MTL - My Whole Sect Transmigrated to The Interstellar World-Chapter 5 Bumper? Boss, I kneel first!

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This is not the first time Luo Bao has undergone a physical examination. He has never found anything special before, so he can't become a genius overnight, right?

It turned out that Luo Bao's genetic level and mental strength level were both at the upper-middle level, and with the help of the Luo family, his future development would not be too bad. The S rank is a watershed. No one thought that Luo Bao could easily cross the S rank.

The Luo family grabbed Luo Zhen and said, "What the **** is going on? You hurry up and make it clear! There won't be any problems with Luo Bao's body, right?"

"At least in terms of instrument testing, no problems have been found." Luo Zhen smiled bitterly, "But what is the situation, I am in a fog."

This is all very unscientific!

Luo Zhen has seen people taking genetic medicines, some strong men who cut flesh with dull knives without blinking, rolled around the room in pain after taking the medicine. The higher the level you want to upgrade, the higher the requirements for genetic medicine. If the medicine is not good enough, it is not a simple "defective" problem, and there is a possibility of direct gene collapse after taking it.

The process of taking medicine is bound to be painful, and it takes extraordinary willpower to endure it. This is why it is not recommended for children to take such drugs: they are too young to bear it.

However, Luo Bao, who is most interested in eating, drinking, and having fun, has willpower?

My eldest brother Luo Zhen was the first to not believe it.

That's the problem with drugs.

A bottle that looked like a health supplement for the three no-goods, Song Ningfeng and the others just took out the things that they took out to help people raise their genetic level and spiritual level without a sound?

It doesn't matter that the level of the spirit sea has risen a little less, but this one is more precious, isn't it!

If it spreads out, I don't know how many people will fall into madness. Just say he himself, can you not be moved?

Until now, Luo Zhen still has a sense of unreality: Too fake, right? Could it be that they are really some kind of hermit masters? They don't even know the value of this thing?

Luo Zhen simply called Song Ningfeng directly. They had already exchanged Guangnao numbers before, and the call was quickly connected. Luo Zhen couldn't wait to ask, "Brother Song, do you know that the medicine you gave me can improve your health? Genetic level and spiritual sea?"

Song Ningfeng asked strangely, "What is a genetic level? What is a spiritual sea?"

Luo Zhen: …

Because of the change in his mentality, Luo Zhen could no longer treat Song Ningfeng with the same attitude he used to treat a bumpkin, and explained it to him patiently.

Song Ningfeng probably understood that although there were no cultivators in this world, the hierarchy of the strong and the weak was still clearly divided.

The genetic level corresponds to the strength of the body, just like the body refining in the cultivation world, and the level of the spiritual sea is like the strength of the sea of ​​​​knowledge. People with low genetic level and spiritual level will be rejected by many job pairs.

In the interstellar history, the highest gene level is S+, but there are very few. Those who can reach the S level are already elites.

After listening to Luo Zhen's explanation, Song Ningfeng said, "Pills cannot improve the genetic level and the spiritual sea."

Luo Zhen: "?"

Song Ningfeng continued: "The effects of the two bottles of medicinal herbs are different. One bottle is used to improve the genetic level, and the other bottle is used to improve the spiritual sea. One medicinal pill does not have two effects."

Luo Zhen: I beg you, don't pant when you speak!

One medicine can't have two curative effects, what's the point? The point is that it works really well!

Brother, do you really know the importance of strengthening genes and spiritual seas?

Luo Zhen's throat was dry, "The things you gave are too precious..."

I want to say go back, but a big bottle has been hoovered by Luo Bao. Just want to have nothing.

Song Ningfeng said indifferently, "It's not that valuable. Didn't you help us a lot before? We're all friends, so don't make such polite words. Your brother's level can break through, it has something to do with how much he eats, this medicine pill. It’s not that magical, and it shouldn’t have much effect in the future.”

Luo Zhen: …

His perception of Song Ningfeng and his party has been jumping back and forth between "the unfathomable tycoon" and "poor bunker", and now he has finally jumped to "the rich and rich." Before, they even thought they had no money to buy the brain, but they were able to give away this kind of medicine pill, which might sell for sky-high prices, with a dashing attitude.

There are so many flaws, I don't know how to spit it out.

It can improve the gene level without side effects, even if the effect of taking it later is not great, many people want to buy it! The biggest problem for others is not that they will not be effective in the future, but that the genetic medicine they are taking now will not be effective!

Although there are endless grooves in his heart, Luo Zhen really believed that they were hermit masters this time. Immediately, he said politely: "Brother Song, you may not know that your pills are really valuable, and even if you have money, you may not be able to buy them. You treat me as a friend, and I can't cheat you, so , can I convert it into money for you?"

Luo Zhen is a smart businessman, businessmen seek profit, and the benefits obtained will not be pushed out.

But he knew very well that Song Ningfeng and the others were definitely not easy, and being able to befriend them was the most profitable.

They may not mind taking advantage of them for no reason, but over time, some quarrels will inevitably arise. Luo Zhen would not do this kind of loss-making business by sacrificing important relationships for a little profit.

He is shrewd, but he can handle it clearly. He is not a bad person by nature. Otherwise, Song Ningfeng and the others would not think that he is a good person to befriend.

Song Ningfeng pondered for a while, and then said, "This is a gift to meet you. If you give it, you will give it. But if I can, I want the land on the Zongmen side, can I?"

When he was rich, Song Ningfeng would never care about such things, but wasn't that the fact that the sect was so poor that he couldn't open the pot, and he was not good at being poor and generous.

Song Ningfeng was embarrassed, and Luo Zhen was even more embarrassed. He hurriedly said, "I'll have someone go through the transfer procedures in a while. That piece of wasteland has not yet been developed, and its value is very low.

Even the land resources that have been developed are really not very valuable due to the desolation of Planet B111.

After all, he still took advantage.

Except for the wasteland occupied by Taiyizong, all the land within a radius of 30 kilometers was packaged and given to Taiyizong by Luo Zhen. In addition, Luo Zhen also transferred 10 million star coins to Song Ningfeng.

Song Ningfeng, who once did not eat human fireworks and regarded money as dung: It feels so refreshing to suddenly become rich.

Song Ningfeng did not reject Luo Zhen, because the sect really needed a little money right now, otherwise they would just stare blankly if they wanted to buy anything. However, he also silently remembered Luo Zhen's good in his heart, and it would be better to make up for it later when he had a chance.

After hanging up the phone, the Luo family's couple looked at Luo Zhen eagerly, "Erza, what, such a thigh, we also want to get to know him."

The blue veins on Luo Zhen's forehead twitched, please have some face!

With such out-of-control parents, Luo Zhen felt that his shoulders were inexplicably heavier.

Luo Zhen didn't bother to pay attention to them, but took out the bottle of medicinal pill that Luo Bao had not finished, and a thought flashed in his eyes: One medicinal pill corresponds to one function, and the bottle that Luo Bao ate all of it. , is it the bottle that increases the genetic level? Some of the elixir to improve the spiritual sea was pulled out of his mouth, so he only improved it by this amount?

This means that the pills that improve the spiritual sea are no worse than those that increase the genetic level, just because Luo Bao eats too little.

If this doubt is spoken out, it may cause shocks: What do you want to do after you have already raised a small level?

However, after Luo Zhen contacted Song Ningfeng and the others, he had already encountered too many unexpected things, so he believed that this seemingly bizarre guess was the real answer.

While Luo Zhen was heartbroken by the pills he made Luo Bao spit out, he told his unreliable parents about his guesses.

The Luo family couple was equally shocked. They took the medicinal pill carefully and looked at it as seriously as they were watching a western scene.

"It's not easy, it's not easy."

Luo Zhen rolled his eyes, dare you to be a guest in the detector, and analyze the curative effect in one second, right?

If you didn't know the effect of this medicine pill, there would be a bottle on the ground and no one would pick it up. Or can he look away?

Before Luo Zhen had finished scolding, the Luo family's couple handed the medicinal pill back, "You can eat the rest, so that its efficacy can be determined."

Luo Zhen didn't answer, "Isn't it going to be used by Luo Bao? He almost might be able to break through his spiritual sea. And you guys..."

Directly letting him take it is not in line with the principle of maximizing the interests of businessmen.

Dad Luo patted his thick shoulder hard, "You got it yourself, of course you have to leave it for you, Luo Bao has already taken a lot of advantage. If your spiritual sea can break through, you can have More options."

They are businessmen, but also parents.

Whether it is the eldest son or the youngest son, they all care about it the same. It was Luo Zhen's own chance to know those mysterious people. How could a parent rob their son?

Luo Zhen's dream when he was a child was to be a marshal and use armor. But later, he gave up. His genetic level is A, but his spiritual sea level is only B, which means that no matter how hard he works, he can only become the most common soldier, and people with a higher level than him will easily surpass him and become his superior.

Luo Zhen began to focus on doing business. Although doing business also requires a strong strength to rely on, his younger brother Luo Bao has a good talent. When Luo Bao grows up, he will help manage the business.

Of course, the future successor of the Luo family only has a mental power level like B-level, which has been ridiculed by many people yin and yang, and the people from the side of the Luo family are not without opinions. It's just that things haven't settled down yet, so they're on hold for the time being.

Luo Zhen usually laughs and giggles, as if there is nothing he can care about, but does he really care?

of course not-

He clenched the elixir bottle in his hand, and his heart was hot.

Luo Zhen ate all the medicine pills with great anticipation and arrogance, but after half a day, he didn't seem to feel any change.

Luo Bao didn't lie to him, he just didn't feel anything. Luo Zhen felt lonely after eating. That feeling is: I have already had a great determination to fight the pain, but the other party told him: Okay, the next one.

Will it really work?

Luo Zhen lay in the holographic cabin, worried.


Is this an A+?

Luo Zhen, who directly crossed the A-level, looked at the test report in a daze, and said, "It seems that it is not difficult to improve the spiritual sea."

Dad Luo slapped him on the back, "Wake up and smash, this is not your bullshit, it's an elixir bullshit. Don't give yourself wrong expectations."