar for several years before dying was actually a puppet under the control of the Killing Stone! "Su Wu stood in front of the mausoleum with a cold face.

  The setting sun comes from a distance,

   sprinkled on his back, but did not make him feel any warmth.

  The only thing left is the chills climbing wantonly on the back!

   "Resentment to the gods is the deceitfulness of killing stones.

   After it fell into the cliff, it finally broke free and began to use various methods to revive itself!


  It's just a by-product of the resentment of God of Resentment.

  The intersection of 'Ben Ming' and the God of Resentment is on top of the evil law of 'Zang Sheng Ji'!

  He and his teacher Yaoyangzi were both entangled in a strange disease called "Long Hair of God". In order to get rid of it, they tried countless methods, and finally set their sights on the "Shen Cheng Fa"!

  The intention is to make myself a deity in a certain temple system under the **** of the gods, and from then on, I will be completely involved in the gods of the gods, so that I will no longer be tortured by the hair of the gods!

   But both sought long,

   The only vacant temple line found.

   This is the 'Wutongshen' temple system! "

  (end of this chapter)