MTL - My Whole Sect Transmigrated to The Interstellar World-Chapter 16 (Three-in-one) The whole sect is dispatched,...(1)

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"Who are you?"

Sa Sa looked inexplicably at the person who threw herself at her feet, this person had an unfamiliar face. Sa Sa thinks that her memory is not bad, she is sure that she has never seen this person.

Li Chengyu reacted, but he didn't have time to introduce himself, "My God, my name is Li Chengyu, I'm a student of the Mecha Department of the First Comprehensive College of the Federation."

After watching the training video of Sa Sa in the training room before, Li Chengyu firmly believed that Sa Sa is a great god, and the showdown between Sa Sa and A Bai later showed this.

So when he practiced later, he subconsciously trained according to the sassy walking method, and even in order to obtain a better training effect, he also directly wore the initial mecha training. After wearing the initial mecha, Li Chengyu had a more intuitive understanding of Sa Sa's strength: she really squeezed the performance of the initial mecha to the extreme.

If the same awareness is applied to the advanced mecha, then...

Lee Sung Woo imitated for a long time.

It didn't go well at the beginning, because Sa Sa's movement was too extreme, and if the imitation was not in place, he might flop. But her movement is not absolutely impossible to imitate. After the training time came, he began to slowly feel the essence of it.

Because these movements are too difficult, Li Chengyu's own feeling is not intuitive. He feels that his movements are still very clumsy compared to Sa Sa himself.

However, Li Chengyu's change, others' feelings are very intuitive.

The master of the First Comprehensive College of the Federation is like a cloud. Li Chengyu was admitted by rubbing the line. His spirit is still grade A, but his physical grade is only B grade. exist.

But it is impossible to say that Li Chengyu has no ambition. No one who becomes a mecha soldier is unambitious. If you really have no ambition, you can study other majors and do other jobs.

However, the strength is there, making people feel powerless. It's not that Li Chengyu doesn't work hard, but what's more sad is that those who are stronger than Li Chengyu work harder than him.

That's right, in the mecha department, no one is easy to be with. If the mecha division major only has research in mind, then the mecha soldier major only has training and training in mind.

Li Chengyu's progress is not as fast as others, so naturally he can only be left behind.

However, in this actual combat class, the teacher directly asked Li Chengyu to cooperate and give a teaching demonstration.

Many of the teachers in the Mecha Soldier major of the First Federal Comprehensive College have either retired from the army directly, or are part-time teaching staff. It is certain that they are strong. Generally, they are looking for students to cooperate, and students are beaten. It depends on whether it is lighter or heavier.

Of course, Li Chengyu didn't want to be beaten unilaterally, so after the teacher said his request, he slipped away quickly and actually avoided the teacher's attack.

The teacher was also stunned for a moment, and then started to be even more ruthless.

Unexpectedly, Li Chengyu found that he was able to dodge the teacher's attack, and he became more courageous, even thinking of fighting back. He relied on his own movement and approached the teacher. Fortunately, the teacher was not a vegetarian. He responded very quickly and beat Li Chengyu to the ground. If Li Chenyu really succeeded, then his majesty as a teacher would be lost.

Rao is so, what Li Chengyu has done is enough to make people admire. Being able to escape from the teacher's hands and find an opportunity to fight back is the ability of top students, which is not in line with the strength Li Chengyu has shown before.

Even Li Chengyu's best friend secretly pulled him aside after class, "Okay, everyone is brothers, don't hide it from me."

Li Chengyu was confused, "What are you hiding from you?"

"Still pretending? Tell me, are you pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger? In fact, you have a strong background and strength, but you deliberately conceal your identity in order to keep a low profile. But when others look down on you, you slap your face back hard? "

The best friend has an expression of "I know it, stop pretending".

Li Chengyu said helplessly: "Don't think too much, there is nothing. Today is really just an accident."

"Why didn't I encounter such an accident? I think the best people in the class are ready to treat you as a hidden opponent." The best friend still doesn't quite believe it, "Are you the protagonist hiding beside me? Tell me about you What is the golden finger of a man. Don't be afraid, I won't kill people and hunt for treasures, I'll just be a bastard."

Never underestimate a funny imagination.

Li Chengyu thought for a while, and suddenly said, "According to what you said, I did have an adventure."

He recounted what he had encountered on the star network, and even he doubted himself, "Am I the protagonist of the legend?"

Best buddy: "...No, I've heard about the little junior sister. She's obviously more like the protagonist than you, isn't she?"

Even the teacher came to pay special attention to Li Chengyu, "Student Li Chengyu, if you have this strength, you should make good use of it."

Although the teacher did not use all his strength to deal with these students, but in order to let the students learn the essence as much as possible, he used at least five points of strength. In this case, Li Chengyu was able to escape his control, and finally almost completed the counter-kill, which was enough to shock the teacher. Therefore, after seeing Li Chengyu, he inevitably came to care for a few words.

Li Chengyu: ...I played. It's just that I didn't have that strength before, so I couldn't play it.

Before Li Chengyu could speak, the teacher continued to ask, "May I take the liberty to ask, which teacher did you learn this body technique from? It shouldn't be a teacher from our school, right? It seems a bit like Marshal Liming's style, but it doesn't seem to be."

Li Chengyu said, "Uh... her identity is rather mysterious, and I don't know who she is."

In fact, these two times he stole the teacher himself. Before using it in the actual duel, he himself did not feel that his improvement was so great.

The teacher nodded understandingly and said, "It is true, I understand."

Great gods have their own temperaments, and they are unwilling to reveal their names, and do not want others to swindle with their own names. This is normal.

Even the teacher recognized the great god, Li Chengyu knows the value too well. The counterattack opportunity that he had never dared to imagine before was in front of him, how could he not cherish it?

It's just like the best friend said, he was also targeted by the top students in the class. Some people won't come to him because of their identities, but some people can't help it, and want to test Li Chengyu's depth early, especially after knowing that Li Chengyu was specially found by the teacher after class, some people can't sit still.

"Li Chengyu, it seems that you are ready to show your true level in this exam? Why did you hide your clumsiness just to be a blockbuster now?"

The one who came to Li Chengyu was a classmate of Mecha B class named Dennis, a member of the Watson family. His talent is at the mid-to-high level, and the Watson family is ranked among the top stars in the world. Although Dennis was not from the main branch of the Watson family, his strength is not bad in this grade, and he has accumulated A group of fans.

Those who really belong to the upper level may not care, no matter what level Li Chengyu is, there is always a chance to fight.

But Dennis's level can't be ignored, because every opponent who suddenly rises may divide his popularity and attention and become an obstacle for him.

In fact, Li Chengyu and Dennis are not familiar with each other. Although they are in the same class, they are not in the same circle and cannot play together.

So Li Chengyu didn't know what to say to Dennis, so he kept silent. His experiences can be told to his buddies, but he will not tell a classmate who is not very familiar, even faintly hostile.

But Li Chengyu's attitude, in Dennis' opinion, is a kind of provocation: I don't want to pay attention to you.

"Don't think that if you hide a trick or two, I'm afraid of you. It's not that easy to stand out in this school. Just based on your genetic level, some levels are not what you want to be able to."

Most of the time, Li Chengyu is a good talker. No way, this is a world where strength is respected. If you don't have strength, who wants to get used to your temper? Except for a few friends who are familiar with him, he has no sense of presence in the class.

However, Dennis' condescending attitude was too uncomfortable. It may be that he learned a little body technique from Sa Sa, which made Li Chengyu a little flabbergasted. Anyway, he didn't want to endure any longer, and said directly: "Some levels are indeed beyond my reach, but at your level, if you work hard, there should be no problem. "

Dennis's face instantly turned green. Li Chengyu's words hit Dennis' pain point: he was a little proud of his strength and background, but he knew very well that he was a little bit worse than those true geniuses.

The pursuit of others can make him temporarily forget this gap, but Li Chengyu's words tell him directly: Yes, I am very good, but so are you.

Dennis stared fiercely at Li Chengyu, his voice seemed to come out of his teeth, "Okay, very good, next time we practice 1v1 combat training, let's be our opponents. I hope you can be as tough as you are today."

"Oh, wait and see."

Of course, after the harsh words were released, Li Chengyu regretted it. He still has some self-knowledge. Dennis is not very good, but his strength is indeed better than him.

The next actual combat training will be in a week, and as far as the three-legged cat level simulated by Li Chengyu is concerned, it will definitely not be Dennis's opponent.

He was able to get some bargains from the teacher today because the teacher didn't guard against his movement. But when the time comes, Dennis is ready, and if he is not given the opportunity to use his body technique at all, then he can only be cold.

But the ruthless words have been released, and it would be too embarrassing to lose too ugly. This is the so-called crematorium of being slapped in the face for a while.

The younger brother around Dennis directly spread the news, and many people were paying attention to this competition, wanting to see Li Chengyu's true level.

It's one thing to lose, and it's another thing to lose under the spotlight. Li Chengyu had no choice but to hug Buddha's feet temporarily. He squatted directly to Sa Sa's place, begging to hug his thighs with all five bodies on the ground.

Whether it succeeds or not, you have to give it a try. As long as it can make him touch the light of the Great God, it is worth noting this face.

"Accepting apprentices...but I don't have much time." Sa Sa said with a good temper.

Her concept has not been turned over yet, she feels that accepting an apprentice is a very serious matter, and after accepting it, she will be responsible for the apprentice's life.

People from Taiyi sect will not accept apprentices at will, otherwise the whole sect will not be the only one.

When they were in the realm of self-cultivation, there was an endless stream of people who wanted to join the master Xu Yi. Xu Yi no longer accepted apprentices. The level is not good, it has not yet reached the level of apprenticeship.

Although the three senior brothers are not as talented as Xu Yi, they are actually like the heaven's favorite, and they also have a well-known name in the world of self-cultivation. If you can worship in the names of these three, it will definitely not be a loss.

In fact, Sa Sa is quite envious of the feeling of being begged to be a teacher, but unfortunately, she has never experienced it.

Everyone knows that she has a physique without spiritual roots, and even if she wants to worship the Taiyi Sect, it is impossible to worship her name. She can only see if she accepts apprentices or something.

As a result, someone suddenly said that he wanted to worship her as a teacher, and the feeling of being recognized was still very good, which made Sa Sa feel a little overjoyed.

It's just that Sa Sa is still a little hesitant about her own level. She knows very well that she is not a great god, but a person who has just come into contact with mecha. Can she really teach him? Moreover, she also has to go to school in the future, so she may not have much time. If you really want to accept apprentices, you have to report to the sect...

Li Chengyu has more or less the element of testing luck, but she didn't expect that she really wanted to let go, and immediately answered, "No problem, God, just give me some pointers when you have time. Just like you It’s normal for my great **** to be very busy, and I’m already very happy if you are willing to give me pointers. If the class fee is charged, can 100,000 star coins per hour be enough?”

If Sa Sa was willing to teach him, Li Chengyu would no longer care about winning or losing the match against Dennis. Even if he can't win the next test, one day he can.

Sa Sa was stunned: is the interstellar age like this? The master doesn't have to take care of the apprentice, but can actually take filial piety from the apprentice?

After Sa Sa entered the Taiyi School, all the food, clothing and expenses were used by the Taiyi School. Looking at Li Chengyu, who was very self-conscious, Sa Sa was a little ashamed: Master is too bad, really too bad.

Seeing Sa Sa fell into deep thought, Li Chengyu hurriedly said, "Master, I know that this money is not worthy of your status, that is, I am still a student now, and I usually rely on the living expenses and part-time work given by my family. When I make money in the future, I will definitely respect it. yours."

He knows that 100,001 hours is not worthy of the level of the Great God, but he is not from those big families, this is indeed the greatest sincerity he can show.

In order to make money, the poor ghost Sa Sa deliberately adjusted the cost of watching the game to the highest level. Li Chengyu was willing to pay 100,000 star coins for an hour for her to teach, which was already a very good price for her, "No, no, enough. enough."

Compared with the reverse post she imagined, it is not too sincere. She herself is an old scoundrel who gnaws at her master. Compared with Li Chengyu, who voluntarily made a confession, she is too far behind to make more demands.

#Isn't it possible to make a fortune by accepting a few more apprentices? #

Sa Sa couldn't help falling into contemplation.

Of course, this is just thinking about it. If the sect knew that she was taking apprentices for money, even the best master who treated her would not be able to resist expelling her from the sect.

She said, "That's good, I won't accept you as a disciple for the time being, but I can take you to train for a while. If you think it works, then pay me. If you think it doesn't work, then forget it."

Li Chengyu shed grateful rainbow tears, "Thank you, God!"

What kind of fairy boss did he meet? This is great too!

Earned earned! Love love love!

Sa Sa said embarrassedly: "Don't call me a great god, I am not a great god. Just call me Sa Sa."

The two became friends again.

Considering that Li Chengyu will have a test soon, Sa Sa temporarily put aside the qualifying match and decided to help him make up for the class first.

Li Chengyu was flattered, he took too much advantage of it!

Sa Sa patted his shoulder proudly and said, "Although I haven't officially accepted you as a disciple, you are more or less an outer disciple. People from our sect have never been bullied like this, this People are too annoying, and they should be taught a lesson."

Taiyizong's guardianship is in the same line, Li Chengyu has not officially apprenticed, and Sa Sa has included him in his own range.

Moreover, from Li Chengyu's remarks, what Dennis said happened to be what Sa Sa hated the most, but now they have replaced "no spiritual roots, no talent" with "insufficient genetic level, no talent", essentially no what a difference.

Li Chengyu: What outer disciple? What sect?

Li Chengyu was in a fog when he heard it, and he felt that this great **** was a bit strange, and he was different from the great gods he had seen before. Maybe this is the personal characteristic of the Great God. But it didn't matter, he knew that Sa Sa wanted to help him anyway.

Stealing a teacher by yourself is completely different from the feeling of learning with a master.

Although Sa Sa is actually not very good at taking apprentices. When it comes to driving mechas, she also thinks about it by herself. Some things are mysterious and mysterious, and it is difficult to explain clearly.

But she knew how to experience that feeling, so she pressed Li Chengyu to experience it, which was much better than he did not know how to take a long detour.

Of course, under the sassy devil training, Li Chengyu firmly retreated a layer of skin.

tired? Take a five-minute break, get up and train.

thirsty? As long as you successfully learn this action, you can drink water.

When Li Chengyu wanted to give up, Sa Sa said, "Do you just want to be kept under pressure by people like Dennis? Do you just want to lose in disgrace? Are you willing?"

Sa Sa said that he wanted Li Chengyu to win, that's really no joke. In the things she cares about, she has a strong desire to win or lose.

Li Chengyu fought with a carp, and his strength staged "sit up in shock from dying from illness".

Li Chengyu decided to take back the idea of ​​​​that Sa Sa was a good talker. Is this gentle and amiable? This is clearly the devil.

In Sa Sa's special training, it was time for the actual combat training of the First Academy.

Dennis looked down on Li Chengyu and felt that the two were not on the same level, but he did not take it lightly, and asked people about Li Chengyu's movements, knowing that after he trained every day, Dennis was a little nervous.

But then, he heard that Li Chengyu was training on Xingwang, and he also found a "master" to help with training. Dennis couldn't help but sneer, "Xingwang? Are there any masters there? Driving mecha in Xingwang is the same as in reality. There is still a big gap, and he is going to use this kind of training to deal with me?"

He felt that he had overestimated Li Chengyu, and only the most amateur mecha soldier would regard Xingwang's training as a Buddha's foot. You know, during this period of time, he hired a mecha master to help him debug the mecha, and at the same time, he trained for a long time in the training room in reality. This time, he didn't want to see any surprises.

Both men stood confidently in the center of the training ground. Li Chengyu is not a person who is very confident in himself, but he has confidence in Sa Sa.

When the teacher announced the start of the test, Dennis took the lead and made a bold move. He didn't want to give Li Chengyu the slightest chance. Aren't you alright? I don't even give you a chance to use your body method, what can you do?

Not only does he have to win, but he has to win beautifully.

But Dennis would adopt this strategy, which Li Chengyu and Sa Sa had already guessed. They have been trained on this problem many times. The pressure that Dennis brought him was not as good as the pressure that Sa Sa brought him.

Li Chengyu found that he was not nervous at all. He was highly calm and focused on Dennis' attack range and attack characteristics. Before the energy cannon landed on him, he subconsciously dodged - yes, he had been trained to reflex.

Sa Sa's words sounded in his mind: "Advanced mechas have advantages, but this advantage is not insurmountable, because the so-called advanced mechas cannot be guaranteed to be flawless, and the people who drive the mechas are different, even less so. Probably perfect. Find the weak spot, get close to him, and kill him in one hit."

Li Chengyu approached Dennis in the interweaving of energy cannons, and in Dennis' shocked eyes, his energy cannons blasted towards Dennis' energy core. He had been dodging all the time before, and his mecha had consumed very little energy, just waiting to give Dennis a fatal blow at the last key.

It worked well and Dennis was eliminated.

The teacher's response was very fast, and the result of the duel was directly announced, "Li Chengyu wins."

The other students outside the field finally recovered and burst into warm applause. The counterattack is something everyone likes to see and hear. At the beginning, Dennis attacked violently. Everyone thought that Li Chengyu was going to get cold. Unexpectedly, in just one week, Li Chengyu's movement has improved too much than before!

Under the circumstances at the time, a small number of students actually had their own coping methods, and it was not impossible to even confront Dennis. But in terms of body style, the people present asked themselves, and almost none of them could achieve the level of Li Chengyu.

Dennis's face turned blue, and his fierce attack at the beginning became a stepping stone to set off Li Chengyu.

After winning against Dennis, Li Chengyu didn't say anything, and left the training ground with a smile to make room for others. But it was his light-hearted attitude that stung Dennis even more: Damn it, even the tail of a crane looks down on him now!

After class, Dennis left the training center quickly, without even bringing his old boys.

Li Chengyu glanced at Dennis and walked away with his best friend. He really didn't think there was anything particularly commendable about his victory over Dennis. Compared with his master's strength, he was still far behind.

His best friend slapped him, "You don't want to be cheap and sell well. Now everyone has decided that you are just pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. Look, you will show your strength when you are provoked."

Li Chengyu said: "This is really a big misunderstanding."

"By the way, do you know that there is a big gossip in our mecha department recently, and a person who didn't even take the college entrance examination is going to come in through the back door."

Li Chengyu frowned, "Is it the hidden masters of those big families?"

"No, I heard that a guy whose genetic level and spiritual sea level are blank. If he is really strong, he is ready to enter the academy, so he doesn't hide his strength. Everyone is guessing which big family it might be. The favored illegitimate son or something, has power, and the father owes him a lot, so he can only send it in."

"Why do you want to come to the mecha department?"

If you are in other departments, family strength can also become part of your own strength. But in the mecha department, if you cook for yourself, no matter how strong the family behind you is, no one will buy it.

Not taking the college entrance examination, taking classes midway, or being a rookie, this is a combination of all the fatal factors! Can this person really survive here?

The best friend shrugged, "Who knows? Maybe some people will naively think that I can do it if I can."

Li Chengyu didn't care much about the gossip, and quickly put it behind him.

And not long ago, I just received the admission letter from the Federal First Comprehensive College.

After receiving Sa Sa's request, Luo Zhen went to discuss the matter with Song Ningfeng as soon as possible. The people of Taiyizong rarely need his help, and they have made a drama that everyone in the whole world can't refuse. No matter how Luo Zhen complains about Song Ningfeng and how they spoil their children, he has to put things into practice. Well done.

Luo Zhen didn't look for other families or forces, and directly took a bottle of body refining pill and a bottle of spiritual refining pill to the principal. After understanding the efficacy of these two bottles of pills, the principal directly gave Luo Zhen a place, "But There is nothing, I am afraid it is not easy to survive in this school."

It is not easy to transfer into the First Federal College, but it is not the most difficult thing. The most difficult thing is how to survive here.

Luo Zhen used to worry about Sa Sa, but he already understood how much Song Ningfeng and the others dote on their children. sough.

Instead of worrying about Sasha, it is better to worry that the people of Taiyizong will mess up.

Tai Izong did hold a small meeting about Sa Sa's admission.

Because Song Ningfeng went to learn about mechas, he understood why Sa Sa wanted to learn.

In order not to worry them, Sa Sa showed that she was no longer troubled by her physique without spiritual roots, but how could she say that she didn't care about this kind of thing? Just look at Sa Sa's enthusiasm for mechas now.

Mecha can make up for Sa Sa's shortcomings.

Of course, Song Ningfeng wouldn't stop Sa Sa from learning about mechas. He just regretted that he didn't know about mechas earlier. Looking at the price of the mecha, he knew why the younger sister didn't tell him about it - she must be worried that the sect had no money.

Song Ningfeng sighed worriedly.

It is said that people from those big families will learn to use mecha since they were young, and Sa Sa fell on the starting line, which is simply unbearable!

Song Ningfeng didn't know what a chicken baby was, but he felt the anxiety of the chicken baby.

He reported the matter to Xu Yi who was in retreat. He knew that Master had no interest in integrating into this world, so he also told them: "Don't change your mind because of all the external things in this world, and don't forget your pursuit of the Dao."

Song Ningfeng was worried that Master would not let Sa Sa go to school, and explained two sentences for Sa Sa, "Master, Sa Sa going to school does not mean to betray your teacher..."

Unexpectedly, Xu Yi, who has always been old-fashioned, was taken aback and said with a sigh, "I was negligent. You can call the two junior brothers over and discuss it together."

Song Ningfeng patted his forehead. He almost forgot that the most favored person in the entire sect was obviously Master himself.

Then, Cheng Zhi and Xie Rong also knew that Sa Sa was going to school soon.

"Ning Feng, Sa Sa's mecha may have something in common with your artifact refining method. You try to customize one for Sa Sa. Azhi, you have refined some medicinal pills during this time, and prepared them for Sa Sa. Also, Ning Feng talked with the people at the foot of the mountain about cooperation, and the brothers and sisters discussed the specific details slowly. If there is anything that needs me to come forward, come back to me."

Xie Rong didn't hear about his errand, so he couldn't wait to ask: "Master, what about me? How about I accompany Sa Sa to school, and whoever does not have long eyes dares to bully Sa Sa, I will take good care of him."

Xie Rong has already learned about the outside world of Huahua through Xingwang, and his heart is eager to go out, but he also knows that if he really dares to be happy outside, the master will definitely kill the disciples righteously.

The First Federation College that Sa Sa is going to is located in the Capital Star. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to take care of Sa Sa while having a good time?

Xu Yi glanced at him with disgust, "You can do whatever you want, but don't follow Sa Sa. I'm afraid Sa Sa has such a senior brother and won't be able to raise his head in front of his classmates."

Xie Rong: ?

Master I suspect you are doing ginseng rooster and have ample evidence.

Xie Rong said miserably: "Master, why don't I go to a university too, I heard that in Interstellar, it's normal for me to go to university at my age."

Xu Yi said blankly, "No way, you don't really think you are only 25 years old, do you?"

Xie Rong: …

Tucao from the master is the most deadly.

His integration into Interstellar was too high, and after the live broadcast became popular, every day a young lady praised him for being very young. Xie Rong subconsciously regarded the age on the identity certificate as his real age.

Now when Xu Yi complained, Xie Rong immediately slumped.

Xu Yi was originally a neat and tidy person, and would not waste too much time on trivial matters. It is an exception to make a special trip out of the customs for Sa Sa.

After explaining the matter, Xu Yi was about to retreat again. At this moment, his footsteps staggered, and he quickly covered his mouth with his hands.

Song Ningfeng is a meticulous person. When he sensed something was wrong, he quickly stepped forward to support Xu Yi and blocked the sight of the two junior brothers.

The two shrank into an inch, and after leaving Cheng Zhi and Xie Rong's sight, Song Ningfeng asked worriedly, "Master, are you alright?"

He could see clearly that Xu Yi's palm had shocking bloodstains. He knew very well that if Master could control his injury, he would never show it in front of him. In this situation now, it is clear that Master can't suppress his internal injury.

Xu Yi said lightly: "It's nothing, it's just the internal injury caused by the broken void. It'll be fine for a while, no need to make a fuss."

It is no wonder that after coming to Interstellar, Master spent most of his time in retreat. In the past, Master's retreat time was also very long, but not like it is now.

Xu Yi said that he was fine, but Song Ningfeng couldn't believe it. With his master's cultivation, he couldn't suppress his injury. One could imagine how serious his injury was, "Master, why don't I go and talk to Azhi? Say, let him make some medicinal pills for you."

"No, those pills have no effect on me."

Although Cheng Zhi is a genius in the field of alchemy, Xu Yi's realm is too high, and the alchemy is really useless for him.

Song Ningfeng hesitated.

Xu Yi looked at him, smiled slightly, and his eyes were calm, like a flower on a high mountain, "Ning Feng, you are a reliable child. But you really don't need to worry about me. With my cultivation base, it's only a matter of time before the injury is repaired. During this period, you need to worry more about the big and small things of the sect. Don't tell them about my situation, lest they also worry about it."

"Yes, Master."

After Luo Zhen sent the admission notice from the First Federation College, Song Ningfeng sent the notice to Sa Sa, and Sa Sa knew that it turned out that Senior Brother and the others already knew that she was going to go to school.

Sa Sa said embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, Senior Brother, I didn't hide it from you on purpose. I originally wanted to wait until the notice was received before telling you."

When she really goes to school, she can't hide this kind of thing.

Song Ningfeng smiled at Sa Sa and rubbed her head, "I know, but if Sa Sa has any thoughts in the future, you can tell us, and we will support you."

Sa Sa nodded vigorously: Everyone in the sect is the best!

Song Ningfeng brought the full storage bracelet to Sa Sa, "Interstellar is no better than our self-cultivation world, we are not familiar with each other in life. It is your first time to go out, take good care of yourself. Otherwise, I will accompany you to school. Right? Or let A Rong accompany you."

Xu Yi didn't let Xie Rong go out, not because he really wanted to detain him, but because he was afraid that he would let himself out too much outside. But Sa Sa travels far alone, which is really worrying, and Xie Rong can be relieved if he goes with him.

"No need for senior brother, that big brother Luo, oh no, classmate Luo Zhen, he is in the same school as me, just for your sake, he will take care of me a little bit."

Song Ningfeng exposed the topic for the time being, "Also, try not to conflict with people outside. You seem to be easy to bully. If you are bullied, bear with it. After all, we are not by your side. Keep it in your heart and come back to us. One by one, help you get your revenge back."

Sa Sa heard a black line, "...Senior brother, your teaching is not quite right."

This is not in line with the integrity of the senior brother!

However, Song Ningfeng said as a matter of course: "In short, this is the principle, just keep it in your heart."

Teach Sa Sa to be kind to others? That is impossible.

Sa Sa is already very good. She is not the type to look for trouble. If she still conflicts with people under such circumstances, it must be the other party's fault. However, Sa Sa is easy to suffer losses by himself, so let's wait until everyone arrives and then settle accounts.

"There are all kinds of medicinal pills and magic tools in the storage bracelet. You can use them yourself, or you can give them to classmates who are close to you. Be generous, but not stupid, understand? There are also mechas, you don't have to worry about them. The essence of this is similar to the refining tool, I am researching it, and I will send it to you when the time comes, but it may be two days later."

Sa Sa had great confidence in the eldest brother's refining ability, and immediately said, "It doesn't matter, the eldest brother is the best!"

She had forgotten before that the senior brother could help refine the mecha. The main thing is that this thing looks too novel, and it is not the same as the magic weapon made by the master before. But since he said that, Sa Sa felt that it would be no problem for the senior brother to come out.

Before she left, Sa Sa's qualifying points were already quite high, similar to A Bai, but if she still wanted to leapfrog the challenge, her opponent would be stronger, and if she still used the initial mecha, she couldn't guarantee a steady win.

Considering that he was going to school soon, Sa Sa was not in a hurry to raise his rank immediately, but found Li Chengyu and said, "I will go to your school in a while, please take care of me."

Li Chengyu said excitedly, "Ah? Master, do you want to come to our school to be a teacher?"

Sa Sa felt that he had not accepted any apprentices yet, so he didn't need to call him Master, but Li Chengyu didn't listen. He felt that he had learned too much from Sa Sa, and it was right to call him Master. Then Sa Sa went with him.

Sa Sa glanced at him strangely, "Why do you think so? Of course I'll be your classmate. You're a freshman, right? Me too."

Li Chengyu: ?

He suspected he had hallucinations.

Li Chengyu: "Master, don't tease me..."