MTL - My Whole Sect Transmigrated to The Interstellar World-Chapter 15 shock! There are nine leaks up and down the sect...

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After going offline, Sa Sa studied the matter of admission. At her age, it's almost time for college. But universities need to apply for the exam. This exam, called the Gaokao, is arranged by the federal government, and all students of intermediate colleges can take the exam.

Obviously, Sa Sa, who does not have any student status, is not even qualified to take the exam.

Sa Sa thought for a while, and wisely asked a personal consultation, "Brother Luo, do you know how I can get into college?"

That's right, the person she consulted was Luo Zhen who had helped them a lot before.

Luo Zhen is one of the people Sa Sa knows, and he is considered a "snake" in Interstellar. He can even get his household registration and identity proof, and his student status should be no problem.

She knew that Luo Zhen seemed to need those body refining pills and divine refining pills, and she even sent a message to thank Song Ningfeng last time. If Luo Zhen can help, she also has some body refining pills and divine refining pills in her hand, which can be exchanged.

Luo Zhen wanted to keep in touch with Song Ningfeng and his party. But he is also very clear about the reason that it is too late. Excessive attention may be annoying, so he has never contacted them actively, waiting for them to contact him.

Seeing Sa Sa's message, Luo Zhen was very excited. He knew very well that although Sa Sa was the youngest among the brothers and sisters, Song Ningfeng and Xie Rong took special care of her. After getting through Sa Sa's relationship, are you worried that you can't get along with them?

When I opened the news, I didn't expect that she was talking about going to school.

Luo Zhen felt a little guilty, because when he saw Sa Sa's age, he realized that she was a girl of the right age to go to school, but the people in Taiyi Zong never mentioned this matter, so he didn't mention it to them.

The entire Interstellar has designed compulsory education below higher education, and school-age children and adolescents can get free education in the compulsory education stage. It can be said that there are very few truly uneducated illiterates in the entire interstellar space.

Obviously, the people of Taiyizong were all the ones who slipped through the nine-year compulsory education.

Apart from Sa Sa, Song Ningfeng and the others had already passed the stage of compulsory education, and it would be meaningless to force them to go to school. And Sa Sa can go to receive education.

But Luo Zhen carefully hinted Song Ningfeng once, and found that Song Ningfeng didn't care about it at all, so he didn't mention it again. Alas, who stipulated that the boss can't be a school-weary teenager?

But what Luo Zhen didn't know was that Song Ningfeng didn't know much about the education here, thinking that learning was the same thing as joining a teacher. They have already joined the Taiyi Sect, how can they change the sect? So what Luo Zhen said to learn, he didn't take it to heart at all.

Now that Sa Sa has brought this up on his own initiative, Luo Zhen can't ignore it, "This year's college entrance examination is over, but I can arrange for you to study in an intermediate college, and then take the college entrance examination in a year or two, so that you can get into a better school. ."

He was still quite relieved that in the mysterious and powerful sect, there was finally a three-good girl who was devoted to learning.

After Sa Sa knew that schools could learn mechas, she had already studied this issue. In the compulsory education stage, all they learn are the basics, and some mecha learning will be involved, but it is more on paper. If you want to drive a mecha, you basically have to wait until you are admitted to an institution of higher learning and become a mecha soldier.

Of course, many families with conditions, especially those big families, start from childhood. After they are admitted to university, the school is a platform for them to emerge and accumulate contacts.

Sa Sa Zongmen does not have this condition, so she can only get into the university early and work hard.

Like everyone else in the division, she felt that basic education was useless, it was enough. So she just wants to go to university to study mecha, preferably with a stipend.

"Brother Luo, in fact, I want to learn to drive mechas. Can I go directly to colleges and universities? I still have five bottles of body refining pills and divine refining pills. If it's not enough, can other pills work?"

Luo Zhen: …

The heart is not good, please don't stimulate his little heart directly. Thank you.

Luo Zhen immediately said: "Enter, you must be able to enter! I will immediately arrange a place for you in the First Federation College. What do you think? It is more strict, and the atmosphere of the First Comprehensive College is a little more relaxed.”

Colleges and universities in the compulsory education stage are relatively easy to go with, and you can enter if you arrange them casually. But colleges and universities are difficult to get along with, especially Sa Sa, who has never taken the college entrance examination, is almost impossible to get into a good school.

Although the Luo family's business scope is very wide and there are some influences, Luo Zhen himself went to university, all relying on the college entrance examination, and also relying on his own strength to be admitted to the first comprehensive college. If you want to rely on relationships to get through the back door, the Luo family is not qualified.

The children of those big families, unless there are special circumstances, seldom have relationships: the better the school, the stricter the academic requirements, if your strength is not enough, there is no room for survival at all, and if you enter, it will be in vain, and you will lose the face of the family.

However, no matter how strict and rigid the requirements of higher education institutions are, there is still room for manoeuvre, it depends on whether you give enough.

The Luo family's relationship is not enough, you can go to those real aristocratic families. In the past, the Luo family couldn't get enough of those relationships, but now it's different. If the body refining pill and the divine refining pill are shot, no matter how big the family is, they will be moved.

It's not that Luo Zhen has no principles, but that she gave too much.jpg

"Just look at the arrangement."

Sa Sa, like senior brothers and the others, trusts Luo Zhen quite a bit.

They all believed that although Luo Zhen was a little greasy as a businessman, he was still sincere and generous and worthy of friendship. Such details can be left to Luo Zhen.

If you can't trust him with even such a thing, there's no need to entrust it to him in the first place.

Luo Zhen was quite happy, "In this way, we are classmates."

With this kind of relationship, why can't he find the opportunity to bring the relationship between the two people closer in the future?

Sa Sa was puzzled, "Uh, you are my senior brother, how many years older than me?"

Luo Zhen: "...I am a freshman just like you."

Sa Sa's face wrinkled, "Did you go to school very late? How old are you?"

Luo Zhen: "...I'm the same age as you."

The smile on his face has completely disappeared, leaving only a "tired, I don't want to talk" expression.

Although Sa Sa is now his little gold master, he is so tired that he doesn't want to serve him anymore.

Sa Sa coughed dryly, "I'm sorry, I didn't see it before."

I feel that Luo Zhen looks a little too anxious, and has a strong social atmosphere. When going out with her senior brother Song Ningfeng, everyone may think that Song Ningfeng is relatively young.

She still believed Luo Zhen when he was in his twenties, but said he was only eighteen? She didn't believe what I said.

Luo Zhen: ...Thank you, I was not comforted at all. This explanation is better not to say.

Sa Sa said two words haha ​​and hung up the video.

Luo Zhen thought about it, and in a responsible attitude, he still asked Song Ningfeng. To be reasonable, Song Ningfeng should tell him about this kind of thing, but this time he took the initiative to say it again. He was worried that Song Ningfeng and the others didn't know yet, so he still had to talk to his guardian about this kind of thing, lest he did something and offended others.

"What? Sa Sa wants to betray your teacher? Impossible!" Song Ningfeng said with a stern expression.

If it wasn't for the old acquaintance Luo Zhen, Song Ningfeng would have hung up the video. This is slander! defamation!

If Sa Sa really wants to leave, Song Ningfeng will not stop her and will find a way to make her life better in the future. However, Song Ningfeng, the brothers and sisters of Taiyizong, knew them too well, and they would never betray the teacher's sect. Those who deliberately say such things have sinister intentions, and their hearts can be punished!

Across the screen, Luo Zhen was still taken aback by Song Ningfeng's stern attitude.

In the process of dealing with them, Luo Zhen felt that they were a bit strange, but in general they were good at talking. He had never seen Song Ningfeng speak in such a bad manner.

He felt that Song Ningfeng had misunderstood something, so he quickly explained, "Schools are different from sects. Going to school will not judge sects."

Luo Zhen explained for a long time, and Song Ningfeng finally understood the meaning of school. In fact, it is similar to the second junior brother Cheng Zhi learning things on the Internet. Learning in the era of Interstellar, there is no such thing as a teacher or not, as long as you want to learn, you can learn.

There are also people who can't go to one school and transfer directly to another school. These are sparse and common things here.

It's just that compared to Cheng Zhi, little junior sister Sa Sa needs to study in another place and can only come back during the holidays.

Although there is no time for cultivation, when Song Ningfeng was in retreat, it was normal that he could not see Sa Sa for a year and a half, but at least Sa Sa's scope of activities was basically within the sphere of influence of the sect, so there was no need to worry about her being bullied. As long as there is someone who does not have long eyes, the sect will also teach him how to be a human being.

But in this interstellar age, they are new arrivals. Probably in the eyes of others, the people of Taiyizong are weird and bizarre, and have no deterrent effect at all. At that time, the little junior sister was far away and was bullied. The sect didn't know it, and she herself wouldn't speak.

Song Ningfeng had just let go of his heart, but became worried again.

Luo Zhen looked at him still with a stern face and was a little nervous. He was afraid that Song Ningfeng would still disagree with Sa Sa going to school, but he agreed to Sa Sa, and he didn't want to lose his trust, so he continued to smack and say, "Mechas are very popular now, Sa Sa If you like to play mecha, let her go. You can also achieve something in the future."

"Children always have to pursue their own dreams. Although this dream may not be the same as what we expected, parents can only choose to support it."

God knows how Luo Zhen, an eighteen-year-old young man, can get so much parenting chicken soup.

Song Ningfeng suddenly said, "You're right, we should support Sa Sa's dream. I want Tai Yizong's reputation to spread far and wide. No matter what galaxy, no one can bully Sa Sa."

"By the way, do you still need that elixir? This elixir should be quite useful to everyone? You should have some way to open up sales, right? Also, I have developed a batch of aircraft, you can come and see Look, we can talk about cooperation."

The people of Taiyi School are more or less Buddhist.

Because Sect Master Xu Yi is a person who doesn't care about anything other than cultivation. As a senior brother, Song Ningfeng has a heavy sense of responsibility, but Taiyizong has never been short of money before, and he also takes money very lightly, as long as it is enough. He also didn't think about expanding the influence of the sect, because the reputation of the sect was already big enough in the past, and just one Xu Yi was enough to shock the crowd. Influence does not require Song Ningfeng to worry about it, nor does he need to do anything special.

Like Song Ningfeng's research on aircraft before, it was not because he was eager to make money, but because he was interested in the art of refining.

But it's different now. Song Ningfeng feels that he can't continue to be so Buddhist. He must expand the influence of the sect! Some things that were not in a hurry to do must also be put on the agenda. Only in this way can I express my support for the little junior sister.

Luo Zhen: ? ? ?

No, bro, I feel like we're not thinking the same thing. Are we interpreting support a little differently?

Luo Zhen held back for a long time, and then said, "Senior brother, is there any shortage of people in your sect? In fact, I can also be a qualified junior brother."

Song Ningfeng glanced at him up and down, "No way. You are so many years older than Sa Sa, do you still have the nerve to call yourself a junior brother?"

Luo Zhen: As expected, they are brothers and sisters. Not very harmful, but highly insulting.

He explained blankly, "I'm the same age as Sa Sa, both are 18, thank you."

After hanging up the video on Song Ningfeng's side, Luo Zhen saw that his parents secretly gave snacks to Luo Bao, who was coquettish. When he saw this kind of behavior before, he would definitely tell his parents and tell them not to spoil their children like this. .

But today, Luo Zhen glanced at them and then withdrew his gaze.

The Luo family felt very strange. In the past, Luo Zhen loved to take care of them, and there was nothing they could do, but now that Luo Zhen doesn't care, they felt a little uncomfortable.

Luo Zhen said lightly: "Oh, you are really nothing. I have seen people who dote on children more than you."

Sa Sa didn't know that Luo Zhen had sold her to the big brother. Like an internet addict girl, she got on the star network again and was about to start a match when someone suddenly jumped at her feet.

"Great God, please accept my knee! Please, give me a chance to worship you as my teacher!"