MTL - My Whole Sect Transmigrated to The Interstellar World-Chapter 48 Please, please finish the sentence next time...

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Cheng Zhi called Song Ningfeng's brain, but Song Ningfeng was in class and no one answered. Cheng Zhi, who couldn't wait, came directly to Yu Jian. Of course he knew the rules of the capital star, but he was really in a hurry. How could he care about the rules?

If Master and the others are fine, then he will pay the fines that should be paid. If they are in trouble, what he has to do is not only driving without a license and running red lights?

Zhang Wushuang and the others who drove the speeding car behind could not keep up with Cheng Zhi: …

Don't worry, just follow the pile of maintenance and security drones and robots, and you can't go wrong.

They can't actually do much to keep up, but it's still useful to help deal with people from various systems on the capital star side. Hand in the fines that should be paid, and clear up the relationship that should be dredged, so that the Capital Star will not create obstacles for Cheng Zhi and them. If there is a conflict between the two sides, it is easy to have a negative impact on the situation.

So although Cheng Zhi stopped, but under the interception of several disciples and grandchildren of the sect, he finally did not continue to disturb them.

Fortunately, the matter of Xingwang has become a big one. At present, the main force of the capital star has not focused on public security. Otherwise, I am afraid that the mecha soldiers will be dispatched now.

Song Ningfeng said calmly, "Tell me carefully, what's going on?"

"Aren't Sa Sa and the others in the game? The map mode suddenly went wrong, and all the people inside disappeared. The 24 teams that played in the same period all disappeared. Master just caught up and asked me to come back to spread the news." Cheng Zhi said.

In the Mecha League, players and spectators enter the StarNet in a holographic mode, in fact, they are invested in the StarNet in a conscious mode.

This is both familiar and unfamiliar to Taiyizong people. What I am familiar with is that this is a form of separation of consciousness, what is strange is that this is not achieved by cultivation, but by technology.

As a result, the players in the map mode suddenly disappeared, and their bodies would correspondingly become vegetative. Folklore is also called lost souls, but what Taiyizong people perceive is that the spirits of Sa Sa and others are gone.

Song Ningfeng pondered for a while, "Let's go back first and take good care of Master and Sa Sa's body. With Master here, nothing will happen."

The team competition has reached the 25th and 13th stages, and the competition is getting more and more intense. The teams that can persist here are basically all strong.

At present, there are still three freshmen teams that have not been eliminated, namely the first major, the first army, and the second major colleges and universities. This result may seem unremarkable, but you must know that this is only a freshman team, and it is already very impressive to have three teams reach the top 25.

Many experienced seniors are sighing: Now the qualifications of students are really getting better and better. In previous years, it was not easy for all the freshmen to have a team to form a double S, and it was not easy for a team to reach the top 25.

But unfortunately, in this round, the first freshman team faced off against the freshman team of the first army.

This is actually the match everyone wants to see, because the freshmen of these major colleges and universities are all very strong, and it is difficult to determine which side is the strongest freshman without a fight.

Sa Sa has asked Song Ningfeng to transform the mechas of the rest of the team, and the team's strength has improved, that's for sure. But other teams were not idle either, including the team from the First Army.

In this Mecha League, the school's management did not come forward, but just like Mr. Chen Shen secretly put pressure on Sa Sa and the others, the school of the First Army has also been giving Jiang Feng's team devil training: The First Army's Glory must never be lost.

Don't look at the people of the First Army who spoke ruthlessly in front of Sa Sa and others, in fact, after they fought the Savages, a few people breathed a sigh of relief. Although they don't want to admit it, the fact is right in front of them: the Sa Sa team is progressing too fast.

Originally, the biggest advantage of the First Army is that the team cooperates well, and they are also more familiar with the map mode. They have seen the previous games of the Sa Sa team. If they hadn't deliberately pretended to be pigs and eat tigers, their teamwork would have been terrible.

At that time, the people of the First Army felt that they had a pretty good chance of winning. But in the preliminary round, the changes in the Sa Sa team can be said to be reborn. The seemingly nonsensical arrangement actually maximized the advantages of everyone in their squad. Coupled with their extremely strong individual combat capabilities, it is really not easy for the First Army to defeat them.

Of course, it is impossible to admit defeat. After the First Army was trained by the devil, the progress was also obvious. They also conduct simulated drills specifically for the styles of Sa Sa and others, looking for their weaknesses and determining tactics in advance.

In this competition, they won the Xingchenhai map. Each squad has a starship as the starting material, and otherwise, either scour the material on their own, or finish the game before the energy runs out.

In Xingchenhai mode, starships need energy for sailing, and mechas need energy to go out, but this part of energy cannot be saved, so finding opponents as soon as possible, and then ending the game is often the first tactic in this mode.

But just five minutes after the start of the game, Sa Sa was still observing the surroundings with his divine sense, and suddenly his eyes went black.

To the audience outside the stadium, all the maps suddenly turned into mosaics. The audience was in an uproar, "What's going on? Is there a bug in the star network card? Hurry up and fix it!"

At this time, they still trusted Xingwang very much and felt that this might be an accident, although Xingwang had never made such a big mistake before.

However, Xu Yi was not so optimistic. He said with a stern face, "Something happened, and their spirits are gone."

But Xingwang failed to fix such a big bug urgently, and reminded everyone: if there is a fault in Xingwang, please log out immediately, otherwise, you will be forced to log out in one minute.

Now everyone panics, this is the rhythm of a major event! They logged out urgently, but what about the players who were playing?

But no matter how they panic, there is nothing they can do. In the Star Network, the main brain of the Star Network system occupies an absolute dominant position. It makes people forced to log out. Who can resist?

Of course, some people also noticed the man who was walking against the crowd, and he went to the map! Someone kindly reminded him, "Brother, it's dangerous over there!"

But in a blink of an eye, the man's figure disappeared, as if what he saw just now was just an illusion, that is, how could someone still go there at this time?

After everyone logged out, they quickly sent messages to each other and asked each other, and the answers they got were without exception: none of the players who disappeared during the game woke up.

The entire Commonwealth was in panic. In the youth mecha league, all mecha soldiers under the age of 30 can participate. Especially this year's mecha league has attracted much attention. It can be said that the 24 teams that have fallen in are the backbone of the future federation. If these people can't wake up, there will inevitably be a great fault in the federal talents!

This is a more serious thing than being attacked by the rebels. Even if the rebels and the star thieves joined forces last time and caught the Federation by surprise, it is estimated that they did not lose so many elites.

Snowflakes of complaints and inquiries flew to StarNet and top federal officials, demanding that they give an explanation right away.

The top officials of the Federation are also in chaos, because this is an unprecedented thing, and some of the players who have become vegetative are their family's sons and nephews. If they knew what was going on, how could they not save their own sons and nephews first?

The top federal officials also urgently contacted Qian Dayou, the person in charge of Star Network, "Your Qian family has always been in control of Star Network. Let's not mention how much money the Qian family made from Star Network. Don't tell me you don't know what's going on."

"The Qian family, do you want to be a sinner of the Federation?"

The top officials of the Federation spoke harshly one by one.

In fact, not long ago, they were still chatting and laughing with Qian Da. After all, the status of Xingwang is detached, and the wealth in the hands of the Qian family is not comparable to other families, so it is not easy to offend.

The founder of Holographic Star Network is from the Qian family. Before his death, he proposed a rule that the star network can only be controlled by the people of the Qian family. At the same time, the Qian family will never get involved in the military and political affairs of the Federation.

This rule has been passed down for a long time. On the surface, the Qian family has no conflict of interest with other families, so they get along well.

But what happened today has obviously broken the original balance.

Qian Dayou wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, "Everyone, it's really not that I'm hiding any news on purpose, it's just that as you know, this has never happened to Xingwang, so we are also investigating urgently. The news will be notified as soon as possible.”

"This matter has absolutely nothing to do with the Qian family. No matter how bold the Qian family is, they can't do such a thing, right?" Qian Dayou explained again and again.

Prime Minister He Wen gave him a deep look, "I'll give you two hours, please be sure to give a satisfactory answer. Otherwise, if we don't do it, the people of the Commonwealth will tear you apart."

"Yes, yes." Qian Dayou said respectfully.

Just back in the car, his face completely sank, his plump face twitched twice, "Go back! I want to see who is going against me."

On that old man's face, there was only hideousness left at the moment.

The arrangement of the Qian family is absolutely not to be missed.

The Federal Emergency issued an announcement, indicating that the Star Network system has failed and is undergoing emergency maintenance. Please be patient.

But obviously, this explanation fails to convince the public.

The Federation has entered a state of emergency again, but this time, they don't even know who their enemies are. This is the most terrifying thing.

Li Ming let his confidants keep an eye on the Qian family secretly. If there is any change, he will report it as soon as possible.

He Wen couldn't help but say, "You are doubting Qian Dayou now? The Qian family has their own selfishness, but they won't do such a thing."

"No, I'm just suspicious of everyone. The Qian family is in charge of the Star Network, which is the most suspicious."

At this moment, Sa Sa woke up from her dizziness, and she found that the surrounding environment had changed, from the map scene of Xingchenhai to a place like a barren star. She knew very well that she was still in "holographic mode", that is to say, only her spirit appeared here. But she didn't understand, what happened when she suddenly came to this place from the arena?

The sky was grey, and the outside world could not be seen. Sa Sa drove the mecha and wanted to rush out, but soon encountered an invisible barrier. She wanted to use her divine sense to break through the barrier, but found that the separated divine sense disappeared as if it was swallowed up by the barrier.

Sa Sa's heart sank, and she didn't dare to try again. Instead, she flew at a low altitude and searched this unfamiliar place. Before she passed out, she was with her teammates, wondering what happened to them? Were they thrown here like her?

If so, they must be found right away!

Then, Sa Sa saw scattered people wearing mecha on the ground.

This is obviously not just their squad!

All the people in the arena were brought here?

Obviously, the situation is worse.

Sa Sa saw one wake up the other, and then asked them to search for people together. I don't know how big this place is, the people are scattered, and she doesn't dare to find out her consciousness. She doesn't know when to find it by herself.

Jiang Feng of the First Army was lucky, he was the second person found by Sa Sa. In the end, as soon as he opened his eyes and saw Sa Sa, he subconsciously launched an attack, "Your No. 1 person is simply insidious and cunning! How dare you use a sinister trick! We will never admit defeat!"

Before he could jump up, Sa Sa slammed him down into the pile of stones, "If you haven't woken up yet, then keep awake."

Jiang Feng: …

He finally realized something was wrong. The map for the match was in the Sea of ​​Stars, but they were clearly on land now.


Let go of me, can't you just say something?

But the more Jiang Feng struggled, the more Sa Sa thought he had the intention to resist, and it was impossible to let go.

After Jiang Feng gave up struggling, Sa Sa finally let go.

Jiang Feng: I'm very angry, and I don't know what to say. He suspects that Sa Sa is intentional, and has sufficient evidence.

But he didn't have time to settle accounts with Sa Sa, and now he has a lot of doubts in his stomach, "What's the situation? Where is this place? What happened? What about my teammates?"

Sa Sa spread his hands: "I only know that there was an accident in the game, maybe all the players have been brought to this ghost place, in short, now hurry up and find everyone, and then let everyone gather at the high point where I painted red, do you understand?"

In normal times, Jiang Feng would definitely be sneering at Sa Sa: Who are you? command me? With how many keys?

But at this time, Jiang Feng also knew the importance, "Okay."

He has never seen or heard of such a thing, and he doesn't even know how to wait for rescue. Now their only way out is to save themselves.

After walking for a while, Jiang Feng realized that something was wrong: The beating just now was a waste of time?

I don't know if it was because of Sa Sa's rubbing in the rubble, he felt a little pain in his head.

Not long after, Sa Sa found Lu Qianming and Jiang Cheng one after another, and they simply followed her. After finding the back, Sa Sa found that some people had also woken up on their own. When she saw He Chaoyuan, he was looking for someone. The stronger the mental sea, the sooner you will wake up.

Seeing Sa Sa and them, He Chaoyuan breathed a sigh of relief, "I'm going to find you."

Sa Sa briefly explained the current situation.

He Chaoyuan sighed, "The situation is not good, I have never heard of such a situation."

Being from a big family like the He family has never heard of it, which means that there is no precedent for reference, and they don't know what to do.

Jiang Cheng said viciously: "When we go out, we must file a serious complaint against Xingwang. The Qian family will just wait for the confession this time."

After speaking, he himself fell silent, because it was still unknown whether he could get out of this ghost place.

Jiang Cheng had already tested the invisible barrier with his energy cannon before, allowing him to activate the maximum firepower, but the barrier still remained motionless.

At this moment, Sa Sa suddenly said: "On our side, this kind of place is called the place to nourish the soul."

It's not that she doesn't know anything about this place. It's just that for a stranger like Jiang Feng, she doesn't want to reveal her details. For them, the more they know, the better.

As for the three members of the team, she trusted all the information she knew, and everyone made decisions with reference to each other, which might be beneficial to the current situation.

In the realm of self-cultivation, spiritual consciousness can be released and separated from the body, but this is not absolutely safe. Divine consciousness is extremely important to every cultivator, and it is also extremely mysterious. If someone with a low cultivation base casually probes out his spiritual consciousness, he may be directly cut off and swallowed.

It is said that the wandering spirits will be gathered in the place of raising the soul and cannot escape. Some soul-cultivating places exist naturally, but there are also some evil cultivators who have created soul-cultivating places for bullying the wandering spirits of the outside world to strengthen their spiritual consciousness.

When Sa Sa found out that her divine consciousness would sink into the sea and could not perceive the outside world, she already had doubts. And what she can see is not the same as what her classmates can see: she can see strands of loose consciousness floating in the air, which are gradually absorbed by the barrier.

The only question is, why did Starnet teleport them here directly from map mode? Is this place natural or man-made?

In this soul-cultivating place, even if their consciousness cannot be released, the venue will automatically and slowly extract their consciousness, which is why they feel a headache. If the consciousness is damaged, don't you have a headache?

Sa Sa herself can control her consciousness, as long as she doesn't leave her consciousness, this place can't help her. If she is alone, she doesn't have to do anything, just wait for the master to come.

She can't figure out the place to raise her soul, but is it hard to live with Master?

But the problem is, Sa Sa can wait, others can't wait, she is not sure when the master will find them, what if someone is drained of consciousness by this place before that? Or irreversible damage to consciousness that is difficult to treat.

If Sa Sa Lian's spirit is here with her body, many of her magical tools and props can be used, and she will not be helpless. But now she returned to the pre-liberation overnight, with nothing on her body to use.

Sa Sa is not good at explaining to them what cultivation is and what is evil cultivation. In words that they can understand, he roughly talked about the role of the place to nourish the soul: it is to use their consciousness to feed what they don't know.

At this moment, Jiang Cheng said with a pale face, "Don't you think this place looks familiar?"

He Chaoyuan's face was solemn, "It seems... a little bit."

Sa Sa hurriedly asked, "Do you know this place?"

She was completely unimpressed anyway.

"We have never been to this place, but we have seen video materials in history class. This is the D252 star, the base camp of the legendary star worm. It is here that the ancestors found the mother worm and defeated it. We have achieved a staged victory in the battle. After all, the star worm is really disgusting. It can not only devour people, but also the planet. Let the star worm spread, and human beings don’t need to survive.”

"However, because the D252 star is the base camp of the star worm, it has long been abandoned. There are no resources on it, and even people in the chaos area will not go up."

Although the B111 star where Taiyizong is located is called a barren star, it is actually just a lack of resources, the development value is extremely low, and there are few people living there. It is essentially different from the completely abandoned planet D252.

Jiang Cheng is so familiar with this history because the ancestors of the Jiang family were one of the pioneers who fought against the Mother Insect Emperor. This is the glorious history of the Jiang family. Others can forget it, but the Jiang family cannot forget the origin. The Jiang family is also one of the families that hate star bugs the most.

Let’s reconnect with common sense: star worms can evolve.

Then they appear here, are they going to be the nutrients for the star bugs?

More seriously, if this is done on purpose, does that mean that someone deliberately uses them as nutrients?

Either way, it's not easy.

They can't release the news for the time being, because it may cause even greater panic.

Sa Sa said: "Okay, don't be ashamed of one or two. Let's hurry back to the gathering point, everyone should be together now. You must start cultivating your consciousness immediately, otherwise your consciousness will really be damaged by then. ."

"Huh? Cultivation of consciousness? What is this?" The rest of the team was stunned. "What does it mean to lose consciousness otherwise? Can we still not lose consciousness?"

Sa Sa said: "Huh? Didn't I tell you before? Of course there is a way, otherwise why am I gathering you all in such a hurry?"

The Land of Soul Cultivation wants to extract their divine consciousness from the outside, and they can fight against it as long as they strengthen their divine consciousness and absorb the divine consciousness inward.

Spiritual consciousness cultivation is actually the only way to expand the spiritual sea.

Jiang Cheng and the others all had their throats dry, "You mean... According to this method, we can raise the level of the spiritual sea."

At this time, they can't tell whether it is more mysterious that they suddenly fell here to become the nourishment of star worms, but Sa Sa is more mysterious: Please don't say such scary words every time as if we have never seen the world. ? Spiritual sea level can self-cultivation or something, this is not common sense at all!

Also, don't omit such important information to the back every time! You don't say we don't know!

The expressions of several people almost split.

"Can this kind of thing be taught casually?" They couldn't help reminding Sa Sa.

Sa Sa said: "Oh, it's nothing, this is the cultivation method that our Taiyi Sect was planning to introduce. It was because of the competition recently and everyone didn't have time, so I put it on hold for the time being."

The spiritual consciousness acquired through exercise is often more condensed than the spiritual consciousness obtained directly from pills. Launching spiritual power training and spiritual awareness training is a part of Taiyizong's plan, but it has not yet been implemented. After all, everyone has a lot of things to do. Taiyizong originally planned to do it after the Sa Sa competition.

But the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, and Sa Sa was going to teach them to practice now.

Jiang Cheng and the three:…

Please, does the game matter? Compared with the spiritual sea cultivation method, it is not important at all, right?

Read The Duke's Passion